Programs & Projects

MOU's have been signed with SAARCand other Asian countries as well as those in the European Union and the Americas. As an example faculty from the IMS are deputed to B.P Koirala Institute for Health Sciences University, Nepal to assist in their teaching programmes. International bilateral programmes for research also exist.

Research Priorities and Reforms The quality of teaching will largely depend upon the extent to which the University is able to strengthen its research programmes, both in quality and quantity (i.e., number of Ph.D. degrees awarded, publications in quality journals etc.)

(a) Strengthening of the Research Programmes
At any instant of time, the University should have about 3000 high quality Ph.D. scholars and a large number (1000) of postdoctoral researchers. All these research scholars have to be provided hostel accommodation and reasonable sitting space in the respective departments/schools. The University should aim for creating 1000 Ph.D. Research Fellowships in various disciplines. There is an urgent need for massive and sustained funding for modernization and removal of obsolescence in the research laboratories of the three Institutes and the Faculty of Science. Merely bringing in equipment will not help research activities unless it is matched by recurring research grant to each Department! School in the range of Rs. 50 to 100 lakhs per annum for meeting the cost of consumables, equipment maintenance and spares. For the Departments/Centres in other faculties also, provision for recurring research grants of Rs.10 to 25 lakhs per unit will have to be made. The budget for research journals and books has also to be enhanced by an order of magnitude.

(b) Research Priority Areas
The University has identified research priority areas through presentations and discussions in several sessions chaired by the present Vice-Chancellor. It is expected that the respective faculties will direct their resources in these priority areas on a differentiated basis. There are special flagship areas with credible eminence such as : Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Science and Technology, Genetics and Biotechnology, Environmental Ecology, Women Studies, Ayurveda, Vocal Music, Infectious Diseases, Sanskrit and Dharm Vigyan and Conflict Resolution. These areas are to be nurtured to help them maintain international competitiveness. Bharat Kala Bhavan is considered as the best University Museum in India, if not in Asia. There is no University in India which has a museum of this dimension and quality. There are approximately six hundred museums in India today and even among these museums of a diverse nature, Bharat Kala Bhavan has carved its permanent niche and is being considered among the seven-eight best museums in the country. The museum is fully dedicated to the cause of higher education and multidisciplinary researches. The academic possibilities of this museum being immense, the University proposes to develop a Ph.D. degree programme in Museology to be managed by the Bharat Kala Bhavan in collaboration with the Faculty of Fine Arts. Further, the University also plans to promote publication of books on the Bharat Kala Bhavan collections. Preservation and digitization of rare paintings and manuscripts are to be given priority. The University proposes to allocate sufficient funds to this centre for these activities.

(c) R & D Projects
The Vice-Chancellor has taken personal interest in encouraging the faculty members to generate additional resources for research activities through sponsored research projects. As a result of this initiative, there is a substantial change in the mind. set and it is expected that more faculty members would have funding through sponsored research projects. The University proposes to introduce all necessary reforms in existing rules for smooth management of the projects.

(d) Industrial Collaborations
The improvements in the infrastructure of the University in general and the research laboratories in particular are expected to attract more industrial collaborations opening ways for additional funds. The University will provide all possible support for such collaborations.

(e) Patenting and IPR
The University has already formed an IPR Cell to encourage the patenting culture. It is proposed that in due course of time, the University will make provisions for meeting all the expenses related to filing Indian and international patents.