Department of Pathology of the Institute of Medical Sciences came into
existence in 1961 when the first batch of MBBS students entered under
the Headship of Dr. C.R. Banerjee. Prof. I.M. Gupta (1st Professor and
Head) joined the Department of Pathology and Bacteriology in March
1963. Later on Dr. B. Dube joined the Department on 1963. This was
followed by Dr. Y.N. Gupta (1964), Dr. Saroj Gupta (1964), Dr. P.K.
Shukla (Feb, 1968), Dr. B.L. Rastogi (July, 1968), Dr. M.L. Mehrotra
(1968), Dr. R.K. Dube (1968), Dr. S. Khanna (1969), Dr. Usha (1978) ,
Dr. N.C. Aryya (1978), Dr. Mohan Kumar (1983), Dr. Jyoti Shukla (1985),
Dr. Amrita G. Kar (2002), Dr. Vijai Tilak (2002) and Dr. R.S. Garbyal
(2002). In
1968 Department of Microbiology separated from Pathology and Department
of Pathology developed the sections of Haematology and Blood
Transfusion, Immunopathology, Histopathology, Cytology and Clinical
Pathology. These units later on got recognition. In the same year 1968
the Department which was initially situated in the Ayurvedic building
shifted to new building of IMS which was inaugurated by Dr. V.R.
Ramalingam Swami, Director General, ICMR. In the same year 1st batch of
M.D. Passed. In
1969 British Medical Council and Medical Council of India visited the
Department. 1st MBBS and MD (Pathology) degree were recognized by MCI
in 1969. Because of its contribution, some of the divisions have been
upgraded to specialized centers e.g. Clinical Investigation (CCI) in
1979 and Immunopathology unit has been upgraded to UGC Advanced
Immundiagnostic Training and Research Centre on 29th January 1986. Now
all the divisions are providing specialized diagnostic services,
training, teaching to undergraduates, postgraduates, post doctoral,
Ph.D. students and PGDMLT of IMS and outside the IMS in collaboration
with various clinical departments.