Dr.V.K.Bhat, Professor & Head, Department of Psychiatry, Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore. Dr.Subhash Bhargava, Professor & Head, Department of Psychiatry, Rohtak Medical College, Rohtak. Dr.Kishan Chand Gumani, Professor & Head, Department of Psychiatry, Agra Medical College,Agra. Dr.P.
Ramakrishna, Professor & Head, Dept. of Psychiatry, Deccan College
of Medical Sciences, Owaisi Hospital and Research Centre, Kanchanbagh,
Hyderabad, AP. Dr.Daya Ram, Professor in Psychiatry, Central Institute of Psychiatry, Kanke, Ranchi. D.R.K.Gaur, Professor in Psychiatry, Jawahar Lal Nehru Medical College, AMU, Aligarh. Dr.N.K.Dhar,
Dr.Anil Kumar V., Dr.P.K.Mahapatra, Dr.S.T.Banerjee, Dr.S.L.Verma,
Dr.(Mrs.) S.Komalpatti, Dr.Madhu Singh and Dr.Anuradha Jain are working
abroad. Dr.Veda Ancharaz, Dr.Raj Nath Aumeer, Dr.Sohan Raghoo,
Dr.Pravin Bucktowar and Dr. Kailesh KS Jagutpal are working in
Mauritius after having Postgraduate MD (Psychiatry) degree from out