Dr. T.P.Yadav

Ph D (BHU)
Contact Information:
Tel: +91 542 2307307 Fax: +91 542 2368468/2368390
Email Id: [email protected];[email protected]

Academic Qualifications:
S. No.DegreeInstitutionYear
1.B.Sc.VBS Purvanchal University1997
2.M.Sc.Banaras Hindu University1999
3.Ph. D.Banaras Hindu University2009
Area of specialization/awards/achievements:
Physics of materials, structure property correlations in various advanced materials for structural and functional applications, nanocrystalline materials, quasicrystalline materials, 2D materials, amorphous (bulk metallic glasses), Materials for energy harvesting, energy storage (Hydrogen storage), energy conversion, sensor and actuator, High strength Al alloys through grain refinement & modification, High entropy alloys, phase formation through thermodynamic and kinetic modelling to synthesis materials, materials properties such as mechanical, thermal, diffusion, corrosion, oxidation, magnetic behaviour and phase transformations, Non-equilibrium processing of materials (high energy ball milling and rapid solidification processing. Advanced characterization tools such as electron microscopy, (TEM, HRTEM,SEM) , X-ray Diffraction, Electron Spectroscopy (XPS, UPS).
  1. Irst position in the Photomicrography Contest in the category of TEM by Electron Microscopy Society of India 2018

  2. UGC Raman Fellowship award by University Grants Commission, India 2016

  3. IIM SWARNA JAYANTI ENDOWMENT (SJEF)-Fellowship award 2014

  4. YOUNG METALLURGIST OF THE YEAR AWARD (2013) Instituted by the Ministry of Steel, Govt. of India

  5. HEAM Young Scientist-2013 award by Indian Association for Hydrogen Energy and Advanced Materials, Kerala, India

  6. YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD in Physical Science (2010-2011) from Indian Science Congress Association, Kolkata

  7. YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD (2011) from Council of Science & Technology U.P. Govt. of Uttar Pradesh

  8. DST- BOYSCAST Fellowship Award (2010-2011) from Department of Science and Technology Govt. of India

  9. BHARAT SHIKSHA AWARD from Friendship Forum of India (New Delhi) 08/01/2013

  10. Young Scientist fellowship Award from International Union of Crystallography October 2007

Memberships in Academic Bodies:
  1. Indian Physics Association (Life member: VAR/LM/12511)

  2. Indian Science Congress Association (Life member: L 13327)

  3. Indian Crystallographic Association (Life member)

  4. The Indian Institute of Metals ( Life member ( VO1-LM01-47109)

  5. Electron Microscopy Society of India (Life member: LM 855)

  6. Hydrogen Energy Association of India (Founder member: 2012)

  7. Material Research Society of India (Life member: LMB 2204)

  8. Laser and Spectroscopy Society of India (Life member:426-14)

Current research projects:
  1. Title of the project: Development and Demonstration of Hydrogen fuelled Three Wheelers, Funding Agency: Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India, New Delhi, Financial Outlay: Rs. 1,44,79,850, Duration: Two years and 6 months from 01.01.2010 to 30.06.2012 Extended till 29.02.2016.

  2. Title of the project: Development of Deuterium storage material and Storage vessel, Funding Agency: Heavy Water Board, Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India, Financial Outlay: 194.5 Lakhs, Duration: Three years from 18-1-2010 (date of MOU) to 17-01-2013 Extended till 31.03.2016.

  3. Hydrogen Storage materials (Hydrides) : Research and Development ( Mission mode Project : MNRE : Rs. 930.54 Lakhs : Co- Principal Investigator)

List of 10 major publications:

  • TP Yadav, CF Woellner, SK Sinha, T Sharifi, A Apte, NK Mukhopadhyay, ON Srivastava, R Vajtai, DS Galvao, CSTiwary, PM Ajayan, Liquid exfoliation of icosahedral quasicrystals, Advanced Functional Materials 28 (2018) 1801181(8). 2.

  • TP Yadav, SN Shirodkar, N Lertcumfu, S Radhakrishnan, F N Sayed, KD Malviya, G Costin, R Vajtai, BI Yakobson, CS Tiwary, PM Ajayan, Chromiteen: A New 2D Oxide Magnetic Material from Natural Ore, Advanced Materials Interfaces (2018) 1800549(9). 3.

  • TP Yadav, NK Mukhopadhyay, Quasicrystal: a low-frictional novel material, Current opinion in chemical engineering 19 (2018) 163-169. 4.

  • AK Singh, P Pal, V Gupta, TP Yadav, V Gupta, SP Singh, Green synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activity of zinc oxide quantum dots using Eclipta alba, Materials Chemistry and Physics 203 (2018) 40-48. 5.

  • TP Yadav, S Mukhopadhyay, SS Mishra, NK Mukhopadhyay, ON Srivastava, Synthesis of a single phase of high-entropy Laves intermetallics in the Ti-Zr-V-Cr-Ni equiatomic alloy, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 97 (12) (2018) 494-503. 6.

  • SK Pandey, A Bhatnagar, SS Mishra, TP Yadav, MA Shaz, ON Srivastava, Curious Catalytic Characteristics of Al-Cu-Fe Quasicrystal for De/Rehydrogenation of MgH2, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (45) (2017) 24936-24944. 7.

  • TP Yadav, SS Mishra, ON Srivastava, Copper nanocubes on Al65Cu20Fe15 quasicrystalline surface, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 712 (2017) 134-138. 8.

  • TP Yadav, Quasicrystal: A Beautiful Morphology and Diffraction Pattern, Material Science & Engineering International Journal 1 (1) (2017) 00001(4). 9.

  • Lu-Lu Qu, Na Wang, Hui Xu, Weipeng Wang, T.P. Yadav, Jingjie Wu, Yang Liu, Haitao Li, Robert Vajtai, Pulickel M. Ajayan, Gold Nanoparticles and g-C3N4-Intercalated Graphene Oxide Membrane for Recyclable Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering, Advanced Functional Materials (2017) 1701714(10) 10.

  • TP Yadav, MA Shaz, NK Mukhopadhyay, RS Tiwari, ON Srivastava, Phase Formation in the Rapidly Solidified Al70- xGaxPd13Mn17 Alloys, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 68 (6) (2015) 1145-1149

List of Research Publications (In International/National Journal of repute):

  1. TP Yadav, CF Woellner, SK Sinha, T Sharifi, A Apte, NK Mukhopadhyay, ON Srivastava, R Vajtai, DS Galvao, CSTiwary, PM Ajayan, Liquid exfoliation of icosahedral quasicrystals, Advanced Functional Materials 28 (2018) 1801181(8).

  2. TP Yadav, SN Shirodkar, N Lertcumfu, S Radhakrishnan, F N Sayed, KD Malviya, G Costin, R Vajtai, BI Yakobson, CS Tiwary, PM Ajayan, Chromiteen: A New 2D Oxide Magnetic Material from Natural Ore, Advanced Materials Interfaces (2018) 1800549(9).

  3. RV Yadav, RS Yadav, AK Singh, A Bahadur, TP Yadav, SB Rai, Alkali ions effect on optical properties of Tm3+, Yb3+ co-doped gadolinium tungstate phosphor, Materials Chemistry and Physics 215 (2018) 277-284.

  4. LL Qu, N Wang, G Zhu, TP Yadav, X Shuai, D Bao, G Yang, D Li, H Li, Facile fabrication of ternary TiO 2-gold nanoparticle-graphene oxide nanocomposites for recyclable surface enhanced Raman scattering, Talanta 186 (2018) 265-271.

  5. A Maurya, A Bahadur, A Dwivedi, AK Choudhary, TP Yadav, PK Vishwakarma, SB Rai, Optical properties of Er3+, Yb3+ co-doped calcium zirconate phosphor and temperature sensing efficiency: Effect of alkali ions (Li+, Na+ and K+), Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 119 (2018) 228-237.

  6. RV Yadav, AK Singh, A Bahadur, TP Yadav, RS Yadav, SB Rai, Effect of Li+ on frequency upconversion and intrinsic optical bistability of Ho3+/Yb3+ co-doped gadolinium tungstate phosphor, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 119 (2018) 138-146.

  7. K Awasthi, TP Yadav, ON Srivastava, Growth of Carbon Nanotubes on Icosahedral Quasicrystalline Al-Cu-Fe Alloy, Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine 10 (2018) 778-782.

  8. TP Yadav, NK Mukhopadhyay, Quasicrystal: a low-frictional novel material, Current opinion in chemical engineering 19 (2018) 163-169.

  9. AK Choudhary, A Dwivedi, A Bahadur, TP Yadav, SB Rai, Enhanced upconversion emission and temperature sensor sensitivity in presence of Bi3+ ions in Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped MgAl2O4 phosphor

  10. Ceramics International 44 (2018) 9633-9642.

  11. CRP Patel, P Tripathi, AK Vishwakarma, M Talat, PK Soni, TP Yadav, ON Srivastava, Enhanced hydrogen generation by water electrolysis employing carbon nano-structure composites, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 43 (6) (2018) 3180-3189.

  12. AK Singh, P Pal, V Gupta, TP Yadav, V Gupta, SP Singh, Green synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activity of zinc oxide quantum dots using Eclipta alba, Materials Chemistry and Physics 203 (2018) 40-48

  13. TP Yadav, S Mukhopadhyay, SS Mishra, NK Mukhopadhyay, ON Srivastava, Synthesis of a single phase of high-entropy Laves intermetallics in the Ti-Zr-V-Cr-Ni equiatomic alloy, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 97 (12) (2018) 494-503.

  14. H Agarwal, TP Yadav, ON Srivastava, MA Shaz, Dielectric response and alternating current conductivity in (Co, Ni) Al2O4 nano-spinel, Ceramics International 43 (18) (2017) 16986-16992.

  15. SS Mishra, TP Yadav, NK Mukhopadhyay, ON Srivastava, Leaching of rapidly quenched Al65Cu20Fe15 quasicrystalline ribbons, Bulletin of Materials Science 40 (7) (2017) 1529-1533.

  16. SK Pandey, A Bhatnagar, SS Mishra, TP Yadav, MA Shaz, ON Srivastava, Curious Catalytic Characteristics of Al-Cu-Fe Quasicrystal for De/Rehydrogenation of MgH2, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (45) (2017) 24936-24944.

  17. TP Yadav, SS Mishra, ON Srivastava, Copper nanocubes on Al65Cu20Fe15 quasicrystalline surface, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 712 (2017) 134-138.

  18. SS Mishra, S Mukhopadhyay, TP Yadav, RM Yadav, S Radhakrishnan, R Vajtai, P M Ajayan, N K Mukhopadhyay, H K Singh and O N Srivastava, Effect of Fe substitution by Co on off-stoichiometric Ni-Fe-Co-Mn-Sn Heusler alloy ribbons, Materials Research Express, 4(8) (2017) 086507(11)

  19. SS Mishra, SK Pandey, TP Yadav, ON Srivastava, Influence of chemical leaching on Al-Cu-Co decagonal quasicrystals, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 200 (2017)23-32.

  20. TP Yadav, Quasicrystal: A Beautiful Morphology and Diffraction Pattern, Material Science & Engineering International Journal 1 (1) (2017) 00001(4).

  21. RR Shahi, TP Yadav, MA Shaz, ON Srivastava, Synthesis characterization and hydrogenation behaviour of as quenched Ti41.5+XZr41.5-XNi17(x= 0, 3.5, 11.5 and 13.5) nano quasicrystalline ribbons, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 809 (1) (2017) 012011

  22. V Shukla, A Bhatnagar, PK Soni, AK Vishwakarma, MA Shaz, TP Yadav, O.N. Srivastava Enhanced hydrogen sorption in a Li-Mg-N-H system by the synergistic role of Li4 (NH2)3 BH4 and ZrFe2, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19, (2017) 9444-9456 .

  23. TP Yadav, Recent research and development on Quasicrystals, AIMS Materials Science 4 (1) (2017) 172-177.

  24. Lu-Lu Qu, Na Wang, Hui Xu, Weipeng Wang, T.P. Yadav, Jingjie Wu, Yang Liu, Haitao Li, Robert Vajtai, Pulickel M. Ajayan, Gold Nanoparticles and g-C3N4-Intercalated Graphene Oxide Membrane for Recyclable Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering, Advanced Functional Materials (2017) 1701714(10)

  25. S. S. Mishra, Semanti Mukhopadhyay, T. P. Yadav, R. M. Yadav, R.R.Aburto, R. Vajtai, P. M. Ajayan, N. K. Mukhopadhyay and O. N. Srivastava, Structural and Magnetic Properties of Rapidly Solidified Ni45Fe5Mn40Sn10 Alloy Ribbon, Journal of Advanced Physics 6 (3) (2017) 389-396.

  26. Viney Dixit, A. Bhatnagar, Sunita Pandey, T. P. Yadav, M. A. Shaz, A. S. K. Sinha, and O. N. Srivastava, Carbon Derived from Solid Kernel of Coconut: Its Structural, Microstructural Characteristics and Use as New Hydrogen Storage Material, Materials Focus, Vol. 6 (5) (2017) 502-507.

  27. H Agarwal, TP Yadav, ON Srivastava, MA Shaz, Cation distribution in nanocrystalline (Co, Ni) Al 2O4 Spinel, Ceramics International 42 (16) (2016) 19429-19432.

  28. R Srivastava, BC Yadav, M Singh, TP Yadav, Synthesis, Characterization of Nickel Ferrite and Its Uses as Humidity and LPG Sensors, Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials 26 (6) (2016) 1404-1412

  29. SS Hars, HR Sharma, JA Smerdon, T.P. Yadav, A Al-Mahboob, J Ledieu, V Fourn�e, R Tamura, R McGrath, Surface structure of the Ag-In-(rare earth) complex intermetallics, Physical Review B, 93(20) (2016) 205428, Publisher: American Physical Society

  30. Harshit Agarwal, T.P. Yadav, O.N. Srivastava, M.A. Shaz,Cation distribution in nanocrystalline (Co, Ni)Al2O4 Spinel, Ceramics International, Available online 31 August 2016.

  31. RS Yadav, RV Yadav, A Bahadur, T.P. Yadav, SB Rai, Role of Li+ on white light emission from Sm3+ and Tb3+ co-doped Y2O3 nano-phosphor, Materials Research Express 3 (3) (2016) 036201.

  32. K Kajiwara, Y Matsui, T.P. Yadav, NK Mukhopadhyay, ON Srivastava, Quasicrystal as a Catalyst for the Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 16 (3) (2016) 3084-3089.

  33. T.P. Yadav, NK Mukhopadhyay, ON Srivastava,Synthesis of Nano-Decagonal Quasicrystalline Material by Mechanical Alloying, Advanced Science Letters 20 (5-6) (2015) 1219-1223.

  34. T.P. Yadav, MA Shaz, NK Mukhopadhyay, RS Tiwari, ON Srivastava, Phase Formation in the Rapidly Solidified Al70-xGaxPd13Mn17 Alloys, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 68 (6) (2015)1145-1149.

  35. V Shukla, A Bhatnagar, SK Pandey, RR Shahi, T.P. Yadav, MA Shaz, O.N. Srivastava, On the synthesis, characterization and hydrogen storage behavior of ZrFe 2 catalyzed Li-Mg-N-H hydrogen storage material, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 40 (36) (2015) 12294-12302

  36. RR Shahi, A Bhatanagar, SK Pandey, V Shukla, T.P. Yadav, MA Shaz and O.N. Srivastava, MgH2-ZrFe2Hx nanocomposites for improved hydrogen storage characteristics of MgH2, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 40 (35), (2015) 11506-11513

  37. SK Pandey, A Bhatnagar, RR Shahi, TP Yadav, ON Srivastava, Co-Catalytic Effect of Carbon Based Nanostructures and TiO2 on Sorption Behavior of Nanocrystalline MgH2, Advanced Science Letters 20 (5-6) (2015) 1120-1123

  38. BC Yadav, Satyendra Singh, T.P. Yadav, Titania Prepared by Ball Milling: Its Characterization and Application as Liquefied Petroleum Gas Sensor, Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 45(4) (2015) 487-494.

  39. M Lowe, TP Yadav, V Fourn�e, J Ledieu, R McGrath, HR Sharma, Influence of leaching on surface composition, microstructure, and valence band of single grain icosahedral Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystal, The Journal of chemical physics 142 (9) (2015) 094703.

  40. Ch. Ravi Prakash Patel, Prashant Tripathi, O.N.Srivastava and T.P.Yadav, Filtration of Sodium Chloride from Seawater Using Carbon Hollow Tube Comprised of Carbon Nanotubes, International, Journal of Smart and Nano Materials, 5 (3), (2014) 194-206

  41. S. S. Hars, H. R. Sharma, J. Smerdon, T. P. Yadav, and R. McGrath, R. Tamura, M. Shimoda, A. P. Tsai,The Structure of the (100) Surface of Ag-In-Gd 1/1 Approximant, Acta Physica Polonica A 126 (2) (2014) 479

  42. T. P. Yadav, S. S. Mishra, M. Lowe, R. Tamura, N. K. Mukhopadhyay, O. N. Srivastava, R. McGrath, and H. R.Sharma, Leaching of al-based polygrain quasicrystalline and re- lated crystalline surfaces, Acta Physica Polonica A 126 (2) (2014) 629

  43. JA Smerdon, KM Young, M Lowe, S Hars, T.P. Yadav, D Hesp, V Dhanak, R. McGrath, and H. R.Sharma , Templated quasicrystalline molecular ordering, Nano letters Nano Lett., 14, (2014) 1184-1189

  44. SK Pandey, J Singh, T.P. Yadav, ON Srivastava, Material Tailoring of Ti-V-Fe-Zr for Improving Sorption Behaviour Employing Off Stoichiometric Concentration of Native Element Ti, Materials Focus 3 (1) (2014) 28-35

  45. Singh Devinder, Yadav T.P., R.K.Mandal, Tiwari R.S., Srivastava O.N., (2010) Effect of Ga substitution on the crystallization behaviour and glass forming ability of Zr-Al-Cu-Ni Alloys Materials Science & Engineering A 527, 469-473

  46. Shahi R. R., Yadav T.P., Shaz M.A., Srivastava O.N (2010) Studies on dehydrogenation characteristic of Mg(NH2)2-LiH mixture admixed with vanadium and vanadium based catalysts (V, V2O5 and VCl3) International Journal of hydrogen energy 35, 238-246

  47. Tiwari R. S, Yadav T. P, Mukhopadhyay N.K. and Srivastava O. N. (2009) Synthesis of nanocrystalline spinel phase by mechanical milling of Al-Cu-Fe and Al-Cu-Cr-Fe quasicrystalline alloys Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 224, 26

  48. Yadav T.P., Mukhopadhyay N.K., Shaz M.A. Tiwari R.S. and Srivastava O.N. (2009) Formation of nano-quasicrystalline decagonal phase in the Al70Cu10Co5Ni15 system by high energy ball milling, Journal of NanoScience and Nanotechnology 9, 5527-5533

  49. Kumar P, Singh K, Yadav T.P. and Srivastava O.N, (2009) Effect of annealing below crystallization temperature on structural and mechanical properties of Co66Si16B12Fe4Mo2 metallic glass, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 11, 1082-1087

  50. D.K.Rai T.P. Yadav , V.S. Subrahmanyam, and O.N.Srivastava, (2009) Structural and Mossbauer spectroscopic investigation of Fe substituted Ti-Ni shape memory alloys Journal of alloy & compound 482, 28-32

  51. Singh Devinder, Yadav T.P., Tiwari R.S., Srivastava O.N., (2009) Phase formation in rapidly quenched Cu-based alloys Journal of materials Science 44, 3883-3888

  52. Yadav T.P., Mukhopadhayay N.K., Tiwari R.S. and Srivastava O.N (2009) Evolution and structural transition of quasicrystalline phases in Al-Fe-Cu-Cr and Al-Fe-Cu-Mn alloys during high energy ball milling, Journal of Physics: CS (In press)

  53. Yadav T.P., Mukhopadhayay N.K., Tiwari R.S. and Srivastava O.N (2009) Stability of mechanically alloyed vacancy ordered phase in Al70Cu15Ni15 alloy during annealing, Journal of Physics: CS (In press)

  54. Awasthi K, Kumar R, Raghubanshi, Awasthi S, Panday R, Singh D,Yadav T P, Srivastava O.N. (2009) Synthesis of nano-carbon (nanotubes, nanofibres, graphene) Buletin of materials Science ( In press)

  55. Yadav T.P., Shaz M.A., Tiwari R.S. and Srivastava O.N. (2008) Formation and stability of icosahedral phase in Al65Ga5Pd17Mn13 alloy, Philosophical Magazine 88, 1995

  56. Mukhopadhyay N. K., Yadav T. P. Tiwari R. S., Shaz, M.A. and Srivastava O. N. (2008) Nanocrystallization and Structural Correlation in Quasicrystalline and Crystalline Phases in Al-Fe-Cu alloy during Mechanical Milling Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 223, 716

  57. Shahi R. R., Yadav T.P., Shaz M.A., Srivastava O.N. (2008) Effects of mechanical milling on desorption kinetics and phase transformation of LiNH2/MgH2 mixture International Journal of hydrogen energy 33, 6188

  58. Yadav T.P., Mukhopadhayay N.K., Tiwari R.S. and Srivastava O.N., (2008) Evolution of a nanocrystalline (Co,Ni)Al2O4 spinel phase from quasicrystalline precursor International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 5, 449

  59. Yadav T.P., Mukhopadhyay N. K., Tiwari R. S., and Srivastava O. N., (2008) Low-temperature synthesis of nanocrystalline spinel powder by mechanical milling and annealing of Al-Ni-Fe decagonal quasicrystals, Philosophical Magazine 88, 2227

  60. Krishna, Manandhar, Yadav T.P, Prajapati V.K , Rai M . Dube A, Srivastava O.N Sundar Shyam, (2008) Antileishmanial activity of nano-amphotericin-B deoxycholate, Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 62, 376

  61. Awasthi K., Yadav T.P., Mishra P.R., Awasthi S. and Srivastava O.N., (2008) Investigation on carbon nanomaterials (coaxial CNT-cylinders and CNT-polymercomposite) and Nano-Amphotericin-B Deoxycholate with its Antileishmanial Activity, Bulletin of material Science 31, 313

  62. Yadav T.P., Mukhopadhyay N. K., Tiwari R. S., and Srivastava O. N (2007) Synthesis of nanocrystalline (Co,Ni)Al2O4 spinel powder by mechanical milling of quasicrystalline material Journal of Nano-Science and Technology 7, 575

  63. Yadav T.P., Mukhopadhyay N. K., Tiwari R. S., and Srivastava O. N, (2007)On the evolution of quasicrystalline and crystalline phase in rapidly quenched Al-Co-Cu-Ni Alloy Materials Science and Engineering A 449-451 1052

  64. Yadav T.P., Mukhopadhyay N. K., Tiwari R. S., and Srivastava O. N (2007) Study of the formation of nano vacancy odered phases in Al-Cu-Ni by mechanical alloying Journal for Sustainable Development 15, 259

  65. Yadav T.P., Mukhopadhyay N. K., Shaz M.A., Tiwari R. S., and Srivastava O. N (2007) On the stability of Al-Ni-Fe decagonal phases after milling and annealing, Philosophical Magazine, 87, 3117

  66. Yadav T.P., Mukhopadhyay N. K., Tiwari R. S., and Srivastava O. N (2007) The formation of nano vacancy odered phases in Al-Cu-Ni by mechanical alloying Philosophical. Magzine Letter 87, 781

  67. Yadav T.P., Mukhopadhyay N. K, Shaz M.A, Tiwari R. S, and Srivastava O. N (2006) Phase transformation in Al70Ni24Fe6 Decagonal system during High energy Ball Milling Philosophical. Magzine 86, 397

  68. Yadav T.P., Mukhopadhyay N. K., Tiwari R. S., and Srivastava O. N (2005) Studies on the formation and stability of nanocrystalline Al50Cu28Fe22 alloy synthesized through high energy ball milling Materials Science & Engg A 393 366

  69. Yadav T.P., Mukhopadhyay N. K., Tiwari R. S., and Srivastava O. N (2005) On the evolution of Nanocrystalline phase from the Al-Fe-Cu quasicrystalline alloy during high energy ball milling Trans Indian Inst. Metalt. 58, 1169

  70. Yadav T.P, Tiwari R.S. and Srivastava O.N. (2004) Effect of Cu substitution in AlCoNi Decagonal System Journal Non-crystalline Solids 334-335, 39

  71. Yadav T.P., Mukhopadhyay N.K. and Srivastava O.N., (2004) Synthesis of nano-quasicrystalline Al70Ni15Co15 decagonal phase through high energy ball milling, Journal of Non-crystalline Solids 334-335, 57

  72. Yadav T.P., Mukhopadhyay N.K. and Srivastava O.N. (2004) Synthesis of nano-quasicrystalline decagonal phase Indian Journal Physics, A 78, 189

  73. Yadav T.P., Shaz M.A., Tiwari R.S. and Srivastava O.N, (2003) Investigation of Transition from Decagonal to Vacancy ordered phase on replacement of Co by Cu in Al70Co15-xCuxNi15 Zeitschrift fur Krystallographic 218 12

  74. Mukhopadhyay N.K, Yadav T.P. and Srivastava O.N., (2003) Effects of ball milling and annealing in Al-Fe-Cu system: Implications for phase equilibria, Philosophical Magazine Letter 83, 423

  75. Yadav T.P., Mukhopadhyay N. K., Tiwari R. S., and Srivastava O. N (2003) Characterization of Mechanically milled Al65Cu20Fe15 icosahedral quasicrystalline alloy Trans. Indian. Inst. Met, 56 577

  76. Mukhopadhyay N.K., Yadav T.P. and Srivastava O.N., (2002) An investigation on the transformation of the icosahedral phase in Al-Fe-Cu system during mechanical milling and subsequent annealing, Philosophical Magazine A 82, 2979

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