Anuradha Singh

Assistant Professor
History, FSS
Residence - L-12FF, Jodhpur Colony, BHU, Varanasi, 221005
Mb. 09450584723
Email: [email protected]

S. No. Degree Institution Year
1. P.G. MGKVP University 1999
2. Ph.D MGKVP University 2003

A. Teaching Experience: 8 Years
B. Area of Specialization: Ancient Indian History
C. Number of Ph. D. Supervised: 2
D. Number of Publications: 16
E. Major publications (Maximum five publications in details): Book -Pracheen Bharat me rajshastra aur shasan paddhati, published from Pilgrims publishing 2014, and FIVE research papers in reputed journals.
F. Research project: None
G. Courses /Symposia /Seminars attended: 40
H. Courses and Papers Taught:
History B.A. Sem I, 'History of India from earliest times to Mauryan period'
History Sem I Ancillary: 'History of Ancient India'
History B.A. Sem II: 'History of India from Shunga to Gupta period'.
History B.A. Sem III: 'History of North India from 600 to 1200 AD'.
History B.A. Sem IV: 'History of South India from 600 to 1200 AD'
History M. A.: Sem I: 'State and Governance in Ancient India'.
History M. A.: Sem II: 'Governance in Ancient India.'
History M. A.: Sem III: 'Society, Culture and Religion in Ancient India.'
'Aspects of Economic life in Ancient India'
History M. A.: Sem IV: 'Historians and Historiography in Ancient India.'
I. Academic/personal membership:
1 Member of Indian History Congress, India, New Delhi.
2 Member of UP History Congress, U P
J. Administrative responsibilities held:
Extra Curricular and Co-curricular activities:
1. 2014- Course Coordinator of Orientation Course in Women's Studies CWSD, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
2. 2012 � Programme Officer, NSS (National Service Scheme) at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
3. Warden, Triveni Complex

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