Academic activities: Department of Endocrinology Metabolism

Ward Rounds: Daily

Case presentation
MD (Medicine Students): Monday
DM students: Tuesday

MD (Medicine Students): Wednesday
DM students: Thursday

Journal club:

MD (Medicine Students): Friday
DM students: Saturday
(Journal club/ Endocrine club)

Ongoing Research activities
1. DM (Endocrinology)
a. Study on Prevalence of Male Osteoporosis
b. Glycaemic Status and Insulin Sensitivity of Cancer Patients in North India
c. Vascular calcification in diabetic foot and its correlation with calcium homeostasis
d. Effect of Zolendronic Acid on Aromatase Inhibitors Induced Bone Loss in Postmenopausal Hormone Responsive Early Breast Cancer
2. MD(Medicine)
a. Study of prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and carotid atherosclerosis in overweight and obese subjects
b. Clinico-microbiologic study on diabetic foot infections with special reference to PCR detection of anaerobes
3. Ph.D. students
Mr. D.Devi Pratyush
Ms. Shalbha Tiwari
Mr. Awanindra Dwivedi
Mr. Dinesh Prasad Gond
Mr. Balram Gupta (UGC Project Fellow)

a. Study on metabolic syndrome and beta cell dysfunction in type 2 diabetics and their relatives
b. Immunological status in diabetic foot infection with special reference to vitamin D deficiency

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