Dr. Mohammad A. Shaz

Associate Professor
Ph.D. (BHU)
Contact Information:
+91-542-2307308 (Ext. 224)
Fax: +91-542-2368174
Email Id:[email protected]

Academic Qualifications:
S. No.DegreeInstitutionYear
1.B.Sc.Banaras Hindu University1991
2.M.Sc.Banaras Hindu University 1993
3.Ph. D.Banaras Hindu University2000
Area of Specialization:

Hydrogen storage materials Intermetallics, alloy specifically Quasicrystals and related materials Strongly correlated electron system (Crystallography)

Contact Information:
Department of Physics
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi - 221 005, India
+91-542-2307308 (Ext. 224)
Fax: +91-542-2368174
Email: [email protected]
Research Interest :
  1. Strongly correlated electron system.

  2. Quasicrystals and incommensurate crystals.

  3. Hydrogen storage materials.

  4. Bulk Metallic Glasses.

Positions Held :

  1. 2002-2004 Post-doctoral Fellow, Lab. of Crystallography, University of Bayreuth, Germany.

  2. 2002 Post-doctoral Fellow, National Science Council, Taiwan.

Projects Undertaken as PI/ Co PI:

2 projects from UGC (Co-PI), 2 projects from DST (Co-PI) 1 project from MNRE (Co-PI) 1 project from ISRO (Co-PI) 1project from DRDO (Co-PI), 1 project from UGC-DAE-CSR (PI)

Awards and Fellowships :
  1. BAT II A DFG Germany, 2002-2004.

  2. Senior Research Fellow, CSIR, New Delhi, 1997-2000.

  3. Founder Member, Young division of International hydrogen energy association.

List of 10 major Publications (in order of importance) :
  1. Multiple Charge-Density Waves in Compounds R5Ir4Si10 (R = Ho, Er, Tm and Lu) S. van Smaalen, M. Shaz, L. Palatinus, P. Daniels, F. Galli, G.J. Nieuwenhuys and J.A. Mydosh Physical Review B 69, 014103 (2004).(I.F. 3.836).

  2. Spin-Peierls transition in TiOCl Mohammad Shaz, Sander van Smaalen, Lukas Palatinus, Markus Hoinkis, Matthias Klemm, Siegfried Horn and Ralph Claessen Physical Review B, Rapid Communication 71, 100405(R) (2005). (I.F. 3.664).

  3. Fe3O4@ graphene as a superior catalyst for hydrogen de/absorption from/in MgH2/Mg Ashish Bhatnagar, Sunita K Pandey, Alok K Vishwakarma, Sweta Singh, Vivek Shukla, Pawan K Soni, MA Shaz, ON Srivastava Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 4 (38) 14761-14772 (2016).(I.F. 9.931)

  4. Studies on the de/re-hydrogenation characteristics of Mg(NH2)2/LiH Mixture admixed with carbon nanofibers RR Shahi, H Raghubanshi, MA Shaz, ON Srivastava International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37 (4), 3705-3711 (2012).(I.F. 4.229)

  5. Studies on the de/re-hydrogenation characteristics of Nanocrystalline MgH2 co-catalyzed with Ti, Fe, Ni RR Shahi, AP Tiwari, MA Shaz, ON Srivastava International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 38 (6), 2778-2784 (2013).(I.F. 4.229)

  6. MgH2-ZrFe2Hx nanocomposites for improved hydrogen storage characteristics of MgH2 RR Shahi, A Bhatnagar, SK Pandey, V Shukla, TP Yadav, MA Shaz, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40 (35), 11506-11513 (2015).(I.F. 4.229)

  7. Enhanced hydrogen sorption in a Li-Mg-N-H system by the synergistic role of Li4 (NH 2)3 BH4 and ZrFe2 Vivek Shukla, Ashish Bhatnagar, Pawan K Soni, Alok K Vishwakarma, MA Shaz, Thakur P Yadav, ON Srivastava Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19, 9444-9456 (2017).(I.F. 3.906)

  8. Curious Catalytic Characteristics of Al-Cu-Fe Quasicrystal for De/Rehydrogenation of MgH2 Sunita Kumari Pandey, Ashish Bhatnagar, Shashank Shekhar Mishra, TP Yadav, Mohammad A Shaz, Onkar Nath Srivastava The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121 (2017), 24936-24944.(I.F. 4.484)

  9. Highly efficient field emission properties of radially aligned carbon nanotubes Prashant Tripathi, Bipin Kumar Gupta, Ashish Bhatnagar, C. R. P. Patel, Prashant K. Banker, Dattatray J. Late, Mahendra A. More, N. P. Lalla, D. M. Phase, R. J. Choudhary, M. A. Shaz, P. M. Ajayan and O. N. Srivastava, J. Mater. Chem. C,(2018), 6, 6584-6590.(I.F. 5.976)

  10. TiH2 as a Dynamic Additive for Improving the De/Rehydrogenation Properties of MgH2: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Mechanistic Investigation Ashish Bhatnagar, J Karl Johnson, MA Shaz, ON Srivastava, J. Phys. Chem. C, (2018), 122 (37), pp 21248-21261.(I.F. 4.484)

Full List of Publications:
  1. Unusual structural modification in the Ti68Fe26Ni1Si5 quasicrystalline phase M. A. Shaz,; N. P. Lalla, ; R. K. Mandal,; O. N. Srivastava. Physical Review B 55, 8136-8142, (1997).

  2. Some new structural and electronic characteristics of quasicrystals. O. N. Srivastava, R. S. Tiwari, N. P. Lalla, R. K. Mandal, M. A. Shaz Bulletin of Materials Science 22, 457-463 (1999).

  3. On the formation of nano-sized quasicrystals in Ti53Zr27Ni20 alloy. M. A. Shaz, R. K.. Mandal, O. N. Srivastava Materials Science & Engineering, A, 304-306, 860-862 (2001).

  4. Synthesis and microhardness measurement of Ti-Zr-Ni nano-quasicrystalline phase. M. A Shaz,. N. K Mukhopadhyay, R. K Mandal, O. N. Srivastava J. Alloys Compounds 342, 49-52, (2002).

  5. Investigation of transition from decagonal to vacancy ordered phase by replacement of Co by Cu in Al70Co15-xCuxNi15 T.P. Yadav, M.A. Shaz, R.S. Tiwari and O.N. Srivastava Z. Kristallogr. 218, 12-16, (2003).

  6. Multiple Charge-Density Waves in Compounds R5Ir4Si10 (R = Ho, Er, Tm and Lu) S. van Smaalen, M. Shaz, L. Palatinus, P. Daniels, F. Galli, G.J. Nieuwenhuys and J.A. Mydosh Physical Review B 69, 014103 (2004).

  7. Spin-Peierls transition in TiOCl Mohammad Shaz, Sander van Smaalen, Lukas Palatinus, Markus Hoinkis, Matthias Klemm, Siegfried Horn and Ralph Claessen Physical Review B, Rapid Communication 71, 100405(R) (2005).

  8. Phase transformations in Al70Ni24Fe6 Decagonal System during High Energy Ball Milling T.P. Yadav, N.K.Mukhopadhyay, M.A.Shaz, R.S.Tiwari and O.N.Srivastava Philosophical Magazine, 86, 397 (2006).

  9. Investigations on the desorption kinetics of Mm-doped NaAlH4, D. Pukazhselvan, M. Sterlin Leo Hudson, Bipin Kumar Gupta, M.A. Shaz, O.N. Srivastava Journal of Alloy and Compounds 439 243-248 (2007).

  10. Effects of Mechanical Milling on Desorption Kinetics and Phase Transformation of LiNH2/MgH2 Mixture Rohit R. Shahi, T.P.Yadav, M.A.Shaz and O.N.Srivastava, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 33 6188-6194 (2008).

  11. T.P. Yadav. M.A.Shaz, R.S.Tiwari and O.N.Srivastava, Formation and Stability of Icosahedral Phase in Al65Ga5Pd17Mn13 alloy, Philosophical Magazine, 88 1995-2002 (2008).

  12. Nanocrystallization and Structural Correlation in Quasicrystalline and Crystalline Phases in Al-Cu-Fe alloy during ball milling R. S. Tiwari, T. P. Yadav, N. K. Mukho padhyay, M. A. Shaz and O. N. Srivastava. Z. Kristallogr, 224 26-30 (2009).

  13. Formation of nano-quasicrystalline decagonal phase in the Al70Cu10Co5Ni15 energy ball milling, T.P. Yadav, N.K. Mukhopadhyay, M.A.Shaz, R.S. Tiwari and O.N. Srivastava, Nano Science and Technology, 9, 1-6 (2009).

  14. Studies on dehydrogenation characteristics of Mg(NH2) / LiH2 mixture admixed with vanadium and vanadium based catalysts (V, V2O5, VCl3 ) R. R. Shahi, T. P. Yadav, M. A. Shaz and O. N. Srivasatava International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 35 238-246 (2010).

  15. Effect of processing parameter on hydrogen storage characteristics of as quenched Ti45Zr38Ni17 quasicrystalline alloys. R. R. Shahi, T. P. Yadav, M. A. Shaz and O. N. Srivasatava, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36 (1) 592-599, (2011).

  16. Low temperature synthesis and optical properties of (Cu, Cr, Fe)Al2O4nanocrystalline spinel materials. T.P. Yadav, D. Singh, N.K.Mukhopadhyay, M.A. Shaz , R.S. Tiwari and O.N. Srivastava, International Journal of Nanoscience 10 (45) 861-865, (2011).

  17. Formation of quasicrystalline phase in Al70-xGaxPd17Mn13 alloys. TP Yadav, D Singh, RR Shahi, MA Shaz, RS Tiwari, ON Srivastava, Philosophical Magazine, 91 (19-21), 2447-2481 (2011).

  18. Studies on the de/re-hydrogenation characteristics of Mg(NH2)2/LiH Mixture admixed with carbon nanofibers RR Shahi, H Raghubanshi, MA Shaz, ON Srivastava International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37 (4), 3705-3711 (2012)

  19. Studies on the de/re-hydrogenation characteristics of Nanocrystalline MgH2 Mixture admixed with carbon nanofibers RR Shahi, H Raghubanshi, MA Shaz, ON Srivastava Applied Nanoscience 2(3), 195-201 (2012)

  20. Studies on the de/re-hydrogenation characteristics of Nanocrystalline MgH2 co-catalyzed with Ti, Fe and Ni RR Shahi, AP Tiwari, MA Shaz, ON Srivastava International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 38 (6), 2778-2784 (2013)

  21. Synthesis, Characterization, and hydrogen sorption studies of mixed Sodium- Potassium alanate A Bhatnagar, SK Pandey, RR Shahi, M Hudson, MA Shaz, ON Srivastava Crystal Research and Technology 48 (8), 520-531 (2013)

  22. Improved hydrogen storage performance of Mg(NH2)2/LiH Mixture by addition of carbon nanostructured nanomaterials. RR Shahi, H Raghubanshi, MA Shaz, ON Srivastava International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 38 (21), 8863-8871 (2013)

  23. Synthesis of High-Quality Graphene through Electrochemical Exfoliation of Graphite in Alkaline electrolyte. P Tripathi, C Patel, R Prakash, MA Shaz, ON Srivastava arXiv preprint arXiv: 1310.7371 (2013)

  24. Synthesis of Quasicrystalline Film of Al-Ga-Pd-Mn Alloy TP Yadav, D Singh, RR Shahi, MA Shaz, RS Tiwari, ON Srivastava Thin Solid Films 534, 265-269 (2013)

  25. Catalytic effect of Carbon nanostructures on the hydrogen storage properties of MgH2-NaAlH4 composite A Bhatnagar, SK Pandey, V Dixit, V Shukla, RR Shahi, MA Shaz, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 39 (26), 14240-14246 (2014)

  26. MgH2-ZrFe2Hx nanocomposites for improved hydrogen storage characteristics of MgH2 RR Shahi, A Bhatnagar, SK Pandey, V Shukla, TP Yadav, MA Shaz, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40 (35), 11506-11513 (2015)

  27. High Yield synthesis of electrolyte heating assisted electrochemically exfoliated graphemefor electromagnetic interference shielding applications P Tripathi, CRP Patel, A Dixit, AP Singh, P Kumar, MA Shaz, R Srivastava RSC Advances 5 (25), 19074-19081 (2015)

  28. MgH2eZrFe2Hx nanocomposites for improved hydrogen storage characteristics of MgH2 Rohit R Shahi, Ashish Bhatanagar, Sunita K Pandey, Vivek Shukla, TP Yadav, MA Shaz, ON Srivastava, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40 (35) 11506-11513 (2015)

  29. On the synthesis, characterization and hydrogen storage behavior of ZrFe 2 catalyzed Li-Mg-N-H hydrogen storage material Vivek Shukla, Ashish Bhatnagar, Sunita K Pandey, Rohit R Shahi, TP Yadav, MA Shaz, ON Srivastava International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 40 (36), 12294-12302 (2015)

  30. Phase Formation in the Rapidly Solidified Al70? xGaxPd13Mn17 Alloys TP Yadav, MA Shaz, NK Mukhopadhyay, RS Tiwari, ON Srivastava Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 68 (6) 1145-1149 (2015)

  31. Fe 3 O 4@ graphene as a superior catalyst for hydrogen de/absorption from/in MgH2/Mg Ashish Bhatnagar, Sunita K Pandey, Alok K Vishwakarma, Sweta Singh, Vivek Shukla, Pawan K Soni, MA Shaz, ON Srivastava Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 4 (38) 14761-14772 (2016)

  32. Synthesis, characterization and hydrogen storage characteristics of ambient pressure dried carbon aerogel Sweta Singh, Ashish Bhatnagar, Viney Dixit, Vivek Shukla, MA Shaz, ASK Sinha, ON Srivastava, V Sekkar, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41(5) 3561-3570 (2016)

  33. Cation distribution in nanocrystalline (Co, Ni) Al2O4 Spinel Harshit Agarwal, TP Yadav, ON Srivastava, MA Shaz Ceramics International, 42 (16) 19429-19432 (2016)

  34. Enhanced hydrogen sorption in a Li-Mg-N-H system by the synergistic role of Li4 (NH 2)3 BH4 and ZrFe2 Vivek Shukla, Ashish Bhatnagar, Pawan K Soni, Alok K Vishwakarma, MA Shaz, Thakur P Yadav, ON Srivastava Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19, 9444-9456 (2017)

  35. Synthesis characterization and hydrogenation behaviour of as quenched Ti41.5+XZr41. 5-XNi17 (x= 0, 3.5, 11.5 and 13.5) nano quasicrystalline ribbons Rohit R Shahi, TP Yadav, MA Shaz, ON Srivastava Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 809, 012011 (2017)

  36. Effect of graphene templated fluorides of Ce and La on the de/rehydrogenation behavior of MgH2 Pawan K Soni, Ashish Bhatnagar, MA Shaz, ON Srivastava, International journal of hydrogen energy, 42, 20026 - 20035, (2017).

  37. Carbon Derived from Solid Kernel of Coconut: Its Structural, Microstructural Characteristics and Use as New Hydrogen Storage Material Viney Dixit, A Bhatnagar, Sunita Pandey, TP Yadav, MA Shaz, ASK Sinha, ON Srivastava. Materials Focus, 6, 502-507, (2017).

  38. Curious Catalytic Characteristics of Al-Cu-Fe Quasicrystal for De/Rehydrogenation of MgH2 Sunita Kumari Pandey, Ashish Bhatnagar, Shashank Shekhar Mishra, TP Yadav, Mohammad A Shaz, Onkar Nath Srivastava The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121, 24936-24944, (2017).

  39. Development and Demonstration of Air Stable rGO?EC@AB5 Type Hydrogenated Intermetallic Hybrid for Hydrogen Fuelled Devices Ashish Bhatnagar, Bipin Kumar Gupta, Prashant Tripathi, Ayfer Veziroglu, Michael Sterlin Leo Hudson, Mohammad Abu Shaz, Onkar Nath Srivastava, Advanced Sustainable Systems, 1, 11 1700087, (2017).

  40. Dielectric response and alternating current conductivity in (Co, Ni) Al2O4 nano-spinel Harshit Agarwal, TP Yadav, ON Srivastava, MA Shaz Ceramics International, 43, 16986-16992, (2017).

  41. Highly efficient field emission properties of radially aligned carbon nanotubes Prashant Tripathi, Bipin Kumar Gupta, Ashish Bhatnagar, C. R. P. Patel, Prashant K. Banker, Dattatray J. Late, Mahendra A. More, N. P. Lalla, D. M. Phase, R. J. Choudhary, M. A. Shaz, P. M. Ajayan and O. N. Srivastava, J. Mater. Chem. C, 6, 6584-6590,(2018).

  42. TiH2 as a Dynamic Additive for Improving the De/Rehydrogenation Properties of MgH2: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Mechanistic Investigation Ashish Bhatnagar, J Karl Johnson, MA Shaz, ON Srivastava, J. Phys. Chem. C,122 (37), 21248 - 21261, (2018).

  43. Synthesis of MgH2 using autocatalytic effect of MgH2 Ashish Bhatnagar, M.A.Shaz, O.N.Srivastava International journal of hydrogen energy, 44, 13, 6738-6747, (2019).

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