Dr. Swaran Lata Singh

Assistant Professor
Flat No.1, Sai Apartments, Near Hyderabad Gate, BHU, Varanasi.
0542-2369967, 08765439007
[email protected], [email protected]

Academic Qualifications
Sl. No. Degree Institution Year
1 P. G. University of Lucknow 2003
2 Ph.D. University of Lucknow 2010

A. Teaching experience (in years): 06 years

Assistant Professor, Psychology Department, Faculty of Social Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (2011 � till date).

Assistant Professor, Psychology Department, A.N.D.N.N.Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Harsh Nagar, Kanpur. U.P. (2010-11).

Assistant Professor, Psychology Department, Government P.G. College, Charkhari, U.P (2009-10).

Project Officer � Capacity Building, GFATM � 7 Project, Counseling Component, Psychology Department, Lucknow University, Lucknow (2008-09).

B. Areas of specialization:

Clinical and Counseling Psychology, Positive Psychology, HIV/AIDS, Social Skills Training

C. Number of M. Phil/Ph. D supervised: 03( ongoing)

D. Number of publications (National/International): 08 (in journals), 05 (chapters in books)

E. Major publications (selected)

Verma S. and Swaran Lata. Nutritional status and ART adherence of HIV/AIDS Orphans � A systematic Review, Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing, Vol. 6, March 2015, ISSN-2229-5356.

Swaran Lata, Verma S. & Shukla, A. Emotional Intelligence and Job Satisfaction among HIV/AIDS Counselors, Indian Journal of Community Psychology, Vol. 10, Issue II, September 2014, ISSN-0974-2719.

Swaran Lata and Verma S. A Review of Mental Health of HIV/AIDS Orphans, Journal of AIDS and HIV Research, Vol. 5(12), December 2013, 457-467, ISSN-2141-2359.

Swaran Lata. Nuturing Social Competence through Social Skills Training, Indian Social and Psychological Studies, Vol. 5, No. 1, March 2012, 41 � 50, ISSN 0974-634X.

Swaran Lata and Shukla, A. The Effects of Social Skills Training on young orphan girls, Social Science International � Interdisciplinary readings, Bhubaneswar, Vol. 28, No. 1, January � June, 2012, 27 - 40, ISSN 0970-1087.

F. Conference/symposia/seminars attended:

Nutritional Status and Psychosocial Distress of HIV/AIDS Orphans and Non HIV/AIDS Orphans, presented in 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Cognition and Health, organized by Department of Psychology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (U.P.) from 19-21 December, 2014.

HIV/AIDS related Stigma and HIV/AIDS Awareness among senior secondary students of Varanasi, presented in International Conference on Youth, Gender & HIV, organized by Amity University, Lucknow from August 12th � 13th, 2014.

Knowledge and Awareness of HIV/AIDS among Undergraduate students of the University, presented in 1st International and 3rd Indian Psychological Science Congress, organized by National Association of Psychological Science �India and Department of Psychology, P.G. Govt. College, Sector-46, Chandigarh from Febuary 24th � 25th, 2014.

Perceived Social Support and Psychosocial Distress of Orphans and Non-Orphans, presented in 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Cognition and Health, organised by SAP-DRS-1, Department of Psychology, BHU, Varanasi from January 23-25, 2014.

Prescription for Successful Aging: Adopt Healthy Lifestyle, presented in National Seminar on Promoting Well Being among Elderly: An Indian Perspective, organised by Dept. of Psychology, Lucknow University from December 26-27, 2013.

Nutritional Status, Psychological Well-being and Psychosocial adjustment of Orphan and Non-Orhan Children', presented in International Conference of Applied Psychology, organized by Faculty of Psychology, Panjab University, Chandigarh from 24-25 February, 2012.

Need of Social Skills Training in Schools', presented in National Conference on Role of Music and Sports in Education and Mental Health of Children, organized by Faculty of Education, Kamaccha, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (U.P.) from 11-12 February, 2012.

Social Skills and Academic Achievement in Orphan and Non-Orphan Girls', presented in International Conference on Cognition and Health, organized by Department of Psychology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (U.P.) from 23-24 January, 2012.

Fostering Social Competence through Social Skills Training', presented in International Conference on Counselling and Community Psychology, organized by Department of Applied Psychology, V.B.S. Purvanchal University, Jaunpur (U.P.) from 17 � 19 December, 2011.

G. Courses and papers taught:

B.A & B.Sc. - Basic Psychological Processes, Applied Psychology, Elementary Methodology and Elementary statistics, Psychology of Human Development

M.A. & M.Sc. Sem I - Applied Social Psychology

M.A. & M.Sc. Sem I - Applied Psychometry

M.A. & M.Sc. Sem III- Applied Psychological Assessment

M.A. & M.Sc. Sem IV- Personality, Adulthood and Aging

P.G. Diploma in Counselling Guidance and Psychological Intervention Sem I- Psychological Assessment in Specific Populations

P.G. Diploma in Counselling Guidance and Psychological Intervention Sem II- Prevention and Management of Specific Populations

H. Academic/ professional membership: EMDR Association of India

I. Honors and awards received-

'Prof. Kali Prasad Memorial Research Prize' for the year 2010 for the 'Best Ph.D thesis in the Department of Psychology, Lucknow University during the two preceeding years.'

'Best Paper Award' for the paper entitled 'Social Skills and Academic Achievement in Orphan and Non-Orphan Girls', presented in International Conference on Cognition and Health, organized by Department of Psychology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (U.P.) from 23-24 January, 2012.


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