
The Ideology:Since the inception of human society there was a discussion initiated on how to live and let others live. In this regard a number of philosophers, intellectuals, leaders and religious gurus gave their thoughts from time to time and added value in the concept. Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyay who was one of the leading Indian philosopher, economist, sociologist, historian, journalist, and political scientist gave the concept and developed the doctrine of integral humanism. According to him “Humankind had four hierarchically organized attributes of body, mind, intellect and soul which corresponded to four universal objectives, Kama (desire), Artha (wealth), Dharma (moral duties) and Moksha (total liberation or 'salvation'). Dharma is the 'basic', and Moksha the 'ultimate' objective of humankind and society. Dharma is the thread bear that abides ‘Kama’ and ‘Artha’ for supreme goal of a human life ‘Moksha’. This Chatushtya Purusharth, routed in ancient Indian culture, are integrated and not disgruntled and conflicting like western ideology of capitalism and communism. Deen Dayal’s idea of ‘Integral Humanism’ can alone ensure holistic and sustainable development of the society that paves way to happiness and peace at individual, social, national and global level.

Setting up of the Chair: Banaras Hindu University, a renowned institution founded by Pt. Madan Mohan Malaviya as a treasure of ancient Indian thought and culture, established Pt. Deendayal Upadhyay Chair in September 2017, having received a Corpus Fund from the Ministry of Culture to set up a Permanent Chair under the faculty of Social Sciences to pay the homage to this great pragmatic - humanistic thinker at the very appropriate occasion of his birth centenary celebration year.

Vision and Mission of the Chair: Ideology of ‘Integral Humanism’ can alone ensure holistic and sustainable development of the society that paves way to happiness, peace and harmony in the life of individual, society, nation and the globe. In the light of this vision, the chair has following missions to work with:
i. Researching and outreaching the inherent values implied in ancient Indian culture that believes in omni-presence of almighty (Adwait).
ii. Making people think, internalize and realize that the exposure of an individual, society and nation through the world view rooted in Indian culture is ever in form of AKHAND MANDALAKAR (non-conflicting and mutually interwoven) relationship between Vyashti (Individual), Samashti (Society), Srishti (Nature) and Permeshti (God).
iii. Developing a society wherein people understand need and value of coexistence (Chiti) and live their life with happiness taking care of others, be it living or non-living (Virat).
iv. Exploring policy implications of the ancient Indian cultural values through making it of age (Yuganukool) and incorporating also the foreign thoughts in it making it suitable to the needs of the country (Deshanukool).
v. Transforming the ideologies of ancient Indian culture into institution building and policy making.

Objectives and Functions of the Chair:
1. The main objective of the chair will be to explore the scope of Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya’s ideas towards social and economic justice in 21st century India by undertaking researches on following counts:
i. Political Philosophy
ii. Integral Humanism
iii. Traditions of India’s ancient culture
iv. Strengthening the concept of Swaraj (Self Governance)
2. Among the other objectives, the chair will initiate special paper in different discipline of social sciences based on philosophy and actions of Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyay.
3. The chair will sensitise the students and teachers of the Faculty of Social Sciences and allied disciplines by;
i. Organising seminars, symposia, workshops, field visits and cultural activities like theatre, drama, debates etc.
ii. Exchange of students and teachers with Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya’s Chair with other universities for a short duration. The aim of sensitisation is to change the discriminatory attitude in the Indian society as visualised by Pt. Deen Dayal Updhyay.
4. Field visits will be undertaken for data collection and rapport building with the targeted groups for feedback.
5. To review and publish various commentaries on the persona of Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyay and his contributions by inviting speakers and authors from India and abroad.
6. There is serious observed lack of cognition of the prospective of targeted population vis-a-vis Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyay efforts and ideas towards social and economic justice. The chair will undertake to map out the perception of targeted groups.
7. To design and execute short-term capacity-building programmes for teachers and research scholars in higher education focused towards the designated discipline of the Chair.

The Proposed Programmes of the Chair for the Financial Year 2017-18

i. Organising lecture series of three renowned speakers on “Life and living of Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya: Messages to
the Indian Youth” in December 2017.
ii. Organising a two days’ National Seminar on “Integral Humanism: Relevance in Contemporary Political Economy of India” in the month of February-March 2018.

Shyam Kartik Mishra, Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Chair Professor
Email: [email protected], Cell: +919628855558

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