Dr. Rajneesh Kumar

Associate Professor
Contact Information:
+91 9179702674(M) Fax:+91 542 2368174
Email Id: [email protected]

Academic Qualifications:
S. No.DegreeInstitutionYear
1.B.Sc.(Hons.)S.S.J.M.U, Kanpur1996
2.M.Sc.Banaras Hindu University1999
2.Ph.D.Gujrat University2007
Area of specialization/awards/achievements:

Areas of interest are plasmas (DC, radio frequency, microwave and laser produced plasmas), plasma antenna, plasma striations / gas discharge, plasma- photonics and metamaterials, laser-matter interaction, plasma deposition, and plasma torch for waste to energy applications. .

Current Research Projects:

S. No.Name of the Project DurationSource of FundingAmount of Funding (Rs)
1. Simulation and experimental study of plasma-electromagnetic wave (RF / microwave) interactions time periodfunding agency Amount in lacs

Any additional information:
  1. Convener: National Conference on Energy for Sustainable Development 23-24 March 2017, Dr. HariSingh Gour University, Sagar, M.P, India.
  2. Course Coordinator: Interdisciplinary refresher course on Environmental Studies 16th Jan to 5th Feb. 2017 in HRDC, Dr. HariSingh Gour University, Sagar, M.P, India.
  3. Joint Secretary: International Conference on Interface of physical, chemical and biological sciences, Jan11-13, 2017, Dr. HariSingh Gour University, Sagar, M.P, India.
  4. Convener: Poster Presentation: Science Day Celebration 21-02-2017 to 28-02-2017 Dr. HariSingh Gour University, Sagar, M.P, India.
  5. Programme Coordinator: Science Fair and National Science Day Celebrations, 26th Feb. 2016-4th March 2016, Dr. HariSingh Gour University, Sagar, M.P, India
  6. Session Chair: ICPP 2012: International conference on Plasma Physics: 14-16 November 2012, Venice, Italy.
Awards/Recognitions if any::
  1. PSSI poster award 2009 for work on Micro-discharges and Applications in Photonic Crystal.
  2. Expert in the documentary film LIGHT POLLUTION
  3. Reviewer of Applied Physics Letter, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Physics of Plasmas, Progress in Electromagnetic Research (PIER) and Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications (JEMWA), Indian Journal of Applied Physics, Contributions to Plasma Physics etc.

List of 10 best Publications:

  1. Rajneesh Kumar, Oscillations in Laser Plasma LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Dudweiler Landstra�e 9966123 Saarbrucken, Germany.ISBN: 978-3-659-30837-6, Year: 2013
  2. Rajneesh Kumar, Plasma Striations, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Dudweiler Landstrabe 9966123 Saarbrucken, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-659-13883-6, Year: 2012
  3. Rajneesh Kumar, Plasma as Metamaterial LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Dudweiler Landstrabe 9966123 Saarbrucken, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-8443-1811-1, Year: 2011
  4. Rajneesh Kumar, Plasma Antenna, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Dudweiler Landstrabe 9966123 Saarbrucken, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-8443-0530-2, Year: 2011.
  5. Rajneesh Kumar, Plasma Photonic Crystal, Chapter No. 14, Page No. 281-294, Book: Photonic Crystals - Innovative Systems, Lasers and Waveguides, In Tech - Open Access Publisher Web: http://www.intechweb.org/ ISBN: 978-953-51-0416-2, Year: March 2012
  6. Rajneesh Kumar, Study of transverse and longitudinal bifurcation for pattern formation of a plasma column,Physics Letters A, 376, 2126-2135 (2012), ISSN/ISBN: 0375-9601.
  7. Rajneesh Kumar, Ajai Kumar, R. K . Singh and Jinto Thomas Experimental investigation of oscillatory structures in laser-blow-off plasma plume, Physics Letter A, 375, 2064-2070 (2011), ISSN/ISBN: 0375-9601.
  8. Rajneesh Kumar and Dhiraj Bora,Wireless communication capability of a reconfigurable plasma antenna Journal of Applied Physics, 109 (6), 0633031-9 (2011), ISSN/ISBN: 0021-8979.
  9. Rajneesh Kumar and Dhiraj Bora, A reconfigurable plasma antenna, Journal of Applied Physics, 107, 0533031-9 (2010), ISSN/ISBN: 0021-8979, IF: 2.5.
  10. Rajneesh Kumar and Dhiraj Bora, Experimental investigation of different structures of rf produced plasma columns, Physics of Plasmas, 17, 043503-7 (2010). ISSN/ISBN: 1070-664x.

List of Full Publications:

  1. Prince Kumar and Rajneesh Kumar, Study of Monopole Plasma Antenna Parameters Accepted for Publication, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, 2017.
  2. Prince Kumar and Rajneesh Kumar, Simulation of Plasma Antenna Parameters, International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences, vol. 4, issue 5, 256-261 (May 2016), ISSN/ISBN: 2349-4476.
  3. Rajneesh Kumar and Prince Jain, Simulation of Radiation Pattern of a Reconfigurable Plasma Antenna, International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research, vol.3 issue 4, 195-202 (April 2016), ISSN/ISBN: 2349-3386.
  4. Liu Su, Rajneesh Kumar, Babajide Ogungbesan, Mohamed Sassi, Experimental investigation of gas heating and dissociation in a microwave plasma torch at atmospheric pressure, Energy Conversion and Management, 78, 695-703 (Feb. 2014), ISSN/ISBN: 0196-8904.
  5. Babajide Ogungbesan, Rajneesh Kumar, Liu Su and Mohamed Sassi, Experimental validation of local thermal equilibrium in a MW plasma torch for hydrogen production, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38, 15210-15218 (2013), ISSN/ISBN: 0360-3199.
  6. Rajneesh Kumar, Oscillations in Laser Plasma LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Dudweiler Landstrabe 9966123 Saarbrucken, Germany.ISBN: 978-3-659-30837-6, Year: 2013
  7. Rajneesh Kumar, Plasma Striations LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Dudweiler Landstrabe 9966123 Saarbrucken, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-659-13883-6, Year: 2012
  8. Rajneesh Kumar, Plasma as Metamaterial LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Dudweiler Landstrabe 9966123 Saarbrucken, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-8443-1811-1, Year: 2011
  9. Rajneesh Kumar, Plasma Antenna LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Dudweiler Landstrabe 9966123 Saarbrucken, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-8443-0530-2, Year: 2011.
  10. Rajneesh Kumar, Plasma Photonic Crystal, Chapter No. 14, Page No. 281-294, Book: Photonic Crystals - Innovative Systems, Lasers and Waveguides,In Tech - Open Access Publisher Web: http://www.intechweb.org/, ISBN: 978-953-51-0416-2, Year: March 2012
  11. Rajneesh Kumar, Ajai Kumar and R. K . Singh Effects of magnetic field on oscillatory structures in laser-blow-off plasma, Physics Letters A, 377, 93-98 (2012), ISSN/ISBN: 0375-9601.
  12. Babajide O. Ogungbesan, Rajneesh Kumar and Mohamed Sassi, Optical characterization of a microwave plasma torch for hydrogen production World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 71, 1925-1931 (2012), ISSN/ISBN: 2010376x.
  13. Rajneesh Kumar, Study of transverse and longitudinal bifurcation for pattern formation of a plasma column,Physics Letters A, 376, 2126-2135 (2012), ISSN/ISBN: 0375-9601.
  14. Rajneesh Kumar, Self-structuring in laser-blow-off plasmas, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER), 6 (3), 1-9 (2012), ISSN/ISBN: 2229-5518.
  15. Rajneesh Kumar, Ajai Kumar, R. K . Singh and Jinto Thomas Experimental investigation of oscillatory structures in laser-blow-off plasma plume, Physics Letter A, 375, 2064-2070 (2011), ISSN/ISBN: 0375-9601.
  16. Rajneesh Kumar, Experimental study of electromagnetic band gaps using plasmas or defaults in metallic photonic crystals, Microwave and Optical Technology Letter, 53 (5), 1109-1113 (2011), ISSN/ISBN: 53:1109-1113.
  17. Rajneesh Kumar, Study of negative and positive refractions for microwave using metallic photonic crystals, International Journal for Microwave and Optical Technology, 6 (2), 80-84 (2011), ISSN/ISBN: 2010-10-22.
  18. Rajneesh Kumar and Dhiraj Bora,Wireless communication capability of a reconfigurable plasma antenna Journal of Applied Physics, 109 (6), 0633031-9 (2011), ISSN/ISBN: 0021-8979.
  19. Rajneesh Kumar and Dhiraj Bora, Experimental study of antenna parameters of a plasma antenna, Plasma Science and Technology, 12 (5), 592-600 (2010), ISSN/ISBN: 1009-0630.
  20. Rajneesh Kumar and Dhiraj Bora, A reconfigurable plasma antenna, Journal of Applied Physics, 107, 0533031-9 (2010), ISSN/ISBN: 0021-8979.
  21. Rajneesh Kumar and Dhiraj Bora, Experimental investigation of different structures of rf produced plasma columns, Physics of Plasmas, 17, 043503-7 (2010). ISSN/ISBN: 1070-664x.
  22. Rajneesh Kumar, Study of possible applications of plasmas as tunable metamaterials, IPR/RR-466/2010, Available at: http://www.ipr.res.in/library/preprint/RR464�10.pdf, 2010
  23. Rajneesh Kumar, Hybrid plasma photonic crystal , Proc. International Symposium of Microwave and Optical Technology (ISMOT 2009), December 16-19, 2009, , ISMOT /09/C/482, New Delhi, India, pp 898-901.
  24. Rajneesh Kumar, Controlling of microwave propagation in metallic photonic crystal using plasma column , IEEE Xplore, Print ISBN: 978-1-4244-4818-0, Proc. IEEE Applied Electromagnetics Conference (IEEE AEMC 2009), December 14-16, 2009Kolkata, India, , pp 1-4.
  25. Rajneesh Kumar, Sanjay V. Kulkarni and Dhiraj Bora, Cylindrical stationary striations in surface wave produced plasma columns of argon, Physics of Plasmas, 14, 122101-8 (2007), ISSN/ISBN: 1070-664x.
  26. Rajneesh Kumar and Dhiraj Bora, Phased array plasma antenna, Proc. IEEE-International Symposium on Microwave-2006 (ISM-2006), December 15-17, 2006, NIMHNS,. Banglore, India, pp 381-503 .
  27. Rajneesh Kumar and Dhiraj Bora, Characterization of monopole plasma antenna, Proc. Recent Advancements in Microwave Technique and Applications (Mirowave-06), October 6-8, 2006, Jaipur University, Rajasthan, India, pp 499-503.
  28. Rajneesh Kumar and D. Bora, Vesatile Plasma Antenna, IPR/RR-335/October-2004, http://www.ipr.res.in/ adas/preprint/rr335-04.pdf, 2004
  29. Rajneesh Kumar and D. Bora, Striations in Surface Wave Produced Plasma Column, IPR/RR-336/October-2004, http://www.ipr.res.in/ adas/preprint/rr336-04.pdf, 2004
  30. Rajneesh Kumar and D. Bora, Characterization of Surface Wave in Cylindrical Plasma Column, IPR/RR-337/October-2004, http://www.ipr.res.in/ adas/preprint/rr337-04.pdf, 2004
  31. D. Bora, Rajneesh Kumar, S. K. P. Tripathi and R. G. Trevedi, Versatile Plasma antenna, National Symposium on Antenna and Propagation (APSYM-2002), December 9-11, 2002, , CUST, Cochin, Kerla, India, pp 365-368.

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