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Date & Venue of the Summit:
October 12 & 13, 2012
at KN Udupa Auditorarium,
Banaras Hindu University
Prof. H.P. Mathur
General Secretary, IA Summit 2012, (October 12-13, 2012),
Coordinator, BHU Placement Coordinating Cell,
Faculty of Management Studies,
Banaras Hindu University,
Varanasi - 221005 (UP) India
Mb. +91 9415203146;
Ph.: +91 542 670 1413
Fax: +91 542-2369332
Email: [email protected]
Faculty of Management Studies: (Visit)
We are living in a world where the management education is gaining momentum. Skills of professional management makes career oriented younger generation more confident and successful in achieving their career dreams. The Faculty of Management Studies was established in 1968 as an extension of Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya ji's vision of making Banaras Hindu University a microcosm of the world bringing together people of varied interests under one roof. Not only did FMS prove to be an institution with class a part management education but it also surpassed the benchmarks set in the field by being innovative and continuously evolving as per the needs of industry.
For more than four decades since its inception, the sacred halls of FMS BHU have churned out more than 4000 management graduates who not only occupy distinctive positions in industries in India but all over the world and over the years have brought accolades to the faculty. The programmes have been designed to equip budding managers with the latest technical knowledge and refine their domain of expertise and skills. The admissions to these programmes are strictly through CAT conducted by IIMs, Group Discussion and Interview. Apart from the mainstream courses various other courses are also run by the Faculty.
The corporate world today requires extremely competent professional managers to take up this responsibility. We at FMS BHU understand the need of the hour fully and equip our students to face the challenges boldly and produce one of the finest managers for the corporate world. This determination and rigor has placed us amongst one of the best management institutions in the country.
Banaras Hindu University | BHU Placement Coordination Cell