Achievements (2012-17)

  • Evolved 3 gladiolus varieties through gamma irradiation namely, Malaviya Kiran, Malaviya Shatabdi and Malaviya Kundan.
  • Identified and isolated 8 genotypes of balsam for pot culture and landscaping.
  • Isolated 2 stable mutants of gladiolus.
  • Protected cultivation of gerbera and cut rose.
  • Establishment of Polyhouse and Shade net.
  • Established Tissue Culture Laboratory.
  • Established Vegetable Seed Processing Unit.
  • Established Horticultural Plant Museum.
  • Crop regulation in guava by spraying urea and NAA.
  • Selection of genotypes of Bael and Jamun.
  • Collection and maintenance of gladiolus, tuberose, balsam and marigold germplasm.
  • Overcoming sex problem in papaya through patch budding.
  • Postharvest technology, product development and value addition in mango, guava, Ber, tomato, gladiolus, rose, tuberose, etc.
  • Collection and maintenance of about 355 germplasm of different vegetable crops (172 okra, 40 brinjal, 40 tomato, 36 bitter gourd, 36 bottle gourd and 21 french bean).


Three gladiolus varieties evolved through gamma irradiation in 2017.
Malaviya Kiran Malaviya Shatabdi Malaviya Kundan