The library of the department having 15,000
volumes approximately. Recently, by the grants from the UGC, we have
purchased more than two hundred volumes in the various disciplines
of the subject such as: Indology, Archaeology, Numismatics, Art
& Architecture, Palaeography & Epigraphy, History of Science
and Technology and on various other aspects of culture and
philosophy. These new additions of books will be of immense value to
the teachers and research scholars for promoting researches in the
thrust areas identified under SAP, ASIHSS and DST-FIST.
Computerization of the library is under progress.
The Department starts the work of library Automations which
help the library user to get the appropriate documents at their
proper shelves. The proper arrangement of documents not only help
the users to save their time as well as increase the efficiency of
the Library staff. The work of automation is under process