Thrust Areas
Along with quality leaching department is seriously engaged
in proper standardization of Ayurvedic drugs for the improvement of quality
of drugs and also to remove the obligation of toxicity on the drugs of
metallic/mineral origin.
In this regard proper safety and efficacy evaluation of following metals/minerals
based drugs and of others have been done.
- Gold
- Silver
- Copper
- Lead
- Tin
- Iron
- Mercury
- Mica(Abhraka)
- Copper sulphate
- Copper Pyrites
- Yasad
- Rasa Sindoor
- Savrma Yang
- Anjan (Lead sulphide)
Future Plan
1.Strengthening of all the sectors (Pharmaceutical,
Analytical, Experimental and Clinical) of the department to develop the
department as a Centre of Excellence for drug manufacturing and drug research.
2. Creation of new separate unit of Bhaishaiya Kalpna.