The rota of consultants in Evening Paid
OPD as follows:
Monday | Dr. P. Ranjan |
Tuesday | Dr. S.K.Mathur |
Wednesday | Dr.V.Rastogi |
Thursday | Dr.R.K.Verma |
Friday | Dr. R.K. Dubey |
Saturday | Dr. (Mrs) K.Katiyar |
Pain & Palliative OPD
Pain and Palliative evening Paid OPD runs on Monday and Thursday (4.00
- 6.00 PM) in
room no. 205. Patients with chronic pain problem like Trigeminal Neuralgia,
Sympathetic dystrophy, cancer pain, cervical (Neck pain), Low back pain,
Knee pain (Osteo arthritis) or pain of unknown origin are seen in this
OPD. The following doctors available
Wednesday | Professor V. Rastogi | 9415202658 |
Friday | Dr R.K.Dubey |
Those patients who are fit for anaesthesia and operation are advised
not to drink or eat after 10.00 am in morning on the day of operation.
A tablet of Aprazolam (0.5mg) is prescribed in the morning. Other drugs
are advised as and when needed.
Patients will be explained regarding the anaesthetic procedure and an
informed consent is taken. Patients requiring blood transfusion during
operation are asked to arrange blood.
Evening Paid Clinics ( 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM)
Evening Paid Clinic are run for PAC and Pain & Paliative Care. The rota as follows:
Monday | Professor V. Rastogi |
Tuesday | Professor D.K. Singh |
Wednesday | Dr R.K.Verma |
Thursday | Dr A. P. Singh |
Friday | Dr S.K.Mathur |
Saturday | Professor L. D. Miashra |
Pain & Palliative Care ( 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM)
Monday | Professor V. Rastogi |