Dr. S.N. Thakur

Retired Professor
Ph D (Banaras Hindu University)
Contact Information:
Tel. +91 542 2575142, Mo. +91 9415816659
Email Id:[email protected]

Academic Qualifications:
S. No.DegreeInstitutionYear
1.B.Sc.Banaras Hindu University1962
2.M.Sc.Banaras Hindu University1964
3.Ph. D.Banaras Hindu University1968
Brief writeup on area of specialization/awards/achievements:

Laser Spectroscopy, Intramolecular Force Fields, Rotational contour analysis and molecular structure in excited electronic states, Photothermal and Photoacoustic Spectroscopy Optogalvanic and Multiphoton ionization Spectroscopy, Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy


  • Fellow Laser & Spectroscopy Society of India President Physics Section Indian Science Congress 1991
  • Fulbright Scholar 1982
  • British Council Visiting Scientist 1981
  • UGC Career Awardee 1979-80
  • UGC National Associate 1977
  • 1851 Exhibition Scholar of Royal Commission London 1970
  • Chancellor Gold Medalist Banaras Hindu University 1964
Projects Undertaken as PI/ Co PI:

8 Major Research Projects on Lasers and Molecular Spectroscopy funded by UGC, CSIR, DST, DRDO

Any additional information:
  • Head, Department of Physics, BHU, 1986-88
  • Vice-Chairman, School Board, BHU, 1996-98
  • Dean, Faculty of Science, BHU, 1998-2001
  • Chairman, Committee to Rationalize Diploma/Certificate Courses, BHU, 2003-04
  • Chairman, Central Purchase Committee, BHU, 2004-05
    I have been associated with the popularization of science at school level by presenting lectures and demonstrations on LASERS, ATOMS & MOLECULES and the UNIVERSE. I am also helping the cause of primary education of village girls.
  • Co-Author of following Books:
    1. ATOMIC SPECTRA, STRUCTURE & MODERN SPECTROSCOPY Vaivaswat Publication, Varanasi (2005)
    2. LASER INDUCED BREAKDOWN SPECTROSCOPY Elsevier Publication, Amsterdam (2007)
    3. ATOM, LASER & SPECTROSCOPY Prentice Hall of India, Delhi (2010)

List of 10 Major publications

  1. Quantitative analysis of gallstones using LIBS, V.K.Singh,V.Singh, A.K.Rai, S.N.ThakurP.K.Rai & J.P. Singh, Appl. Optics 47 (2008) G-38-47
  2. Study of frequency upconversion in Yb3+/Eu3+ by cooperative energy transfer in oxyfluoroborate glass matrix Y. Dwivedi, S. N. Thakur & S. B. Rai, Appl.Phys.B89 (2007) 45- 51
  3. A3?1u?X1?+ laser photoacoustic spectroscopy of Br2 vapour in the exteme red wavelength region 665-720nm. R.C. Sharma, S.N. Thakur & K.C. Lin, Spectrochim Acta A60, 1889 (2004).
  4. Photoacoustic spectra and modes of vibration of TNT and RDX at CO2 laser wavelengths. R.L. Prasad, R. Prasad, G.C. Bhar & S.N. Thakur, Spectrochim Acta A58, 3093 (2002).
  5. Two-photon photoacoustic spectroscopy of acetone 3p Rydberg states. S.N. Thakur, D. Guo, T.K. Kundu and L. Goodman, Chem. Phys Lett. 199,335 (1992).
  6. Rydberg series in the visible two-photon optogalvanic spectrum of neon. S.N. Thakur and K. Narayanan, Optics Commun. 94, 59 (1992).
  7. A benchmark vibrational potential surface: Ground state benzene. L. Goodman, A.G. Ozkabak & S.N. Thakur, J. Phys. Chem. 95, 9044, 1991.
  8. Vibrational assignments in the 288nm A1A�?X1A� electronic absorption spectrum of styrne. J.M. Hollas, E. Khalilipour & S.N. Thakur, J. Molec. Spectroscopy, 73, 240 (1978).
  9. A reassignment in the 3200 A electronic spectrum of pyrazine. S.N. Thakur and K.K. Innes, J. Molec. Spectroscopy, 52, 130 (1974).
  10. Rotational band contour analysis in the 3120 A system of naphthalene. J.M. Hollas, & S.N. Thakur, Molec. Phys. 22, 203 (1971).
Full List of Publications:
  1. Zeeman effect in the 0-0 band of OD. S.N. Thakur, D.K. Rai & N.L. Singh, J. Chem. Phys. 48, 3389 (1968).
  2. Potential curves and bond strength of CP, BeO, MgO. S.N. Thakur & R.B. Singh, J. Sci. Res. (BHU) 18, 253 (1967-68).
  3. Potential energy curves and nature of binding in group IIIA monohalides. S.N. Thakur, R.B. Singh and D.K. Rai, J. Sci. Ind. Res. 27, 339 (1968).
  4. Chemical bonding in the low lying electronic states of copper halides. S.N. Thakur, K.P.R. Nair & D.K. Rai, Ind. J. Pure & Appl. Phys. 7, 529 (1969).
  5. High resolution studies in the near UV spectrum of p-fluorophenol. S.N. Thakur & S.K. Tiwari, Ind. J. Pure & Appl. Phys. 7, 570 (1969).
  6. Shape of p-difluorobenzene molecule in 1B2u electronic state. S.N. Thakur & N.L. Singh, Ind. J. Pure & Appl. Phys. 7, 765(1969).
  7. High resolution studies in the near UV spectrum of fluorochlorobenzenes. S.N. Thakur & K.N. Upadhya, J. Mol. Struct. 4, 459 (1970).
  8. Rotational analysis of the electronic bands of p-fluoroaniline. S.N. Thakur, S.K. Tiwari & D.K. Rai, J. Mol. Struct. 5, 309 (1970).
  9. Potential energy curves for some astral radicals. S.N. Thakur & R.B. Singh, J. Sci. Res. (BHU) 20, 58 (1969-70).
  10. Infrared and electronic absorption spectra of isoquinoline. R.A. Amma, S.N. Thakur, and K.P.R. Nair, Appl. Spectr. 24, 344 (1970).
  11. Rotational structure in the 1p-1S transition of CS 34 molecule. A.K. Chaudhary, K.N. Upadhya & S.N. Thakur, Ind. J. Phys. 44, 375 (1971).
  12. On the change in molecular geometry with electronic excitation. P.C. Mishra, S.N. Thakur & D.K. Rai, J. Mol & Cryst. 1, 99 (1971).
  13. The p - p * electronic absorption spectra of p-dibormobenzene-h4 and d4. J.V. Shukla, K.N. Upadhya &S.N. Thakur, Appl. Spectroscopy, 25, 85 (1971).
  14. Ultraviolet spectra & structure of the isomeric fluoro & chloro toluenes. P.C. Mishra, S.N. Thakur & D.K. Rai, J. Mol. Struct. 8, 319 (1971).
  15. Rotational band contour analysis in the 3120 A system of naphthalene. J.M. Hollas, & S.N. Thakur, Molec. Phys. 22, 203 (1971).
  16. Absorption spectrum of pyridine-d5. J.V. Shukla, K.N. Upadhya & S.N. Thakur, Appl. Spectroscopy, 26, 283 (1972).
  17. Rotational analysis of the A1A�?X1A� electronic system of substituted naphthalenes I: 2-fluoro, 2-hydroxy and 2-aminonaphthalenes. J.M. Hollas and S.N. Thakur, Molec. Phys. 25, 1315 (1973).
  18. The electronic emission of banzaldehyde vapour. J.M. Hollas and S.N. Thakur, Chem. Phys. 1, 385 (1973).
  19. A reassignment in the 3200 A electronic spectrum of pyrazine. S.N. Thakur and K.K. Innes, J. Molec. Spectroscopy, 52, 130 (1974).
  20. Rotational analysis in the A 1A�?X 1A� electronic system of substituted naphthalenes II 1-fluoro, 1-hydroxy &1-aminonaphthalenes. J.M. Hollas and S.N. Thakur, Molec. Phys. 27, 1001 (1974).
  21. Rotational band contour analysis in the 280nm system of p-dibromobenzene. P.H. Hepburn, J.M. Hollas & S.N. Thakur, J.Molec. Phys. 29, 637 (1975).
  22. The 352nm emission spectrum of difluorodiazirine. P.H. Hepburn, J.M. Hollas & S.N. Thakur, J.Molec. Spectroscopy, 54, 483 (1975).
  23. Geometry of benzaldehyde molecule in the first triplet excited state. S.N. Thakur, Ind. J. Phys. 51B, 184 (1977).
  24. Vibrational assignments in the 288nm A1A�?X1A� electronic absorption spectrum of styrne. J.M. Hollas, E. Khalilipour & S.N. Thakur, J. Molec. Spectroscopy, 73, 240 (1978).
  25. Rotational band contour analysis of the A1A�?X1A� electronic transitions in 1- and 2- chloronaphthalenes. R.A. Singh, &S.N. Thakur, Molec. Phys. 36, 1053 (1978).
  26. Electronic emission spectrum of p-fluorobenzaldehyde vapour. M.A. Haque & S.N. Thakur, Chem. Phys. 32, 305 (1978).
  27. Effect os substitution on the electronic spectra of benzaldehyde. M.A. Haque & S.N. Thakur, J. Molec. Struct. 59, 163 (1979).
  28. Rotational isomerism of fluro and chlorobenzaldehydes. M.A. Haque & S.N. Thakur, Chem. Phys. Lett. 66, 561 (1979).
  29. The a3A�?X1A� phosphorescence of chlorobenzaldehyde vapour. M.A. Haque & S.N. Thakur, Ind. J. Pure &. Appl. Phys. 18, 429 (1980).
  30. 1A� (np*)?X1A� absorption spectra of fluoro and chlorobenzaldehydes. M.A. Haque & S.N. Thakur, Ind. J. Phys. 55B, 477 (1981).
  31. Electronic emission spectra of o- and m- fluorobenzaldehyde vapours. M.A. Haque & S.N. Thakur, Pramana, 17, 163 (1981).
  32. Electronic transition moments in the spectra of substituted naphthalenes. R.A. Singh, & S.N. Thakur, J. Cryst. & Molec. Struct 13, 2317 (1982).
  33. On the vibrational structure involving C=O stretch in vapour phase phosphorescence of p-benzoquinone-h4 and d4 V.N. Pandey & S.N. Thakur, Proce. Chem. Sci. 42, 127 (1983).
  34. The near UV vapour absorption spectra of 1-hydroxynaphthalene and 2-hydroxynapthalene. V.N. Pandey & S.N. Thakur, Proce. Chem. Sci. 92, 133 (1983).
  35. Infrared and Raman studies of some naphthols. S.Ram,V.N. Pandey & S.N. Thakur, Pramana, 20, 163 (1983).
  36. High resolution studies in the electronic absorption spectra of mono-substituted naphthalenes 1-fluoro and 1-chloronaphthlenes. R.A. Singh and S.N. Thakur, J. Mol. Spectros. 102, 1 (1983).
  37. Force constants of metal hexafluorides. S.N. Thakur and D.K. Rai, J. Mol. Spectroscopy, 19, 341 (1966).
  38. Kinematical evaluation of force constants-Application to trihalides of phosphorous and arsenic. S.N. Rai and S.N. Thakur, Austr. J. Chem. 23, 818 (1970).
  39. Force constants of molecules with strongly coupled vibrations. S.N. Rai and S.N. Thakur, J.Mol. Struct. 5, 420 (1970).
  40. Extremal properties of force constants in octahedral hexafluorides. S.N. Thakur, D.V.R.A. Rao & D.K. Rai, Ind. J. Pure Appl. Phys, 8, 196 (1970).
  41. Intramolecular force field and chemical bonding in trihalides of antimony and bismuth. S.N. Rai and S.N. Thakur, Ind. J. Pure & Appl. Phys. 8, 367 (1970).
  42. Force constants of SF6 from isotopic substitution. S.N. Thakur, J. Mol. Struct. 7, 315, (1971).
  43. Ionicity of M-X bond in the tetrahalides of group IV elements. S.N. Ram, S.N. Thakur and D.K. Rai, J. Mol. Struct. 8, 55 (1971).
  44. Intramolecular force of field of osmium tetroxide. S.N. Ram and S.N. Thakur, Ind. J. Pure & Appl. Phys. 9, 34 (1971).
  45. Intramolecular force field in group VB trihalides. S.N. Rai and S.N. Thakur, Ind. J. Pure & Appl. Phys. 9, 61 (1971).
  46. Force constants of BF4- in alkali halide crystal lattices. S.N. Thakur, Ind. J. Pure & Appl. Phys. 9, 293 (1971).
  47. An approximate force field for CX3H and CX3D molecules. R.S. Ram, S.N. Thakur, D.K.Rai and K.N. Upadhya, Ind. J. Pure & Appl. Phys. 9, 403 (1971).
  48. Molecular force fields of some anions and molecules of MX6 type (X=Cl). S.N. Rai, S.N. Thakur, and D.K.Rai, Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci. 74A, 243 (1971).
  49. Normal coordinate analysis of nitrogen trichloride. S.N. Rai, B. Rai, S.N. Thakur & K.P.R. Nair, Z. Naturforsch. 27a, 865 (1972).
  50. Complete harmonic force field for benzene ground state in-plane vibrations. A.G. Ozkabak, L. Goodman, S.N. Thakur & K.Krogh-Jespersen, J. Chem. Phys. 83, 6047, 1985.
  51. The benzene ground state potential surface I: Fundamental frequencies for planar vibrations. S.N. Thakur, L. Goodmann & A.G. Ozkabar, J. Chem. Phys. 84, 6642, 1986.
  52. Ab initio simulation of benzene Raman intensities. A.G. Ozkabak, S.N. Thakur & L. Goodman, Int. J. Quant. Chem. 39, 411, 1991.
  53. A benchmark vibrational potential surface: Ground state benzene. L. Goodman, A.G. Ozkabak & S.N. Thakur, J. Phys. Chem. 95, 9044, 1991.
  54. Ground State Normal Vibrations and force fields of ethynyl benzene. K.M. Singh, R.A. Singh & S.N. Thakur, Spectrochim Acta 55A, 269, 1995.
  55. A high pressure nitrogen laser. J.P. Singh & S.N. Thakur, J. Res. & Industry, 23, 227 (1978).
  56. Nitrogen laser: A review. J.P. Singh & S.N. Thakur, J. Sci. & Inds. Res. 39, 613 (1980).
  57. Rotational structure variation in the 337.1nm N2 laser radiation. J.P. Singh & S.N. Thakur, Appl. Optics, 19, 1697 (1980).
  58. Beam shape in transversely excited N2 laser. J.P. Singh & S.N. Thakur, Ind. J. Phys. 55B, 422 (1981).
  59. Ionization waves of potential gradient in transversely excited N2 Laser cavity. C. Lal & S.N. Thakur, Appl. Optics, 21, 2317 (1982).
  60. Vibrational perturbation in the 1B2u?1Ag two- photon spectrum of p-difluorobenzene. S.N. Thakur, J.G. Philis and L. Goodman, Chem. Phys. Lett. 95, 290 (1983).
  61. Rotational Relaxation in high pressure N2 laser. C. Lal & S.N. Thakur, Appl. Optics, 22, 730 (1983).
  62. Systematics in two-photon rovibronic contours of 1410(1B2u?1Ag) in benzene derivatives. S.N. Thakur and L. Goodman, J. Chem. Phys. 78, 4356 (1983).
  63. Argon ion laser seed treatment of vigna ridiata L seedlings. S.R. Govil, D.C. Agrawal, K.P. Rai and S.N. Thakur, Proc. Ind. Nat. Acad. B49, 71 (1983).
  64. Beam and spectral characteristics of laser radiation from an axially excited N2 laser. C. Lal & S.N. Thakur, Laser & Application, Eds. H.D. Bist & J.S. Goela McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1984, p.61.
  65. Studies on an axially excited N2 laser. C.Lal & S.N. Thakur, Ind. J. Phys. 59B, 129 (1985).
  66. A simple preionized transversely excited low pressure N2 laser. C. Lal & S.N. Thakur, Ind. J. Phys. 60B, 205 (1986).
  67. Effect of dc voltage on the laser optogalvanic spectrum of iodine molecule. A.K.Rai, S.B. Rai, D.K. Rai & S.N. Thakur, Chem. Phys. Lett. 138, 215 (1987).
  68. Population monitoring in the B-X system of HgBr by laser optogalvanic spectroscopy. V. Kumar, A.K. Rai, D.K. Rai & S.N. Thakur, Chem. Phys. Lett. 142, 217 (1987).
  69. A simple laser power meter dependent on photoacoustic effect. V.N. Rai, S.N. Thakur, D.K. Rai, J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum. 20, 1472 (1987).
  70. Physics and technology of N2 laser. S.N. Thakur, Proc IPA-DST Workshop on Gas Lasers, IAT Pune March 1988, Sec. 5.7.
  71. A dc laser pump results in an ac photoacoustic signal. V.N. Rai, B.N. Singh and S.N. Thakur, Appl. Optics 28, 651 (1989).
  72. Overtone spectra of benzene derivatives using thermal lensing. J. Vipin Prasad, S.B. Rai and S.N. Thakur, Chem. Phys. Lett. 158, 686 (1989).
  73. Rydberg series in the visible two-photon optogalvanic spectrum of neon. S.N. Thakur and K. Narayanan, Optics Commun. 94, 59 (1992).
  74. Methyl rotor effects on acetone Rydberg spectra I. The (3px?n)1A2?1A1 transition. T.K. Kundu, S.N. Thakur and L. Goodman, J. Chem. Phys. 97, 5410, 1992.
  75. Photoacoustic spectra of naphthalenes:2-chloro, 2-bromo and 2-hydroxynaphthalene. V.N. Rai, J.P.Singh and S.N. Thakur, J. Mol. Struct 68, 67 (1980).
  76. A photoacoustic spectrometer for studies of solid samples. V.N. Rai, J.P. Singh and S.N. Thakur, Res. & Industry 26, 165 (1981).
  77. Photoacoustic spectroscopy: A technique of listening to the interaction of radiation with matter. V.N. Rai and S.N. Thakur, Physics News (India) 12, 102 (1981).
  78. Photoacoustic effect and the science of listening to light. S.N. Thakur, PRAJNA (BHU) 26-27, 93 (1981).
  79. Electret microphone for use in photoacoustic spectrometer and photoacoustic spectrum of some rare earth oxide powders. V.N. Rai, L.B. Tiwari, S.N. Thakur and D.K. Rai, Pramana 19, 579 (1982).
  80. Photoacoustic spectra of isomeric amino and hydroxy pyridines. V.N. Pandey, L.B. Tiwari S.N. Thakur, J. Molec. Liq. 26, 85 (1983).
  81. Photoacoustic spectroscopy for absorption, transmission and reflection studies in solids. L.B. Tiwari and S.N. Thakur, J.Optics (India) 12, 74 (1983).
  82. Photoacoustic spectra of naphthalenes:1-fluoro, 1-chloro, 1-bromo and 1-hydroxynaphthalene. V.N. Pandey and S.N. Thakur, J. Optics (India) 12, 79 (1983).
  83. Photoacoustic studies on excitation transfer in Rh6G and RhB. V.N. Rai, S.N. Thakur and D.K. Rai, Pramana 22, 215 (1984).
  84. Photoacoustic studies on oxygen bubbling in RhB dye solution. V.N. Rai, S.N. Thakur and D.K. Rai, Ind. J. Phys. 58B, 348 (1984).
  85. Photoacoustic spectra of some biologically active metal chelates. L.B. Tiwari, L. Mishra and S.N. Thakur, Lasers & Applications, Eds. H.D. Bist and J.S. Goela, McGraw Hill, New Delhi (1984) p.149.
  86. Photoacoustic spectroscopy of some biologically active metal chelates II. L.B. Tiwari, L. Mishra and S.N. Thakur, J.Sci Res (BHU) 35, 57 (1985).
  87. Photoacoustic studies on neutron irradiated rare earth oxide powders. V.N. Rai, S.N. Thakur, and D.K. Rai, Appl. Spectrosc. 40, 1211 (1986).
  88. Photoacoustic spectrometer for gaseous samples. C. Lal and S.N. Thakur, Res. and Industry 31, 124 (1986).
  89. Photoacoustic spectra of biologically active metal chelates. L.B. Tiwari, L. Mishra and S.N. Thakur, Spectrochim Acta. 44A, 317 (1988).
  90. Intramolecular energy transfer in photoacoustic spectra of dyes. S.Rai, S.B. Rai, and S.N. Thakur, Spectrochim Acta. 44A, 1473 (1988).
  91. Photoacoustic studies rare earth ions doped in Calibo Glass. S. Rai, A.K. Rai and S.N. Thakur, Ind. J. Pure & Appl. Phys. 26, 649 (1988).
  92. The photoacoustic spectra of rare earth tyrosine hydrazide-8-hydroxyquinone and ammonium metavanadate. S.Rai, S.B. Rai, and S.N. Thakur, Proc. Chem. Sci (Ind. Acad.) 101, 351 (1989).
  93. Photoacoustic spectra of some fungicidal metal complexes. S. Rai, L. Mishra and S.N. Thakur, Spectrochim. Acta. 46A, 429 (1990).
  94. High resolution photoacoustic spectroscopy of Ho2O3 and Nd2O3 powder with piezoelectric detector. K. Narayanan and S.N. Thakur, Photoacoustic & Photothermal Phenomena II, Ed. J.C.Murphy, Springer Verlag (Berlin) 62, 214 (1990).
  95. High resolution photoacoustic spectra of Ho2O3 and Nd2O3. K. Narayanan and S.N. Thakur, Appl. Optics 29, 2478 (1990).
  96. High resolution photoacoustic spectra of Ho3+ and Er3+ in chloride hexahydrate matrix. K. Narayanan and S.N. Thakur, Appl. Optics 30, 1175 (1991).
  97. Phtoacoustic spectrum of iodine in the 490-680 nm (20402-14700 cm-1). K. Narayanan and S.N. Thakur, Appl. Optics 31, 4987 (1992).
  98. The effect of an external constraint on the photoacoustic spectrum of Nd2O3 powder. K.Narayanan and S.N. Thakur, Appl. Optics 31, 5785 (1992).
  99. Two-photon photoacoustic spectroscopy of acetone 3p Rydberg states. S.N. Thakur, D. Guo, T.K. Kundu and L. Goodman, Chem. Phys Lett. 199,335 (1992).
  100. Non- radiative de-excitation mechanisms in the visible spectrum of I2 vapour. K.Narayanan and S.N. Thakur, Spectrochim Acta. 48A, 1573 (1992).
  101. Photoacoustic spectral studies of mixtures of dye solutions and adsorbed on Al2O3 surfaces. S. Rai & S. N. Thakur, Optica Pura Appl. (Spain) 25, 185 (1992)
  102. Thermal neutron irradiation study of trichlorides of Pr and Ho by photoacoustic technique. S.Rai & S.N. Thakur, J. Pure & Appl. Phys. 31, 552 (1993).
  103. Overtone Spectroscopy of Anilines and halo-anilines J. Vipin Prasad, I.B.Singh,S.B.Rai & S.N.Thakur, Ind. J.Phys. 69B (1995) 315
  104. 102Laser spectroscopy of Rydberg states in atoms and molecules. S.N. Thakur, Spectroscopy: Perspectives and Frontiers Editor A.P. Roy, Narosa Publishing House (New Delhi) (1997) p.215.
  105. Laser Optogalvanic spectroscopy of argon in the wavelength region 605-740. R.C. Sharma, T. Kundu and S.N. Thakur, Pramana 50, 419 (1998).
  106. Overlapping B3?0u?X1?g+ and 1?1u?X1?g+ non-radiative characteristics of Br2 vapour in the wavelength region 505-541 nm. R.C. Sharma & S.N. Thakur, Pramana 56, 87 (2001).
  107. Structure and spectra of molecules. S.N. Thakur, Nonlinear optics & Laser Spectroscopy Editor SC Abi & SA Ahmad, Narosa Publishing House (New Delhi) (2001), p.323.
  108. Dynamics of moleclules. S.N. Thakur, ibid p. 347.
  109. Two-photon spectroscopy of molecules. S.N. Thakur, ibid p. 365.
  110. High resolution spectroscopy of molecules. S.N. Thakur, ibid p. 377.
  111. Photoacoustic spectra of some biological metal Chelates. R.L. Prasad & S.N. Thakur, Spectrochim Acta A58, 441 (2002).
  112. Photoacoustic spectra and modes of vibration of TNT and RDX at CO2 laser wavelengths. R.L. Prasad, R. Prasad, G.C. Bhar & S.N. Thakur, Spectrochim Acta A58, 3093 (2002).
  113. CO2 laser photoacoustic spectra and vibrational modes of heroin, morphine and narcotine. R.L. Prasad, S.N. Thakur & G.C. Bhar. Pramana 59, 487 (2002).
  114. CO2 laser photoacoustic spectroscopy of some hazardous moleclules. S.N. Thakur, Proc. 57th Ohio University International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, Columbus, Ohio USA (2002).
  115. Monitoring air pollution using infrared photoacoustic spectra of organic vapours. R.L. Prasad & S.N. Thakur, J. Ind. Chem. Soc. 80, 341 (2003).
  116. Laser spectroscopy of overtone vibrational bands. S.N. Thakur, Proc. An International Conf. on Emerging Frontiers in Physical Sciences (2004) Allahabad, India. p.26.
  117. Photoacoustic Spectroscopy: Measurement in leaves and Application in plant sciences, A. K. Rai & S. N. Thakur, Bulletin Laser and Spectrosc. Soc. India, 13, 30 (2004) .
  118. Photoacoustic spectra of Sm3+ ion in Sm2O3:6H2O in the spectral profile 484-542nm. B. Mandal & S.N. Thakur, Spectrochim Acta A60, 933 (2004).
  119. A3?1u?X1?+ laser photoacoustic spectroscopy of Br2 vapour in the exteme red wavelength region 665-720nm. R.C. Sharma, S.N. Thakur & K.C. Lin, Spectrochim Acta A60, 1889 (2004).
  120. LIBS application to material analysis. S.N. Thakur, Proc. PITTCON-2005, Orlando, Florida USA p.101.
  121. Photoacoustic Spectroscopy, A. K. Rai, S. N. Thakur and J. P. Singh, Ewing�s Analytical Instrumentation Handbook, Ed. Jack Cazes, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, USA, Chapter 9, 257 (2005).
  122. High resolution electronic absorption spectrum of 2-fluoronaphthalene. R.A. Singh & S.N. Thakur, Ind. J. Pure & Appl. Phys. 44. 5 (2006).
  123. Two-Coherent-Wave Coupling in Rhodamine-110 doped Boric Acid Glass Solid Films R.C.Sharma,A.Barman,S.N.Thakur & J.P.Singh, J.Opt.Soc.Am B24 (2007) 1130
  124. Study of frequency upconversion in Yb3+/Eu3+ by cooperative energy transfer in oxyfluoroborate glass matrix Y. Dwivedi, S. N. Thakur & S. B. Rai, Appl.Phys.B89 (2007) 45- 51
  125. Identification of nitro-compounds with LIBS S. Rai, A.K. Rai & S.N. Thakur, Appl. Phys. B91 (2008) 645-650
  126. Quantitative analysis of gallstones using LIBS V.K.Singh,V.Singh, A.K.Rai, S.N.ThakurP.K.Rai & J.P. Singh, Appl. Optics 47 (2008) G-38-47
  127. Detection sensitivity of LIBS for Cr II in liquid sample N. K. Rai, A. K. Rai, A. Kumar & S. N. Thakur, Appl. Optics 47 (2009) G-105-111
  128. Overtone spectroscopy of chlorine substituted benzene derivatives Y. Dwivedi, S.N.Thakur & S.B.Rai, Spectrochim Acta A71 (2009) 1952
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