Dr. Rajendra Kumar Singh

D. Phil.(University of Allahabad)
Contact Information:
Contact Information: Tel.91-542-2282839 (R);+91-542-6701541(O); + 919451000681 (M). Fax:+91 542 2368390
Email Id:[email protected], rajendrasingh.bhu@)gmail.com, [email protected] [email protected]

Academic Qualifications:


S. No.






Gorakhpur University




University of Allahabad



Brief writeup on area of specialization

Ionic liquids,materials science,solid state ionics and ultrasonics

Ionic liquids,Ionic liquids in confined geometry,Micro and mesoporous materials,Ion conducting polymers/gels,Solid state ionics,PDLCs,Ultrasonics etc

Ionic Liquids: We are studying various physico-chemical properties of ionic liquids such as surface tension,viscosity,ultrasonic velocity,adiabatic compressibility,density,thermal expansion etc. at different temperatures. We have fabricated resonator technique,modified pulse echo technique for acoustic loss and velocity measurement of small sample volume at different temperatures and frequencies. A novel technique for interfacial measurement of ionic liquids has also been developed by us. Studying these properties for a number of ionic liquids will be helpful for structure-property correlation. We are also using ionic liquids for the synthesis of nanoparticles.

Ionic Liquids in Confined Geometry: An understanding of materials in confined geometry is of fundamental and practical interest. Confined geometry term implies confining molecular system in pores of dimension (at least one dimension) comparable to the size of the molecules being confined. Surface interaction due to spatial restriction and low dimensionality of the confining matrix have been found to result in physical and chemical behavior of confined systems much different from the bulk viz. new/different phase transitions,wetting,layering near surface walls as well as shift in glass transition,melting and freezing point. The questions of interest are concerned with how the length scale,dimensionality and surface properties of walls of confining matrix modify the dynamics and thermodynamics and structure of the molecules compared with its bulk counterparts.

Expanding upon the ideas of confinement of water and other fluids,some attempts have been made to confine ionic liquids (ILs) in microemulsions,micelles,controlled pore glasses,kaolinites,silica-gels etc.

Studies on these neoteric solvents (ionic liquids) in confinement is still in its infancy and poses many intriguing questions; answers to which could pave the way to enhance their potential applications. We are confining ionic liquids in different matrices (SiO2,TiO2 etc) and studying changes in various properties compared to their bulk counterparts.

Experimental techniques being used for characterization are: BET characterization,DSC,TGA,XRD,TEM,FTIR,Impedance spectroscopy etc.

Ion Conducting Polymers/gels: ILs are thermally stable,non-vaporizable,possess wide electrochemical window,consist of dissociated/poorly coordinated ionic species. ILs are widely used for obtaining thermally and mechanically stable and  safe electrolytes for electrochemical applications. We are studying IL based polymer electrolytes. We are investigating the effect of IL on ionic conductivity,phase transition temperature (Tm and Tg),crystallinity,crystallization behavior,thermal stability,complexing behavior etc of polymeric membranes/polymeric electrolytes.

Ongoing/completed projects : (2 projects already completed)  

Title of the project

Funding Agency/Major/Minor /Role

Date of implementation

Amount Sanctioned (Rs.)


Synthesis and characterization of ionic liquid gel polymer electrolyte (ionogel) and gel nanocomposite for application in devices"


Feb. 01,2011

11.30 lacs


Electrical and Viscoelstic studies on some recently discovered materials viz organic ionic liquids and their composites


1 Aug. 2008-

35.86 lacs


Development of ionic liquid based porous gel composites for application in electrochemical devices.



~35.00 lacs


Relaxational Processes and chemical kinetic studies in Ionic Liquids by ultrasonic measurements



11 lacs


A study on nano granular magnetic phase embedded in semiconductor for spintronics



Rs 34.20 lacs


Studies on structure property relation in Liquid crystals



Rs. 17.65 lacs


  • National Merit Scholarship,Qualified Joint UGC/CSIR exam for award of JRF

  • Treasurer and life member, Solid State Ionics Society of India

  • Life member,Ultrasonic Society of India

  • Member,American Nano-Society

Research achievements (brief summary):

  • Edited books/proceedings:2

  • Research Papers: 72 (58:International+14 National)

  • Conference Papers:45

  • Number of Ph.D. thesis supervised:04 (completed) + 06 (in progress)

  • Organization of workshop/Conference/Symposium etc: 10

Teaching experience:                ~ 20 years

Research Experience:                ~ 20 years


List of 10 major recent publications:

1.      Thermal Stability,Complexing Behaviour and Ionic Transport of Polymeric Gel  Membranes Based on Polymer PVdF-HFP and Ionic Liquid,[BMIM][BF4], Kataria,  Shalu;     Chaurasia,Sujeet; Singh,Rajendra; Chandra,Suresh,J Phys. Chem.  B. ,117 (3) (897-906) 2013 (IF 3.63)

2.       Low density ionogels obtained by rapid gellification of tetraethyl orthosilane assisted by ionic liquids,Abhishek Kumar Gupta,Manish Pratap Singh, Rajendra Kumar Singh and S Chandra, Dalton Transactions 41 (6263-6271 (2012)  (IF=3.837)

3.      Phase digram and morphology of polymer dispersed liquid crystals: an analysis,Srivastava Jagdeesh Kumar; Singh Rajendra Kumar Singh; Dhar Ravindra,Singh Shri  Liquid Crystals  39 (11) 1402-1413 (2012).

4.      First-principle study on structural,elastic and electronic properties of rare-earth intermetallic compounds: TbCu and TbZn  Singh,R. P Singh.; R K Singh,and M Rajagopalan INTERMETALLICS   19  (10)   1359-1366    (2011)

5.      Studies on Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids having a Large Anion Confined in a Nanoporous Silica Gel Matrix"M.P. Singh, R. K. Singh,S. Chandra. J. Phys. Chem. B 2011,115,7505-7514. (IF=3.603)

6.      Thermal stability of ionic liquid in confined geometry J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 43,96001 (2010) M. P. Singh,R. K. Singh and S. Chandra    

7.      Correlation between  Ultrasonic velocity,Surface Tension,density and viscosity of Ionic Liquids,M.P. Singh and R.K. Singh Fluid Phase equilibria 304,1-6 (2011) (IF =2.253)

8.      Properties of Ionic Liquid confined in porous silica matrix,M.P. Singh,R.K. Singh and S. Chandra ChemPhysChem 11,2036-2043,2010

9.      Theoretical study of temperature dependent acoustic attenuation and non-linearity parameters in alkali metal hydride and deuteride,Rishi Pal Singh and Rajendra K. Singh Materials Chemistry and Physics,124,575-579 (2010)

10.  Ultrasonic attenuation due to phonon-phonon interaction,thermoelastic loss and dislocation damping in transition metal carbides,J. Phys.: Condense Matter 20 (2008) pp. 345227,R.K. Singh,R. P. Singh,M. P. Singh and P. C. Srivastava normal"

Partial list of Publications (Publications during last 5 years)

(1)      Thermal Stability,Complexing Behaviour and Ionic Transport of Polymeric Gel Membranes Based on Polymer PVdF-HFP and Ionic Liquid,[BMIM][BF4],Kataria,Shalu; Chaurasia,Sujeet; Singh,Rajendra; Chandra,Suresh,J Phys. Chem.  B. 117   (897-906) 2013 (IF 3.63)

(2)      Studies on polymer electrolyte poly (vinyl) pyrrolidone (PVP) complexed with ionic liquid: Effect of complexation on thermal stability,conductivity and relaxation behavior,A L Saroj,R K Singh and S Chandra,Mat. Sc. and Eng B 178,231-238 (2013).

(3)   Low density ionogels obtained by rapid gellification of tetraethyl orthosilane assisted by ionic liquids,Abhishek Kumar Gupta,Manish Pratap Singh, normal">Rajendra Kumar Singh and S Chandra, normal">Dalton Transactions 41 (6263-6271 (2012)  (IF=3.837)

(4)Ionic-lquid assisted synthesis of nano-porous TiO2 and studies on confined ionic liquid Y. L. Verma,M.P. Singh and R K Singh, Materials  Letters 2012,86,73-76 (IF=2.330)

(5)Ion-polymer complexation and ion-pair formation in a polymer electrolyte PEO:LiPF6 containing an Ionic Liquid having sdame anion : A Raman study,S K Chaurasia et  al Vibrational spectroscopy (2013)

(6)Thermal,dielectric and conductivity studies on PVA/Ionic Liquid [EMIM][EtSO4] based polymer electrolytes A.L. Saroj and R.K. Singh J Physics Chemistry of Solids 73,162-168 (2012). (IF=1.675)

(7)Effect of Ultrasonic irradiation on preparation and properties of ionogels,Y Kumar,M.P. Singh and R.K. Singh, J Nanomaterials doi:10.1155/2012/570719 (IF=1.673)

( 8)   Phase digram and morphology of polymer dispersed liquid crystals: an analysis,Srivastava Jagdeesh Kumar; Singh Rajendra Kumar Singh; Dhar Ravindra,Singh Shri  Liquid Crystals 39 (11) 1402-1413 (2012).

(9)First principle study of structural,elastic and electronic properties of binary rare earth intermetallic compounds: GdCu and GdZn,R,P.Singh, R.K.Singh,Shalu,M.Rajagopalan,International journal of computational materials science and engineering,1,1250005,2012.

( 10)  Effect of Ionic Liquid on the crystallization kinetics behavior of polymer PEO,S K Chaurasia,R K   Singh and S Chandra,Crst Eng Comm (communicated).

( 11)  AC conductivity studies and Scaling behavior of ionic liquid based polymer electrolyte,Solid State ionics,2012,(communicated)

( 12)  Increase in glass transition temperature of ionic liquid,[EMIM][EtSO4] confined in nanoporous silica matrix A K Gupta and R K Singh (communicated)

( 13)  Tailoring pore parameters using ultrasonic irradiation,Y L Verma and R K Singh 2012 (communicated).

(14)  Changes in Dynamical Behaviour of Ionic Liquid in Silica Nanopore, Manish Pratap Singh,Rajendra Kumar Singh and S Chnadra (communicated).

(15)  Studies on   mesoporous silica ionogels prepared by sol-gel method at different gelation temperatures,RSC Advances (2013) Abhishek Kumar Gupta,Rajendra Kumar Singh and S Chandra

(16)  First-principle study on structural,elastic and electronic properties of rare-earth intermetallic compounds: TbCu and TbZn  Singh,R. P Singh.; normal">R K Singh,and M Rajagopalan INTERMETALLICS   19  (10)   1359-1366  (2011)

(17) Structral,elastic and electronic properties of neodium chalcogenides (NdX,X=S,Se,Te): First Principles Study, Rishi Pal Singh; normal">Rajendra Kumar Singh; Mathrubutha Rajagopalan,Chal. Lett, 8 (5), 325-340 (2011).

(18)  Studies on Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids having a Large Anion Confined in a Nanoporous Silica Gel Matrix"M.P. Singh, R. K. Singh,S. Chandra. J. Phys. Chem. B 2011,115,7505-7514. (IF=3.603)

(19)  Structural and transport studies on polymeric membranes of PEO containing ionic liquid,EMIM-TY: Evidence of complexation . S. K. Chaurasia, normal">R. K. Singh,S. Chandra. Solid State Ionics 2011,183,32-39  (IF=2.641)

(20)  Dielectric Relaxation and Conductivity Studies on (PEO:LiClO ) Polymer Electrolyte with Added Ionic Liquid [BMIM][PF6]: Evidence of Ion-Ion Interaction"S. K. Chaurasia, R. K. Singh,S. Chandra. Journal of Polymer Science: Part B: Polymer Physics. 2011,49,291-300 (IF=1.675)  

(21)Ion-polymer and ion-ion interaction in PEO-based polymer electrolytes having complexing salt LiClO4 and/or ionic liquid,[BMIM][PF6]" S. K. Chaurasia,R. K. Singh,S. Chandra. J. Raman Spectrosc. 2011,42,2168-2172 (IF=3.137)  

(22)  Studies on ionic liquid 1-ethyl 3-methyl imidazolium ethyl sulphate complexed with PVA,A.L. Saroj and R.K. Singh Phase Transitions 84 231-242 (2011) (IF=1.042)

(23) Correlation between  Ultrasonic velocity,Surface Tension,density and viscosity of Ionic Liquids,M.P. Singh and R.K. Singh Fluid Phase equilibria 304,1-6 (2011) (IF =2.253)

(24) Thermal and morphological studies of liquid crystalline materials dispersed in a  polymer matrix Srivastava Jagdeesh Kumar; Singh Rajendra Kumar Singh; Dhar Ravindra; et al.,LIQUID CRYSTALS  Volume: 38   Issue: 7   Pages: 849-859 2011. (IF=1.854).  

(25) Electrical Conductivity Studies on Composite Polymer Electrolytes Based on Ionic Liquid,S.K. Chaurasia and R.K. Singh Phase Transitions,Vol. 83,No. 6,2010457-466

(26)  Correlation among Ultrasonic velocity,viscosity and Surface Tension,M.P. Singh and R.K. Singh (J. Chemical Eng. Science)

(27)  Structural and Transport studies on polymer (PEO+IL) membranes: Evidence of Complexation: S.K. Chaurasia and R.K. Singh  Solid State Ionics: Fundamental Research and technological Applications (Wuhan University of Technology Press) Eds B.V. R. Choudhary et al 396-403 (2010).

(28)  Thermal stability of ionic liquid in confined geometry J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 43,96001 (2010) M. P. Singh,R. K. Singh and S. Chandra    

(29)  Properties of Ionic Liquid confined in porous silica matrix,M.P. Singh,R.K. Singh and S. Chandra ChemPhysChem 11,2036-20432010.

(30)  Temperature dependent acoustical characterization of alkaline earth monochalcogenides in B1 and B2 Phase,Physica B 405 (2010) pp. 77-84Rishi Pal Singh,Manish Pratap Singh,Prakash Chandra Srivastava and Rajendra Kumar Singh

(31)  Temperature dependent physical effects of ultrasonic wave in beryllium Chalcogenides,Applied Acoustics  71  (4) 2010,328-334 R. P. Singh and  R. K. Singh.

(32)  Theoretical study of temperature dependent lattice anharmonicity in TlCl and TlBr,Current Applied Physics 10,Issue 4,1053-1058 ( 2010)  Rishi Pal Singh and Rajendra Kumar Singh.

(33)  Theoretical study of temperature dependent acoustic attenuation and non-linearity parameters in alkali metal hydride and deuteride,Rishi Pal Singh and Rajendra K. Singh Materials Chemistry and Physics,124,575-579 (2010)

(34)  Acoustical Investigations in Uranium chalcogenides,Material Science Poland 27 (4) 1041 (2009),R. K. SinghK. K. Pandey,M.P. Singh and R. P. Singh.

(35)  Temperature dependent ultrasonic and conductivity studies in aqueous polymeric solution, Description: AdvertisementFluid Phase Equlibria,V. 284 (1),2009,p.p.10-13,R.K. Singh M.P. Singh and S.K. Chaurasia

(36)  A new technique for determination of melting temperature of poly(ethylene glycol) by ultrasonic velocimetry Phase Transitions,V. 82(8),2009,599 - 606 Manish Pratap Singh, Rajendra Kumar Singh and S Chandra

(37)  Acoustical and elastic properties of transition metal nitrides,Physica B 404 (1) (2009),pp. 95-99. Rajendra Kumar SinghRishi Pal Singh and Manish Pratap Singh.

(38)  Ultrasonic wave propagation in barium monochalcogenides in B1 phase,Acoustical Physics 55 (2) (2009) pp. 186-191,R. K. SinghR. P. Singh,M.P. Singh and S. K. Chaurasia.

(39)  Effect of Temperature on Non-destructive Wave Propagation in Uranium Monopnictides,Acta Physica Polonica A,115 (3) (2009) pp. 664-670  R. K. SinghRishi Pal Singh,M. P. Singh and S.K. Chaurasia.

(40)  A Brief Report on the Seventeenth National Symposium on Ultrasonics (NSU-XVII),J. Pure Appl. Ultrason. Vol. 31 No. 1,36 (2009),Rajendra Kumar Singh

(41)  Ultrasonic attenuation due to phonon-phonon interaction,thermoelastic loss and dislocation damping in transition metal carbides,J. Phys.: Condense Matter 20 (2008) pp. 345227R.K. SinghR. P. Singh,M. P. Singh and P. C. Srivastava.

(42)  Acoustical Characterization of  Nanostructured Metal,R. K. SinghR. P. Singh and M. P. Singh,International J. of  Nano Science,Vol. 7 (6) (2008) pp. 315-323.

(43)  Acoustical Dissipation Due to Phonon-Phonon Interaction,Thermoelastic Loss and Dislocation Damping in MnO and CoO,J. Acoust. Soc. Am.,Vol. 4,045006 (2008)Rishi P. Singh,Manish P. Singh and Rajendra K. Singh

(44)  Absorption and Velocity of Acoustical Waves in Binary Solutions of Poly (Ethylene Glycol) and Water,J. Acoust. Soc. Am.,Vol. 4,045010 (2008)Rajendra K. SinghManish P. Singh and Rishi P. Singh.

(45)  Vibrational Anharmonocity in Transition Metal Nitrides, J. Acoust Soc. India 35,no. 3 pp. 109-114 (2008),pp. 95-99. Rajendra Kumar SinghRishi Pal Singh and Manish Pratap Singh.

(46)  Acoustical Dissipation in Mixed Crystalline System,R.K. Singh et al,J. Pure and Applied Ultrasonics,30(2),74 (2008).

(47)  Acoustical Behaviour of Superionic Silver Halides,R.K. SinghJ. Pure and Applied Ultrasonics 30 (3)110 (2008).

(48)  Adiabatic Compressibility and velocity of  Ultrasound in Binary Solutions of  poly (ethylene glycol) and water,R.K. SinghM.P. Singh,Rishipal Singh,and K.K. Pandey  J. Acout. Soc. India 38,559 (2007).

(49)  Temperature Dependence of Acoustical Dissipation in Transition Metal Carbides.  R.K. Singh,Rishipal Singh and M.P. Singh,J. Acout. Soc. India 38,291 (2007).

(50)  Acoustical relaxation studies in lyotropic mesophase, Rajendra K. Singh Proceedings of the International Congress on Ultrasonics,Vienna,April 9-13,2007,doi:10.3728/ICUltrasonics.2007.Vienna.1024_singh


Some Papers in Conference Proceedings (last 5 years)

1.      Acoustical Behaviour of Nanostructured Material,18-20,Proceedings of 15th National Symposium on Ultrasonics,Nov. 1-3,2006 held at Department of Physics,University of Allahabad,Allahabad

2.      Acoustical Relaxation Studies in Lyotropic Mesophase,R-21,1024 Physical Acoustics,1-4,Proceedings of International Congress on Ultrasonics held in Vienna (Austria),9-13 April,2007,doi:10.3728/ICUltrasonics.2007.Vienna.

3.      Acoustical Dissipation in Thallous Hallides,1-6,Proceedings of 19th International   congress on Acoustics (ICA-2007),Madrid (Spain) Sept. 2-7,2007

4.      Temperature Dependence of Acoustical Dissipation in Transition Metal Carbides,291-295, Proceedings of  National Symposium  on Acoustics -2007  pp. 291-295,Organized by  Acoustical Society of India

5.      Adiabatic compressibility and Velocity of Ultrasound in Binary Solutions of Poly (Ethylene glycol) and Water,559-563, Proceedings of  National Symposium  on Acoustics-2007,  pp. 559-563 Organized  By Acoustical Society of India held at at Vishakhapatnam.

6.      Studies on polymer electrolyte using ionic noise and ultrasonic velocity  Measurement technique: determination of Tm,53-58,Proceedings of 11th  Asian Conference on  Solid State Ionics Solid State Ionics, (2008),pp. 53-58,

7.      Absorption and Velocity of Acoustical Waves in Binary Solutions of Poly (Ethylene Glycol) and Water. 10 PP Proceeding of Meetings on Acoustics,"Acoustics 08"held in Paris,(France),June 29- July 04,2008 Published by Acoustical Society of America

8.      Acoustical Dissipation Due to Phonon-Phonon Interaction, Thermoelastic Loss and Dislocation Damping in MnO and CoO,13 PP,Proceeding of Meetings on Acoustics,"Acoustics 08"held in Paris,(France),June 29- July 04,2008 Published by Acoustical Society of America

9.      Ultrasound Investigation of Poly Ethylene Glycol in Aprotic Solvent: Density and compressibility Study,pp. 449-452,Proceedings  Seventeenth  National Symposium  on Ultrasonics-2008,Dec. 4-6,held at  the Department of Physics, BHU

10. Lattice Anharmonicity in Lithium Hydride and Lithium Deuteride,464-468,Proceedings  Seventeenth  National Symposium  on Ultrasonics-2008,Dec. 4-6,held at  the Department of Physics, BHU

11. Ionic Conductivity of Polymer (Polyethylene Oxide) and Ionic Liquid Composites,140-145 Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Electroactive Polymers held at Jaipur (Oct. 12-17,2008)

Vibrational Anharmonicity in Transition Metal Nitrides,199-204,Proceedings of   National Symposium on Acoustics-2008,(NSA-2008) Visakhapatnam,

13.  Determination of Tm of Poly (ethylene glycol) from temperature dependent viscoelastic studies: Evidence of formation of solvation shell,383-388 Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Electroactive Polymers held at Jaipur (Oct. 12-17,2008)

14.  Studies of Polymeric Solutions Near Melting Temperature of Polymer using Non Destructive Technique,321-326 Proceedings of  National Symposium on Acoustics-2008,(NSA-2008) Visakhapatnam,  

Partial List of papers presented in National/international Conference

1.      Ionic Liquids in Confined Geometry,Fourth International Congress on Ionic Liquids,Coil 4,June 19-24,2011 Washington DC,USA

2.      Studies on Ionic liquids in nanoporous matrices: Fourth International Conference on Electroactive Polymers Materials and Devices: ICEP-2010,Nov 16-20,Surajkund,New Delhi,R K Singh,A K Gupta,M P singh and S Chandra,Vol IV p. 92 (2012).  

3.      Raman Spectroscopic Studies on Polymer (Poly-ethylene Oxide) complexed with salt,LiClO4 and Ionic Liquid [BMIM][PF6]: Fourth International Conference on Electroactive Polymers Materials and Devices: ICEP-2010,Nov 16-20,Surajkund,New Delhi,S K Chaurasia,M OP Singh,R K Singh and S Chandra,Vol IV p. 92 (2012).  

4.      Dielectric relaxation and conductivity studies on PVA based polymer electrolyte films containing different amounts of ionic liquid [EMIM][EtSO4]: Fourth International Conference on Electroactive Polymers Materials and Devices: ICEP-2010,Nov 16-20,Surajkund,New Delhi,R K Singh,A K Gupta,M P Singh and S Chandra,Vol IV p. 92 (2012).  

5.      Studies on ionic liquids confined in porous matrices/membranes,9th National Symposium on Solid State Ionics,Jaypee University,Noida Dec   2011.

6.      Studies on Acoustical Dissipation and Related Parameters in Vth Group Mononitrides,R K singh and R P Singh,Proceedings of 20th International Congress on Acoustics,ICA 2010,23-27 August 2010,Sydney,Australia.  

7.      Properties of Ionic Liquids in Confined Geometry,Symposium on Frontiers of Chemistry Paris,May 21-23,2010.  

8.      Fourth International conference on Electroactive Polymers: Materials and Devices,ICEP-2010,November 21-26,2010,Surajkund,Delhi  

9 .  Viscoelastic studies on Imidazolium Based Ionic Liquid. Eighteenth National symposium on Ultrasonics,NSU-XVIII,VIT University,Vellore- 632 014,Tamil Nadu,Dec. 21-23,2009  Eighth National Conference on solid State Ionics:,H.S. Gour University,Sagar (M.P.) Dec. 7-9,2009

10.  Discussion meeting on Chemical Reactions in Unusual Media,National Chemical Laboratory,Pune,Oct. 8-9,2009. 

11.  Concentration dependent dielectric and thermal studies of liquid crystalline material dispersed in a polymer matrix,16th National conference on Liquid Crystals,J.K. Srivastava,R.K. Singh and S. Singh,Oct. 26-28,2009 held at the Department of physics,University of Lucknow.  

12 .  Seventeenth National symposium on Ultrasonics,NSU-XVII,Deptt. of Physics,B.H.U.,Varanasi Dec. 4-6,2008.  

13 .  Third International Conference on Electroactive Polymers: Materials and devices,ICEP-2008,Jaipur,October 12-17,2008  

14 .  11th Asian Conference on Solid State Ionics,BU-DRDO centre for life Sciences,Bharathiar University,Coimbatore,India,9-13 June 2008. 

15.  Viscoelastic Characterization of Ionic liquids.  Acoustical Characterization of Organic Ionic liquids,National symposium on Ultrasonics,NSU-XVI,Sophisticated Test and Instrumentation Centre,Cochin University of science and Technology,Cochin-682 022,17-19 December,2007.  

16.  Seventh National Conference on Solid State ionics,A.P.S. University,Rewa (M.P.) Nov. 1-3,2007

17.  International congress on Ultrasonics,Vienna,Austria,April 9-12,2007.  

18.  National symposium on Acoustics (NSA-2006),N.P.L.,New Delhi Nov. 16-17,2006.  

19.  Eighth International Conference on Nanostructured Materials (Nano 2006),Department of Metallurgy,Indian Institute of Science,Bangalore 560012,Aug. 25-25,2006  

20.  (i)Ultrasonic Attenuation in Noble Metal Halides(ii) Acoustical Dissipation in Mixed Ionic Crystals Fourteenth National Symposium on Ultrasonics 16-18 Feb. 2006,N.P.L.,New Delhi.

21.  Acoustical Behaviour of Nanocrystalline Ni and Pd,Accepted for Presentation in 15th National Symposium on Ultrasonics,"NSU XV"to be held at University of Allahabad,India.  

22.  Ultrasonic Behaviour of Nanocrystalline Ni3Fe,Presented in 8th International Conference on Nanostructured Materials "Nano 2006"to be held at I.I.Sc. Bangalore,India from Aug. 20-25,2006.

23.  Acoustical Characterization of Superionic Solids,Presented in10th Asian Conference on Solid State Ionics,to be held at PGIS,Kandy Srilanka from June 12-16,2006.

24.  Ultrasonic Attenuation in Mixed NaBr-KBr System.,Presented at 14th National Symposium on Ultrasonics held at NPL,New Delhi from Feb. 14-16,2006.  

25  Acoustical Dissipation in Noble Metal Halides,Presented at 14th National Symposium on Ultrasonics held at NPL,New Delhi from Feb. 14-16,2006.  

26.  Ultrasonic Attenuation in at High Temperatures in Platinum,NSA 2005 held at Aeronautical Research Laboratory,Bangalore.  

27.  Ultrasonic Attenuation in FCC and BCC phases of Ba,NSA 2005 held at Aeronautical Research Laboratory,Bangalore.

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