26. Board and Committees

The Court, the Executive Council, the Academic Council or any Faculty may appoint boards or committees consisting of members of the authority making such appointment and such other persons (if any as that authority in each case may think fit) and any such board or committee may deal with any subject assigned to it subject to subsequent confirmation by the authority which appointed it.

27. Selection Committees

(1) (a) There shall be Selection Committee for making recommendations to the Executive Council for appointment to the posts of Professors, Readers, Lecturers, Registrar, Controller of Examinations, Librarian and such other posts as are declared teaching posts by the Academic Council.

(b) Every Selection Committee shall consist of the Vice-Chancellor who shall be the Chairman thereof and a person nominated by the Visitor, and, in addition, the Selection Committee for making recommendations for appointment to a post specified in column (1) of the Table below shall have as its members the persons specified in the corresponding entry in column (2) of the said Table .



(1) The Dean of the Faculty concerned, provided he is a Professor, except in cases where they are applicants or when the post held by them is being filled up.

(2) The Head of the Deptt. concerned, provided he is a Professor, except in cases where they are applicants or when the post held by them is being filled up.

(3) Not less than three persons not being in the service of the University or member of the Executive Council who have special knowledge of the subject with which the person to be appointed will be concerned, to be nominated by the Executive Council.

Lecturer and Teaching post 
 (1) The Dean of the Faculty concerned ;

(2) The Head of the Department concerned
(3) Not less than two persons not being in the service of the University or members of the Executive Council who have special knowledge of the subject with which the person to be appointed will be concerned, to be nominated by the Executive Council.

Registrar/Controllerof Examinations   Three Members of the Executive Council nominated by it.
Librarian  Not less than three persons not being in the service of the University or members of the Executive Council who have special knowledge of the subject of Library Science to be nominated by the Executive Council.
Professors, Readers and Lectures and other teaching post
in the Institute of
Technology, Institute of Medical Sciences and the Institute of Agricultural Sciences

The Director of the concerned Institute will also be a member of the Selection Committee constituted as above for the respective post.


Professor, Readers and Lecturers and other teaching post Mahila Mahavidyalaya Principal, Mahila Mahavidyalaya.will also be a  member of the Selection Committee, constituted

 in as above for the posts of Mahila Mahavidyalaya. 

Professors, Readers and Lecturers in the Centre of Advanced Study/  Departments, selected for Special Assistance Programme /Schools. Programme Co-ordinator of the concerned Departments  (CAS/SAP and Schools) will also be a member of the Selection Committee.

(c) Provided that the meetings of the Selection Committee shall be fixed only after prior consultation with and subject to the convenience of the Visitor's nominee and the persons nominated by the Executive Council under Clause (b) above

Provided further that the proceedings of the Selection Committee shall not be valid unless :-

(i) Where the number of Visitor's nominee and the persons nominated by the Executive Council is four in all, at least three of them attend the meeting ;and

(ii) Where the number of Visitor's nominee and the persons nominated by the Executive Council is three in all, at least two of them attend the meeting.

(d) Notwithstanding the provision under Statute 27(1)(a) the Executive Council may constitute a Special Committee to suggest names of persons of high academic distinction, eminence and professional attainments for filling in special Chairs of Professors.

(2) The procedure to be followed by a Selection Committee in making recommendations shall be laid down in the Ordinances.

(3) If the Executive Council is unable to except any recommendation made by the Selection Committee, it shall record its reasons and submit the case to the Visitor for orders.

28. Elected Chairman to preside where no provision made in Statute Where, by these Statutes, no provision is made for the President or Chairman to preside over a meeting of any University authority, board or committee or when the President or Chairman so provided for is absent, the members present shall elect one among themselves to preside at the meeting.

29. Re-appointment and re-election

Save as otherwise provided in the Act, these Statutes or the Ordinances, every officer of the University and every member of any University authority whose term of office or of membership has expired shall be eligible for reappointment or re-election, as the case may be.

30. Resignation

(1) Any member other than an ex-officio member of the Court, the Executive Council, the Academic Council or any other University authority may resign his membership by letter addressed to the Registrar, and the resignation shall take effect as soon as such letter is received by the Registrar.

(2) An Officer of the University (whether salaried or otherwise), may resign his office by letter addressed to the Registrar :

Provided that such resignation shall take effect only on the date from which the same is accepted by the authority competent to appoint such officer.

31. Removal of Teachers

(a) Where there is an allegation of misconduct against a teacher, the Vice-Chancellor may, if he thinks fit, by order in writing, place the teacher under suspension and shall forthwith report to the Executive Council the circumstances in which the order was made :

Provided that the Executive Council may, if it is of the opinion, that the circumstances of the case do not warrant the suspension of the teacher, revoke that order.

(b) Notwithstanding anything contained in the terms of his contract of service or of his appointment, the Executive Council shall be entitled to remove a teacher on the ground of misconduct.

(c) Save as aforesaid, the Executive Council shall not be entitled to remove a teacher except for good cause and after giving three months' notice in writing or payment of three months' salary in lieu of notice.

(d) No teacher shall be removed under clause (b) or under clause (c) until he has been given a reasonable opportunity of showing cause against the action proposed to be taken in regard to him.

(e) The removal of a teacher shall require a two-thirds majority of the members of the Executive Council present and voting.

(f) The removal of a teacher shall take effect from the date on which the order of removal is made :

Provided that where a teacher is under suspension at the time of his removal, the removal shall take effect on the date on which he was placed under suspension.

(g) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Statutes, the employees of the University, being a teacher shall be entitled to resign :

(i) in the case of the permanent teacher only after giving three months' notice in writing to the appointing authority or paying to the University three months' salary in lieu thereof.

(ii) in any other case, only after giving one months' notice in writing to the appointing authority or paying to the University one months' salary in lieu thereof.

32. Removal of employees other than teachers

(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the terms of his contract of service or of his appointment, an employee of the University, other than a teacher, may be removed by the authority which is competent to appoint the employee-

(a) if he is of unsound mind or is a deaf-mute or suffers from contagious leprosy ;

(b) if he is an undischarged insolvent ;

(c) if he has been convicted by a court of law of an offence involving moral turpitude and sentenced in respect thereof to imprisonment for not less than six months ;

(d) if he is otherwise guilty of misconduct ;

Provided that no officer of the University shall be removed from his office unless a resolution to that effect is passed by the Executive Council by a majority of two-thirds of its members present and voting.

(2) No such employee shall be removed under clause (1) until he has been given a reasonable opportunity of showing cause against the action proposed to be taken in regard to him.

(3) Where the removal of such employee is for a reason other than that specified in sub-clause (c) or sub-clause (d) of clause (1), he shall be given three months' notice in writing or paid three months' salary in lieu of notice.

(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Statutes, an employee of the University, not being a teacher, shall be entitled to resign -

(i) in the case of the permanent employee, only after giving three months' notice in writing to the appointing authority or paying to the University three months' salary in lieu thereof ;

(ii) in any other case, only after giving one months' notice in writing to the appointing authority or paying to the University one month's salary in lieu thereof.

33. Seniority

(1) Whenever, in accordance with these Statutes, any person is to hold any office or be a member of any authority of the University by rotation according to seniority, such seniority as between two persons holding permanent posts of similar rank or grade shall be determined in accordance with the length of continuous permanent service in such rank or grade and in the case of two persons in temporary service in similar rank or grade, seniority shall be determined in accordance with the length of continuous temporary service in such rank or grade; between a permanent employee and a temporary employee in the same rank or grade the permanent employee shall be senior.

(2) It shall be the duty of the Registrar to prepare and maintain in respect of each class of persons to whom the provisions of this Statute apply, a complete and up-to-date seniority list in accordance with the provisions of the foregoing clause.

(3) If two or more persons have equal length of continuous service in a particular grade or post, or the relative seniority of any person or persons is otherwise in doubt, the Registrar may, on his own motion, and shall, at the request of any such person, submit the matter to the Executive Council whose decision thereon shall be final.

34. Tenure of office

Notwithstanding anything contained in these Statutes, a person who holds any office in the University or is a member of any authority or board or committee of the University in his capacity as a member of any other authority or board or committee, or as the holder of any appointment shall hold the office or be a member of the authority or board or committee of the University so long only as he continues to be a member of that other authority or board or committee, or the holder of that particular appointment, as the case may be.

35. Filling of casual vacancies

All casual vacancies in the office of member (other than an ex-officio member) of any authority or board or committee of the University shall be filled, as soon as conveniently may be, by the officer or authority or board or committee who has power to appoint, elect or co-opt the member whose place has become vacant, and the person so appointed, elected or co-opted in a casual vacancy shall be a member of such authority or board or committee for the residue of the term for which the person whose place he fills would have been a member.

36. Admission of Colleges, etc. to the privileges of the University

(1) Colleges and other institutions within a radius of fifteen miles from the main temple of the University may be admitted to such privileges of the University as the Executive Council may decide on the following conditions, namely :-

(i) every such college or institution shall have a Managing Body constituted in accordance with the rules relating to the society or association establishing the college or institution consisting of -

(a) two persons nominated by the University ;

(b) the Principal ;

(c) two teachers to be nominated in accordance with the Ordinances ;

(d) such number of other persons as may be specified in the rules ;

Provided that the previous approval of the Executive Council is obtained for the appointment of every such other person ;

(ii) every such college or institution shall satisfy the Executive Council on the following points -

(a) the suitability and adequacy of its accommodation and equipment for teaching,

(b) the qualifications and adequacy of its teaching staff and the conditions of their service,

(c) the arrangements for the residence, welfare, discipline and supervision of its students, and,

(d) such other matters as are essential for the maintenance of the standards of University education; and

(iii) no college or institution shall be admitted to any privileges of the University except on the recommendation of the Academic Council made after considering the report of a Committee of Inspection appointed for the purpose, by the Academic Council.

(2) Every appointment of a teacher in such college or institution shall be made on the recommendation of a Selection Committee which shall consist of -

(a) the Principal, unless the post to be filled is that of the Principal ;

(b) one representative of the University nominated by the Executive Council ;

(c) two persons nominated by the Managing Body ;

(d) two persons not connected with the college or institution who have special knowledge of the subject with which the person to be appointed will be concerned to be nominated by the Executive Council.

(3) Every such college or institution shall be inspected at least once every year by a Committee appointed by the Academic Council, and the report of that Committee shall be submitted to the Academic Council which shall forward the same to the Executive Council with such recommendation as it may deem fit to make. The Executive Council, after considering the report and the recommendations, if any, of the Academic Council, shall forward a copy of the report to the Managing Body of the college or institution with such remarks, if any, as it may deem fit, for suitable action.

(4) The Executive Council may, after consulting the Academic Council, withdraw any privileges granted to a college or institution if at any time it considers that the college or institution is not fulfilling the requisite conditions :

Provided that no such privileges shall be withdrawn until the Managing Body of the college or the institution, as the case may be, has been given a reasonable opportunity of showing cause against the action proposed to be taken in regard to the college or the institution.

(5) Subject to the conditions set forth above, the Ordinances may prescribe any other conditions which may be considered necessary and also the procedure for the admission on colleges and institutions to the privileges of the University and for the withdrawal of those privileges.

37. Registered graduates

(1) Every graduate of the University of not less than three years' standing shall be entitled to be registered and to have his name entered in the Register of Registered Graduates, the period of three years being computed from the date of conferment of the first degree by the University on the person concerned.

(2) Every person who intends to become a registered graduate shall make an application to the Registrar in such form and on payment of such fee as may be prescribed by the Ordinances.

(3) If any question arises as to whether a person is entitled to have his name entered in the Register of Registered Graduates, it shall be decided by the Vice-Chancellor whose decision thereon shall be final.

(4) The names of all graduates which have been entered in the Register of Registered Graduates immediately before the commencement of the Banaras Hindu University (Amendment) Act, 1966 shall be included in the register of registered graduates maintained under this Statute.

(5) No registered graduate shall be entitled to vote at, or stand as candidate, for , an election to the Court from among the registered graduates unless his name has been entered in the Register of Registered Graduates for at least one year prior to the date of the election.

38. Registered donors

(1) Every person who has made a donation of one thousand rupees or more or has transferred property of the like value to the University shall be entitled to be registered and to have his name entered in the register of registered donors.

(2) The names of all donors who have made such donation or have transferred such property immediately before the commencement of the Banaras Hindu University (Amendment) Act, 1966 shall be included in the register of registered donors maintained under this Statute.

39. Honorary Degrees

(1) The Degree of Doctor of Letters (D. Litt.), or Mahamahopadhyaya, Honoris Causa, shall be conferred upon such persons as have contributed substantially to the advancement of Literature, Philosophy, Art, Music, Painting or any other subject assigned to the Faculty of Arts, or for conspicuous service rendered by them to the cause of education.

(2) The Degree of Doctor of Science (D. Sc.) Honoris Causa shall be conferred upon such persons as have branch of science or technology or to planning, organising or developing scientific and technological institutions, in the country.

(3) The Degree of Doctor of Laws (LL.D.) Honoris Causa shall be conferred upon persons, who are distinguished lawyers, judges or jurists, statesmen or have made noteworthy contribution to public good.

40. Emeritus Professor and Visiting Professor

(1) A retired Professor of the University having an authoritative standing in the field and whose long and distinguished services has added-lustre to the University may, on the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor, be selected by the Executive Council for conferment of status and appointment as 'Professor Emeritus'. The terms, conditions and the procedure of selection etc. shall be as provided in Ordinances.

(2) A scholar of eminence who has acquired distinction in the field of scholarship and research and has published any work of merit may, on the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor supported with reasons, be invited by the Academic Council to deliver lectures in the University for a specified period on such terms as may be prescribed by the Ordinances.

41. Provision for maintenance of Central Hindu School

(1) The Executive Council shall make provision for the maintenance of the Central Hindu School and other schools which have been established in accordance with the Act, these Statutes or the Regulations.

(2) The management of such schools shall be in accordance with the Ordinances made in this behalf.

42. Properties of the schools to be properties of the University

The schools referred to in Statute 41 and all their buildings, properties, furniture, apparatus, and books and accounts shall be the property of the University.

43. Subscription by employees

Every employee of the University appointed permanently or on probation to a substantive post on or before 31-3-1964, unless he opts for the "Central Universities-Retirement Benefit Rules 1967 as may be approved by the Central Government, shall as a condition of his service subscribe to the provident fund eight and one-third percent of his salary ; such subscription shall be deducted from his salary every month, fraction of a rupee of the salary being omitted. An employee joining University on or after 1-4-64 shall be governed by the Central Universities Retirement Benefit Rules 1967 as approved by the Central Government provided that any amendments to the Central Government Rules relating to General Provident Fund, Contributory Provident Fund, Pension, Gratuity, etc. shall be deemed to be the amendments of the relevant provisions of the Central Universities Retirement Benefit Rules 1967 with effect from the date such amendments are brought into force by the Central Government."