S. No. | Degree | Institution | Year |
1. | P.G. | MGKP, Varanasi | 1978 |
A �Teaching Experience (in years): 32 Years
B- Area of specialization: Modern and Contemporary History
C� Number of Ph.D/M. Phil Supervised: 11 Ph.D awarded under my supervision
D- Number of Publications: National/ International: 50 National and 20 International
E� Major Publications (Maximum five publications):
1: Making of Malaviya Kishore VidyaNiketan ;2009:
2. स्वतंत्रतासंग्राममेदलितचेतनाकाविकासण् किशोरविद्यानिकेतन, 2005
3. स्वतंत्रताआंदोलनऔरउपाश्रयीवर्गएकिशोरीविद्यानिकेतन, 2004
4:Studies in Modern History,KishoreVidya Niketan,2013.
5:Making of Banaras Hindu University,KishoreVidya Niketan,2014
6:Patterns of colonial exploitation,kishorevidyaa niketan,2012:
7 स्वतंत्रतासंग्राममेकाशीकीभूमिका, प्रकाशनविभाग, भारतसरकार,
डाक्टरओपीकेजरीवालद्वारासम्पादितपुस्तकमेलेखण् 2011
F- Research Projects: One UGC major research project completed,
"Religious sensibilities and mentalities in the region of Varanasi." in 2010.
G -Conferences/ symposia/ seminars attended:
In 2014 following international seminars attended.
1.International Conference on Chinese Studies organised by Chinese Studies and BHU.
2.International Conference on Peace Studies,organised by MCPR,BHU.
3.Delivered UGC academic Staff College Lecture in CentalUnversity,GuruGhasi Das University,Bilaspur,ChhattishGhadh.
H� Courses and Papers Taught:
1:Historiographic trends in Modern History Writings at PhD level.
2:History of Contemporary World ;1850 to 2003: at Post graduate level.
3;History of India after Independence.1947 to 2000; at PG Level.
4:Colonial Economy in Modern Times;PG Level.
5:History of Europe,1453 to 1800. At UG level.
I- Academic/Professional Membership:
Member Academic Council BHU
Life Member Indian History Congress
J- Administrative posts held:Adminsitrative Warden for 11 Years in BHU
Coordinator, UGC Academic Staff College, BHU, 2000-2005
K� Honours& Awards: