Department of Kaumarbhrityal Balroga
Infrastructure of Kaumarbhritya or teaching & Patient
Departmental Management
Teaching classes as well as research work of B.A.M.S &
M.D. (Ay.) are discussed, analyzed and carried out by the consultant and
SR of the department along with the teachers of other departments of faculties
of the University
Hospital Management:
Facilities available:
. Level -IIl to III Neonatal care (Critical care for
ill babies weighing
less than 1500 gram or born before 32 week of gestation, Perinatal care
round the clock for monitoring (except ventilators, Pulse oximeter, ABG
Analyzer); Phototherapy Equipment for resuscitation, maintenance of thermoneutral
. Procedures such as Shasti Shali Pinda Svedan, Shirodhara,
Vasti, Nasya etc, Exchange blood Transfusion( EBT), Photo therapy Bone
Marrow Aspiration , Lumber puncture, Chest intubation (Thoracocentesis)
Diseases e.g. myopathy esp., Muscular dystrophy, Cortisone
resistant Nephrotic Syndrome; Infants of early age associated with Cerebral
Palsy, chronic Bronchial asthma, Gluten enteropathy, Post meningeal sequalae
etc are treated with the ayurvedic management.
Breast milk Test -
It is routinely carried out in the OPD/ IPD to assess
the quality of the mother milk and their effect on the infants.