Address-Official : Department of Sociology

Faculty of social sciences

B.H.U., Varanasi - 221005

Uttar Pradesh, India

Mobile - +919670554628

Email id : [email protected]

Description: ajit pandey.jpg

Education : M.A., M. Phil. & Ph.D. in Sociology, JNU, New Delhi


Since 2006


Dept of Sociology B.H.U. Varanasi.

2008 to2012


Centre for Study of Social Exclusion and & Inclusive Policy (CSSEIP), FSS, BHU, Varanasi

1991to 2006

Lecturer/Reader/Associate Professor

Department of Sociology, University of Lucknow, Lucknow

1988 to 1991

Assistant Director

North Eastern Police Academy, Shillong, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.

1986 to 1988

Senior Research Associate

Department of Sociology A.N.Sinha Institute of Social Studies, Patna

Area of Specialization : Research Methodology and Sociological Theories, Kinship and Tribal Polity,

Gender studies, Subaltern Studies

Present Academic Interest : a) Sociological Theories and Methodology in Social


b) Subaltern and Development studies

Prof Pandey has remained busy throughout his academic career in expounding and examining theories and ideologies, problems and problematic, conflicts and Contradictions and norms, values and instructions of modern societies. His thinking is a critical and constructive response to the crises of modernity. It arises from within the matrix of contemporary society and returns to it again and again in order to gain critical awareness of the intellectual foundations that support it. To him, Sociology's direction must be directed by an awareness of both the limits of its theories and of its techniques, and vital interconnections of one with the other, and not with the rejection of one or the other by theoreticians and empiricists, both of whom operate within a restricted and restricting view of science and of sociology.

Of late, he has started working on the dynamics of relationship between subalternity, exclusion and social change in India. He has proposed a new perspective on subaltern studies which addresses to the limitations of Ranjit Guha's subaltern Studies. His recent contributions in this area published by Cambridge University Press and Routledge, London have been well appreciated.

Member, Professional Bodies

  • Member, Indian Sociological Society (ISS).

  • Member, International Sociological Association (ISA).

  • Member Executive Committee, U.P. Sociological Society.

  • Member Executive Committee, Ethnographic and Folk Culture Society, Lucknow.

  • Member, Panel of Lecturers in Criminology and Behavioral Sciences Bureau of Police, Research & Development (BPR&D), Government of India, New Delhi from 1988 to1991

  • Founder Director, Myrdal Institute of Social Studies.

  • Vice-Chairman, Organization for Social Engineering and Development

  • UGC nominee for a special assistance program (SAP) in Department of Sociology Ambedkar Central University, Lucknow for five years since the academic session 2011-12.

Professional Activities

i. Managing Editor, Journal of Social Sciences, B.H.U.

ii. Managing Editor, Development Ecology.

iii. Managing Editor, Samajikee, Journal of U.P. Sociological Society.

iv. Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Sociological Bulletin.

v. Visiting faculty in various reputed institutes of management.

vi. Visiting Professor in Center for Study of Social System, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi during the session 2010-11 & 2017-18

vii. Invited for a special lecture in a seminar at University of Auckland, New Zealand.

viii. Visiting Professor in the Department of Sociology, AMU, Aligarh during the session 2014-15

ix. Visiting Professor at B.R. Ambedkar Central University Lucknow in the Department of Sociology during the session 2015-2016


(A) Books

  • Dalits, Subalternity and Social change in India published by Routledge, London, 2018
  • Subalternity, Exclusion and Social Change in India published by Cambridge University Press, 2014.
  • New Directions in Sociological Theory: Disputes, Discourses and Orientations, Rawat Publications, Jaipur /New Delhi, 2010
  • Social Development in India (two volumes), Anmol Publication, New Delhi, 2004.
  • Gender Equality, Development and women empowerment , Anmol Publications, New Delhi, 2003.
  • Emerging Issues in Empowerment of Women, Anmol Publication, New Delhi, 2002
  • Tribal Society in India , Manak Publications, New Delhi, 1997
  • Kinship and Tribal Policy , Rawat Publications, Jaipur/New Delhi, 1989.

(B) Articles

    • "Kinship and Power Structure among the Oraons of Bihar - A Study in Continuity and Change", Relevant Sociology, Vol IV, No. 1, 1987, PP 35-49.
    • "Environment and Culture: A Sociological Perspective", Development Ecology, Vol. I & II, April - October, 1988, pp 43-49.
    • "Police and Social Environment in India", Development Ecology, Vol. VI, October, 1990, pp 91-102.
    • "Traditionalism and Modernity", The Eastern Anthropologist, Vol. 44, No.3, July-September, 1991, pp 241-252
    • "Action Sociology: An Exercise in Phenomenology", Action Sociology Review, Vol. No.1, January 1992, pp 77-81.
    • "Social Formation and Jharkhand Movement in Tribal Bihar", The Eastern Anthropologist, Vol. 47 No.3, July - September, 1994, pp 257-277, Vol. 47, No.4, Oct-Dec, 1994, pp 341-366.
    • Review Article on "Tribal Society, The Changing Scenario", The Eastern Anthropologist, Vol. 55, No.4, October-December, 2002 pp.371-374.
    • "Action Sociology: Some Epistemological Issues", Contemporary Social Work, Vol. XVII, October, 2000.
    • "Crisis of Policing in India", Development Ecology, Vol. I, II, March - September 2001.
    • A crisis of Hindu Identity: Search for an alternative published in the Eastern Anthropologist vol-55 nos.2-3 April - Sep 2002.
    • 'Jharkhand Movement and Marxist Theory,' published in vol-59 nos.3-4 -2006 of Eastern Anthropologist.
    • "Jharkhand state: Understanding the nature of tribal social formation" communicated to American Anthropologist in July, 2018.
    • Politics of Identity and Recognition: Questioning the Perspectives from Social Science, Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 10, No.1, Jan-June, 2008, pp. 66-80
    • Review Article "Knowledge, Power and Culture: Towards a Critical Perspective Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 11, No.1, Jan-June, 2009, pp. 159-166)
    • " Quality of Education, Child Labour and Child Protection Structure: Interrogating the Status of Child Rights in Uttar Pradesh , Social Change - Journal published by Sage, 2015, 45 (1).
    • Dalit Women in Uttar Pradesh: Experiencing Subalternity and Exclusion published as a chapter in the book on Dalits, Subalternity and Social Change in India by Routledge, London in the year 2018.
    • "Sex and gender in the political economy of ageing" accepted for publication in the Journal of Social Science Review.
    • "A Sinhala Village in a Time of Trouble: Politics and Change in Rural Sri Lanka" , by Jonathan Spencer, Oxford University Press, South Asian Studies, 1990. Reviewed in "The Eastern Anthropologist. Vol. 44 No. 4 October - December, 1991, pp 402-404.
    • "Chant the Names of God: Musical Culture in Bhojpuri Speaking India" by Edward O. Henry, San Diego: State University Press. 1988, Reviewed in The Eastern Anthropologist. Vol. 45, July - September 1992, pp 296-298.
    • "Development Planning and Structural Inequalities" by Victor D'Souza. Sage Publication. Reviewed in The Eastern Anthropologist. Vol. 46, No. 1 Jan- March 1993, pp 105-107.
    • "Development in Over Exploited Tribal Region" by Y.G. Joshi. Inter India Publication. 1990. Reviewed in Sociological Bulletin. Vo. 41, Nos. 1 & 2 March-Sep 1992 pp 105-107.
    • "Tribal Social Structure: A study of the Maring Society of Manipur" by Rajat Kanti Das, Inter India Publication. 1998. Reviewed in Journal of Indian Anthropologist Vol. 22, No.2, December 1992.
    • "Kinship Affinity and Domestic Group" by J.S. Bhandari. Gyan Publishing House. New Delhi 1992. Reviewed in The Eastern Anthropologist. Vol. 46, No.2, April - June 1993.
    • "Changing Values and Tribal Societies: A Comparative Study of the Munda and Oraon Values Orientations" by A.R.N. Srivastava. Inter Publications. New Delhi. 1992. Reviewed for Contributions to Indian Sociology. 27 (2) 1993.
    • "Tribal Education for Community Development: A Study of Schooling in the "Talasari Mission Area" by Rudolf C. Heredia. Concept Publishing Company. New Delhi. Reviewed for Contributions to Indian Sociology. (Solicited). Forthcoming.
    • "Image, Ideology and Inequality: Domination, Hegemony and Schooling in India" by Timothy J. Scrase. Sage Publication. New Delhi/London. Reviewed in the Eastern Anthropologist. Vol. 46, No.4, October - December 1993.
    • "Power, Poverty and Poison: Disaster and Response in an Indian City" by James Manor. Sage Publications, New Delhi. Newbury Park London. 1993, Reviewed for Journal of Social Work. 1997.
    • "A History of Socialist Thought" by Subrata Mukherjee and Sushila Rama Swamy, Sage Publications. London, 2000. Reviewed in The Eastern Anthropologist, Vol. 54, No. 53-4, July- December, 2001.
    • "Social Power and Everyday Class Relations: Agrarian Transformation in north Bihar" by Anand Chakravorty. Sage publications, New Delhi. 2001, Reviewed for The Eastern Anthropologist.
    • Methodology and Field Work by Vinay Kumar Srivastava, Oxford University Press, New Delhi 2004, Reviewed for Sociological Bulletin.
    • Green Revolution (Agricultural and Social Change in Northern India's village) by Stanley A. Freed and Ruth S. Freed, Anthropological papers of the American Museum of Natural History, Number 85, 2002, Reviewed for the Eastern Anthropologist.
    • 'The Future of Social Theory" By Nicholas Gane, Continuum, London/New York, 2006. Reviewed in The Journal of Social Science, Vol. 10, No.1, January-June,2008
    • Gandhi, Ambedkar, Dalits Emancipation by Jitender Prasad and Sangita Thakur, New Delhi:Academic Excellence. Reviewed in JSS, Vol.12 No.2, July.-Dec, 2014.
    • Historical Sociology in India By HetukarJha, Routledge, London 2016. Reviewed for Sociological Bulletin,vol.65,no.3,Sep-Dec,2016
    • Sophie's World by Jostein Gaarder (edited and translated by Satyapal Gautam in Hindi ,Rajkamal Prakashan, New Delhi), Reviewed for Sociological Bulletin, vol.66, no.3, Sept.,2017.
    • Debel K. Singha Roy, 2018, Identity, Society and Transformative Social Categories: Dynamics of Construction, Configuration and Contestation,. New Delhi: Sage, Reviewed for Sociological Bulletin.
    • "Policing the Indian Society: A View from Sociology", International Journal of Sociology of Law, U.K. (Communicated).
    • "Engendering Fertility Behavior" Current Sociology (Communicated)
    • Dynamics of Tribal Area Development: A Sociological Study of Bihar", Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) (Communicated)
    • Karmyoga: Towards a perspective on sociology of knowledge ' British journal of Sociology (Communicated).

Papers presented in Seminars/Conferences

  • Kinship and Power Structure: towards a theory of social Stratification . Paper presented in XI World Congress of Sociology , 1986.
  • Centre State Relations and Tribal Development in Bihar . Paperpresented at National Seminar on "Centre - State Relations", A.N. Sinha Institute of Social Studies (ANSISS), Patna, 1986.
  • Bureaucracy as a Culture, paper presented in a course on District level Officers including IAS of four states of India, ANSIS, 1986 (sponsored by Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India).
  • Action Sociology: A Perspective , paper presented at National Seminar on 'Action Sociology' Maurya Hotel, Patna. Organized under the joint auspices of Patna University and Sulabh International, 1987.
  • Police Subculture, Police Bureaucracy and Rule of Law- paper presented in the Department of Sociology, north Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong, 1989.
  • Indian National Tradition , Paper presented in the Department of Philosophy, NEHU, Shillong, 1989.
  • Police and Crime: An experience from Champaran, Bihar - paper presented in a National Seminar of "Police and Crime", Organized by MISS, 1990.
  • Democratic Theory and Political Obligation-. paper presented at a National Seminar on "The Problem of Political Obligation" , Organized by MISS 1991.

* Participated in the International Seminar on"Sources of Violence in the Theory of Modernity", Lucknow, Dec. 1991 as a member Organizing committee and Chief Rapporteur for all the Sessions.

  • Social Structure and Social Reality in India- paper presented in a National Seminar on "Indian Social Reality", Organized by MISS 1992.
  • Police and Society in India: Some theoretical perspective . Paper presented in a National Seminar on "Police and People" Organized under the joint auspices of Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi and Department of Public Administration, Lucknow University, Lucknow on September 12, 1993.
  • Industrialization in traditional Societies and its implication for Labour Management Relation . A paper presented in Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow on 11th October, 1993.
  • Ethnicity and class in American Society : A paper presented in a Seminar on Class, Race and Gender in American Society and Culture Organized by American Studies Research Centre, Hyderabad, India , 18-19th February, 1994.
  • Police Community Relations: A new perspective , Paper presented to the senior Police Offices from different states in India on a course on "Police Community Relations", Organized by North Eastern Police Academy, Ministry of home Affairs, Government of India, 1998 and was also the Course Director.
  • "Crisis of Police Theories in India : Search for an alternative" , paper presented in the XX Annual Conference of the Indian Social Science Association (ISSA) organized by Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, June 2-4, 2000.
  • "Society, State and Higher Education in India : Crises during 53 years of India's Independence" - Paper presented in 18th U.P. Sociology Conference held on 13-14th August, 2000.
  • Presented a paper in XXVIII All India Sociological Conference held at IIT Kanpur in the year 2002.
  • Presented a paper on "Class, State and Ethnic Movement in India : Experience from Jharkhand " in a National Seminar on 'Protest and Social Movement in India' organized by the Department of Sociology and U.P. Sociological Society , 2003.
  • Presented a paper in XXIX All India Sociological Conference held at Udaipur in the year 2003.
  • A paper was accepted in All India Sociological Conference held at University of Jammu, J&K in the year 2005.
  • Presented a paper on the future of sociology in the national seminar on role of sociologists in the 21st century organized by Department Of Sociology, B.H.U. on Feb 4, 2007.
  • Presented a paper on political economy of ageing in the national seminar on the 'Problems of Older People' jointly organized by Canadian centre and Department Of Political Science B.H.U. in March 2008.

* Deliberated in a workshop on Understanding Social Exclusion: Concepts, Methods and Issue at JNU, New Delhi, from 26th Feb to 28th Feb, 2009.

  • Presented a paper on "Development and Exclusion: Interrogating the social policies in South Asian countries" in a plenary session in an International seminar on "Society, Culture and Politics in South Asia "organized by Ethnographic and Folk Culture Society, Lucknow on 3rd -5thMarch,2017

Seminars/ Conferences/Symposia Organized

  • Convener, National Seminar on 'Higher Education in 21st Century : Challenges and Solutions',Dec, 2001 ; organized by Department of Sociology, University of Lucknow.
  • Convener of the National Seminar on "Affirmative Policy and reservation for Marginalized Groups in India " held on 20 November, 2002, Organized by Department of Sociology, Lucknow University, Lucknow.
  • Convener of the National Seminar on 'India's Foreign Relation' organized by Dept. of Sociology, Lucknow University, Lucknow in Sept.2003.
  • Convener of the National Seminar on "Social Science Policy in India" jointly organized by the Department of Sociology, Lucknow University and Indian Association of Social Sciences, New Delhi on 20-21March 2002.
  • Organized an 'Unstructured Dialogue on Issues of Social Exclusion' at the Centre for Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy', B.H.U. Varanasi, in March, 2009
  • Organized Lecture series on the various issues of Exclusion at CSSEIP , BHU since 2009.
  • Convenor of an International Conference on 'Health, Poverty and Human Development ' under the aegis of CSSEIP, BHU , March 05-07,2010. Convener of National Seminar on "Repositioning Subalternity in Globalized India: The Dynamics of Social Inclusion " under the ageis of CSSEIP, BHU, India, November 19-21 2009.
  • Organized a special lecture on "New Challenges of Primary School Education with regard to Inclusion of Local Communities in Neighborhood Schools" under the auspices of CSSEIP, BHU on 25thSeptember, 2010.
  • Organized an Inter-professional Dialogue on "Media and Subalternity"on 4th-5th October, 2010.
  • Organized a special Lecture on "Religion and Society in our time" under the auspices of CSSEIP, BHU on October 11, 2010.
  • Organized an International Symposium on 'Religious Diversities and the State under the aegis of CSSEIP, BHU on April 5, 2011.
  • Organized a National Workshop on 'Research Methodology in Social Science and Humanities: Exploring Interdisciplinary perspective under the auspices of CSSEIP, BHU during the period 24th - 30th November 2011.

  • Organized an international Seminar on "Rethinking Development : Searching for Alternative" on 30-31 march 2012 under the auspices of CSSEIP BHU.
  • Organized a national seminar on MNREGA: Interrogating Development Perspectives in India on 10th&11th August,2015 under the aegis of Department of Sociology, BHU, Varanasi
  • Organized a national seminar on Dalits in India: Debating subalternity and exclusion on 28th -29th November,2015 under the auspices of Department of Sociology, BHU,Varanasi

Invited/Special Lectures/Sessions Chaired

Sessions Chaired

  • Presided Over The Panel on 'Civil Society: Conceptual Issues' in an International Seminar on 'State and Civil Society in Nepal' organized by Centre for Nepalese, B.H.U., Varanasi, in the month of February, 2008
  • Presided a session in XXXIV All India Sociological Conference form Dec, 27th to 29th, and 2008 , held at Jaipur.
  • Presided session-I in the National Seminar on 'Quality of Life, Gender &Development ' organized by Institute of Women's Studies & Development, Lucknow on July 27-28, 2010.
  • Presided over a technical session in the seminar on 'Reorganization of States in India organized by Dept. of Political Sciences, BHU on 21stFebruary 2012.
  • Chaired a session in the seminar "Mediating Marginality " organized by Center for Women Studies and Development, BHU, Varanasi in March, 2012.
  • Invited to chair a Session in World Congress of Sociology at Sweden.
  • Chaired the session on Women's Empowerment in India in a National Seminar on Gender discrimination and Inequalities in Contemporary India: Status, Causes and Solutions organized by Dept. of Sociology, BBAU, Lucknow.
  • Presided a session inRC21 in the Indian Sociological Conference on 30th Nov 2014.
  • Presided the Plenary III on Symbolizing and Reproducing Gender Inequality in a National Seminar on Women and Leadership in India: Deciphering the persisting gender gap-Issues of Equality and Equity in academia, state, bureaucracy and cooperate world organized by Isabella Thoburn College, University of Lucknow on 12th-13th March.
  • Chaired a technical session on ICT, Social Exclusion and Health in a two day national seminar on Globalization and Health (29 th -30th march 2015 ) under the aegis of Dept. of Sociology, AMU, and Aligarh.

  • Chaired a Plenary Session in an International Seminar on Human Trafficking in South Asia under the auspices of Centre for study of Nepal

Special/Invited Lectures

  • Voluntary Organization, Child Development and Bureaucracy in India , a talk delivered to the participants from different governmental and Non-Governmental Organized by National Institute of public Cooperation and Child Development (NIPCCD), Lucknow, 1998
  • Delivered valedictory address in the seminar on 'Development and Marginalization' organized by IIPA, New Delhi on 06th March 2012.
  • Delivered a special lecture on "globalization and social conflict" on 10th September 2012 organized by the department of sociology Ambedkar central university Lucknow.
  • Delivered a special lecture on " Recent trends in research methodology of social sciences on 12th September 2012 organized by A.N. Sinha Institute of Social studies, Patna.

* Participated as a special invitee in the National Workshop on Establishing Teaching Learning Centers in Higher Education, Dated November 26-29, 2013 under the aegis of Department of Higher and Professional Education, National University of Educational Planning and Administration, New Delhi.

  • Invited to deliver the key note address in a National Seminar on Globalization and change in India under the aegis of IIPA New Delhi held on 5th -6th Aug 2014.
  • Invited for a lecture on Philosophical Discourses in Research Methodology in Social Sciences and Humanities on 12th Feb. 2015 in the Faculty Development Workshop organized by Centre for Study of Nepal ,BHU, Varanasi on 9th-16th Feb. 2015
  • Invited for a lecture on Poverty and Deprivation in South Asia: Interrogating Development Perspectives and Social Policy on 10thMarch, 2015 in a Symposium on Poverty and Deprivation in South Asia organized by Centre for Study of Nepal and Department of Economics, BHU, Varanasi on 9th-11th March, 2015.
  • Invited for a lecture on Foundation of Research Methodology in Social Sciences on 6th August,2015 in the Faculty Development Workshop under the joint aegis of Dept. of Sociology, BHU and ICSSR, New Delhi
  • Delivered a special lecture on Youth, Politics and society in India in a national seminar on youth, Ethics and Politics as Profession on 23rd -24th Sep, 2015 organized by Department of Sociology, University of Lucknow.
  • Delivered a special lecture on Ecology and Development in India: Responses from State and Civil Society in a national seminar on Social Ecology and Environmental movement in India on 13th -14th 0ctober,2015 organized by Department of Sociology, University of Lucknow

* Invited as a Guest of Honour in a national seminar on Sexual Harassment of Women at Work: Perspectives and Issues on 12th-13th March,2016 organized by Rjendra Prasad Memorial Degree College. Lucknow.

  • Invited for special lectures on Critical and postmodern theories & methods in Faculty development programme organized by Giri Institute of Development Studies, Lucknow on 31st May,2016 a Plenary Session in an International Seminar on Human Trafficking in South Asia under the auspices of Centre for study of Nepal on Feb.,2016.
  • Invited for a special lecture on Ambedkar and his contribution to the formation of Indian Constitution organized by Government of Punjab and Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar on Sep.23, 2016.
  • Invited lecture on Sports, Culture and Society in India in a national Seminar on Empowerment of India through Physical Education, organized by Department of Physical Education, University of Lucknow on22nd -23rd October,2016.
  • Special Lecture on Marginalization in India: Interrogating Development Perspectives in a national seminar on Development of Marginalization in India under the aegis of Department of Sociology, University of Lucknow, on 9th-10 th November,2016.
  • Invited lecture on Body Politics in Centre for Women Studies, BHU, Varanasi on 13th January,2017.
  • Inaugural address in a national seminar on Women and Environmental Sustainability organized by Department of Sociology , AryaMahila P.G. College, Varanasi on 27th January,2017.
  • Chaired a plenary session on "Interrogating Social Development: Interdisciplinary Social Science Research" in a national seminar on "Rethinking Development: Social Development Today(State, Industry and Civil Society)" under the joint aegis of Indian Social Science Association & Department of Sociology, BHU. Held on 10th-11th Feb.2017.
  • Invited lecture on Critical and Postmodern Methods in Social Sciences and Humanities in Refresher Course under the aegis of UGC-Academic Staff College, BHU, Varanasi on 2nd March,2017.
  • Presented a paper on "Development and Exclusion: Interrogating the social policies in South Asian countries" in a plenary session in an International seminar on "Society, Culture and Politics in South Asia" organized by Ethnographic and Folk Culture Society, Lucknow on 3rd -5thMarch,2017
  • Valedictory address in a national seminar on Globalisation and Youth in India : Perspectives, Issues and Challenges organized by Department of Sociology, Baba Bhimrao Amedkar Central University Lucknow on 6 th -7th March, 2017
  • Special lectures on Institutional legitimacy of Social Sciences in modern world in the Department of Sociology, Lucknow University from 17th -21st April,2017
  • Sociology and Indian Drama , a talk delivered to the participants on a course on "Indian Drama", Organized by Natya Academy, Lucknow, 1993.

  • Invited lecture on 'Contesting Subaltern Studies in India' in CSSS/SSS, JNU, New Delhi on 7thSept,2017.

* Invited as special guest and for key note address in a national seminar on roll of social media as harbinger of change on 7th November 2017 under the aegis of Jahangirabad media institute, Barabanki UP.

* Invited for a special lecture on lifestyle, sports and alternative culture in the department of physical education, Lucknow University on 10-11 2017.

* Presided a technical session on science technology and society (RC13) on 101th November 2017 during all india sociological conference, 2107 at lucknow, university.

* Presided over a plenary session in A Nation Seminar on Deendayal Upadhayaya Special lecture on redefining the concept of Tribe in a plenary session in an International Seminar under the joint aegis of Ethnographic and Folk Society culture & Department of Sociology, Lucknow University on 27th March, 2018.

* Invited in the National Seminar on Human Vulnerabilities: Challenges, Responses and Way forward (24th -25th November,2018) as Guest of Honour and also as Key-Note Speaker under the aegis of the Department of Sociology, Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapeeth, Varanasi.

* Two Special lectures on the topic Social Theory, Environmental Politics and Degradation in a two week (27th November-7th December 2018) Capacity Building programme on Environment and Sustainable Development organized by Department of Sociology, Ambedkar Central University, Lucknow

* Two invited lectures on Recent Discourses in Theory and Research Methodology and their Relevance of for understanding the contemporary Indian Society on 7th and 8th December, 2018 in a Refresher Course organized by the Department of Sociology, DDU, Gorakhpur and UGC HRDC, Gorakhpur University.

* Invited lectures on Modernist Critique of Post-modern Methodology in Social Sciences and Humanities on 8th January, 2019 in a Workshop on Research Methodology under the aegis of Faculty Development Programme of Iswar Saran PG College, University of Allahabad.

* Invited as Guest of Honour in a National Conference on Strengthening Society through Gender Equality and Protection of Child Rights under the auspices of S.S. Subodh P.G. (Autonomous) College, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur held on January 11-12 and delivered valedictory address.


* Cultural Response to the Environment: A study of Tribal of Bihar. Sponsored by Ministry of Environment

* An Alternative Model to Health Services in India. Sponsored by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India

* Body Politics in India: Interrogating Gender Identity and Implication for Civil Society, Major Project sanctioned by U.G.C., New Delhi.

* A UNICEF Project on 'Protection of Child Rights' in three districts of Eastern U.P. (INDIA) also in Moradabad district of Western U.P.

Research Supervision

Supervised 57 Ph.D.s and 1 D.Litt. Some of the important research works under my supervisions are as follows:-

  • Democracy and Civil Society: A comparative study of Habermas and Foucault.
  • Feminism and Civil Society: A Sociological study.
  • Emerging trends in Labour Management Relations in Contemporary Socio-Economic Scenario: A Study of Manufacturing Sector in Lucknow-Kanpur.
  • Police Training in India: A Sociological perspective.
  • Management Strategies in Combating Communal Riots.
  • Post-modernism and Future of Marxist Theory.
  • Development and Ecology: Need for Paradigm Shift.
  • Postmodernism, Marxism and Althusser: A Sociological-Analysis.
  • Sexuality: A Sociological Study.
  • Changing pattern of Hindu marriage and its impact on women: A Sociological Study.
  • Marital Discord and Indian Social Structure: A Sociological Study of Lucknow District
  • Honour Killing: Interrogating gender equality in today's India
  • Exclusion and Social Development in tribal society: A Sociological Study of Jharkhand State

Administrative Experience

* Coordinator, Centre for Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.

* Additional Chief Proctor, Lucknow University, Lucknow.

* Provost of Lucknow University Hostels.

* Assistant Director in a Police Organization (NEPA), Government of India.

* Coordinator, P.G. Diploma Course in 'Electronic Media and Film Production', Certificate Course in N.G.O. and Rural Development and M.Phil. Course run by Department of Sociology, University of Lucknow from 2002 to 2005.

* Administrative Warden of B.H.U. Hostel.

Medals/Awards/Letters of appreciations/ Fellowship----4

Ajit K.Pandey

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