Dr. Neeraj Mehta

Associate Professor
Ph.D. (Uttar Pradesh Technical University)
Contact Information:
9450719767(M) Fax:+91 542 2368174
Email Id:[email protected]

Academic Qualifications:
S. No.DegreeInstitutionYear
1.B.Sc.C.S.J.M. University, Kanpur, India1998
2.M.Sc.C.S.J.M. University, Kanpur, India2000
3.Ph. D.Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow, India2007
Brief writeup on area of specialization/awards/achievements:

Chalcogenide glasses are well known as optical materials for their applications in phase-change optical recording technique and infrared fibre optics. A lot of research work has been done on chalcogenide glasses; however the basic physics of these materials have not reached to a level, which is required to develop devices at par with crystalline semiconductor devices. Even after many extensive works, many important problems are still unanswered e.g. the exact nature of energy distribution of different defect states, the role of impurities, the exact recombination process, contact effect, thermal relaxation effect and dielectric relaxation. These days, I am engaged in studying dielectric-relaxation studies in chalcogenide glasses, crystallization kinetics / glass transition kinetics of chalcogenide glass under various conditions for both application and technological purposes. The following work has been done on different glassy systems in last three years:

  • Effect of radiation on crystallization kinetics of chalcogenide glasses
  • Effect of composition on crystallization kinetics of Se based binary and ternary chalcogenide glasses for a particular additive element
  • Effect of additives on crystallization kinetics of Se based binary and ternary chalcogenide glasses for a particular composition
  • Dielectric relaxation studies in chalcogenide glasses

  • Awarded Young Scientists Research Award of BRNS Mumbai in 2011
  • Awarded National scholarship during graduation
  • Third rank in merit list of M.Sc. (Physics) examination of C. S. J. M. Kanpur University in 2000
  • Qualified National Eligibility Test (NET) with the award of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in 2001
  • Qualified Uttar Pradesh State Level Eligibility Test (UPSLET) for Lectureship in 2002
  • Awarded JRF and SRF during Ph.D.
Current Research Projects:

S. No.Name of the Project DurationSource of FundingAmount of Funding (Rs)
1. Investigation of Laser Induced Crystallization in Thin Films of Some Selenium based Glassy Alloys2010-2013CSIR, New DelhiRs. 11.5 Lacs
2.Effect of Silver Incorporation on Electrical and Photoelectrical Properties of Some Se-Te and Se-Ge based Glassy Alloys2011-2014UGCRs. 9.98 Lacs
3.Study of Laser Induced Effects on Glass transition & Crystallization Kinetics in Selenium based Glassy Alloys2011-2014BRNSRs. 16.85 Lacs
4.Study of dielectric relaxation in some selenium based non-oxide glasses2012-2015DSTRs. 27.54 Lacs

Any additional information:
  • Life member of Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT)
  • Life member of International Forum of Chalcogeniders
  • Referee of reputed International Journals (Material Letters & Physica B, Publishers: Elsevier, Netherlands; Physica Scripta, Publishers: Institute of Physics Publishing, USA)

List of 10 major Publications:

  1. Effect of slow neutron radiation on the pre-exponential factor of thermally activated crystallization in Se96In4 chalcogenide glass N. Mehta, K. Singh & N. S. Saxena Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 41 (2008) 135406.
  2. Investigation of compensation effect for isothermal crystallization in glassy Se80-xTe20Mx (M = Cd, Ge, Sb) alloys N. Mehta, D. Kumar & A. Kumar Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 38 (2005) 3953-3957.
  3. Composition dependence of the activation energy of glass transition in some chalcogenide glasses N. Mehta & A. Kumar Philosophical Magazine Letters, 88 (2008) 793-800.
  4. Effect of Lithium ion-irradiation on crystallization kinetics of glassy Se98In2 alloy H. Kumar, N. Mehta, K. Singh & N. S. Saxena Philosophical Magazine Letters, 89 (2009) 126-135.
  5. Compensation effect in thermally activated photoconduction in amorphous thin films of Se75In25-xPbx alloys N. Mehta, D. Kumar & A. Kumar Philosophical Magazine, 88 (2008) 61-70.
  6. Further Meyer-Neldel rule in thermally activated crystallization of chalcogenide glasses N. Mehta & A. Kumar Journal of Non-crystalline Solids, 354 (2008) 5347-5352.
  7. Further MN rule for thermally activated high field conduction in bulk samples of glassy Se100-xSbx alloys V. S. Kushwaha, N. Mehta & A. Kumar Vacuum 83 (2009) 1169�1173.
  8. Further MN rule in thermally activated a.c. conduction of Se-Te-Sb chalcogenide glasses N. Mehta and A. Kumar Vacuum, 84 (2010) 1176-1179.
  9. Applicability of Kissinger�s relation in the determination of activation energy of glass transition N. Mehta & A. Kumar Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 7 (2005) 1473-1479.
  10. Correlation between glass forming tendency and rate of crystallization in glassy Se100-xTex and Se100-xInx alloys N. Mehta, D. Kumar & A. Kumar Physica Status Solidi a, 204 (2007) 3108-3115.
Full List of Publications:

A. Books
  1. Text Book of Engineering Physics, Part I (For the first semester of B.Tech. courses running in Uttar Pradesh Technical University, U.P.), Published by PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi. [ISBN: 978-81-203-3361-1]
  2. Text Book of Engineering Physics, Part II (For the first semester of B.Tech. courses running in Uttar Pradesh Technical University, U.P.), Published by PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi. [ISBN: 978-81-203-3701-5]
  3. Applied Physics for Engineers, PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi, Year 2010
B. Research Papers in National / International Journals
  1. Crystallization kinetics of some Se-Te-Ag chalcogenide glasses N. Mehta, M. Zulfequar & A. Kumar Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 6 (2004) 441-448.
  2. Thermal characterization of glassy Se70Te20M10 using DSC technique N. Mehta & A. Kumar Journal of Material Science, 39 (2004) 6433-6437.
  3. Calorimetric studies of crystallization growth process in glassy Se70Te30-xAgx alloys N. Mehta, D. Kumar & A. Kumar Turkish Journal of Physics, 28 (2004) 397-406.
  4. Effect of some metallic additives on the kinetics of glass transition in Se80Te20 glassy alloy N. Mehta, R. K. Shukla & A. Kumar Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 6 (2004) 1185-119.
  5. A study of crystallization kinetics in Se68Ge22Pb10 chalcogenide glass N. Mehta, P. Agarwal & A. Kumar Indian Journal of Engineering and Material Science, 11 (2004) 511-515.
  6. Calorimetric studies of Se68Ge22M10 (M = Cd, In, Pb) chalcogenide glasses N. Mehta, P. Agarwal & A. Kumar Turkish Journal of Physics, 29 (2005) 193-200.
  7. Applicability of Kissinger�s relation in the determination of activation energy of glass transition N. Mehta & A. Kumar Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 7 (2005) 1473-1479.
  8. Specific heat studies in glassy Se78�Ge22 and Se68Ge22M10 (M = Cd, In, Pb) alloys R. S. Tiwari, N. Mehta, R. K. Shukla, P. Agarwal & A. Kumar Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, 43 (2005) 363-367.
  9. High field conduction in a-Se70Te30-xCdx thin films in dark and in presence of light V. S. Kushwaha, N. Mehta & A. Kumar Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, 43 (2005) 630-635.
  10. Glass transition kinetics of some Se-Te-Ag chalcogenide glasses R. S. Tiwari, N. Mehta, R. K. Shukla & A. Kumar Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 82 (2005) 45-49.
  11. High field conduction in a-Se70Te30-xCdx thin films: Applicability of Meyer-Neldel rule V. S. Kushwaha, N. Mehta, N. Kushwaha & A. Kumar, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 7 (2005) 2035-2040.
  12. Optical band gap and optical constants in Se85Te15-xPbx thin films V. Pandey, N. Mehta, S. K. Tripathi & A. Kumar Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 7 (2005) 2641-2646.
  13. Observation of MN rule in amorphous Se100-xTex thin films N. Kushwaha, N. Mehta, R. K. Shukla, D. Kumar & A. Kumar Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 7 (2005) 2293-2298.
  14. Kinetic parameters of glass transition in glassy Se100-xSbx alloys R. S. Tiwari, N. Mehta, R. K. Shukla & A. Kumar Turkish Journal of Physics, 29 (2005) 233-241.
  15. A study of electrical properties of glassy Se100-xTex alloys N. Mehta, A. Dwivedi, R. Arora, S. Kumar & A. Kumar Bulletin of Material Science, 28 (2005) 579-583.
  16. Calorimetric studies of glass forming ability and thermal stability in a-Se80Te19.5M0.5 (M = Ag, Cd, In, Sb) alloys N. Mehta, P. Agarwal & A. Kumar The European Physical Journal Applied Physics, 31 (2005) 153-158.
  17. Investigation of Compensation Effect for Isothermal Crystallization in Glassy Se80-xTe20Mx (M = Cd, Ge, Sb) Alloys N. Mehta, D. Kumar & A. Kumar, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 38 (2005) 3953-3957.
  18. Applicability of CBH model in the a. c. conduction study of glassy Se100-xInx alloys N. Mehta, D. Kumar, S. Kumar & A. Kumar Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 7 (2005) 2971-2977.
  19. Calorimetric studies of thermal crystallization in glassy Se80Te20 and Se80In20 alloys N. Mehta, V. S. Kushwaha & A. Kumar Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences, 12 (2005) 571-576.
  20. Investigation of Meyer-Neldel rule in thin films of Se80-xTe20Sbx for Different States N. Mehta, D. Kumar & A. Kumar Journal of Physical Studies, 8 (2005) 238-242.
  21. Dielectric relaxation in Se80Ge20 and Se75Ge20Ag5 chalcogenide glasses A. Dwivedi, R. Arora , N. Mehta, N. Choudhary & A. Kumar Semiconductors Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics, 8 (2005) 45-49.
  22. Thermal characterization of some Se-Ge-In chalcogenide glasses using calorimetric measurements R. S. Tiwari, N. Mehta, R. K. Shukla & A. Kumar Physics & Chemistry of Glasses 46 (2005) 595-599.
  23. Kinetic parameters of crystallization in glassy Se100-xSbx alloys N. Mehta, M. Zulfequar & A. Kumar, Physica Status Solidi (a), 203 (2005) 236-246.
  24. Effect of Ag additive on the electrical properties of Se-Te alloys N. Kushwaha, N. Mehta, R. K. Shukla & A. Kumar Journal of Advanced Materials, 12 (2005) 22-25.
  25. Observation of phase separation in some Se-Te-Ag chalcogenide glasses N. Mehta & A. Kumar Materials Chemistry and Physics, 96 (2006) 73-78.
  26. Applicability of Meyer-Neldel Rule for isothermal crystallization in glassy Se70Te30-xSbx alloys N. Mehta & A. Kumar Materials Letters, 60 (2006) 725-729.
  27. Investigation of Antimony addition on the glass transition kinetics of Se80Te20-xSbx using calorimetric measurements R. S. Tiwari, N. Mehta, P. Agarwal & A. Kumar Indian Journal of Physics, 80 (2006) 49-53.
  28. Studies of crystallization kinetics in a-Se70-xTe20Cdx and a-Se70-xTe20Gex alloys using d.c. conductivity measurements N. Mehta & A. Kumar Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 83 (2006) 669-673.
  29. A Study of Thermal Crystallization in Glassy Se80Te20 and Se80In20 Using DSC Technique N. Mehta & A. Kumar Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 83 (2006) 401-405.
  30. Pre-exponential factor for the crystallization of some chalcogenide glasses: Applicability of Meyer-Neldel rule N. Mehta, D. Kumar & A. Kumar The European Physical Journal Applied Physics, 33 (2006) 169-173.
  31. Kinetic Parameters of Glass Transition in Glassy (Se80Ge20)100-xBix Alloys R. S. Tiwari, N. Mehta, R. K. Shukla & A. Kumar Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 8 (2006) 1211-1216.
  32. Composition Dependence of Specific Heat in Se70Te30-xAgx Chalcogenide glasses R. S. Tiwari, N. Mehta, R. K. Shukla & A. Kumar Journal of Ovonic Research, 2 (2006) 52-59.
  33. Glass forming ability and thermal stability of some Se-Sb glassy alloys N. Mehta, R. S. Tiwari & A. Kumar Materials Research Bulletin, 41 (2006) 1664-1672.
  34. Calorimetric Study of Glass Transition in Some Glassy Se100-xInx Alloys N. Mehta, R. S. Tiwari, P. Agarwal & A. Kumar Journal of Advanced Materials, 13 (2006) 38-42.
  35. Chalcogenide Glasses in Electronics and Optoelectronics: A Review on Their Applications N. Mehta Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 65 (2006) 777-786.
  36. Comparative Analysis of Photo-crystallization in a-Se95Te5 and a-Se95In5 alloys N. Mehta, D. Kumar & A. Kumar Chinese Physics Letters, 23 (2006) 3061-3064.
  37. Observation of compensation effect for isothermal crystallization in glassy Se80-xGe20Inx and Se78-xGe22Bix Alloys N. Mehta, S. K. Agrahari & A. Kumar Physica Scripta, 75 (2006) 579-583.
  38. Effect of Bi incorporation on the crystallization kinetics of (Se80Ge20)100-xBix system R. S. Tiwari, N. Mehta & A. Kumar Chinese Journal of Physics, 44 (2006) 467-477.
  39. Observation of Meyer-Neldel Rule for the Non-Isothermal Crystallization of Glassy Se70Te30-xAgx Alloys N. Mehta & A. Kumar Journal of Physical Studies, 10 (2006) 117-122.
  40. Observation of Compensation Effect for A.C. Conduction in Se80Te20 and Se80Te10M10 (M = Cd, In, Sb) Chalcogenide Glasses N. Mehta, D. Kumar & A. Kumar, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, 44(2006) 935-938.
  41. Pre-exponential Factor of Arrhenius Equation for the Isothermal Crystallization of Some Se-Ge, Se-In and Se-Te Chalcogenide Glasses N. Mehta & A. Kumar Journal of Material Science, 42 (2007) 490-494.
  42. Chemical Bond Approach to Activation energy of Crystallization in Some Chalcogenide Glasses of Se-Ge-M (M = Bi, In) System N. Mehta, S. K. Agrahari & A. Kumar Materials Letters, 61 (2007) 837-841.
  43. Comparative Analysis of Calorimetric Studies on Se90M10 (M = In, Te, Sb) Chalcogenide Glasses N. Mehta & A. Kumar Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 87 (2007) 345-350.
  44. Thermal Characterization of Se78�Ge22 and Se68Ge22M10 (M = Cd, In, Pb) Chalcogenide Glasses R. S. Tiwari, N. Mehta, R. K. Shukla & A. Kumar Philosophical Magazine, 87 (2007) 97-109.
  45. Effect of Ag Addition on the Photoelectric and Dielectric Properties in Glassy Se-Te Alloys N. Mehta, D. Sharma & A. Kumar Physica B, 391 (2007) 108-112.
  46. A.C. Conduction in Glassy Se70Te30-xSbx Alloys: Observation of Meyer-Neldel Rule N. Mehta, S. Kumar & A. Kumar The European Physical Journal Applied Physics, 37 (2007) 123-128.
  47. A.C. Conduction in Glassy Se68Ge22Cd10 Alloy: Observation of MN Rule N. Mehta, D. Kumar & A. Kumar, Materials Letters, 61 (2007) 3167-3170.
  48. Correlation between Glass Forming Tendency and Rate of Crystallization in Glassy Se100-xTex and Se100-xInx Alloys N. Mehta, D. Kumar & A. Kumar Physica Status Solidi a, 204 (2007) 3108-3115.
  49. Pre-exponential factor of a.c. conduction in Se80Te19.5M0.5 (M = Cd, In, Sb) chalcogenide glasses N. Mehta, A. S. Mann & A. Kumar, Chalcogenide Letters, 4 (2007) 139-146.
  50. Compensation Effect in Thermally Activated Photoconduction in Amorphous Thin Films of Se75In25-xPbx Alloys N. Mehta, D. Kumar & A. Kumar Philosophical Magazine, 88 (2008) 61-70.
  51. Investigation of Meyer-Neldel Rule for A.C. Conduction in a-Se100-xTex Alloys N. Mehta, D. Kumar & A. Kumar Glass Physics and Chemistry, 34 (2008) 42.
  52. Dielectric Parameters in Se70Te30 and Se70Te28Zn2 Chalcogenide glasses S. Srivastava, N. Mehta, C. P. Singh, R. K. Shukla & A. Kumar Physica B, 403 (2008) 2910-2916.
  53. Pre-exponential Factor for the Non-Isothermal Crystallization in Glassy Se85-xTe15Sbx (0 = x = 10) Alloys N. Mehta & K. Singh Philosophical Magazine, 88 (2008) 1411-1421.
  54. Effect of Slow Neutron Radiation on the Pre-exponential Factor of Thermally Activated Crystallization in Se96In4 Chalcogenide Glass N. Mehta, K. Singh & N. S. Saxena Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 41 (2008) 135406.
  55. Comparative Analysis of Some Thermo-physical Properties of Se90Zn10 and Te90Zn10 alloys N. Mehta, K. Singh & N. S. Saxena Thermochimica Acta, 475 (2008) 80-82.
  56. Composition Dependence of the Activation Energy of Glass Transition in Some Chalcogenide Glasses N. Mehta & A. Kumar Philosophical Magazine Letters, 88 (2008) 793-800.
  57. Comparative Analysis of Thermal Crystallization in Cu50Ti50 and Cu50Zr50 Metallic Glasses N. Mehta, K. Singh & N. S. Saxena Physica B, 403 (2008) 3928-3931.
  58. Further Meyer-Neldel rule in Thermally Activated Crystallization of Chalcogenide Glasses N. Mehta & A. Kumar Journal of Non-crystalline Solids, 354 (2008) 5347-5352.
  59. Thermally Activated Photoconduction and A.C. Conduction in Se75Ge20Ag5 Chalcogenide Glass: Investigation of MN Rule R. S. Sharma, N. Mehta & A. Kumar Chinese Physics Letters, 25 (2008) 4079-4082.
  60. Thermal characterization of Se100-xSbx glasses using iso-conversional method S. Srivastava, N. Mehta, P. Agarwal, D. Kumar & A. Kumar Journal of Ovonic Research, 4 (2008) 147 � 157.
  61. Effect of Zn incorporation on the a.c. conductivity of glassy Se70Te30 alloy S. Srivastava, N. Mehta, R. K. Shukla & A. Kumar The European Physical Journal Applied Physics, 44 (2008) 217-222.
  62. Amorphous to crystalline phase transition in glassy Se65Te20Ag15 alloy R. S. Tiwari, D. Kumar & N. Mehta Phase Transitions, 82 (2009) 75-86.
  63. Effect of Sb and Sn additives on the activation energies of glass transition and crystallization in binary Se85Te15 alloy N. Mehta, K. Singh & S. Kumar Phase Transitions, 82 (2009) 43-51.
  64. Effect of Lithium ion-irradiation on crystallization kinetics of glassy Se98In2 alloy H. Kumar, N. Mehta, K. Singh & N. S. Saxena Philosophical Magazine Letters, 89 (2009) 126-135.
  65. Electrical Properties of Se93-xZn2Te5Inx Chalcogenide Glasses A. K. Singh, N. Mehta & K. Singh Chalcogenide Letters, 6 (2009) 9-14.
  66. Correlation between Meyer-Neldel Rule and phase separation in Se98-xZn2Inx chalcogenide glasses A. Singh, N. Mehta & K. Singh Current Applied Physics, 9 (2009) 807-811.
  67. Observation of inverse Meyer-Neldel rule in thermally activated crystallization of hybrid composite of phenol formaldehyde N. Mehta, K. Singh & S. Kumar Philosophical Magazine, 89 (2009) 797 - 806.
  68. Electrical properties of Se-Zn -In chalcogenide glasses A. Singh, N. Mehta & K. Singh The European Physical Journal Applied Physics, 46 (2009) 20303.
  69. On the glass transition phenomenon in Se-Te and Se-Ge based ternary chalcogenide glasses N. Mehta, K. Singh, A. Kumar Physica B, 404 (2009)1835-1838.
  70. Further MN rule for thermally activated high field conduction in bulk samples of glassy Se100-xSbx alloys V. S. Kushwaha, N. Mehta & A. Kumar Vacuum 83 (2009) 1169�1173.
  71. Effect of ionic irradiation on the pre-exponential factor of thermally activated crystallization in Co66Si16B12Fe4Mo2 metallic glass N. Mehta, K. Singh & N. S. Saxena Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 70 (2009) 811�815.
  72. Co-relation between pre-exponential factor and activation energy of non-isothermal crystallization for virgin and irradiated Fe78B13Si9 metallic glass N. Mehta, K. Singh & N. S. Saxena Physica B, 404 (2009) 2184�2188.
  73. Optical and FTIR properties of Se93-xZn2Te5Inx Chalcogenide Glasses A. K. Singh, N. Mehta & K. Singh Physica B, 404 (2009) 3470�3474.
  74. Effect of In additive on the photosensitivity of glassy Se80Te20 alloy N. Mehta, D. Kumar, A. Kumar Journal of Modern Optics, 56 (2009) 1272�1275.
  75. Effect of indium additive on glass forming ability and thermal stability of Se-Zn-Te chalcogenide glasses A. K. Singh, N. Mehta & K. Singh Philosophical Magazine Letters, 90 (2010) 201-208.
  76. Observation of Meyer-Neldel rule in thermally activated Poole-Frenkel photoconduction in a-Se70Te30-xCdx thin films V. S. Kushwaha, N. Mehta & A. Kumar Pramana Journal of Physics, 74 (2010) 475-480.
  77. Calorimetric studies of glass transition phenomenon in glassy Se80-xTe20Snx alloys H. Kumar, N. Mehta & K. Singh Physica Scripta, 80 (2009) 065602.
  78. Composition dependence of thermal stability, micro-hardness and compactness in glassy Se90In10-xGex alloys H. Kumar, N. Mehta, K. Singh & A. Kumar Physica B, 404 (2009) 3761-3765.
  79. Effect of Lithium ion-irradiation on glass transition kinetics of glassy Se98In2 alloy H. Kumar, N. Mehta, K. Singh & N. S. Saxena Phase Transitions, 83 (2010) 1-9.
  80. Effect of In and Zn additives on some thermal properties of a-Se N. Mehta, K. Singh & N. S. Saxena Solid State Sciences, 12 (2010) 963-965.
  81. Further MN rule in thermally activated a.c. conduction of Se-Te-Sb chalcogenide glasses N. Mehta and A. Kumar Vacuum, 84 (2010) 1176-1179.
  82. Poole-Frenkel photoconductivity in amorphous Se75Te20Sb5 thin films N. Mehta & A. Kumar Glass Physics and Chemistry, 36 (2010) 313-316.
  83. Further MN rule for thermally activated high field conduction in thin films of glassy Se100-xSbx alloys N. Mehta, V. S. Kushwaha & A. Kumar International Journal of Applied Glass Science, 1 (2010) 172-179.
  84. Observation of MN rule in thermally activated crystallization of Co66Si15B14Fe4Ni1 Metallic Glass: Effect of high energetic ionic irradiation N. Mehta, K. Singh & N. S. Saxena Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 166 (2011) 251-257.
  85. Meyer-Neldel rule in chalcogenide glasses: Recent observations and their consequences N. Mehta Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science, 14 (2010) 95-106.
  86. Calorimetric studies of crystallization kinetics of the Se75Te15-xCd10Inx multi-component chalcogenide glasses using non-isothermal DSC technique S. Kumar, K. Singh & N. Mehta Philosophical Magazine Letters, 90 (2010) 547-557.
  87. Calorimetric studies of glass transition phenomenon in glassy Se75Te15-xCd10Inx alloys using non-isothermal DSC technique S. Kumar, K. Singh & N. Mehta Physica Scripta, 82 (2010) 045601.
  88. Study of dielectric properties of Se-Zn-In chalcogenide glasses A. K. Singh, K. Singh & N. Mehta Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 12 (2010) 1700-1705.
  89. Effect of some metallic additives (Ag, Cd, Zn) on the crystallization kinetics of glassy Se70Te30 alloy C. Dohare, N. Mehta & A. Kumar Materials Chemistry and Physics, 127 (2011) 208�213.
  90. Study of thermally activated a.c. conduction in a-Se80Te20 and a-Se80Te19.5M0.5 (M = Cd, In, Sb) alloys N. Chandel, N. Mehta & A. Kumar Solid State Sciences, 13 (2011) 257-262.
  91. Effect of some chemical modifiers on the glass / crystal transformation in binary Se90In10 alloy H. Kumar, N. Mehta & A. Kumar Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 103 (2011) 903-909.
  92. Dielectric relaxation in Se80-xTe20Snx chalcogenide glasses A. Sharma, N. Mehta & A. Kumar Journal of Material Science, 46 (2011) 4509-4516.
  93. Dependence of activation energy and pre-exponential factor on audio frequency in glassy Se80-xTe20Snx Alloys A. Sharma, N. Mehta & A. Kumar Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509 (2011) 3468-3472.
  94. Estimation of density of defect states in glassy Se80-xTe20Snx alloys using a.c. conductivity measurements A. Sharma & N. Mehta Physica Scripta, 84 (2011) 015605.
  95. Calorimetric studies of thermal crystallization in glassy Se80-xTe20Snx (0 = x = 10) alloys H. Kumar, N. Mehta, K. Singh Physica Scripta, 83 (2011) 065602.
  96. Chemical bond approach to optical band gap in Se100-xSbx chalcogenide glasses S. Srivastava, N. Mehta, R. S. Tiwari, R. K. Shukla & A. Kumar Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 13 (2011) 12-17.
  97. Metal induced effects on the glass transition kinetics of glassy Se70Te30 alloy C. Dohare, N. Mehta & A. Kumar Phase Transitions, 84 (2011) 1064-1074.
  98. Calorimetric studies of non-isothermal crystallization in amorphous CuxTi100-x alloys N. Mehta, K. Singh & N. S. Saxena Bulletin of Material Science, 34 (2011) 1459-1463.
  99. Estimation of Mott parameters in amorphous Se80Te20 and Se80Te10M10 (Cd, In, Sb) alloys N. Chandel N. Mehta and A. Kumar Vacuum, 86 (2011) 480-482.
  100. Investigation of a.c. conductivity measurements in a-Se80Te20 and a-Se80Te10M10 (M = Cd, In, Sb) alloys using correlated barrier hopping model N. Chandel, N. Mehta & A. Kumar Current Applied Physics, 12 (2012) 405-412.
  101. Study of non-isothermal crystallization kinetics in glassy Se98Ag2 alloy using iso-conversional methods C. Dohare and N. Mehta Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 109 (2012) 247-253.
  102. Structural characterization of light-induced crystal growth in Se98Sb2 chalcogenide glass N. Mehta & A. Kumar Journal of Non-crystalline Solids, 358 (2012) 776-781.
  103. Effect of Some Metallic Additives (Ag, Cd and Sn) on thermal transport properties of a-Se A. Sharma, K. Singh, N. Mehta Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 109 (2012) 915-920.
  104. Observation of dielectric peaks in glassy Se70Te20Sn10 alloy A. Sharma & N. Mehta Defects and Diffusion Forum, 329 (2012) 165-175.
  105. Kinetic parameters of glass transition and crystallization for glassy Se and glassy Se98M2 (M = In, Sb and Sn) alloys H. Kumar and N. Mehta Materials Chemistry and Physics, 134 (2012) 834-838.
  106. Critical analysis of endo-thermal effect in the glass transition process N. Mehta and A. Kumar Journal of Non-crystalline Solids, 358 (2012) 2783-2787.
  107. Explanation of Meyer�Neldel rule in the thermally activated a.c. conduction in some chalcogenide glasses using correlated barrier hopping model N. Chandel and N. Mehta Journal of Material Science, 47 (2012) 6693-6698.
  108. Determination of Specific Heat in Multi-component Chalcogenide Glasses of Se-Te-Sn-Pb System using Modulated Differential Scanning Calorimetry A. Sharma, H. Kumar and N. Mehta Materials Letters, 86 (2012) 54-57.
  109. Analysis of dielectric relaxation in glassy Se and Se98M2 (M = Ag, Cd and Sn) alloys A. Sharma & N. Mehta The European Physical Journal Applied Physics, 59 (2012) 10101.
  110. Theoretical prediction of some physical parameters in glassy Se80Te20 and glassy Se80Te10M10 (M = Cd, In, Sb) alloys N. Chandel and N. Mehta The European Physical Journal Applied Physics, 59 (2012) 201102.
  111. Iso-conversional analysis of glass transition and crystallization in as-synthesis high yield of glassy Se98Cd2 nanorods C. Dohare and N. Mehta Applied Nanoscience, (In press).
  112. Laser-induced synthesis of Selenium, Silver and Silver-Selenide nano-crystallites in amorphous matrix of Se98Ag2 alloy C. Dohare, S. B. Rai and N. Mehta Philosophical Magazine Letters, (Accepted).
  113. Analysis of composition dependence of thermal transport properties in glassy Se80-xTe20Snx (0 = x = 10) alloys using transient plane source measurements A. Sharma, K. Singh and N. Mehta Measurement, 46 (2012) 514-520.
  114. Calorimetric Study of Specific Heat in Glassy Se-Te-Sn-Bi System using MDSC Technique: Effect of Bi Incorporation A. Sharma, H. Kumar and N. Mehta Phase Transitions, (Accepted).
  115. Effect of Bismuth incorporation on some thermo-mechanical properties of glassy Se78Te20Sn2 alloy H. Kumar, A. Sharma and N. Mehta Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 14 (2012) 899-904.
  116. Investigation of crystallization kinetics in glassy Se and Se98M2 (M = Ag, Cd, Zn) alloys using DSC technique in non-isothermal mode C. Dohare and N. Mehta Journal of Crystallization Process and Technology, 2 (2012) 139-146.
  117. Recent advances in chalcogenide glasses for multifunctional applications in fiber optics N. Mehta and A. Kumar Recent Patents on Materials Science, 6 (2013) 59-67.
  118. Study of composition dependence of specific heat in Se80-xTe20Snx chalcogenide glasses A. Sharma, H. Kumar and N. Mehta Glass Physics and Chemistry, (Accepted).
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