Department of General Medicine
Year of establishment: 1960Introduction:

has been a dynamic department since its inception. Specialties of
Tuberculosis and Chest diseases, Dermatology and Venereology,
Psychiatry, Neurology, Nephrology, Cardiology, Gastroenterology and
Endocrinology were created, which have now separated out from
Department of General Medicine as full-fledged departments. The
research activities of the department are in the areas of visceral
leishmaniasis, leptospirosis, clinical, immunological studies and drug
trials on various rheumatologic disorders, mutational analysis in
coagulation disorders and chronic haemolytic anemias. The attendance of
outdoor patients is 50,000/year, indoor services 4000 and Bed occupancy
95%. There are dedicated clinics for treatment of
Rheumatologic/Haematological/ Geriatric/ Oncology and HIV/AIDS. The
Department has organized a large number of national and International
conferences including APICON 2003. Faculty is on Advisory Committees of
various National and International bodies including WHO.