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PROFESSOR ECONOMICS Residence: R-28, Hyderabad colony Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221 005 (U.P) Phone (Res.):0542-2575516 Mobile: 09935350963 Email: [email protected], [email protected] |
Academic Qualification:
II- Research Area: Econometrics, Quantitative Economics, Public Finance. III. Books: 1. GAUR, ACHAL KUMAR (1985), "Centre-State Financial Relations and Finance Commissions". (Allahabad, Chugh Publications). 2. GAUR, ACHAL KUMAR (1988), "Federal Finance in India" (New Delhi, Deep and Deep Publications). IV. Foreign Visit: 1. Visited Paris, France for one month during November 2005 under the scheme of Indo-French Social Scientist Exchange Programme for the year 2005. This programme was sponsored by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi. 2. Visited Switerzerland during August 2010 to attend and to present my two papers at 31st General Conference of the International Association for Research in Income and Wealth. V. Books: Chapters Contributed: 1. GAUR, ACHAL KUMAR (1988), "Inter-Sectoral Terms of Trade between Agriculture and Industry in India" in Singh, R. Y. and Singh, A. K. (eds.), Planning in Integrated Rural Environment (New Delhi, Deep and Deep). 2. GAUR, ACHAL KUMAR (1991), "Unauthorized Overdrafts of the State Governments" in D. Thakur (eds.), Planning and Development of Key Sectors in India (vol.5), (New Delhi, Deep and Deep). 3. GAUR, ACHAL KUMAR (2000), "A Note on Pattern of Socio-Economic Parameters among SAARC Countries" in M.D. Dharmadasani (eds.), India-Nepal Partnership and South Asian Resurgence (New Delhi, Kanishka Publication). 4. GAUR, ACHAL KUMAR (2004) "Fiscal Autonomy of States in a Federation" in B. Nagarjuna (eds.), Economic Reforms and Perspectives, (New Delhi -Serial Publications). 5. GAUR, ACHAL KUMAR & PANDEY, A.K. (2004) "India's Export to Japan : A Quantitative Analysis" in M.D. Dhamadasani (eds.) Indo-Japan Relations : Challenges and Opportunities (New Delhi, Kanishka Publishers, Distributors). 6. GAUR, ACHAL KUMAR & PANDEY, A.K. (2005) "India's Trade Relations with SAARC Nations : Some Aspects" in M.D. Dhamadasani (eds.) Nepal's Foreign Policy (New Delhi, Anmol Publications, Pvt. Ltd.). 7. GAUR, ACHAL KUMAR (2005)"Testing median voter Hypothesis Through Human Development Index: Evidence From Indian Polity" in Upadhyaya, Anjoo Sharan (eds.) Election Reforms in India, (New Delhi -Concept Publications). 8. GAUR, ACHAL KUMAR (2005) "Inter-State Social Sector Expenditure in India : Need for Reforms" in S.C. Aggrawal and others (eds.) Indian Economic Development and Business-Emerging Issues and Outlook (New Delhi, New Century Publications). 9. GAUR, ACHAL KUMAR (2005) "An Inter State Analysis of Human Poverty" in Rao, K.N. (eds.) Poverty in India : Global and Regional Dimensions (New Delhi, Deep and Deep Publications, Pvt. Ltd.). 10. GAUR, ACHAL KUMAR (2006) "Professor A. K. Dasgupta on Equilibrium" in S. C. Srivastava (eds.) Economic Ideas of Professor A. K. Dasgupta (New Delhi, Deep & Deep Publications, Pvt. Ltd.). 11. GAUR, ACHAL KUMAR (2006) "State Taxes in India: Need for Reforms" in D. K. Srivastava & M. Narasimhula (eds.) State Level Fiscal Reforms in the Indian Economy (Vol. II), (New Delhi, Deep & Deep Publications, Pvt. Ltd.). 12. GAUR, ACHAL KUMAR (2008) "Economic Reform and Inter-State Expenditure on Medical & Public Health : Critical Scenario" in A.K. Thakur & Md. A. Salam (eds.) Economics of Education and Health In India, (New Delhi, Deep & Deep Publications, Pvt. Ltd.). 13. GAUR,ACHAL KUMAR(2011) "Estimating Social Sector Exclusion In India:An Analysis Of Centre and State Budgets", in Tripathy,S.N, Parchure,R, & Ambewadikar,J.R(eds.) EXCLUDED PEOPLE IN INDIA:PROBLEMS AND PROSPECT, (Delhi, Manglam Publishers and Distributers) VI. Research Papers/ Articles: 1. GAUR, ACHAL KUMAR (1986), "Eight Finance Commission and Backward States -A Critique", Southern Economist, Vol. (25), No.1 and 2. 2. GAUR, ACHAL KUMAR (1986), "States Autonomy in India: Trends and Issues", Southern Economist, Vol. (25), No.7. 3. GAUR, ACHAL KUMAR (1987), "Unauthorized overdrafts of State Governments", Southern Economist, Vol. (25), No.19. 4. GAUR, ACHAL KUMAR (1987), "Financial Autonomy of States: Emerging Trends", MARGIN, Vol. (19), No.4. 5. GAUR, ACHAL KUMAR (1987), "The Seventh Plan: Miles to Go", Khadi Gramodyog, Vol. (XXIII), No.6. 6. GAUR, ACHAL KUMAR (1987), "The issue of States Autonomy in Indian Federation: A Critique" in P.D. Kaushik (eds.), The Constitution: Then and Now, Occasional Papers Series (I), Vol. (I), Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, B.H.U. 7. GAUR, ACHAL KUMAR (1987), "Some Recent Trends in Indian Fiscal Federalism" in P.D. Kaushik (eds.), Federalism and Centre-State Relations in India, Occasional Papers Series (II), Vol. (II), No.(II), Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, B.H.U. 8. GAUR, ACHAL KUMAR (1988), "Burden of Union Loans on the States", Southern Economists, 27,6, July 15. 9. GAUR, ACHAL KUMAR (2000), "Efficacy of Central Plan Grants for State Plans: A Cross-sectional Analysis in Wealth Neutrality Model", Indian Journal of Economics, April 2000, Vol. LXXX, No.319. 10. GAUR, ACHAL KUMAR (2001), "Fiscal Autonomy of States in India" in the Indian Economic Association 84th Conference volume, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamilnadu. 11. GAUR, ACHAL KUMAR (2002), "State Taxes in India; Need for Reforms" in The Indian Economic Association 85th conference volume, Department of Economics, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. 12. GAUR, ACHAL KUMAR (2002), "Industrial Disparity Among Indian States: A Decomposition of Herfindahl Index" Indian Journal of Regional Science, Vol. XXXIV, No.2. 13. GAUR, ACHAL KUMAR (2003), "Professor A. K. Dasgupta on Equilibrium", Invited Paper in the Indian Economic Association 86th conference volume, Department of Economics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur (Maharashtra). 14. GAUR, ACHAL KUMAR (2003), "Human Poverty In India: An Inter-State Analysis" in the Indian Economic Association 86th conference volume, Department of Economics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur (Maharashtra). 15. GAUR, ACHAL KUMAR (2004), "Detection of Inter-State Kuznets cycle through Neo-Classical and Neo-Keynesian Paradigms: Indian Experience", The Indian Journal of Economics, January 2004, Vol. LXXXIV, No. 334. 16. GAUR, ACHAL KUMAR & PANDEY, A. K. (2004), "India's Export Performance During Post -WTO Era: An Empirical Investigation", Indian Journal of Quantitative Economics", Vol. 19, N0. 1-2. 17. GAUR, ACHAL KUMAR (2005), "Inter-State Disparity in Human Development in India", ARTHA BEEKSHAN, Vol. 14, No. 1. 18. GAUR, ACHAL KUMAR (2005), "Revenue Decentralization in Federal Fiscal Systems: Indian Experience" The Indian Economic Journal, Vol. 52, No. 3-4. 19. GAUR,ACHAL KUMAR(2006), "Economic Reform And Inter-State Expenditure On Medical And Public Health And Education : Critical Scenario" in the Indian Economic Association 89th Conference Volume,Dec.2006 Department Of Economics, Kurukshetra University , Kurukshetra (Harayana) 20. GAUR,ACHAL KUMAR & SEN, R.P. (2008), "The Union Budget 2008-09 : Quest for Inclusive Growth", Journal of Fiscal Studies, Feb.-March 2008, Vol. 4, No.1. 21. GAUR,ACHAL KUMAR(2008), "Foreign Direct Investment in India : Precarious Trends", The Indian Journal of Economics, July 2008, No. 352, Vol. LXXXI. 22. GAUR,ACHAL KUMAR &GAUR MADHURIMA(2011), "Inter Regional Differences in Economic Growth: Evidence from Indian States", Journal of Economics and Commerce,Vol:02, No:02, July-2011. VII. SCIENTIFIC PAPERS PRESENTED/ CONTRIBUTED AT INTER NATIONAL/ NATIONAL CONFERENCES: 1. Presented Paper entitled, "Progressivity of Statutory Transfers in India-A Critique" at 27th Indian Econometric Conference, held at Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, during January 4-6, 1990. 2. Presented paper entitled, "Fiscal Autonomy of States In a Federation: A Case Study of India" at 28th Indian Econometric Conference held at the University of North Bengal, Darjeeling during October 29-31, 1991. 3. Presented paper entitled, "Efficacy of Central Plan Grants for State Plans: A Cross-Sectional Analysis in Wealth Neutrality Model" in the Conference on Planning and Economic Policy in India (P.C. Mahalanobis Birth Centenary Celebrations) organized by Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, June 29-July 01, 1993. 4. Contributed a paper entitled "Is there an inter-state Kuznets Curve ? A Case Study of India" for an international conference organized by the International Association for Research in Income and Wealth (IARIW) held at St. Andrews, N. B., Canada, during August 21-27, 1994. 5. Contributed a paper entitled, "Determining Fiscal Autonomy of States in a Federation : Indian Experience" for an international conference organized by the Economic Society of Australia (Queens land) held at Brisbane, Australia during Sept. 25-28, 1994. 6. Presented paper entitled, "Integrating Neo-classical and Neo-Keynesian Paradigms for 'I-U' Hypothesis" in the 80th Conference of the Indian Economic Association (Ist Amrit Jubilee) held at Osmania University, Hyderabad during Dec. 27-29, 1997. 7. Presented paper entitled, "Estimating Behaviour of Inter-state Income Differentials in Indian Federation" in Seminar on Regionalism: Canadian & Indian Perspectives, Organized by Canadian Studies Development Programme, Faculty of Social Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India during February 3-4, 1998. 8. Contributed paper entitled, "Food Security in Tamilnadu & Kerala: Some Aspects" for National Workshop on Perspectives on Food Security Issues in Tamilnadu and Kerala organized by Department of Economics, Gandhigram Rural Institute (Deemed University), GANDHIGRAM 624 302, Tamilnadu, India during October 8-9, 1998. 9. Contributed paper entitled, "Industrial Disparity among Indian States: A Decomposition of Herfindahl Index" for the Indian Economic Association 2nd Amrit Jubilee (81st) Conference, Organized by Bangalore University, Bangalore, India, during December 26-28, 1998. 10. Presented paper entitled, "State Finances in Indian Federation: Challenges Ahead" in Seminar on Social Development and Constitutional Issues in India and Canada, Organized by Canadian Studies Development Programme, Faculty of Social Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, during February 26-27,1999. 11. Paper presented entitled, "A Note on Pattern of Socio-Economic Parameters among SAARC Countries" in International Seminar on Perspectives of Indo-Nepal Relations, Organized by Centre for the Study of Nepal, Faculty of Social Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, during March 26-27, 1999. 12. Paper presented entitled "Testing Median Voter Hypothesis Through Human Development Index : Evidence From Indian Polity" at an International Seminar on Electoral Reforms in India, Organized by Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, B.H.U., Varanasi during January 23-25, 2000. 13. Paper entitled "Inter-state quality of Human life in India: Major trends" presented at a National Seminar on "Emerging Concerns of Social Sciences" organized by Faculty of Social Science, B.H.U., Varanasi, during Oct. 16-18, 2000. 14. Paper entitled "Quality of Human Life in India: Some Comments" presented at an International Seminar on "Human Rights and peace Building in South Asia" organized by Malviya Centre for Peace Research, F.S.S., B.H.U., Varanasi, during Dec. 11-12, 2000. 15. Paper entitled "Estimation of Growth of expenditure on Social Service Sector Through Dummy Variable" presented at National Seminar on "Emerging Methodologies of Data Analysis and Related Inferences", organized by Deptt. of Statistics, B.H.U., Varanasi, during Feb. 5-7, 2001. 16. Paper entitled "Inter Religion Quality of Human Life in Indian Federation" presented at "National Seminar on Linguistic and Religious Issues in India and Canada" organized by Canadian Studies Development Programme, B.H.U., Varanasi, during Feb. 12-13, 2001. 17. Paper entitled "Crisis of Good Governance in India" presented at National Seminar on "Citizen and Administration" organized by Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, B.H.U., Varanasi during March 27, 2001. 18. Paper entitled, "Human Development in India: Precarious Trends" presented at National Seminar on "Continuity and Change in Societies: Indian and Canadian Perspectives" organized by Canadian studies Development Programme, Faculty of Social Sciences, B.H.U., Varanasi during Feb. 19-20, 2002. 19. Paper entitled "Inter-State Expenditure on Education : Some aspects" presented at National Seminar on "Higher Education in India and Canada" organized by Canadian studies Development Programme, F.S.S., B.H.U., Varanasi, during Jan. 24-25, 2003. 20. Paper entitled "Globalization and Social Sector Expenditure" presented at National Seminar on "Economic Reforms and Expectations from the Union Budget 2003-04" organized by Deptt. of Economics, F.S.S., Varanasi, during Feb. 15-16, 2003. 21. Paper entitled "India's Trade Relations with SAARC Nations: Some Aspects" presented jointly with Mr. Alok Pandey (Ph.D. scholar with me) at International Seminar on "Perspectives of Nepal's Foreign Policy" organized by Centre for the study of Nepal, F.S.S., B.H.U., Varanasi, during March 3-4, 2003. 22. Paper entitled "Globalization and Inter-State Social Sector Expenditure: Emerging Concerns" Contributed for National Seminar on "Economics Reforms and Indian Economy: A Development Experience" organized by Department of Economics, Osmania University, Hyderabad (A.P.) during March 15-16, 2003. 23. Paper entitled "Human Development in India" presented at "Workshop on Democracy, Development & Conflict Management in South Asia" organized by Malviya Centre for peace Research, F.S.S., B.H.U., Varanasi during Aug. 27-29, 03. 24. Paper entitled "Prof. A. K. Dasgupts on Equilibrium" submitted for 86th Annual Conference of Indian Economic Association, held at Shivaji University, Vidya Nagar, Kolhapur -416004, during Dec. 29-31, 2003. 25. Paper entitled "Human Poverty in India; An Inter-State Analysis" submitted for 86th Annual conference of Indian Economic Association, held at Shivaji Univeristy, Vidya Nagar, Kolahapur -416004, during Dec. 29-31, 2003. 26. Paper entitled "Application of Dummy Variables in Regression Analysis" submitted for International Seminar on "Recent Statistical Techniques in Life Testing, Reliability Sampling Theory & Auanity Control" Organized by Department of Statistics, Faculty of Science, B.H.U., Varanasi, during Dec.29-31, 2003. 27. Paper entitled "Detection of Inter-State Kuznets Cycle Through Neo-Classical and Neo-Keynesian paradigms: Indian Experience" presented at International Seminar on the theme entitled "Third Annual Conference on Models and Methods in Economics" organized by Economics Research Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, during January 15-17, 2004. 28. Paper entitled "Economics Reforms and Inter-State Social Sector Expenditure: Gloomy Scenario" submitted for the National Seminar on "Globalization and Its Impact on Politics and Administration in India" organized by the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, B.H.U., Varanasi, on March 1, 2004. 29. Paper entitled "Trends in Social Sector Expenditure: An Agenda Before the Union Budget 2004-05" presented at the National Seminar on "Challenges before the Indian Economy and The Union Budget 2004-05" organized by the Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences, B.H.U., Varanasi, during Feb. 23-24, 2004. 30. Paper entitled "Social Sector and Human Development in Indian States: Precarious Trends" presented at International Seminar on the theme entitled "Global Quest for Participatory Democracy" organized by Centre for the Study of Social Systems, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, during Feb. 20-22, 2004. 31. Paper entitled "Estimating Revenue Decentralization In Federal Fiscal Systems: Indian Experience" submitted for 60th Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance on the theme entitled "Fiscal and Regulatory Competition", held at Milan, Italy, during August 23-26, 2004 32. Paper entitled "Social Sector Disorder In India: An Inter-State Analysis" submitted for the International Conference on Disordered-Systems Organized by International Disordered-Systems Society (INDIAS), Allahabad & Goa University, Goa, during September 24-26, 2004. 33. Paper entitled "Inter-State Disparity In Human Development In India" submitted for 36th Annual Regional Science Conference on the theme entitled "Globalization, Reforms and Settlement Strategy" organized by Centre for Urban Studies, Department of Urban Planning, School of Planning & Architecture and Regional Science Association, India at New Delhi during November 18-19, 2004. 34. Submitted the paper entitled "WTO And Indian Export: Emerging Scenario" for 6th International Seminar on the theme entitled "Ten Years of WTO and Towards An Asian Union" organized jointly by International Institute of Development Studies, Kolkata and Aquinas College, Colombo 10, Sri Lanka, to be held at Colombo, Sri Lanka, during November 27-28, 2004. 35. Paper entitled "Trends in Expenditure on Technology in India" presented at National Seminar on "The Impact of Modern Science and Technology on Society and Environment" organized by the Department of History, Faculty of Social Sciences, B.H.U., Varanasi during Feb. 4-5, 2005. 36. Presented the paper entitled "Economic Reforms and Macro Economic Parameters in the Indian Economy" at ICSSR, New Delhi sponsored National Seminar on "Globalization, Structural Change and Small Scale Industry - Need for New Approach" held at Jagatpur P.G. College, Varanasi during Feb. 05, 2005. 37. Paper entitled "The Union Budget 2005-06 : Harsh Realities" presented at the National Seminar on "The Union Budget 2005-06 & The Indian Economy" organized by the Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences, B.H.U., Varanasi on March 10, 2005. 38. Presented paper entitled "Bio-Technology and Food Security in India : Some Comments" at National Seminar on "Impact of Bio-Technology on Society : The Indian and Canadian Perspective" organized by Canadian Studies Development Programme, Faculty of Social Sciences, B.H.U., Varanasi during March 14-15, 2005. 39. Contributed paper entitled "Inter-state Expenditure on Medical and Public Health in India : Gloomy Scenario" for "4th International Conference on Health Economics, Management and Policy" organized by Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, Greece, June 2-4, 2005. 40. Contributed paper entitled "Indian Exports Under the Regime of Economic Reforms and WTO Arrangement : A Quantitative Analysis" for 88th Indian Economic Conference to be held at Andhra University, Vishakhapatnam during 27-29 December, 2005. 41. Contributed paper entitled "Estimating Equity Effect of Inter-State Expenditure on Human Development In India" for 88th Indian Economic Conference to be held at Andhra University, Vishakhapatnam during 27-29 December, 2005. 42. Paper entitled "Economic Reforms and Inter-State Expenditure On Medical & Public Health and Education: Critical Scenario" Presented at the 89th Annual Conference of IEA held at Kirukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Harayana during Dec. 2006. 43. Paper entitled "The Union Budget 2008-09 : Quest for Inclusive Growth", Presented at National Seminar on "Union Budget 2008-09 : Challenges, Expectations and Perspectives", Organised by Institute of Development Studies, University of Lucknow, Lucknow : On Feb. 26, 2008. 44. Paper entitled "Estimating Poverty in Human Concerns : A Case Study of Indian States", Presented at International Conference of Human Development and Capability Association on the theme entitled "Equality, Inclusion and Human Development", Organised by Institute of Human Development, New Delhi during Sept. 10-13, 2008. 45. Paper entitled "Economic Reforms and Social Sector Expenditure in India : An Inter-State Analysis" Presented at National Seminar on "Indian Economy in the 21st Century : Prospects and Challenges" Organised by Department of Economics, FSS, BHU, during Nov. 18-20, 2008. 46. Paper entitled "Estimating Regional Disparities in Economic Growth : A Case Study of Indian States" contributed for 91st Annual Conference of the Indian Economic Association, held at Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur, Rajasthan during Dec. 27-29, 2008. 47. Paper entitled "Estimating Social Sector Exclusion in India : An Analysis of Centre and State Budgets", Contributed for National Seminar on the theme entitled "The Socially Excluded People in India :Towards an Inclusive Socio-Economic Policy" Organised by Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune during Feb. 20-21, 2009. 48. Paper entitled "Regional Disparities in Economic Growth:A case study of Indian States" presented at 31st General Conference of The International Association for Research in Income and Wealth(IARIW), held at St.Gallen, Switzerland, on 23/08/2010. 49. Paper entitled "Estimating Deprivation and Inequality in Human Bell Beings: A case study of Indian States" presented at 31st General Conference of The International Association for Research in Income and Wealth(IARIW), held at St.Gallen, Switzerland, on 26/08/2010. VIII. RESEARCH PROJECT: 1. UGC Minor Research Project (2004) : Submitted final Report of the U.G.C. Minor Research Project entitled "Measuring Disparity in Quality of Human Life Among Indian States" in July 2004. 2. UGC Major Research Project (2008) : : Submitted final Report of the U.G.C. Major Research Project entitled "Expenditure on Social Sector and Human Development in India : Need for Reforms" in 2008. IX. Ph. D. SUPERVISED Awarded Ph.D. Degree: 04 Currently Enrolled: 06 X. MEMBERSHIP OF ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS: Life Membership: A. The Indian Economic Association (IEA) B. Bhartiya Arthik Shodh Sansthan, Allahabad, (U.P.). C. Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal Economic Association XI. UNIVERSITY LEVEL ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIGNMENTS: 1. Acted as Warden, A.N.D. Hostel, F.S.S., for the period 19.04.1997 to 02.08.1999. 2. Acted as Admin. Warden, A.N.D. Hostel, F.S.S., for the period 3.8.1999 to 31.03.2003. 3. Acted as Warden, A.N.D. Hostel, F.S.S. for the period 31.03.2003 to 15.07.2004. 4. Acted as member, Telephone Directory Committee, B.H.U., for 2000, 2003 and 2004, 2006, 2008. 5. Acted as coordinator for Third Refresher Course in Women Studies Organized by UGC-Academic Staff College in Collaboration with centre for women studies and Development, B.H.U., Varanasi during Feb. 14- March 5, 2001. 6. Acted as coordinator Examination, Faculty of Social Sciences, B.H.U., Varanasi for the sessions 2000-01, 2001-02 and 2002-03. 7. Chairman of Kabaddi, C.H.C. Ath. Association, B.H.U., for the session 2003-04. 8. Acted as member-Inquiry Committee, Constituted by the Dean of Students welfare, B.H.U. for Ruiya Hostel (Sanskrit Block) in April 2003. 9. Cultural Secretary, B.H.U. Club for the Session 2004-05. 10. Acted as Additional Joint Local Organizing Secretary, 87th Annual Conference of Indian Economic Association, held at B.H.U., Varanasi during 21-23 December, 2004. 11. Acted as Co-coordinator-Accounts Committee, 87th Annual Conference of Indian Economic Association, held at B.H.U., Varanasi during 21-23 December, 2004. 12. Acted as Member Registration Committee, Reception Committee, Fund Raising Committee, Souvenir Committee, Academic Programme Committee, Publication Committee, 87th Annual Conference of Indian Economic Association, held at B.H.U., Varanasi during 21-23 December, 2004. 13. Member Co-ordination Committee (2005) for the Research Proposal on "Entrepreneurship Development with Special Reference to Eastern Uttar Pradesh" B.H.U., Varanasi. 14. Acted as Student's Advisor, Faculty of Social Sciences, BHU, Varanasi for the session 2007-08. 15. Member, Human Rights Cell, BHU, for the session 2008-10. 16. Member, Teachers Grievance committee, B.H.U 2011-13. 17. Member B.H.U,ALUMNI CELL, 2013-14,2014-15 18. Coordinator-Placement cell, Faculty of social Sciences,B.H.U,2013-14,2014-15 19. Coordinator- Web committee, faculty of Social Sciences,B.H.U,2014-15 |