The Department initiated Diploma Course in Librarianship, second of its kind in India after Madras University in 1942. In 1961, Diploma course was converted to Bachelor Degree Course with necessary modifications in course content. The course has been discontinued from 2005 onward. Department introduced One year Master of Library and Information Science (M.L.I.S.) Programme in the 1965 second after University of Delhi in order to train specialist librarians for specialized libraries. From 2005 onwards Department has introduced Two years integrated Master of Library and Information Science (M.L.I.S.) programme as per guidelines of Curriculum Development Committee (CDC) of the University Grant Commission (UGC). Ph.D. course was initiated in the Department in 1980. Almost 35 Doctoral dissertations have been submitted and awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.).
This Department has produced a galaxy of trained LIS professionals who are working in different libraries across the country. They have worked with distinction, honesty and sincerity. The alumni of this Department have brought name and fame to this Department with their high skill, dedication and knowledge. Many of them have occupied high positions in the country like Librarians in Universities, IIT, Management schools, Engineering colleges. They have been members and chairman(s) of several committees appointed by the Government of India. For example the Curriculum Development Committee of UGC was chaired by eminent Alumni of this Department i.e. Prof P N Kaula and Prof C R Karisidappa. The Alumni of this Department have been Presidents of Library Associations at the national level whether it is ILA, IASLIC, IATLIS etc. Even the alumni of this Department have been associated with several international forums like FID, IFLA, Unesco etc. You visit the Government ministries and Departments, you find alumni of the LIS Department, BHU. It is not an exaggeration that you go to any big library in the country, you will get the alumni of BHU working there. The pass out of this Department have brought name and fame not only to themselves but to the Department and BHU. The alumni of this Department have significantly contributed to the literature of Library & Information Science. Two Padamsri awardees are associated with this Department. We feel proud in acclaiming that we are alumni of the Department of Library & Information Science, Banaras Hindu University.
The alumni meet being organised on 6th November 2017 in Banaras Hindu University by the Department of Library & Information Science, BHU aims to provide a platform for the alumni to come together, discuss, interact and share their views and experiences. The Alumni are considered to be best ambassadors of their alma- matter which is Banaras Hindu University. The alumni carry with them the values, culture and traditions of their parent organisation.
Best wishes,
Prof. H. N. Prasad
Convener, Alumni Meet