Dr. P.N. Gupta
Retired Professor
Ph D (BHU)
Contact Information:
Tel. +91 542 2307308,2368390,2570323 Fax:+91 542 2368174
Email Id:[email protected],[email protected]
Academic Qualifications:
S. No.DegreeInstitutionYear
1.B.Sc.Banaras Hindu University Varanasi 1968
2.M.Sc.Banaras Hindu University Varanasi 1970
3.Ph. D.Banaras Hindu University Varanasi 1975
Brief writeup on area of specialization/awards/achievements:

(a) Ion Conducting Polymer Electrolytes
Solid polymeric electrolytes continue to attract research interest due to their enhanced properties (electrical, thermal, mechanical etc) which make them suitable for various electrochemical and technological applications. Thin films of polymeric complexes of PVA using different alkali salts like LiBr, NH4ClO4, NaI, KI in various compositions have been prepared using solution cast technique. Nano dispersed polymer electrolytes samples were also made by dispersion of Al2O3 and SiO2 (particle size < 50 nm) in order to increase the conductivity and modified viscosity of the material. Silver paste are used as electrode for conductivity measurements with the help of LCZ meter (HP 4277A) at various temperature and frequency range. It is found that dispersal of Al2O3 and SiO2 modify the conductivity and dielectric properties of the material due to increase amount of amorphousity present in the electrolyte system. The structural properties of the prepared films are examined after detailed analysis of XRD and FT-IR spectra including DSC.
(b) Solid State Ionic Materials
(c) Microwave Propagation in bounded solid state and gaseous Magnetoplasmas
Theoretical study of propagation of electromagnetic wave through bounded solid state plasma in the presence of external magnetic field has become important because of its wide application in microwave devices in the form of passive components and active elements. From the general dispersion relation the propagation characteristics of electromagnetic waves in an nbounded solid state plasma under a variety of conditions are discussed. The propagation characteristics of wave guide filled with solid state plasma in the presence of longitudinal and transverse magnetic field for different types of mode are studied at liquid nitrogen and room temperatures.


  • Awarded SHIKSHA RATTAN PURSKAR: Certificate of Excellence for Meritorious Services, Outstanding Performance and Remarkable Role by India International Friendship Society in July 2007
  • Throughout first class in academic career.
  • Awarded Scholarships from High School to M.Sc.
  • CSIR Junior/Senior/Post Doctoral research fellowships (1970-1976).
Projects Undertaken as PI :

Developed polymer based electrochromic display device during the following research schemes:
S. No.Name of the Project DurationSource of FundingAmount of Funding (Rs)
1. Ionic transport in Conducting Polymer1989-1995C.S.I.R.3.15 lacs
2Study of Superionic materials 1984-1985U.G.C. Minor project
3Solid polymer electrochromic display device1998- 2000 U.G.C.Minor project

Any additional information:
International Conference Attended:

    1. International conference on Solid State Ionic materials, National University of Singapore, Singapore, June 2-6, 1986

    2. International conference on Solid State Ionic materials and Applications, BHU, Varanasi, Nov. 9-13, 1992

    3. International conference on Solid State Ionics, University of Kebangsaan, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia Aug. 2-8,1994

    4. International conference on Solid State Ionics, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Dec. 3-8,1995

    5. International conference on Siesmo-electromagnetic and space science Dr. B.R.A. University, Agra, Dec. 19-21, 2000

    6. International conference on Electromagnetic Studies related to Earthquake, Dr. B.R.A. University Agra,20-22 Nov. 2006

    7. International conference on materials for advanced technology, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 26th June - 01st July 2011.

    8. International conference on materials for advanced technology, National University of Singapore, Singapore, July 2013.

    Visits Abroad:
    Place Duration Purpose
    1. National University of Singapore, Singapore June 2-6, 1986 Presented research paper in Regional workshop on Solid State Ionics
    2. ICTP, Trieste, Italy Oct. 5-30, 1987 Fourth College on Microprocessors
    3. Selb, West Germany Nov. 2-6, 1987 Acquaintance with TGA/DTA
    4. Univ. of Kebangsaan, Bangi, Malaysia Aug. 2-5, 1994 Presented research paper in the 4th Asian Conf. on Solid State Ionic Materials
    5. National Univ. of Singapore, Singapore Dec. 3-8, 1995 Presented research paper in the 10th International Conf. on Solid State Ionics
    6. National Univ. of Singapore, Singapore Jun' 2011 Presented research paper in the International Conf. on Materials for Advanced Technologies
    7. National Univ. of Singapore, Singapore July' 2013 Attended International International Conf. on Materials for Advanced Technologies


List of 10 major Publications:

1. Prajapati G.K., Roshan R. and Gupta P.NStructural and electrical characterization of plasticized PVA: AgI polymer electrolyte J. of Polymer Engineering, Vol. 31 (2011) 275-278.

2. Prajapati G.K., Roshan R. and Gupta P.N Effect of plasticizer on ionic transport and dielectric properties of PVA-H3PO4 Proton conducting polymeric electrolytes, J. of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Volume 71 (2010) 1717-1723.

3. Prajapati G.K. & Gupta P.N. Study of ionic conductivity, dielectric characteristics and capacitance measurement of gamma-irradiated conducting polymeric electrolytes PhaseTransitions, 82 (2009) 001-009.

4. Prajapati G.K. & Gupta P.N. Conduction mechanism in un-irradiated and ?-irradiated PVA- H3PO4 polymer electrolytes Nucl. Instr. and Meth. In Physica Research B, 267 (2009) 3328- 3332.

5. Gupta P. N. Thermal Properties and electrochromic behavior of PVA complexed electrolytes using PEG as plasticizer Ind. J. Pure & Appl. Phys. Vol. 46 Sept.2008 pp. 657-659

6. Gupta P. N. Ion transport studies in hydrazine dihydrochloride Ind. J. Pure and Appl. Phys.,Vol. 37, No. 4, April 2000 p. 722-728

7. Gupta P. N., Yadav R. K. and Singh K. P. Ion transport in proton conducting solid polymer electrolytes International J. of Ionics (Ionics Pub., Germany), Vol. 4, 1998 p. 48-52

8. Gupta P. N., and Singh K. P. Study of dielectric relaxation in polymer electrolyte European Polymer Journal (Pergaman Pub. U.K.) Vol. 34, No. 7, July 1998 p. 1023-1029

9. Gupta P. N., and Singh K. P. Characterization of H3PO4 based PVA complex system Solid

10. State Ionics (Elsevier Sci. Pub. Netherlands) Vol. 86-88, Part-I, Feb. 1996 p. 319-323, 10. Singh K. P., Gupta P. N. and Singh R. P. Polymer based solid state electrchromic display device using PVA complexed electrolytes Solid State Ionics (Elsevier Sci. Pub. Netherlands) Vol. 78, June 1995 p. 223-229

Full List of Publications:

(A) Review Article:

1. Singh D., Singh R. P., Kamra A.K., Gupta P.N., Singh Rajesh, Gopalkrishnan V., Singh A.K. ?Review of Electromagnetic coupling between the Earth?s atmosphere and the space environment? J. Atmos. Solar Terr. Phys. (Elsevier Sci. Pub.) Vol. 67 pp 637-658, 2005 
(B) Solid Polymeric Electrolytes: 
(I) Papers Published in Journals

2. Singh R.P. Gupta P.N., Agrawal S. L. and Singh U.P. Proton conducting polymer electrolyte for possible applications in electrochromic display devivesSolid State Ionics (MRS Publ. U.S.A.) Vol. 135, 1989 p. 361-366,

3. Singh K.P., Gupta P.N. and Singh R.P.Dielectric behavior of polymer electrolytes J. Polymer Materials (Oxford & IBH Pub.) Vol. 9, No. 2 June 1992 p. 131-136,

4. Singh K.P., Gupta P.N. and Singh R.P.Electrical transport in polymeric complexe J. Polymer Materials (Oxford & IBH Pub.) Vol. 9, No. 4 Dec. 1992p. 307-310,

5. Singh K.P., Gupta P.N. and Singh R.P Electrical conductivity and dielectric relaxation in PVA complexes Solid state Ionics: Materials and Applications (World Sci. Pub. Singapore) p. 579-583, Nov. 1992

6. Singh K.P., Gupta P.N. and Singh R.P.Electrical conduction process in PVA films Ind. J. of Pure Appl. Phys. (CSIR Pub.) Vol. 31, p. 48-50, Jan. 1993

7. Singh K. P., Gupta P. N. and Singh R. P. Electrical and thermal characteristics of PVA based polymer electrolytes Solid State Ionic Materials (World Sci. Pub. Singapore), Dec. 1994 p. 329-334,

8. Singh K. P., Gupta P. N. and Singh R. P. Polymer based solid state electrchromic display device using PVA complexed electrolytes Solid State Ionics (Elsevier Sci. Pub. Netherlands) Vol. 78, June 1995 p. 223-229,

9. Gupta P. N., and Singh K. P. Characterization of H3PO4 based PVA complex systemSolid State Ionics (Elsevier Sci. Pub. Netherlands) Vol. 86-88, Part-I, Feb. 1996 p. 319-323,

10. Gupta P. N., and Singh K. P. Dielectric relaxation characteristics of solid polymer electrolyteSolid State Ionics: New Developments (World Sci. Pub. Singapore) Dec. 1996 p. 393-398,

11. Gupta P. N., and Singh K. P. Study of dielectric relaxation in polymer electrolyte European Polymer Journal (Pergaman Pub. U.K.) Vol. 34, No. 7, July 1998 p. 1023-1029,

12. Gupta P. N., Thermal, structural and electrical characteristics of PVA based polymer electrolytes Eds. P. C. Kalsi et al. (IIAC, BARC, Mumbai Pub.) March 1998 p. 346,

13. Gupta P. N., Yadav R. K. and Singh K. P. Ion transport in proton conducting solid polymer electrolyte International J. of Ionics (Ionics Pub., Germany), Vol. 4, 1998 p. 48-52,

14. Gupta P. N. Ion transport studies in hydrazine dihydrochloride Ind. J. Pure and Appl. Phys., Vol. 37, No. 4, April 2000 p. 722-728,

15. Gupta P. N. Thermal Properties and electrochromic behavior of PCA complexed electrolytes using PEG as plasticizerInd. J. Pure & Appl. Phys. Vol. 46 Sept.2008 pp. 657-659

16. Gupta P. N. Electrical properties and electrochromic behavior of polymer electrolytes using PEG as plasticizer Solid State Ionics, Ed. By BVR Chowdari et al (World Sci., Singapore), 2006

17. Gupta P. N. and Prajapati G. K. Irradiation effect on dielectric and electrical properties of H3PO4 based polymeric electrolytes Recent Advances in Composite Materials, Ed. By V. K. Srivastava et al (Allied Pub. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi) Feb. 2007 p. 1019-1023,

18. Prajapati G.K. and Gupta P.N. Study of ionic conductivity, dielectric characteristics and capacitance measurement of γ-irradiated conducting polymeric electrolytes Phase Transitions, Vol. 82 No. 1 (2009) p. 1-9

19. Prajapati G.K. and Gupta P.N. Conduction mechanism in un-irradiated and γ-irradiated PVA-H3PO4 polymer electrolytes Nuclear Instr. and Meth. In Physics Research B, 267 (2009) 3328-3332.

20. Gupta P.N, Prajapati G.K. and Roshan R. Effect of Li 3+ Ion Irradiation on Ionic Transport Properties of Complexed Polymer Electrolytes, MRS online Proceeding 2010 Spring Meeting, Volume 1269-FF03-02.

21. Prajapati G.K., Roshan R. and Gupta P.N. Effect of plasticizer on ionic transport and dielectric properties of PVA-H3PO4 Proton conducting polymeric electrolytes, J. of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Volume 71 (2010) 1717-1723.

22. Gupta P.N., Prajapati G.K. and Roshan R.Effect of Nano particles of Al2O3 on electrical and dielectric properties of PVA-H3PO4 Polymer electrolytes, J. of Polymer Engineering, Accepted Dec� 2010

23. Prajapati G.K., Roshan R. and Gupta P.N Structural and electrical characterization of plasticized PVA: AgI polymer electrolyte, J. of Polymer Engineering, Accepted Dec� 2010.Prajapati G. K, and Gupta P.N. Electrochromic Performance of Sol-gel derived WO3 film based Polymeric ElectrolytesJ. of Sol-Gel science and Technology, Communicated, June� 2011

24. Gupta. P. N., Prajapati G.K., and Roshan R. Effect of Nanoparticles of Al2O3 on electrical and dielectric properties of PVA-H3PO4 Polymer Electrolytes Polymer Processing and Characterization Ed. S Thomas & A.K Zacharia ,Vol.1 Chap7, (2012) Apple Acad Press Inc NJ, USA

25. B, Chatterjee. and Gupta, P. N. Nanocomposite films dispersed with Silica nanoparticles extracted from earthworm humus Journal of non Crystalline Solids 358 (2012)pp 3355-3364. 
(II) Papers in Conferences

26. Gupta P.N. and Saxena A.K. Ionic conduction in hydrazine dihydrochloride Presented at Regional workshop on materials for Solid ionic batteries, June 2-6, 1986, National University of Singapore, Singapore.

27. Gupta P.N. Ionic conductivity and mobility measurement of Solid proton conductor N2H6Cl2 6th Inter. Conf. on Solid State Ionics, Abstract Proc. B8-3 (87), Garmisch Federal Republic Germany, 1987 p. 87,

28. Gupta P.N., Singh U.P. and Singh R.P. Proton conducting polymer electrolyte Polyvinyl alcohol and phosphoric acid Solid State Protonic Conductors, Exetor, sept. 1988, Great Britain

29. Gupta P.N., Singh R.P. and Singh K.P. Proton transport in polymeric complexes of PVA and phosphoric acid International seminar on Solid state Ionics Devices, July 1988, Singapore

30. Gupta P.N. and Singh R.P. Polymer electrolytes as proton conducting materials 5th European Conf. on Solid State Protonic conductors, Perugia, Italy, Sept. 1990

31. Singh K.P., Gupta P.N. and Singh R.P. Electrical transport in polymeric composite system Presented at 78th Indian Science Congress, Indore, Jan. 1991

32. Gupta P.N., Singh R.P. and Singh K.P.Electrical transport in H3PO4 doped PVA system 3rd Inter. Symp. On polymer electrolytes, Annecy, France, 1991 June 17-21,

33. Gupta P.N., Singh K.P. and Singh R.P. Electrical conductivity and dielectric relaxation in PVA complexes Presented at 3rd Asian Conf. on Solid State Ionics, Nov. 1992 BHU, Varanasi

34. Gupta P.N., Singh R.P. and Singh K.P. Study of dielectric properties in polymer complexes Presented at National seminar on Ferroelectric & Dielectric, Srinagar, Oct. 3-8, 1992

35. Gupta P.N., Singh R.P., Singh K.P. and Agrawal S. L. Electrochromic behavior and thermal studies of polymer complexes Presented at 80th Session of Indian Science Congress, Goa, Jan. 1993

36. Gupta P.N., Singh K.P. and Singh R.P. Electrical and thermal characteristics of PVA based polymer electrolytes Presented at 4th Asian Conf. on Solid State Ionic Material, Aug. 1994, Malaysia

37. Gupta P.N., Singh K.P. and Singh R.P. Irradiation effect on dielectric and electrical properties of acid based polymer electrolytes 8th National Seminar on Ferroelectric and Dielectric, Oct. 1994, Nagpur

38. Gupta P.N., Singh K.P. and Singh R.P. Dielectric relaxation studies in polymer electrolytes 8th National Seminar on Ferroelectric and Dielectric, Oct. 1994, Nagpur

39. Gupta P.N. and Singh K.P. Characterization of H3PO4 based PVA complex system Presented at 10th International Conf. on Solid State Ionics, Dec. 3-8, 1995 Singapore

40. Gupta P.N. and Singh K.P. Temperature dependence of electrical conductivity in solid polymer electrolyte complexes 2nd National Conf. on Solid state Ionics, Feb. 1996, Madras

41. Gupta P.N. and Singh K.P. Studies on dielectric behavior of PVA-H3PO4 and PVA-H2SO4 National seminar on recent developments in Ferroelectrics, Visakhapatnam, May 1996

42. Gupta P.N. and Singh K.P. Dielectric and electrical properties of PVA based polymer electrolytes Presented at 9th National seminar on Ferroelectrics and Dielectrics, NPL, New Delhi, Oct. 8-11, 1996

43. Gupta P.N. and Singh K.P. Dielectric relaxation characteristics of Solid polymer electrolyte complexes 5th Asian Conf. on solid state Ionics, Kandy, Srilanka, Dec. 2-7, 1996

44. Gupta P.N. Thermal, Structural and electrical characteristics of PVA based polymer electrolytes Presented at 11th National Symp. On Thermal analysis, Jammu, March 2-5, 1998

45. Gupta P.N., Singh K.P. and Yadav R. K. electrical and Dielectric investigation of PVA complexed polymer electrolytes Presented at 3rd National Conf. on solid State Ionics, Itanagar, March 23-26, 1998

46. Gupta P.N. PVA based Polymer electrolytes devices Conf. on Solid State Ionics Materials, Chennai, May 28, 1998

47. Gupta P.N., Singh K.P. and Yadav R. K. Thermal and electrochromic behavior of PVA complexed electrolytes using PEG as plasticizer 6th Asian Conf. on Solid State Ionics, New delhi, Nov., 1998

48. Gupta P.N. Electrochromic behavior of PVA complexed electrolytes 87th Science Congress, Pune, Jan. 3-7, 2000

49. Gupta P.N. Effect of plasticizer on ionic conductivity and dielectric properties in PVA complexed electrolytes using PEG as plasticizer system 9th Asian Conf. on Solid State Ionics, South Korea, June 2004

50. Gupta P.N. and Prajapati G. K. Irradiation effect on electrical properties of H3PO4 based polymeric electrolytes Presented in 2nd International Conf. on Recent Advances in composite materials, New Delhi, Feb. 2007

51. Gupta P.N. and Prajapati G. K. Effect of Temperature and γ-radiation on electrical characterization of conducting polymer electrolytes International Conf. on Solid State Ionics, Serpong , Iondonesia, Aug. 1-3, 2007

52. Gupta P.N. and Prajapati G. K. Study of Dielectric relaxation process and capacitance measurement of γ-irradiated conducting polymeric electrolytes 7th National Conf. on Solid State Ionics, APS University, Rewa, Nov. 1-3, 2007

53. Gupta P N. Solid State Dye Sensitized Solar Cells based on polymer electrolyte Presented at Molecular Electronics Conducting polymer electronics and NIB May 22-23, 2008, BARC, Mumbai

54. Gupta P N. Effect of ion irradiation on structural, electrical, and dielectric properties of conducting polymer electrolytes Presented at workshop on Accelerator based research on polymer science Aug 25, 2008, IUAC New Delhi

55. Prajapati G K and Gupta P NEffect of plasticizer on ionic transport properties of PVA- H3PO4 complex Electrolyte, Presented at National Conference on Semiconductor Materials and Technology 16-18 Oct, 2008, G K Vishwavidyalaya Haridwar

56. Prajapati G K, Roshan R. and Gupta P N Studies on electrical and dielectric properties of plasticized PVA-Al2O3-KI Composite, Presented at NCSMT-2008 Oct16-18 G K Vishwavidyalaya Haridwa

57. Prajapati G K, Roshan R. and Gupta P N Investigation on electrical and dielectric properties of Al2O3-NaI dispersed Composite Solid polymer electrolyte based on PVA, NSU-XVII-2008, Dec 4-6, BHU, Varanasi

58. Gupta P N, Prajapati G K, and Roshan R.Electrical transport properties of nano dispersed Al2O3 solid polymer electrolytes based on PVA International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies28 june-3, July�2009 Singapor

59. Gupta P.N., Prajapati G.K. and Roshan R Effect of Nano particles of Al2O3 on electrical and dielectric properties of PVA- H3PO4 polymer electrolyte Presented at the Second International conference on Polymer processing and Characterization during January 15-17, 2010 Kottayam, Kerala.

60. Prajapati G.K., Roshan R. and Gupta P. Structural and electrical characterization of plasticized PVA: AgI polymer Electrolyte Presented at the Second International conference on Polymer processing and Characterization during January 15-17, 2010 Kottayam, Kerala

61. Prajapati G K and Gupta P 2nd One Day Conference on New Trends in Research, on 17th January 2009 organized by Department of Physics, BHU held at BHU-Varanasi.

62. Prajapati G K and Gupta P 3rd One Day Conference on New Trends in Research on 30th March 2010 organizedby Department of Physics, BHU held at BHU-Varanasi.

63. Prajapati G.K. and Gupta Effect of Lithium ion Irradiation on Nanocomposite Polymer Electrolyte Presented at the 61st Annual Meeting of the International society of Electrochemistry during Sept 26-01st Oct�2010, Nice, France.

64. Gupta P.N., Prajapati G.K Transport properties of gel polymer electrolytes dispersed with silica nanoparticle International conference on Frontier Topics in Nanostructure and Condensed Matter Theory (NCMT-2011)� Ontario, Canada, March 9-11, 2011

65. Gupta P.N., Prajapati G. Ion conducting polymeric materials and its application in ECD devices Presented in workshop on Electronic and Ionic Materials & Devices 25-27 March 2011

66. Gupta P.N., Prajapati G.K Ion transport studies of gel polymer electrolyt dispersed with SiO2 nanoparticle Presented at International conference o materials for advanced technologies, 26th June-01 July 2011.
 (C) Microwave propagation through magnetoplasmas
 (I) Papers published in journals

67. Singh D., Gupta P. N. and Tolpadi S. K. Characteristics of waveguide containing anisotropic warm plasma in the presence of transverse magnetic field J. Inst. Telecomm. Engrs. Vol. 18, No. 7, July 1972 p. 348,

68. Singh D., Gupta P. N. and Tolpadi S. K. Effect of collision frequency on the characteristics of waveguide filled with homogeneous anisotropic plasma J. Inst. Telecomm. Engrs. Vol. 18, No. 8, Aug. 1972 p. 355,

69. Singh D., Gupta P. N. and Tolpadi S. K. Collision frequency effect on plasma filled transversely magnetized rectangular waveguide Inst. J. Electronics (UK), Vol. 33, No. 6, Dec. 1972 p. 713

70. Jain P. K., Singh D., Gupta P. N. and Tolpadi S. K Dispersions relations for parallel plane waveguide containing transversely magnetized uniaxial and warm plasma in relative motion IEEE Trans. Ant. & Prop. (USA) Vol. AP21, No. 5, Sept. 1973 p. 743,

71. Gupta P. N., Jain P. K. and Tolpadi S. K. Propagation characteristics of semiconductor loaded waveguide with transverse magnetic field J. Inst. Telecomm. Engrs. Vol. 19, No. 12, Dec. 1973 p. 695,

72. Jain P. K., Gupta P. N., Singh D., and Tolpadi S. K. On the mode theory of parallel plane waveguide containing transversely magnetized uniaxial moving plasma Ind. J. Radio & Space Phys. Vol. 3, No. 3, Sept 1974 p. 216,

73. Gupta P. N. and Tolpadi S. K. Wave propagation through a waveguide filled with semiconductor in a transverse magnetic field Ind. J. Radio & Space Phys. Vol. 4, No. 3, June 1975 p. 138,

74. Gupta P. N., Tiwari G. N., Singh D., and Tolpadi S. K. Rectangular waveguide containing uiaxial anisotropic moving warm plasma J. Inst. Electr. & Telecomm. Engrs. Vol. 21, No. 7, July 1975 p. 373,

75. Gupta P. N. and Tolpadi S. K. Propagation characteristics of longitudinally magnetized semiconductor filled waveguide including the ffect of drift and diffusion J. Inst. Electr. & Telecomm. Engrs. Vol. 21, No. 9, Sept. 1975 p. 486,

76. Gupta P. N., Tiwari G. N., and Tolpadi S. K. Wave propagation in a bounded solid state plasma waveguide in strong transverse magnetic field J. Inst. Electr. & Telecomm. Engrs. Vol. 21, No. 10, Oct. 1975 p. 556,

77. Gupta P. N., Singh V. and Tolpadi S. K. Wave propagation in a single carrier semiconductor plasma in an electric field J. Inst. Electr. & Telecomm. Engrs.Vol. 22 (12), Dec. 1976 p. 781,

78. Gupta P. N. and Tolpadi S. K. Microwave propagation in a longitudinally magnetized solid state plasma waveguide J. Inst. Electr. & Telecomm. Engrs. Vol. 23, No. 6, June 1977 p. 370,

79. Gupta P. N. and Tolpadi S. K. Electromagnetic wave propagation in a rectangular waveguide containing an inhomogeneous semiconductor plasma J. Inst. Electr. & Telecomm. Engrs. Vol. 24, No. 8, Aug. 1978 p. 327,

80. Gupta P. N. and Tolpadi S. K. Study of electromagnetic wave propagation through a semiconductor medium operated in the region of negative differential conductivity The J. Sci. Res. Vol. 33(1), Dec. 1982 p. 309,

81. Gupta P. N., Ram M. and Tolpadi S. K. Effect of electric and magnetic fields on propagation characteristics of microwave in InSb Ind. J. Pure & Appl. Phys. Vol. 21, (3) Sept. 1983 p. 537,

82. Gupta P. N. Propagation of electromagnetic wave in semiconductor plasma under the influence of crossed electric and magnetic fields J. Inst. Electr. & Telecomm. Engrs. Vol. 33, No. 1, Jan. 1987 p. 36,

83. Gupta P. N. Unjunction transistor as sinewave oscillator The J.of Sci.Res.Vol.39, 1989 p. 169, (II) Papers in Conferences

84. Singh D., Gupta P. N. and Tolpadi S. K. Characteristics of waveguides containing anisotropic war plasma in the presence of transverse magnetic field Presented at ITE 15th Convention Feb. 12-13, 1972 Inst. Of Telecomm. Engrs, New Delhi

85. Gupta P. N., Singh D., and Tolpadi S. K. Microwave propagation through warm and inhomogeneous plasma filled waveguide Fifth colloquium on microwave communication, Budapest Hungary, June 1974

86. Gupta P. N. Wave propagation in plasma filled waveguide Second International Conf. on Plasma Theory, Kieve, U.S. S. R.., Oct. 1974

87. Gupta P.N. and Tolpadi S. K. Microwave propagation in waveguide containing composite structure of semiconductor and ferrite 7th European Microwave Conf. Copenhagen, Denmark, Conf. Proc. p. 44 Sept. 1977

88. Gupta P.N., M. Ram and Tolpadi S. K. Wave propagation through semiconductor plasma in the presence of static electric and magnetic fields Presented at Symp. Micro-79 (Jan. 15-17, 1979), Deptt. Of Electronics Engg. Inst. of Technology, BHU, Varanasi

89. Gupta P.N. Electromagnetic wave propagation in semiconductor plasma XI PSSI National Symp. On plasma Sc. and Tech., Barkatullah, University, Bhopal, Oct. 1996

90. Gupta P.N. Electromagnetic wave propagation in a medium of GaAs having negative differential conductivity Presented at Int. Conf. on Siesmo-electromagnetic and space science Dr. B. R. University, Agra, Dec. 2000

91. Patel K., Singh A. K., Gupta P.N. & Singh R.P. Characteristics of Ionospheric irregularitic over low latitude, Varanasi in XIV Nat. Space Sci.Symp. (NSSS-2006), Visakhapattanam.

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