Dr. Surendra Prasad

Ph.D. (BHU)
Associate Professor
Contact Information:
Tel. +91-542-2307308, 2368390 Fax: +91-542-236817
Email Id:[email protected]; [email protected]

Academic Qualifications:
S. No.DegreeInstitutionYear
1.B.Sc.Banaras Hindu University2001
2.M.Sc.Banaras Hindu University2003
2.Ph.D.Banaras Hindu University2012
Area of specialization: It is well known that when the outermost period of ideal infinite photonic crystals is incomplete, localized surface modes may appear on the truncation surface. These localized modes are electromagnetic waves which travel along interface and decay exponentially along normal direction away from the surface into both the photonic crystals and the homogeneous background. These modes have potential applications in sensors, modulators, PCs based waveguides, and in the enhancement of surface non-linear effects, etc. In our research group, we model the properties and propagation characteristics of surface modes at photonic crystals and homogenous medium. These photonic crystals consist of plasma, metamaterials, hyper-crystals, and non-conventional materials, etc. We also investigate the propagation of electromagnetic waves in layered media, photonic band gap materials, metamaterials, acoustically perturbed optical materials, ferrites, plasmas, etc. We are also modeling effect of acoustic perturbation on photonic crystals.

Academic responsibilities/Patents/Life members to society etc:
  1. Life membership of Plasma Science Society of India (LM-532)
  2. Life membership of Indian Physics association (VAR/LM/12909)
  3. Life membership of Laser and spectroscopy society of India (M.S. No. 413-12) membership date: 04/12/2012
  4. Treasurer, Indian Physics Association (IPA), Varanasi chapter from, 2010-12
  5. Secretary, Indian Physics Association (IPA), Varanasi chapter from 2012-2014
  6. Vice-president, Indian Physics Association (IPA), Varanasi Chapter from 2014-2016 & 2016-2020.
  7. Attended workshop on electronic and ionic materials and devices, at department of Physics, BHU, Varanasi, March 25-27, 2011.
  8. Participated in BHU alumni meet and seminar on higher education and sustainable development: emerging challenges and Mahamana visions, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Dec. 24-25, 2010.
  9. Participated in workshop on Python programming: scientific applications, Department of Physics, MMV, BHU, Varanasi, July 15-16, 2011.
  10. Attended Indo-Japan international workshop on specialty optical fibre, nanophotonics and devices, CGCRI, Kolkata, January 6-7, 2012.
  11. Attended workshop on recent trends in space physics, atmospheric physics and astrophysics at Department of Physics, BHU, Varanasi, 1 week, March 12-17, 2012.
  12. 5th DAE-BRNS Theme Meeting on EXFOR Compilation of Nuclear at Deptt. of physics, BHU, Varanasi, February 18-22, 2013.
  13. Winter School on Advances in Laser Spectroscopy and applications at Deptt. of physics, BHU, Varanasi, March 22-28, 2014.
  14. Winter School on Accelerator, Nuclear and Particle Physics at Deptt. of physics, BHU, Varanasi, March 29 to April 04, 2014.
  15. Participated in PSSI IPR workshop on National Fusion Program ITER and beyond held at Ahmedabad during November 8-10, 2006.
  16. Ritesh Kumar Chourasia, S. Prasad, Vivek Singh, Tunable inline narrow band optical Bragg filter, Application no. 201711004991A Date of application: 13/02/2017; Date of publication: 03/03/2017, Issue no. 09/2017; Friday; No. of pages:15International classification: G02B/34.
  17. Ritesh Kumar Chourasia, Ankita Srivastava, S. Prasad, Vivek Singh, Bragg fiber waveguide bio-sensor based on defect mode, Application no. 201711015130A, date of application: 28/04/2017; date of publication: 12/05/2017; issue no. 19/2017; Friday; No. of pages:21, International classification: G02B6/26.
  18. From 2003-2005 Associated with Institute for Plasma Research (I. P. R.), Gandhinagar.
  19. From 2005 onwards assistant Professor in the Department of Physics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
Paper presented at local/national/international conferences:
  1. Contributory talk (Oral) at the International Symposium-cum-workshop on lase induced spectroscopy held at deptt. of Physics, University of Allahabad during Feb. 19-21, 2018.
  2. Contributory talk at the National conference on biological applications of nanomaterials organized by amity institute of biotechnology, Amity University, Lucknow Campus on 9th January 2018.
  3. Invited talk at the 32nd National Symposium on Plasma Science & Technology hosted by Institute for Plasma Research, Gandhinagar (Gujarat) during 07-10 November 2017 at Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
  4. International Conference on Multifunction Materials, organized by Deptt. of physics, BHU Varanasi on December 7-9, 2010: S. Prasad, Vivek Singh, A. K. Singh Enhancement of Phase Matching Ability using a Multicomponent One-Dimensional Photonic Crystal.
  5. National Conference on Nanomaterials & applications: present position and road ahead organized by Deptt. of physics, BHU Varanasi on March 16-18, 2011: S. Prasad, Vivek Singh, A. K. Singh The effect of collisions on zero permittivity band gap in one dimensional multilayered periodic structure containing plasma March 16-18, 2011.
  6. International Conference on Nanomaterials with Security reference to energy security [NMES-2014] organized by Deptt. of physics, BHU Varanasi on 12-14 March, 2014: S. Prasad, Effective plasma frequency of binary one dimensional plasma photonic crystal having linearly graded material.
  7. International Conference on Frontiers of Spectroscopy organized by Deptt. of physics, BHU Varanasi on January 10-12, 2015: S. Prasad, S. Shukla, Vivek Singh Surface mode excitation on air and 1D plasma photonic crystal interface.
  8. Contributed talk in Conference on current trends in physics (Jan. 22-23, 2016) CAS, Deptt. of physics, BHU at Properties of Surface Modes in One Dimensional Plasma Photonic Crystals.
  9. Participated 7th one day conference at department of Physics, BHU at 18-02-2014.
  10. Organized 8th One day conference at department of Physics, BHU, on 07-02-2015.
  11. Session chair in centenary year one day conference at recent trends in physics at physics department on 20 February 2016.

Research Guidance as Supervisor:

  1. One Ph. D. (awarded):01 , One Ph. D. submitted.

List of 10 major Publications:

  1. Prasad, S., Singh, V. and Singh, A. K., Modal propagation characteristics of EM waves in ternary one-dimensional plasma photonic crystals, Optik, Vol. 121 (16) 1520-1528 (2010).
  2. Prasad, S., Singh, V. and Singh, A. K., Property of ternary one dimensional plasma photonic crystals for obliquely incident electromagnetic wave considering the effect of collisions in plasma layers, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol. 14 (12) 1084-1090 (2012).
  3. Prasad, S., Singh, V. and Singh, A. K., Modeling of electric field distribution of plasma photonic crystals having inhomogeneity in the materials, Journal of Russian Laser Research, Vol. 33 (6) 509-516 (2012).
  4. Prasad, S., Singh, V. and Singh, A. K., Study of reflection spectra of one dimensional plasma photonic crystals having exponentially graded materials, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol. 15 (5) 443-447 (2013).
  5. Shukla, S., Prasad, S. and Singh, V., Properties of surface modes in one dimensional plasma photonic crystals, Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 22 (2) 022122-1-022122-4 (2015).
  6. Sharma, G., Kumar, S., Prasad, S., and Singh, V., Estimation of photonic band gap in silicon crystal waveguide through acousto-optic interaction, Optical and quantum electronics, Vol. 47 (8), 3031-3040 (2015).
  7. Shukla, S., Prasad, S. and Singh, V., Dispersion, decaying length and localization of transverse magnetic surface modes in one dimensional plasma photonic crystals, Optical and quantum electronics, Vol. 47 (12), 3747-3757, 2015.
  8. Sharma, G., Kumar, S., Prasad, S., and Singh, V., Theoretical modelling of one dimensional photonic crystal based optical demultiplexer, Journal of Modern Optics, Vol. 63, No. 10, 995-999 (2015)
  9. Prasad, S., Sharma, Y., Shukla, S., and Singh, V., Properties of Density of Modes in One Dimensional Magnetized Plasma Photonic Crystals, Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 23, 032123-032123-6 (2016).
  10. Shukla, S., Prasad, S. and Singh, V., Investigation of magneto-optical effects on properties of surface modes in one dimensional magnetized plasma photonic crystals, Phys. Plasmas, Accepted for publication Sept., 2016, DOI: 10.1063/1.4962998.

Full List of Publications:

  1. A. Aman and Surendra Prasad*, Dynamically tuning the density of mode in a photonic crystal with double defects, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 30(24), 2115-2118 (2018), IF: 2.446.
  2. Yogesh Sharma, Surendra Prasad*, Properties of dispersion and phase index in magnetized one dimensional ferrite photonic crystals in longitudinal configuration for TM mode, Superlattices and Microstructures, Vol.120, 463-472 (2018), IF = 2.099.
  3. Yogesh Sharma, Surendra Prasad*, Vivek Singh, Dispersion behavior of electromagnetic wave near the resonance in 1D magnetized ferrite photonic crystals, Optical and Quantum Electronics, Vol. 50, 410-410-19 (2018), IF:1.168.
  4. Yogesh Sharma, Surendra Prasad*, Dispersion characteristics and phase index of one-dimensional magnetized ferrite photonic crystals in transverse magnetization configuration for TE modes, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, DOI: 10.1007/s10948-018-4904-4, IF: 1.142
  5. Yogesh Sharma, Surendra Prasad*, Dispersion properties of one-dimensional magnetized ferrite photonic crystals in transverse magnetization configuration for transverse magnetic modes, Eur. Phys. J. D, Vol. 72, 166-1-166-10 (2018), IF:1.393.
  6. A. Aman, Surendra Prasad*, Controlling the electromagnetic density of modes in one dimensional photonic crystal with defect using acoustic wave, Canadian Journal of Physics, Vol. 96(12), 1333-1337(2018), IF:0.983.
  7. Yogesh Sharma, Shikha Shukla, A. Aman, Surendra Prasad*, Vivek Singh, Electromagnetic density of modes in one dimensional photonic crystals containing dispersive metamaterials, Canadian Journal of Physics, Vol. 96 (11),1224-1229 (2018), IF:0.983.
  8. Y. Sharma, A. Aman, Surendra Prasad*, Vivek Singh, Controlling emissivity in one dimensional photonic crystals using surface truncation, Optical and quantum electronics, Vol. 50(6), 1-11 (2018); IF:1.168.
  9. Ritesh Kumar Chourasia, Surendra Prasad, Vivek Singh, A novel Bragg fiber waveguide based narrow band inline optical filter, Optik, Vol. 169, 269-276, 2018, IF=0.742.
  10. Ritesh Kumar Chourasia, Surendra Prasad*, Vivek Singh, Performance study of a liquid-core Bragg fiber sensor in presence of defect layer, Opto-Electronics Review, Vol. 25, 215-221 (2017), IF=1.449.
  11. Gulab Chand Yadav, Gaurav Sharma, Sushil Kumar, Deepak, Rajesh Kumar, S. Prasad, Vivek Singh, Fabrication of a metal clad planar polymer waveguide based sensor for detection of low-refractive-index-contrast of liquid, Optik, Vol. 138, 289�294 (2017), IF=0.742.
  12. Y. Sharma, A. Aman, Surendra Prasad*, and V. Singh, Properties of thermal radiation power spectra in truncated one dimensional photonic crystals, Optical and quantum electronics, Vol. 49, 341-341-11( 2017), IF:1.168.
  13. D. Pal, S. Shukla, Surendra Prasad*, and V. Singh, Resonant transmission of electromagnetic waves in one-dimensional multilayer plasmas having graded optical thickness, Optik, Vol. 127(5), 2620�2623 (2016), IF=0.742.
  14. Surendra Prasad*, Y. Sharma, S. Shukla, and V. Singh, Properties of Density of Modes in One Dimensional Magnetized Plasma Photonic Crystals, Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 23, 032123-032123-6 (2016), IF = 2.207.
  15. S. Shukla, Surendra Prasad*, and V. Singh, Investigation of magneto-optical effects on properties of surface modes in one dimensional magnetized plasma photonic crystals, Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 23(9), 092111- 092111-7 (2016), IF= 2.207.
  16. Ritesh Kumar Chourasia, Surendra Prasad, Vivek Singh, Voltage-tunable pass band in cylindrical multilayered structure containing PMMA and 0.67PMN�0.33PT single crystal as a defect layer, Optical and quantum electronics, Vol. 48, 539-1-539-9, (2016), IF:1.168.
  17. S. Shukla, Surendra Prasad*, and V. Singh, Properties of surface modes in one dimensional plasma photonic crystals, Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 22 (2), 022122-1-022122-4 (2015), IF= 2.207.
  18. G. Sharma, S. Kumar, S. Prasad, and V. Singh, Estimation of photonic band gap in silicon crystal waveguide through acousto-optic interaction, Optical and quantum electronics, Vol. 47 (8), 3031-3040 (2015), IF = 1.290.
  19. S. Shukla, S. Prasad*, and V. Singh, Decaying Length, Localization and Electric Field Profiles of Surface Modes in One Dimensional Plasma Photonic Crystals, Materials Focus, Vol. 4, 357-361 (2015).
  20. S. Shukla, S. Prasad*, and V. Singh, Dispersion, decaying length and localization of transverse magnetic surface modes in one dimensional plasma photonic crystals, Optical and quantum electronics, Vol. 47 (12), 3747-3757, (2015), IF = 1.290.
  21. G. Sharma, S. Kumar, S. Prasad, and V. Singh, Theoretical modelling of one dimensional photonic crystal based optical de-multiplexer, Journal of Modern Optics, Vol. 63(10), 995�999 (2015), IF = 1.267.
  22. S. Prasad*, V. Singh, and A. K. Singh, Study of reflection spectra of one dimensional plasma photonic crystals having exponentially graded materials, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol. 15 (5) 443-447 (2013), IF=0.659.
  23. S. Prasad* V. Singh, and A. K. Singh, A comparative study of reflectivity of binary and ternary one dimensional plasma photonic crystals for obliquely incident electromagnetic wave, Optics and Spectroscopy, Vol. 14(4) 639-647 (2013), IF=0.644.
  24. S. Prasad*, V. Singh, and A. K. Singh, Dispersion characteristics and optimization of reflectivity of binary one dimensional plasma photonic crystal having linearly graded material, Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 22, 149-162 (2012).
  25. S. Prasad*, V. Singh, and A. K. Singh, To control the propagation characteristic of one-dimensional plasma photonic crystal using exponentially graded dielectric material, Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 22, 123-136 (2012).
  26. S. Prasad*, V. Singh, and A. K. Singh, Property of ternary one dimensional plasma photonic crystals for obliquely incident electromagnetic wave considering the effect of collisions in plasma layers, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol. 14(12), 1084-1090 (2012), IF=0.659.
  27. S. Prasad*, V. Singh, and A. K. Singh, The dispersion characteristics of a one dimensional plasma photonic crystal having inhomogeneous plasma density profiles, Optics and Photonics Journal, Vol. 2 (23) 222-229 (2012), IF=0.82.
  28. S. Prasad*, V. Singh, and A. K. Singh, Modeling of electric field distribution of plasma photonic crystals having inhomogeneity in the materials, Journal of Russian Laser Research, Vol. 33(6), 509-516 (2012), IF=0.80.
  29. S. Prasad*, V. Singh, and A. K. Singh, A comparative study of dispersion relation of EM waves in ternary one-dimensional plasma photonic crystals having two different structures, Optik, Vol. 122 (14), 1279-1283 (2011), IF=0.742.
  30. S. Prasad*, V. Singh, and A. K. Singh, Modeling of a filter from one-dimensional plasma photonic crystal having exponentially graded material in submillimeter range, Journal of Optics Research, Vol. 12, issue-3-4, article 2 (2011).
  31. S. Prasad*, V. Singh, and A. K. Singh, Enhancement of phase matching ability in one-dimensional photonic crystal through plasma material, Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, Vol. 3, 255-260 (2011), IF= 0.62.
  32. S. Prasad*, V. Singh, and A. K. Singh, Effect of inhomogeneous plasma density on the reflectivity in one dimensional plasma photonic crystal, Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 21, 211-222 (2011).
  33. S. Prasad*, V. Singh, and A. K. Singh, Modal propagation characteristics of EM waves in ternary one-dimensional plasma photonic crystals, Optik, Vol. 121(16), 1520-1528 (2010), IF=0.742. .

Book Chapter:

  • S. Prasad, Singh, V. and Singh, A. K., Plasma photonic crystals with inhomogeneous collisional plasma, book chapter: Novel features and prospective of photonic crystals, Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, Page: 202-215 (2012), ISBN-10: 3659262641; ISBN-13: 978-3659262647.
  • A. Aman, Y. Sharma, Surendra Prasad* and V. Singh, Book Chapter entitled �properties of electromagnetic density of mode in acoustically perturbed photonic crystals� accepted in book �Advances in Photonic Crystals and Devices�, ISBN No. K39656, CRC (Taylor & Francis), 2018. *indicate first/corresponding author
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