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The AIC - MFIE - IM-BHU organized a meet of Entrepreneurs and students on 25 January 2019 at its premise (5th floor, CDC Building, Banaras Hindu University) to explore what kind of support system would they like to have as a startup from AIC- MFIE-IM-BHU.
The meet of 25 January 2019 was attended by entrepreneurs from in and around Varanasi and good no. of students from nearby collages. Participating entrepreneurs and students shared their views on requirements they are expecting as a start-up from the Centre for incubating their ideas in to successful entrepreneurship venture. The input received from the participating entrepreneurs and students are found of Immense benefit and would be taken into consideration while planning various future activities of the Centre.
18th September 2018,post to the inaugural by the Honorable Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, the Institute of Management Studies, BHU had the privilege of hosting a discussion session on the importance of entrepreneurship and innovation.Later on the whole audience was dignified by the presence of Shri R Ramanan, Addn. Secretary & Project Director, Shri UnnatPandit, Manager-AIM, NITI Aayog, Shri Ambarish Dutta, MD & CEO, BSE Limited.Along with other dignitaries and faculty members of the institute.
Workshop on Startup Ecosystem & Entrepreneurial opportunities by Prof C Ramesh Kumar,similarly another event by Shri Amitav Ash, Head Marketing, HCL Healthcare, New Delhi