Yogesh Kumar Arya

Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
New F/9, Hyderabad Colony, BHU Campus, Varanasi
0542-2369967, 0542-2570947, 09415267229
[email protected]

Academic Qualifications
Sl. No. Degree Institution Year
1 P. G. Banaras Hindu University 1995
2 M.Phil / Ph.D. Banaras Hindu University 2009

A. Teaching experience (in years): 15 Years

B. Areas of specialization: Cognitive Psychology, Health and well-being, Physiological and Neuropsychology

C. Number of M. Phil/Ph. D supervised: 4 (Ongoing)

D. Number of publications (National/International): 12

E. Major publications (selected)

1 Arya, Y. K. & Mishra, R. C. (2012). Development of Field dependent-field independent cognitive style and other cognitive functions in school children. Social Science International, 28, 359-370.

2 Mittal, S., Singh, T., Y. K. Arya & Tiwari, M. K. (2013). Effect of emotional arousal on eyewitness memory. Indian Journal of Social Science Researches, 10(1), 24-30.

3 Mandal, S. P., Arya, Y. K. & Pandey, R. (2014). Understanding emotion regulatory effect of mindfulness: Role of differentiation and range of emotional experiences. Indian Journal of Positive Psychology, 5 (4), 356-362.

4 Arya, Y. K. (2009). Contextual factors in memory. In A. Shukla (Ed.), Culture, cognition and behavior (pp. 107-131), New Delhi: Concept.

5 Mandal, S. P., Arya, Y. K. & Pandey, R. (2012). Mental health and mindfulness: Mediational role of positive and negative affect. Journal of Projective Psychology & Mental Health, 19, 150-159.

F. Research projects Completed

SAP DRS-1, Department of Psychology, Banaras Hindu University, "Determinants of time perception in cognitive affective disturbances" (20012-13). Ongoing

UGC (Major Research Project) "Effects of stimulus ambiguity, presentation duration, associated meaning and perceivers? emotional state on time perception" (2015-2018).

G. Conference/symposia/seminars attended - 20

H. Courses and papers taught

Courses taught

Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)

Bachelor of Technology (Open Elective Course)

Master of Arts (Psychology)

Master of Personnel Management and Industrial Relations (MPMIR)

Papers taught

Foundations of Psychological Processes

Applied Psychology

Advanced Physiological Psychology

Adv. Biopsychology

Cognitive Psychology


I. Academic/ professional membership

Life Member, BHU Psychology Alumni Association (BPAA)

Member, International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP)

Member, National Academy of Psychology (NAOP)

Life Member, National Magnetic Resonance Society

Life Member, National Association for Psychological Sciences

Life Member, Somatic Inkblock Society (SIS)

J. Administrative responsibilities held

Warden, AND Hostel from 2004-2997

Member, Faculty Examination Coordination Committee, FSS, BHU

Joint Secretary, FSS Athletic Association, Faculty of Social Sciences, Banaras Hindu University

K. Honors and awards received

1. Best Paper award for the paper entitled "Field-Independence and Intentional and Incidental Learning Task Performance among School Children" (2012).

2. Best Paper award for the paper entitled "Determinants of time perception: Role of emotional state of the perceiver and valence of the perceived stimulus" (2012).

3. Best Paper award for the Paper entitled "Role of cognitive style in vocational and career related decisions" (2013).

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