Research Projects

Sr. Name of P.I. Title of Project Duration Funding Agency Amount
1. Prof. K. P. Singh Development of formulations and application techniques of nematode capturing fungi against root-knot coursing nematodes of rice and brinjal 2007- 2010 D.B.T. Rs. 18,20000/-
2. Prof. Ramesh Chand & Dr. Vineeta Singh Diagnosis and Management of Leaf spot disease of field and horticultural crops. 2009 -2012 ICAR Rs 35.60 Lacs
3. Prof. Ramesh Chand Role of melanin in reproductive biology of Bipolaris sorokiniana. 2009 -2012 UGC Rs.7.71 Lacs
4. Prof. H. B. Singh Training cum field demonstration of seed treatment with bio-agents as an Important Component of IPM Practices for economically important crops of Uttar Pradesh. 07-08 - On going Ministry of Agril. &Co operation (Govt. of U.P.) Rs. 88.54 Lacs
5. Prof. H. B. Singh Promoting bio-farming and IPM Practices I Eastern Uttar Pradesh through Training cum field Demonstration Under Participatory Approach 07-08 - On going Ministry of Agril. & Cooperation through U.P. Government Rs. 101.18 Lacs
6. Prof. H. B. Singh Modulating biofarming oriented rural livelihood through biotechnological approach-based micro-enterprising among farmers by training � cum-field demonstration 09-10- On going DST New Delhi Rs. 21.31 Lacs
7. Prof. H. B. Singh Establishment of plant Health Clinic 08-09 - On going National Horticulture Mission (N) Rs. 20.00 Lacs
8. Prof. Asha Sinha Decomposition of green manure by soil mycoflora in Rice field June 2007-June 2010 UGC Rs.5,38,233
9. Sri R. C. Ram Diversity in eclible fungi July 08 �July 11 CST Rs. 4.80
10. Dr. B.K. Sarma Development of microbial consortium for plant growth promotion and biological control in legumes. July 09 � July 12 DBT New Delhi Rs. 39.72 Lacs