DR. Urmila Rani Srivastava

Assistant Professor (III),
Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences,
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi


C/O Mr. Pankaj Kumar Sinha
N-11/60, B 18-C, Shree Krishna Nagar Colony
Ranipur, Mahmoorganj, VARANASI-221010.
0542-2369967 09452196149
[email protected]

Academic Qualifications
Sl. No. Degree Institution Year
1 P. G. BHU 1990
2 Ph.D. BHU 1997

A. Teaching experience (in years)- 12 Years

B. Areas of specialization- Organizational Behaviour and Occupational Health

C. Number of M. Phil/Ph. D supervised- 02 (4 undergoing)

D. Number of publications (National/International)- 18 in Journals and 06 Book Chapters(including one international) and edited one book

E. Major publications (selected)

Srivastava, U. R. (2010). Shift work related to stress, health and mood states: A study of dairy workers. Journal of Health Management, 12, (2), 173-200.

Srivastava, U.R. & Singh, M. (2013). Linking job characteristics and mental health among middle level Indian managers: Testing the mediating role of psychological empowerment. Psychological Studies, 58(2), 188?200.

Srivastava, S. &cSrivastava, U.R. (2014). Work and non work related outcomes of work family facilitation. Social Science International, 28, 137- 158.

Srivastava, U. R., & Singh, A. P. (2006). Functional social support questionnaire: Assessing the perceived availability of social support. Psychological Studies, 51, (2-3), 217-222.

Singh A. P., Srivastava, U. R., & Mandal. M. K. (1999). The role of social support in stress and health outcomes among Indian managerial personnel. In T. Sugiman, M. Karasawa, J. H. Liu & C. Ward (Eds.). Asian Social Psychology: Theoretical and empirical contributions. K-K-Sa Publishing Co South Korea.

F. Conference/symposia/seminars attended- 25 (With paper Presentation)

G. Courses and papers taught- 3 Courses and 2 Practical at UG level and4 courses and one Practical at PG level

H. Academic/ professional membership

1. Member of the Psychology Alumni Lifelong Association, B.H.U., Varanasi.

2. Member of the Editorial consultants in the journal-Indian Journal Social Science Researche

Administrative responsibilities held-

I. Three years of Administrative Experience as ?WARDEN? of the Triveni Complex B. H.U. (July, 2004 -June, 2007).

J. Honors and awards received

1. Received B.H.U. GOLD MEDAL for standing first in Psychology at the M.A / M.SC (FINAL) Examination, 1990.

2. Received DIAMOND JUBILEE PLAQUE for securing University position First in Psychology at to the B.Sc (Part-II) Examination, 1987.

3. Received B.H.U. SCHOLARSHIP FOR THREE YEARS for doing Research in the Department of Psychology B.H.U. (From, 1991 to 1994).

4. Received BEST PAPER AWARD for the manuscript entitled "Team-Member Exchange (TMX) Quality, Organizational Commitment and Job Performance: Mediating Role of Psychological Empowerment" which was Presented in the 47h National and 16th International Conference of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology (IIAP), 15-17, June, 2012. Toc H Institute of Science and Technology, Arakunnam , Kerala

5. Received  "BHARAT JYOTI AWARD" With "CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENCE" by India International Friendship Society New Delhi on 26th March, 2014.

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