Dr. Shobhna Joshi
Associate Professor
Psychology (FSS)
P /13,New Medical Enclave,BHU,221005
[email protected]
Academic Qualifications
Sl. No. | Degree | Institution | Year |
1 | P. G. | Garhwal University | 1986 |
2 | M.Phil/Ph.D. | Gurukul Kangari University | 1993 |
3 | PDF | BHU | 1999- 2003 |
A. Teaching experience (in years) 17 years
B. Areas of specialization Developmental Psychology and Sports Psychology.
C. Number of M. Phil/Ph. D supervised Three
D. Number of publications (National/International) 30
E. Major publications (selected)
1. Roy, M., Tapadia, M., Joshi, S. &Koch, B. (2014). Molecular and genetic basis of depression, Journal of Genetics, Springer, 93(3), 879-892.
2. Kumari, S. & Joshi, S. (2013). Neonatal outcomes in women with depression and anxiety.SIS Journal of projective psychology & mental health, 20(2), 141-145.
3. Adamski,K.& Joshi,S.(2013). Personality, musicality and mental health in south Asian classical musician, International Journal of Advanced Research, 2(2),343-349.
4. Joshi, S. &Srivastava, R. (2009). Self-esteem and Academic Achievement of Adolescents. Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, Vol. 35, Special Issue, 33-39.
5. Joshi, S., Kumari, S., & Jain M. (2008). Religious belief and its relation to psychological well-being. Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, 2, 345-354.
F. Research projects
A study of some psychological barriers to educational development of Kharwar children of the Naugarh region.
G. Conference/symposia/seminars attended 12
H. Courses and papers taught Developmental ,Applied,General Psychology,Psychopathology,Social,Cross-Cultural and Councelling Psychology
I. Academic/ professional membership SIS Journal of projective psychology & mental health and International Association of Applied Psychology
J. Administrative responsibilities held In different committees of Social Science Faculty,
Coordinator,P.G.Dip.in Councelling and Psychotherapy