Dr. Hari Prakash Sharma

Associate Professor
Ph D (Rohtak)
Contact Information:
Fax: +91-542-2368174
Email Id: [email protected]

Academic Qualifications:
S. No.DegreeInstitutionYear
1.B.Sc.Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana ...
2.M.Sc.Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana ...
3.Ph. D.Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana 2000
Area of Specialization:

Experimental Nuclear Physics.

Contact Information:
Department of Physics
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi - 221 005, India
Fax: +91-542-2368174
Email: [email protected]
Research Interest :
  1. Nuclear Structures Studies (high spin states, shape co-existence, deformation studies in transitional Nuclei).

  2. Nuclear Astrophysics: (nuclear synthesis process, r-process, rp-process, mass measurements).

  3. R&D Work: R&D work on several devices such as, Double Time-of- Flight Spectrometer RFQ, GAS Cell, TRAP, ISOBAR SEPARATOR, etc.

Positions Held :

  1. Reader in Physics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. (May 2007- Date).

  2. Research Associate : ANL-USA ( July 2004 - May 2007).

  3. Research Associate : University of Manitoba, CANADA (Sept 2003- May 2007).

  4. Research Scientist : Institute of Nuclear and Hadron Physics, FZR, Rossendorf, Germany (July 2001 � August 2003).

  5. BRNS Research Associate ( July 2000 - July 2001).

  6. Visiting Scientist: Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Calcutta, India (Jan. 2000 � July 2000).

Publications :
  1. Determination of the proton separation energy of Rh-93 measurements. Author(s): J. Fallis et al. Physical Review C 78(2008)...

  2. Studies of neutron rich isotopes with the CPT mass spectrometer and the CARIBU Project. G. Savard et al. Int. J. Mass Spectrometry 251 (2006) 252.

  3. Q value of the superallowed decay of V-46 and its influence on the unitarity of the Cabibo-Kobayashi matrix. Author(s): G. Savard et al. Physical Review Letters 95(2005)...

  4. Coexistence of prolate and oblate bands with similar ... in I-121, I-123, I-125. Sharma H., Bnerjee P. Physical Review C 64(2001)...

  5. Particle-rotor-model calculations in I-125. Sharma H., Banerjee P. et al. Pramana-Jornal of Physics 57(2001)...

  6. Experimental evidence for coexisting structures in I-125. Sharma H., Sethi B., Bnerjee P., et al. Physical Review C 63(2001)...

  7. Collective bands in I-125. Sharma H., Sethi B., Goswami R., et al. Physical Review C 59(1999)...

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