Department of Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)
Year of establishment: 1964Introduction:
The Department ofE.N.T. was created in 1962. Initially
it was located in old hospital building; later on it was shifted to its
present location i.e. on the first floor of Bhuvalika Hospital. All facilities;
OPD, OT, wards, pathology lab., audiology clinic, Temporal bone lab.,
consultants chambers and departmental office are situated in the Same
building on the same floor. From the modest beginning as one-man section
with four indoor beds and shared O.P.D. in 1962, the department has made
rapid strides. Now it has sanctioned strength of two Professors, two Readers
and two Lecturers, one Audiologist, one Speech Therapist and supporting
staff. There are 30 Indoor beds. Bed occupancy rate is high. Average daily
O.P.D. attendance is more than 200 patients. Department provides high
quality of medical care to millions of patients of eastern and central
M.P., Bihar, Jharkhand, part of M.P. and also of Nepal. Department has
fully equipped audiology laboratory with facilities of pure tone audiometry,
paediatric audion1etry, speech audiometry, impedance audiometry and brain
stem evoked response audionletry. All routine and advance surgeries including
ear-micro surgery, micro1aryngeal surgery and endoscopic sinus surgery
are performed regularly in the :rl~partment. Departmental museum is one
of the best in country with more than 500 mounted specimens, all of which
are from the patients operated in the department.