Dr Mahendra Pratap Singh |
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Professor & Head Economics Residence: New F/10, Jodhpur Colony, B.H.U., Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005 Phone (off.): 0542-2575513& Phone (Res.): 0542-2575513 Mobile: 09452348659 Email: [email protected] |
Academic Qualification:
A � Research Area: International Trade/International Finance B � Number of Publications: National/ International: 50/08 C � Major Publications (Maximum five publications): 1. Import Policy for a Developing Economy, Chugh Publications, Allahabad, 1985. 2. (Co- authored) Indian Economy: The Emerging Issues (2012), Gaur publishers & Distributors, New Delhi. Papers Published-International: 3. SAARC: Future Prospects in Trade (written jointly), Journal of Economic Society, Birat Nagar, Nepal, April 2008, pp. 31-34. 4. Trade in Services Led Growth: Problems and Solutions, (written jointly), published in Vishleshan, Vol.ΙX, Sept.2009, Multi- disciplinary Journal of Tribhuvan University Teacher�s Association, Postgraduate Campus Unit, Biratnagar, Nepal, pp.202-207. 5. Strategy for Foreign Trade in Nepal, Asian Profile, Vol.32, No.2, April 2004, pp. 157-163, Asian Research Service, Metro Tower RPO, Durnaby, B.C. Canada, V-5H4J8. 6. India Foreign Trade: The Changing Scenario of Size, Composition and Direction, the Economic Journal of Nepal, Vol.25, No.2, April-June, 2002, A Quarterly Publication of the Central Department of Economics, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Nepal, pp.56-58. 7. Economic Development of Nepal during Democratic System-A Comparative Study with Predemocracy (written jointly). The Economic Journal of Nepal, Vol.23, No.4, Issue. 92, Oct-Dec., 2000. A Quarterly Publication of the Central Department of Economics, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Nepal, pp.157-167. 8. Economic Scenario of Nepalese Economy, The Journal of Economic Society, May 2000, Occasional, Number 01, Economic Society of Nepal, Biratnagar, pp. 11-19. 9. Nepal�s Foreign Trade: The Changing Scenario of Commodity Composition and Direction (written jointly), published in Economic Journal of Nepal, Vol.22, No.2, April-June 1999. A Quarterly Publication of the Central Department of Economics, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal, pp.75-84. Papers Published-National: 10. A Comparative Study of Macro Economic Variables is SAARC Countries, (written jointly), published in Economic Affairs, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol-56, No.1, March 2011, pp.61-65. 11. Productive Compass of Entitlements and Deprivation (written jointly), published in The Indian Economic Journal, Special Issue, Dec.2010, Issues on Economics of Amartya Sen, pp.1-6. 12. Sustainable Development and Realities of Indian Economy (written jointly), Prajna, Vol.56, Part-1, Year-2010-11, pp.207-211, ISSN: 0554-9884. 13. Relevance of Gandhi�s Views on Industrialization, Choice of Technique and Reconstruction in the Light of Hind Swaraj, (Written in Co-authorship), published in Anusilana, Vol.XXV, No.4,2010, pp. 27-30. 14. Globalization & Export Performance in India, (written jointly), Varta, Vol.XXΙX , April-October, 2008, Nos. 1&2, Research Journal of the Bhartiya Arthik Sodha Sansthan, Allahabad, pp. 27-36. 15. Macro Economic Variables is SAARC Countries- A Comparative Study, (written jointly), published in Anusilana, Research Journal of Indian Cultural, Social & Philosophical Stream, Vol.XXΙV, No.3, March 2010, pp.17-30. 16. Global Financial Crisis and Turmoil in Indian Economy (written jointly), published in 5th Annual Conference of UPUEA, Vol-5, Supplementary Articles, autumn, 2009, pp. 616-619. 17. The Economics of John Maynard Keynes and Joan Robinson: A Comparative Study (written jointly), published in Indian Economic Association, Conference Volume, 2004, Dec. 21-23, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, pp. 650-653. 18. The Economy of U.P.: Population, Food and Nutrition (written jointly), published in The Economy of Uttar Pradesh: Emerging Challenges, Edited by Prof. (Mrs) Madhuri Srivastava, Banaras Hindu University, Deptt. Of Economics, IEA, 87th Annual Conference, Dec. 21-23, 2004, pp.122-130. 19. Vaishwikaran, Audyogikaran Avam Paryavaran: Bharat ke Sandarbh Men, Co-authors-Dr. Vmal Shankar Singh and Shubhra Singh, Published in Prajna, B.H.U. Journal, Volume 47-48, Nos 1-2, Year 2001-2003, pp. 109-114. 20. The Capital Market Reforms in India-Challenges Ahead (written jointly), published in Indian Economic Association, Conference Volume, 1999, pp.223-231. 21. Industrial Policy, Technology and Productivity in Indian Industry (written in Co-authorship), published in Indian Economic Journal, Vol.44, No.2, Oct-Dec. 1996-97, pp. 117-129. 22. Strategy for Reforms in Institution Financing for Agricultural Sector in India (written jointly). The Purvanchal Journal of Human Relations, Vol.5, Year 3, June 1995, Purvanchal Univarsity, Acadamy of Social Sciences and Humanities, Jaunpur, U.P. 23. Static Effects of Customs Unions- A Critical Appraisal (written jointly), published in B.H.U. Journal of Social Sciences, Vol.7, No. 9-10, 1987-88, pp.293-305. 24. Export Promotion in India-Problems and Solution. The Southern Economist, May 1987, pp. 63-66. 25. World Trade: What UNCTAD has Done to Help Developing Countries, (written jointly), Southern Economist, Vol.19, No.15&16, Aug. 1984, pp.9-13. 26. Effects of Import Control on the Rate of Profit- A Study of Public Sector Undertakings (Central Govt), The Economic Studies, Vol.24, No.3, Spring 1984, pp.277-280 and 215. 27. India�s Trade with East Europe under Bilateralism: Problems and Prospects, The Asian Economic Review, Vol.XXΙV, April and August, 1982, Nos 1&2, PP.94-101. 28. Import Substitution and Industrialization: India�s Case Study, The Southern Economist, Vol.19, No.15&16, Dec.1980, pp.9-13, Bangalore. 29. Foreign Trade in Ancient India, Economic Studies, April 1980, Vol.20, No.7, pp.489-494. 30. Foreign Trade and Economic Development: The Indian Experience (written jointly), Southern Economist, Annual Number, May 1, 77, Vol.16, No.1, pp. 63-66. 31. Economic Development and Import Policy: India�s Case Study, Southern Economist, Vol.14, Feb.1, 1976, No.19, pp. 7-10. 32. Import Substitution- Problems and Perspective, Eastern Economist, Vol.24, Dec.12, 1975, No.65, pp.1073-1077. 33. WTO and Indian Agriculture: An Egregious Weapon of TRIPs (written jointly), Conference Volume, Part-1, Indian Economic Association, organized by School of Economics, Andhra University, Vishakhapatnam, A.P., Dec. 27-29, 2005, PP.374-379. CHAPTERS IN BOOKS-PUBLISHED 34. Economic Reforms And Human Beings Amidst Economic Development in India, (written jointly), published in The State of Indian Economy, Edited by V.B. Jugale, Vol.ΙΙΙ , Serials Publications, 2006, New Delhi, pp.25-31. 35. India and the World Trade Organization (W.T.O.): An Exploitative Compass of TRIPs (written jointly) published in W.T.O. and the Indian Economy, Edited by G.K. Chadha, Deep & Deep Publications, Pvt. Ltd., F-1, 59, Rajauri Garden, New Delhi- 110027, 2001, pp. 171-179. 36. India�s Export Policy and Export Performance (In the Context of India�s Economic Development), published in Issues in Indian Economy, Vol.ΙΙ, Edited by K.R. Gupta, Atlantic Publishers and Distributions, New Delhi, 1996, pp. 125-150. 37. India�s Industrial Policy and Industrial Development- A Critical and Analytical Study, Published in Issues in Indian Economy, Edited by K.R. Gupta, Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 1996, pp. 300-324. 38. The Role of International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Growth of Indian Economy, (written jointly) , Published in International Institutions and Economic Development of Under-developed Countries , Edited by M.R. Aggarwal, Deep & Deep Publications, Pvt.ltd., 2002, ISBN 81-7629-378-4. 39. Dimensions of Poverty in India (written jointly), Published in a book entitled �Indian Economic Development and Business-Emerging Issues and Outlook, Edited by Suresh Chandra Aggarwal, Rashmi Agrawal and Rakesh Shahni, 2005, pp. 108-123, New Century Publications, New Delhi, India. 40. WTO and Indian Trade: A Tactful Compass of Opportunity and Exploitation (written jointly), published in A Decade of WTO and Indian Economy, Edited by S.B. Yadav, Sunit Enterprises, New Delhi-110002, 2006,pp.191-200. 41. Sustainable Development for Indian Poor, (written jointly), published in Proceedings of National Workshop on Research Methodology, organized by Department of Economics, DAV PG College, Varanasi, between March 30-31,2010, Edited by Dr. Vimal Shankar Singh , Associate Professor, ISBN No.:978-93-8030/-58-7, pp.165-178. D � Conferences/ symposia/ seminars attended: 30 E � Courses Taught: International Economics & Social Sector F � Membership: 1. Life Member of Indian Economic Association. 2. Life Member of Bhartiya Arthik Shodh Sansthan, Allahabad. 3. Life Member of Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities, Purvanchal University, Jaunpur, U.P. 4. Life Member of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand Economic Association. G � Administrative posts held: Head Department of Economics (Since September, 2012 ) 1. Warden-10 Years: (Ι).March 27, 1987 to March 26, 1990. (ΙΙ). July 8, 1992 to July 22, 1995. (ΙΙΙ). March 21, 2001to March 20, 2005. 2. Administrative Warden- 1 Year 15 Days: (1). From July 8, 1992 to July 22, 1993. 3. Programme Officer- National Service Scheme, Faculty of Social Sciences, B.H.U., Since August 22nd 1997 to June 30, 2009 (11 Years, 10 Months) 1. Member of University Advisory Council of N.S.S. For 1 year since July onwards. H � Honours & Awards: 1. Chandulal Chhotelal Mehta Prize for the best thesis of the year 1978. 1. Merit Scholarship in High School. 2. National Merit Scholarship from Intermediate to M.A. 3. Doctoral Fellowship from ICSSR, New Delhi. |