Dr. R. Shanker

Retires Professor
Ph D (BHU)
Contact Information:
Tel. +91 542 6701568 (O);2317983 (R) Fax:+91 542 2368174
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Academic Qualifications:
S. No.DegreeInstitutionYear
1.B.Sc.Banaras Hindu University1963
2.M.Sc.Banaras Hindu University 1966 Gold - Medalist
3.Ph. D.Banaras Hindu University1972
Brief writeup on area of specialization/awards/achievements:

A. High Resolution Spectroscopy of Diatomic Molecules:
Ph.D. work of Prof. Rama Shanker (1968-72) was mainly involved with studies of the rotational spectra of AsO + and SbF molecules which were recorded by using a 35 feet concave grating spectrograph. His post-doctoral works carried out during 1973-77 at the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B.,Canada and at the Dalhousie University Halifax, Canada have yielded important information on the emission spectra of SiO molecule excited in a chemiluminescent flame and on that of Cl2 molecule excited in a after glow respectively.
B. Inner shell excitation in heavy ion-atom collisions:
Prof. Shanker served as a Scientist-coworker (1978-84) at the University of Bielefeld, Germany. The main emphasis of his work was on the study of impact parameter dependent excitation probabilities in ion- atom collisions using a 350 kV electrostatic linear accelerator. This work yielded very detailed information on the collision dynamics and provided a stringent test for the available theories. The relevant results were of international repute (see, the list of publications).
C. Electron bremsstrahlung, electron backscattering and multiple ionization processes
Prof. Shanker developed the First modern Atomic Physics Laboratory in the department of Physics, BHU under an international collaboration between BHU and the University of Bielefeld, Germany supported by the INSA (Indian National Science Academy) and the DFG (Deutscheforschungsgmeinschaft, Germany). This laboratory houses several instruments, such as, a 50 kV electron gun, a 45 degree parallel plate electrostatic analyzer, a time-of-flight mass spectrometer and a device to measure the backscattered electrons and a Si(Li) detector. Many of these are home-built: the components were designed and fabricated and were made functional at par any custom-built counter component. The laboratory is equipped with a facility to carry out studies of inner-shell ionization, Auger- and X-ray spectroscopy of atoms and molecules, multiple ionization, fragmentation dynamics of simple molecules, electron backscattering and electron bremsstrahlung from thin- and thick targets. The results of the above investigations were published in high impact research journals. Efforts are being made to image the fragmentation dynamics with the aim of investigating the temporal evolution of the collision events in energetic electron impact with simple molecules (for example, atmospheric molecules) by employing a time- and position sensitive multi-hit detector system and the supersonic gas jet producing cold targets.
D. High energy heavy ion-atom collision experiments at NSC
This facility called SCORPION (system for coincidences between recoil and projectile ion) was developed by Prof. Shanker research group on one of the beam lines of the 15 UD Pelletron accelerator at nuclear science centre (NSC), now re-named as Inter University accelerator centre (IUAC), New Delhi during 1990-93. The facility was used to study the recoil ion charge state distributions created in MeV ion- collision with various atoms. In view of the excellent performance of the present Atomic physics laboratory, particularly for the interesting results produced in the last successive DST funded projects, the DST has awarded Prof. Shanker the prestigious RAMANNA FELLOWSHIP (2007).

Ramanna Fellowship (DST: 2007)

Current Research Project:

S. No.Name of the Project DurationSource of FundingAmount of Funding (Rs)
1. A study on dynamical properties of multiply charged molecules of atmospheric interest by ion-ion coincidence TOF technique2013- 2017SERB, DSTRs. 45.0 Lacs

Any additional information:

  • For the first time in the department of Physics, BHU, a modern functional Atomic physics laboratory was developed by me in 1990s soon after I joined the faculty. This laboratory has produced internationally competitive research works on different problems, for example, electron bremsstrahlung, recoil ion spectroscopy, electron backscattering from solid surfaces and on fragmentation processes in molecules; since then, we have published more than 50 papers in reputed journals (please see, the list of my publications).
  • For the first time, my research group took initiative to develop a separate facility for Atomic physics experiment named as, setup for coincidences of recoil and projectile ions (SCORPION) at Inter university accelerator centre (IUAC), New Delhi around 1991. Based on the work done at IUAC, one of my students (Dr. M.J. Singh) was awarded PhD degree in 1996.
  • On the basis of an excellent output of my research works that were produced in recent years, the DST (New Delhi) had awarded me the RAMANNA FELLOWSHIP in year2007 with the project No. 9 listed above. The work proposed in the present project is an extension of the on- going research which could be fruitfully completed by the award of Emeritus-fellowship of UGC, New Delhi.

List of 10 major Publications:

  1. Relative partial ionization cross sections of N2O molecule under impact of 10-25 keV electrons, Pragya Bhatt, Raj Singh, Namita Yadav and R. Shanker, Phys. Rev. A85, 034702 (2012)
  2. Formation, structure and dissociation dynamics of CO2q+ (q<3) ions due to impact of 12-keV electrons, Pragya Bhatt, Raj Singh, Namita Yadav and R. Shanker, Phys. Rev. A85, 042707 (2012)
  3. Momentum spectroscopy of fragment ions of a multiply charged N2O molecule under impact of 10-keV electrons, Pragya Bhatt, Raj Singh, Namita Yadav, and R. Shanker, Phys. Rev. A86, 052708 (2012)
  4. Kinematics and dissociation dynamics of water molecule under impact of 10 keV electrons, Raj Singh, Pragya Bhatt, Namita Yadav, and R. Shanker, Journal of Physics B: Atom.Mol.Opt.Phys 46, 085203 (2013)
  5. Ionic fragmentation of the CO molecule by impact of 10-keV electrons: Kinetic-energy-release distributions, Raj Singh, Pragya Bhatt, Namita Yadav, and R. Shanker, Physical Review A 87, 022709 (2013)
  6. Ionic fragmentation of the CH4 molecule by impact of 10-keV electrons: Kinetic-energy-release distributions and dissociation mechanism, Raj Singh, Pragya Bhatt, Namita Yadav, and R. Shanker, Physical Review A 87, 062706 (2013)
  7. An apparatus to study the energy- and angular distributions of electron- bremsstrahlung photons from gaseous targets, Namita Yadav, Pragya Bhatt, Raj Singh, B. K. Singh, C. A. Quarles and R. Shanker, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 97, 25 (2013)
  8. Ionic fragmentation of CO and H2O under impact of 10 keV electrons: kinetic energy release distributions, R Singh, P Bhatt, N Yadav, R Shanker - Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 488, 052034 (2014)
  9. An experimental setup for studying the fusion edge plasma facing materials using TOF mass spectrometry, Sunil Kumar, Pragya Bhatt, B.K. Singh, Ajai Kumar and R. Shanker, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 385, 32 (2015)
  10. Measurement of ion species produced due to bombardment of 450eV N2+ ions with hydrocarbons-covered surface of tungsten: Formation of tungsten nitride, S. Kumar, P. Bhatt, A. Kumar, B. K. Singh, B. Singh, S. Prajapati, R. Shanker, Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 380, 50-56 (2016)
Full List of Publications:
  1. 3ds excitation in slow Ar-Kr collisions R.Bilau, W.R,McMurray, U.Wille, R.Shanker, R.Hippler and H.O.Lutz, Z.Phys., D-Atoms, Molecules and Clusters. 1. 39(1986).
  2. Collision broadening of molecular-orbital electron spectra in Kr-Xe collisions R.Shanker, R.Hippler, R.Bilau-Faust and H.O.Lutz. Proc.I.C.P.E.A.C. Brighton(U.K.) XV, 625(1987).
  3. Fabrication of a scattering chamber for studies of alignment of atoms in heavy-ion atom collisions, K.N.Pandey, R.Shanker, D.N.Tripathi and D.K.Rai. Ind. J. Tech. 25, 393 (1987).
  4. Time correlation techniques in atomic collision physics R.Shanker, Bulletin of the Indian Physics Association, Bangalore, India, Vol. 18, No. 2, 43 (1987).
  5. Collision broadening of continuum electron in energetic Kr-Xe collisions R.Shanker, R.Hippler, R.B.Faust and H.O.Lutz, Physics Lett., A123, 167(1987).
  6. Continuum electron emission from colliding atoms, R.Shanker, Ind.J.Pure and Apple. Phy. 26, 1-8(1988).
  7. Threshhold excitation of M-and N-shell of Kr and Xe in 1.4 MeV Kr-Xe collisions. R.Shanker, R.Hippler and H.O.Lutz. Proc. I.C.P.E.A.C., New York. XV1 59(1989).
  8. L-shell/subshell ionization cross section of Au and Pb by 250-1000keV proton and deutron impacts, K.N.Pandey, R.Shanker and D.N.Tripathi, Ind.J.Phys.63B. 59(1989).
  9. Observation of Auger-transitions in the Kr-Xe quasimolecule, R.Shanker, R.H.ippler, R.B.Faust and H.O.Lutz, Ind. J. Phys. 63B, 52(1989).
  10. Measurements of the kinematic peak in near-symmetric 580keV Ne2+ -N2 Collisions R.Shanker, Ind. J. Phys. 62B, 59(1989).
  11. Coincidence studies of quasimolecular electron emission in 700keV Ar+-Kr collisions, R.Shanker, U.Werner, R.B. Faust, R.Hippler and U.Wille, Phys. Rev. A40, 2335(1989).
  12. Excitation processes in electronic and atomic collisions R.Shanker, Ind.J. Pure and Appl. Phys. 63b, 52(1989).
  13. Piercing view of an atom through energetic collision experiments: a case of multiple ionization, R.Shanker, and M.J.Singh, Ind.J.Phys.63B.52(1989).
  14. Optimization of a T.O.F. spectrometer for recoil-ion studies, M.J.Singh, R.Shanker, D.O.Kataria, N.Madhavan, and A.K. Sinha, Proc. I.C.P.E.A.C., Aarhus, XV111, 859(1993).
  15. Measurements of the bremsstrahlung radiation from electron atom/molecule collisions R.Shanker, and R.Hippler, Proc.I.C.P.E.A.C. Aarhus. XV111. 158(1993).
  16. Electron bremsstrahlung from free atoms and molecules, R.Shanker, Atomic Molecular and Cluster Physics Ed. S.A. Ahmad, (Book, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, India, p. 326-337(1997).
  17. Energy and charge state dependence of the projectile ion on argon recoils. M.J.Singh, D.O.Kataria, N.Madhran, P.Sughtan, J.J.Das, S.K.Goel, D.K.Awasthi, A.K.Sinha and R.Shanker, Proc. I.C.P.E.A.C., Whistler (Canada), X1X 221(1995).
  18. Atomic physics with high energy heavy ions, R.Shanker, Physics Education a Journal of physics, U.G.C. Publications India, Vol. 12. 5(1995).
  19. Atomic-field bremsstrahlung from 7.0 keV electrons on Ag and Au targets R.Shanker, and S.K.Goel, Proc. I.C.P.E.A.C., Whistler (Canada), X1X, 225(1995).
  20. Studies of recoil ions with a T.O.F. Spectrometer: a report on atomic physics experimental facility development at N.S.C., New Delhi. M.J.Singh, S.K.Goel and R.Shanker, Ind. J. Phys.: 69B, 181(1995).
  21. Relative shape of bremsstrahlung photon energy spectrum from 7.0keV electrons on Ag and Au, S.K.Goel, M.J.Singh and R.Shanker, Phys. Rev. A52, 2453(1995).
  22. Development of an experimental facility for studying atomic field bremsstrahlung from keV electrons interacting with atoms and molecules, S.K.Goel, M.J.Singh and R.Shanker, Pramana: J1. Phys. 45, 291(1995).
  23. Continuum electron-spectra arising from a dynamical variation of the MOs in slow Kr+-Xe collisions. R.Shanker, and R.Bilau-Faust, J.Phys.Soc.Japan.65, 641(1996).
  24. Recent work on bremsstrahlung in keV energy range. R.Shanker and S.K.Goel, Proc. XIV Intern. Conf. on Apllication of Accelerators in Research and Industry. Denton (TX) 29(1996).
  25. Experimental thick-target bremsstrahlung spectra from collisions of 7.0keV electrons with Ag and Au, S.K.Goel and R.Shanker,Phys.RevA5 4, 2056(1996).
  26. Production and studies of highly charged slow moving recoil ions by energetic heavy ion-atom collisions R.Shanker, Proc. XIV Intern. Conf. On Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton(TX) 57(1996).
  27. Two electron processes in the ionization of H2 and D2 by fast protons, Bhas Bapat, E.Krishnakumar, C.P.Safvan, M.J.Singh, S.K.Goel and R.Shanker, Phys. Rev. A54, 2925(1996).
  28. SCORPION: The facility to study coincidences in energetic heavy ion-atom collisions at NSC, New Delhi, M.J.Singh, S.K.Goel, R.Shanker, D.O.Kataria, N..Madhavan, J.J.Das, D,K,Avasthi, P.Sugathan and A.K.Sinha, Pramana: J.Phys.49, 521(1997).
  29. Indigenous facility development for studying an elementary radiation process: the atomic-field bremstrahlung, R.Shanker, S.K.Goel, Ind.J.Phys 71B,363(1997).
  30. Characteristics and non characteristic X �ray emission from SF6 and SO2 molecules by electron impact R.Shanker, R.Hippler, Z. Phys. D.42, 161(1997).
  31. Absolute doubly differential cross sections for bremsstrahlung spectra in 7.0-keV e- -Ag and Au collisions, S.K.Goel and R.Shanker, J.X.ray Science and Tech.7,331(1997).
  32. Measurement of the mean kinetic energy of argon recoil ions produced in MeV Si8+Ar collisions, M.J.Singh, S.K.Goel and R.Shanker, D.O.Kataria, N.Mdhavan, P.Sugathan, J.J.Das, D.K.Awasthi and A.K.Sinha. The European Physical Journal D4, 7 (1998).
  33. Efficiency determination of a Si(Li) detector below 6.0 keV using the atomic field bremsstrahlung, S.K.Goel, M.J.Singh and R.Shanker, Ind J. Phys. 72A, 65(1998).
  34. Angular Dependence of backscattering coefficient for 3.0 keV and 5.0 keV electrons from Tungsten, Rajesh Kumar Singh and R.Shanker, J.Phys. D: Applied Physics, 31, 2221(1998).
  35. Thick target x-ray bremsstrahlung spectra produced in 6.5 keV and 7.5 keV e- -Hf collisions, S.K.Goel, R.Hippler, R.K.Singh, and R.Shanker, Pramana:Jl. Phys,52, 493(1999).
  36. Multiple ionization of argon in coincidence with projectile ions in 60-120 MeV Siq+ -Ar collisions, M.J.Singh, R.Shanker, D.O.Kataria, N.Madhvan, P.Sugathan, J.J.Das, D.K.Awasthi, and A.K.Sinha, Pramana:Jl Physics,53, 743(1999).
  37. Recent experiments on keV electron impact with thick and thin targets at B.H.U. : A progress report, R.K.Singh, R,K,Mohanta, S,K,Goel, R.Hippler, and R.Shanker , Book (Publisher: Phoenix Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India 1999) p166
  38. Development of a new experimental set up for studying collisions of keV electrons with thick and thin targets, R.K.Singh, R.K.Mohanta, R.Hippler, and R.Shanker, Pramana:J. Phys. 58, 499(2002).
  39. Design and fabrication of a time of flight spectrometer for studies of multiple ionization of gases by charged particle impact, R.K.Singh, R.K.Mohanta, M.J.Singh, R.Hippler, and R.Shanker, Pramana:J.Phys. 58, 631(2002).
  40. Ejected electron-ion coincidence measurements of multiple ionization of argon by 10 � 24 keV electron impact, R.K.Singh, R.Hippler, and R.Shanker, J.Phys.B 35, 3243 (2002).
  41. Partial dissociative ionization of SF6 by electron impact using an ejected electron-ion coincidence technique, R.K.Singh, R.Hippler, and R.Shanker, Phys. RevA 67, 022704 (2003) .
  42. Energy and angular distribution of electrons ejected from CH4 and C3H8 under 16 keV electron impact, S.Mondal, R.K.Singh, and R.Shanker, Pramana: J.Phys 60 , 1203 (2003).
  43. Measurement of the mean transverse kinetic energy of recoil ion produced in energetic electron-atom collisions, R.K.Singh, S.Mondal, and R.Shanker, J.Phys. B 36, 489 (2003)..
  44. Differential partial ionization cross section for 10-24 keV electrons colliding with Helium and Neon atoms, R.K.Singh, and R.Shanker, J.Phys.B 36, 1545 (2003).
  45. Polarisation of argon K-x radiation following electron impact ionization, R.K.Singh and R.Shanker. Phys. Rev.A 67, 012708 (2003).
  46. Emission of characteristic and non characteristic x-rays from collisions of 10-22 keV electrons with Argon, R.K.Singh and R.Shanker, J,Phy.B 36, 3031(2003).
  47. Backscattering of 8-28 keV electrons from a thick Tungsten Target , R.K.Yadav, Argala Srivastava, S. Mondal and R.Shanker, J.Phys.D : Appl. Phys. 36, 2538 (2003).
  48. Observation of interference effect in electrons ejected from SF6 molecule under impact of 16 keV electrons , S. Mondal and R. Shanker, Phys. Rev. A69, 060701 (2004)
  49. Energy and angular distributions of backscattered electrons from 8 keV electrons with tungsten, R.K. Yadav and R. Shanker, Phys. Rev. A70, 052901 (2004)
  50. Coincidence electron spectroscopy of electron impact multiple ionization of Argon, S. Mondal and R. Shanker, Phys. Rev. A 72, 062721, December (2005)
  51. Differential cross section measurements of multiply charged Xenon ions produced in 10-28 keV e- - Xe collisions, S. Mondal and R. Shanker, Phys. Rev. A 72, 052705, November (2005)
  52. Relative backscattering yields for electrons and positrons from tungsten at keV energies, R. K .Yadav and R. Shanker, Ind. J. Phys 80(1), 43 (2006)
  53. Doppler effect in fluorine K-Auger line produced in electron induced core ionization of SF6, S. Mondal, R. K. Singh and R. Shanker, J. Chem. Phys. 124, 034301 (2006)
  54. Total ionization cross sections of CH4 and C3H8 molecules for impact of 10-28 keV electrons, S. Mondal and R. Shanker, NIM B, 246, 297 (2006)
  55. Backscattering of 8-28 keV electrons from a thick Al, Ti, Ag, and Pt targets, R. K. Yadav and R. Shanker, J. Electr. Spectros. and Related Phenom. 151, 71 (2006)
  56. Energy and angular distributions of backscattered electrons from collisions of 5 keV electrons with a thick Al, Ti, Ag, W and Pt targets, R. K. Yadav and R. Shanker, Pramana: J. Phys.. 68, 517 (2007)
  57. Contribution of backscattered electrons to the total yield of secondary produced in collisions of 8-28 keV electrons with tungsten, R. K. Yadav and R. Shanker, Pramana: J. Phys.68, 507 (2007)
  58. Bremsstrahlung spectra produced from kilovolt electrons incident on thick targets of Ti, W and Pt, A.N. Agnihotri, V.S. Subrahmanyam, R. K. Yadav, X. Llovet and R. Shanker, J.Phys.D: Appl. Phys 41 065205 (2008)
  59. Measurement of the bremsstrahlung spectra generated from thick targets with Z=22-78 under impact of 10 keV electrons, Namita yadav, Pragya Bhatt, Raj Singh, V. S. Subrahmanyam and R. Shanker, Pramana - Journal of physics, 74, 563 (2010).
  60. Partial ionization cross-sections of a CO2 molecule due to impact of 10-26 keV electrons, Pragya Bhatt, Raj Singh, Namita Yadav and R. Shanker, Phys. Rev. A 82 044702 (2010)
  61. Dissociative-ionization cross sections for 12-keV electron impact on CO2 , Pragya Bhatt, Raj Singh, Namita yadav and R. Shanker, Phys. Rev. A84, 012701 (2011)
  62. Momentum mapping spectrometer for probing the fragmentation dynamics of molecules induced by keV electrons, Raj Singh, Pragya Bhatt, Namita Yadav and R. Shanker, Measurement Science and Technology,22, 055901 (2011)
  63. Study of K-line radiation of thick titanium produced in collisions of keV electrons, Namita Yadav, Pragya bhatt, Raj Singh and R. Shanker, Applied Radiation and Isoptopes,69, 1380 (2011)
  64. Probing the dynamics of collision induced processes in atoms, molecules and solid surfaces with impact of keV electrons, R. Shanker, Ind. J. Phys. Vol. 85, 1705 (2011)
  65. Total M-shell X-ray yields from a thick Pt target irradiated by 10-25 keV electrons, Namita Yadav, Pragya Bhatt, Raj Singh, X. Llovet and R. Shanker, J. Electron Spectros. and Related Phen. 185, 23 (2012)
  66. Relative partial ionization cross sections of N2O molecule under impact of 10-25 keV electrons, PragyaBhatt, Raj Singh, Namita Yadav and R. Shanker, Phys. Rev. A85, 034702 (2012)
  67. Formation, structure and dissociation dynamics of CO2q+ (q<3) ions due to impact of 12-keV electrons, Pragya Bhatt, Raj Singh, Namita Yadav and R. Shanker, Phys. Rev. A85, 042707 (2012)
  68. Characteristic and non-characteristic X-ray yields produced from thick Ti element by sub-relativistic electrons, Namita Yadav, Sunil Kumar, Pragya Bhatt, Raj Singh and R. Shanker Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 185, 448 (2012)
  69. Momentum spectroscopy of fragment ions of a multiply charged N2O molecule under impact of 10-keV electrons, Pragya Bhatt, Raj Singh, Namita Yadav, and R. Shanker, Phys. Rev. A86, 052708 (2012)
  70. Kinematics and dissociation dynamics of water molecule under impact of 10 keV electrons, Raj Singh, Pragya Bhatt, Namita Yadav, and R. Shanker, Journal of Physics B: Atom.Mol.Opt.Phys 46, 085203 (2013)
  71. Ionic fragmentation of the CO molecule by impact of 10-keV electrons: Kinetic-energy-release distributions, Raj Singh, Pragya Bhatt, Namita Yadav, and R. Shanker, Physical Review A 87, 022709 (2013)
  72. Ionic fragmentation of the CH4 molecule by impact of 10-keV electrons: Kinetic-energy-release distributions and dissociation mechanism, Raj Singh, Pragya Bhatt, Namita Yadav, and R. Shanker, Physical Review A 87, 062706 (2013)
  73. An apparatus to study the energy- and angular distributions of electron-bremsstrahlung photons from gaseous targets, Namita Yadav, Pragya Bhatt, Raj Singh, B. K. Singh, C. A. Quarles and R. Shanker, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 97, 25 (2013)
  74. Ionic fragmentation of CO and H2O under impact of 10 keV electrons: kinetic energy release distributions, R Singh, P Bhatt, N Yadav, R Shanker , Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 488, 052034 (2014)
  75. An experimental setup for studying the fusion edge plasma facing materials using TOF mass spectrometry, Sunil Kumar, Pragya Bhatt, B.K. Singh, Ajai Kumar and R. Shanker, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 385, 32 (2015)
  76. Measurement of ion species produced due to bombardment of 450eV N2+ ions with hydrocarbons-covered surface of tungsten: Formation of tungsten nitride, S. Kumar, P. Bhatt, A. Kumar, B. K. Singh, B. Singh, S. Prajapati, R. Shanker, Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 380, 50-56 (2016)
  1. Excitation processe in Electronic and Atomis collisions, Ind.Pure and Appl.Phys.26, 51-66(1990).
  2. Continuum electron emission from colliding atoms,Ind J.Pure and Appl.Phys. 26, 1-8(1998).
  3. Time correlation techniques in atomic collision physics, Bulletin of the Indian Physics Association.Vol.18, 43-49(1987).
  4. Impact parameter dependence of Ar-L shell excitation in slow Ar-Ar collisions.Innershell and X-ray Physics of Atoms and solids, Eds. D.J.Fabian, H.Kleinpoppen and L.M.Watson (Book,Plenum Press)p. 882-85(1981).
  5. Piercing view of an atom through energetic collision experiments : A case of multiple ionization, Ind.J.Phys.63B, 133-62(1993).
  6. Atomic physics with high energy heavy ions, Physics Education (a Journal of Physics,U.G.C. publications, New Delhi, India) 12, 5-11(1995).
  7. Electron bremsstrahlung from free atoms and molecules, Atomic, Molecular and Cluster Physics (Ed. S.A.Ahmad, Book, Narosa publishing House,New Delhi) p 326-37(1997).
  8. Recent Experiments on keV electron impact with thick and thin targets at B.H.U. : a progress report in Recent Advances in Atomic and Molecular Physics, Ed. R.Srivastava, Phoenix Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India, p166 (2001).
  9. Electron impact processes in solid and gaseous targets at keV energies, Eds. SC Mukherjee, SS Bhattacharya and SP Sen Gupta, Allied Publishers Ltd., New Delhi, India, P.100 (2003)
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