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स्वावलम्बी गाँव - समर्थ भारत

Banaras Hindu University has adopted 100 villages of Kashi Vidya Peeth Block, Varanasi to make these villages self sustained in the area of Literacy, Cleanliness, Health, Environment, Animal Health, Water Resource Management, and Plantation.

The vision of the programme is to share new technology in the area of organic farming, to promote organic farming and to make aware the farmers to reduce chemical fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides by personal door – to –door contact, public chaupals and social media.

           Literacy and Promotion of digital literacy in the rural areas

           Human Health


           Sharing of new technology in the area of Organic farming: To promote organic farming and to make farmers aware to reduce the use of chemical fertiliser

           Rain water harvesting and water resource management

           Environmental Awareness: Plantation (fruit plants)

           Animal health and promotion of Animal

           Promote digital literacy in the rural areas

           Kitchen Garden

           Legal Issues

Nature of problem address:

           Illiteracy among farmers in the villages of Kashi Vidya Peeth Block, Varanasi.

           Use of chemical fertilisers, pesticides, insecticides adversely affected human health and animal health in the villages of Kashi Vidya Peeth Block, Varanasi.

           Due to lack of proper sanitation and cleanliness various epidemic and mosquito generated epidemic diseases spread in the villages of Kashi Vidya Peeth Block, Varanasi.

           Degradation of environment due to cutting of green trees.

           Scarcity of clean water in the villages.

Details of external Activities:


           Students, Faculty members and subject experts visited in rural areas and conducted a base line survey related to the households and villages. 80 students of IRDP, students of Career Counselling RGSC, BHU and Research scholars participated in this survey work.

           Hundred plants of Mango, Aonla and Lemmon were distributed to the households and Doctors of Veterinary sciences gave suggestions to the dairy owners as well as farmers.

           Experts' team visited to the villages for repo build up and also make BHU friends for the training and workshops and other advices.

           BHU invited approximately 1000 villagers to the university campus under SAMARTH GRAM ABIYAN.

           We invited experts from National Centre of Organic Farming, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Government of India.

           An interaction session with farmers were conducted by the team members of National Centre of Organic Farming in the programme on dated 04/12/2016.

           High quality seeds of different vegetables distributed to the farmers.

           Free Medical checkups like blood pressure, blood sugar, blood group, ENT and Eyes etc.

           Experts from the Ayurveda gave suggestions to the villagers.

           Villagers advised on the issues of Digital literacy.

           Free animal health related medical advised given to the farmers.

           On 27 January, 2017 Dental Health Camp, Plantation of fifty plants and distribution of 500 packets of 500 seeds for kitchen garden and awareness on programme on literacy was conducted in the village- Madopur and Muradev, Kashi Vidy Peeth Block of Varanasi Districts

           On 02 February, 2017 Medical Health Camp, Plantation of fifty plants and distribution of 500 packets of 500 seeds for kitchen garden and awareness on programme on literacy was conducted in the village- Tarapur and Narotampur, Kashi Vidy Peeth Block of Varanasi Districts

           On 04 February, 2017 Animal Health Camp in the village- Saghat Kashi Vidy Peeth Block of Varanasi Districts



         Field Work "SMARTH GRAM ABHIYAN" Banaras Hindu university









         Procession SAMRTH GRAM ABHIYAN - Foundation Day of University (Basant Panchami) IRDP Students


         Nobel Laureate Shri Kailash Satyarthi Visited Banaras Hindu University and also interacted with team members of SAMARTH GRAM ABHIYAN



