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The papers/articles submitted will be sent/mailed to the referees for their comment and the author will be communicated the decision only after the referees’ report. The journal is a bi-lingual one. All articles and papers either in English or in Hindi are printed. The authors are requested to use diacritical marks in a consistent way wherever they find a necessity. The system of transliteration of Sanskrit/Pali/Prakrit terms and names should be consistent within each article and should conform to generally accepted practice. Manuscripts should be prepared for electronic copyediting and typesetting. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of all quotations and for supplying complete references, including block quotations, endnotes, and reference lists. They will be held responsible for the validity of sources and references quoted therein. Authors are requested to use the following formatting techniques: the title using 14 pt type; double-space using 12 pt type; use double quotes to mark concepts, terms, titles of articles, and direct quotations; use single quotes to mark quotations within quotations and scare quotes; direct quotation of more than 40 words should be set off in separate, indented paragraphs; italicize book and journal titles and foreign words; align left: avoid the use of justification commands. Prepare the article in Unicode font while submitting an article in Hindi. Two non-returnable copies of all contributions should be sent to the Editor, Ānvīkṣikī, Department of Philosophy and Religion, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005, UP, INDIA. Book reviews and books for review should also be sent to the Editor, Ānvīkṣikī, Department of Philosophy and Religion, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005, UP, INDIA Alternatively, the articles/book reviews should be mailed to aanveekshikee@ as an email attachment in PDF format as well as in the Microsoft Document format. While sending an article as an email attachment the author is required to attach the fonts too. The authors are requested to submit a declaration in this format while submitting an article. The Declaration of the author for publication of articles in the Ānvīkṣikī journal— 1. I, the author of the research paper entitled “ …” declare that it: a) does not contain any libelous or unlawful statements; b) does not infringe on any copyright, privacy rights or any other proprietary rights; c) has not been previously published elsewhere in its entirety. In the event, the Work contains material that has been previously published, such excerpted material has been attributed to the proper author(s) and identifies where it has been previously published; and d) is my sole, original work, or in the case the Work is prepared jointly by more than one author, I warrant that I have been authorized by all co-authors to submit the work on their behalf. 2. I agree to hold harmless, indemnify and defend the journal publishers, its employees, contractors and agents from any and all losses, damages, expenses, claims, suits and demands of whatever nature (including legal fees and expenses on a solicitor client basis) resulting from any breach of the above warranties. 3. I authorize the Editors of the journals to edit and modify the manuscript. I also give my consent to the Editor of “Ānvīkṣikī” to own the copyright of my research paper.
Author’s Name and signature—
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