ISLS supported/Seminars/Symposia

  • International Symposium on "DNA Repair and Cancer" (March 4-5, 2010).

  • International Conference on "Functional Genomics: Prospects and Challenges". (October 2-4, 2010).

  • International Symposium on "Brain, Aging and Dementia: Basic and Translational aspects" (November 29-30, 2010).

  • 38th Annual conference of the "Indian Society of Human genetics" and International symposium on "Developmental and Complex Disorders" (December 8-10, 2012).

  • National Conference on "Emerging Trends and Challenges in Basic and Translational Research in Biochemistry" (February 4-5, 2013).

  • National Symposium on "Current Status and New Horizons of Ecological Sciences and Environmental Biotechnology" (March 1-3, 2013).

  • National Symposium on "Recent Advances in Reproductive Health" (November 28-30, 2013).

  • International Symposium on "Karyotype to Haplotype and beyond" (December 8-10, 2013).

  • Annual convention of Laboratory Animal Science Association of India (LASAI) and National Symposium on Animals and Alternatives in Life Science Research. (February 16-18, 2014).

  • Symposium on Biotechnology and Stress Biology of Algae and Cyanobacteria. (February 24-26, 2014).

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