Rakesh Verma

Assistant Professor

Contact Information:

Mobile: +919565907859, Fax: +91-542-2368174
E-mail: Email Id:[email protected]
Employee No.

Academic Qualifications:
S. No.DegreeInstitutionYear
1.B.Sc.Banaras Hindu University2010
2.M.Sc.Banaras Hindu University2012
3.B.Ed.Banaras Hindu University2013
Area of specialization:

Currently working in the field of neuroendocrine regulation of thyroid-gonadal axis along with exploration of melatonergic-thyroid axis in regulation of reproduction and altered thyroid status on reproductive dysfunction. .

Awards/Recognitions if any:

  • BHU Cash Prize for First rank in B.Sc. (Hons.)Zoology

  • BHU Gold Medal for First Rank in M.Sc. Zoology

  • Prof. S P RAY Chaudhuri Centenary Gold Medal for first rank in M.Sc. Zoology

  • SKS memorial award for first rank in M.Sc. Zoology

  • AB Mishra award for first rank in M.Sc. Zoology

  • Prof. T. K. Sharma Scholarship for first rank in M.Sc. Zoology.


List of major publications:

  • Geeta Rao, Rakesh Verma, Arun Mukherjee, Neeraj Kumar Agarawal, Chandana Haldar. (2016). Melatonin alleviates hyperthyroidism induced oxidative stress and neuronal cell death in hippocampus of aged female golden hamster, M. auratus. Experimental Gerentology. 82, 125-130.

  • Chandana Haldar, Rakesh Verma, Sudipta Panshikar and Sanjeev Kumar Yadav, (2015). Correlation between annual immunity, reproductive success and melatonin in a nocturnal owlet, Athene brama. Int. J. Res. Studies in Biosciences, 3; 6; 43-53.

  • Rakesh Verma, Vijay Kumar Verma and Chandana Haldar (2014). Photic stress modulates cholesterol content and oxidative load of steroidogenic organs (adrenal, ovary and testis) of Indian spotted finch Lonchurapunctulata. J EndocrinolReprod 18,2 : 87-94

  • Sunanda Dubey, Rakesh Verma and Chandana Haldar (2014). Electron microscopic study of Harderian gland of tropical bird Indian jungle bush quail Perdiculaasiatica. J. EndocrinolReprod 18,1 : 41- 46

  • Sunanda Dubey, Rakesh Verma, Shraddha Rastogi and ChandanaHaldar (2014). Effect of gonadotropins and gonadal steroids (17 beta-estradiol and testosterone) on Harderian gland porphyrin content and circulatory hormones in Indian palm squirrel Funambuluspennanti. J EndocrinolReprod 18 ,1 : 1-6

Full List of Publications:

  • Geeta Rao, Rakesh Verma, Arun Mukherjee, Neeraj Kumar Agarawal, Chandana Haldar. (2016). Melatonin alleviates hyperthyroidism induced oxidative stress and neuronal cell death in hippocampus of aged female golden hamster, M. auratus. Experimental Gerentology. 82, 125-130.

  • ChandanaHaldar, Rakesh Verma, Sudipta Panshikar and Sanjeev Kumar Yadav, (2015). Correlation between annual immunity, reproductive success and melatonin in a nocturnal owlet, Athene brama. Int. J. Res. Studies in Biosciences, 3; 6; 43-53.

  • Rakesh Verma, Vijay Kumar Verma and Chandana Haldar.(2014). Photic stress modulates cholesterol content and oxidative load of steroidogenic organs (adrenal, ovary and testis) of Indian spotted finch Lonchurapunctulata. J EndocrinolReprod 18,2 : 87-94

  • Sunanda Dubey, Rakesh Verma and Chandana Haldar (2014). Electron microscopic study of Harderian gland of tropical bird Indian jungle bush quail Perdiculaasiatica. J. EndocrinolReprod 18,1 : 41-46

  • Sunanda Dubey, Rakesh Verma, Shraddha Rastogi and Chandana Haldar (2014) Effect of gonadotropins and gonadal steroids (17beta-estradiol and testosterone) on Harderian gland porphyrin content and circulatory hormones in Indian palm squirrel Funambuluspennanti. J EndocrinolReprod 18 ,1 : 1-6  

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