Dr. H. S. Asthana

Department of Psychology
Jagriti Nagar, Manduadih, Varanasi-221103
0542-2369967 08765508636
[email protected]

Academic Qualifications
Sl. No. Degree Institution Year
1 P. G. Banaras Hindu University 1987
2 Ph.D. Banaras Hindu University 1992

A. Teaching experience (in years) : Over 18 Years

B. Areas of specialization : Clinical Psychology, Health Psychology, Neuropsychology

C. Number of Ph. D supervised : 03

D. Number of publications (National/International) 40

E. International Journals: 20

F. National Journals: 13

G. Book Chapter: 05

Text Book: 02

No.of Citations in : 445 nternational Journals/Books/

Ph.D Thesis

H. Research projects : 02

I. Conference/symposia/seminars attended : 19

J. Courses and papers taught

1. Undergraduate Level : Psychological Assessment & Statistics, Clinical Psychology

2. Postgraduate Level : Psychopathology, Diagnostic Techniques, Therapeutic

Techniques, Neuropsychology, Health Psychology

3. Ph. D. Course Work : Neuropsychology, Clinical psychology

K. Academic/ professional membership

1. Life Member, Indian Science Congress Association

2. Life Member, Indian Academy of Applied Psychology

3. Life Member, Sports Psychology of India

4. Member, Ethical Committee, IMS, BHU

L. Administrative responsibilities held

1. Assistant Director ( Behavioural Science), UP Academy of Administration, Nainital

2. Assistant Dean Student Welfare, Kumaun University, SSJ Campus, Almora

3. Course Coordinator, PG Diploma in Counseling & Psychotherapy, RGSC, Barkachha (Continuing from July, 2011)

4. Coordinator, Guidance and Counseling centre, department of psychology, BHU( Continuing from March, 2014)

M. Honors and awards received

1. ISCA Young Scientists Award, 1993

2. BHU Prize Award, 1981, 1982

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