Editorial Procedure
The Editors reserve the right to reject/ return to the author(s) any manuscript that in their opinion is not suitable for publication in BHU Management Review, without expressly stipulating the reasons for doing so. Under no circumstances will the identity of the reviewer(s) and referee(s) be disclosed to the author(s) or to any other third party not involved in the editorial process.
Review Process
Research Papers/Articles received will immediately be put before the editorial committee for initial review. The selected papers will be sent to two reviewers for their opinion with a request to pass on the same in eight week's time or less. An effort is made to publish a paper duly recommended by a reviewer within a period of six months. Correspondence and proofs for correction will be sent to the first author unless otherwise specified. The article will be published after receipt of the corrected proofs from the authors.
All copyrights are with the IM-BHU. The authors are accountable for copyright permission for any part of the content of their articles. The views expressed in the articles of this journal are those of authors and do not reflect the opinion of the Institute. The authors are required to sign the Transfer of Copyright agreement before article is published in the journal.
Submission Instructions Please click here for Detailed guidelines
The Articles/Research papers sent to:
The Managing Editor,
BHU Management Review
Institute of Management Studies,
Banaras Hindu University,
Varanasi - 221005 (UP), INDIA
Ph.: +91 542 2369332
Email: [email protected]