Amitabh Krishna

Retired Professor
Ph D (BHU)
Contact Information:

  (R)0542-2310837, (M) 9451938967,  Fax:542-2368174
Email Id:[email protected]

Academic Qualifications:
S. No.DegreeInstitutionYear
1.B.Sc.Banaras Hindu University1972
2.M.Sc.Banaras Hindu University1974
3.Ph. D.Banaras Hindu University1979
Area of specialization/awards/achievements:

Mammalian Reproductive Endocrinology and Regulation of Fertility:
I have been working on various aspects reproductive physiology since 1974. I have shown for the first time the mechanism of prolonged storage of spermatozoa in female genital tract in bat. We have shown for the first time the polycystic ovary syndrome-like features in the bat ovary during winter and it helps in studies on the pathogenesis of PCOS. Recently we have investigated the role of various paracrine and autocrine factors in regulating gonadal activities under normal, clinical and experimental settings. We have developed PCOS-model to study the role of GnRH, oxidative stress and inflammatory changes and adipokines in pathogenesis of PCOS. We have shown the mechanism by which obesity causes hyperandrogenism and anovulation in animal model for PCOS. We have particularly studied the role of leptin, adiponectin and resistin in ovarian folliculogenesis and steroidogenesis. The proteomic analysis of bat ovary having PCOS-like features showed increased concentration of a protein 14-3-3. Our study further showed the involvement of this protein in development of insulin resistance condition in the ovary. The 14-3-3 protein may represent a new bio-marker for adiposity associated ovarian anovulation (disorders). We have demonstrated the presence of GnRH, GnIH, and kisspeptin and their significance in testicular physiology and gonadal aging. Our further studies have investigated the mechanism responsible for the delayed embryonic development in the bat. We have recently investigated the hormonal and metabolic changes during the retarded embryonic development in C. sphinx.


  • Awarded Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) Smt Swarn Kanta Dingley Award for year 1997, 2000
  • Recipient of Fulbright Fellowship, USA, 1983
  • Recipient of Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, Germany, 1988, 1998, 2006, 2011
  • Awarded Rockefeller Biotechnology Career Award, USA, 1992-94
  • Executive Editor of Journal of Scientific Research, B.H.U., Varanasi, 2007-
  • Awarded Travel Fellowship from Organizer to Attend Ist Congress of AOSCE, Japan, 1987
  • Invited to deliver lecture in Mini-symposium of Experimental Biology- San Fransisco, USA, April 2006
  • Editorial board of the Journal of Ovarian Research USA, 2010
  • In Expert panel of DST Women Scientist programme (WOA) from 2012-16
  • In Expert panel of UGC Major Research Scheme 2013-15


  • Organizing Secretary in International Congress on Infertility Update, 2002
  • Convener, Workshop on Reproduction & Fertility held on December 2003.
  • Invited for special Lecture at School of Life Sciences, Hyderabad University, Nov, 2009.
  • Visiting Scientist, Morehouse School of Medicine, Atlanta, May-June, 2002
  • Visiting Scientist, Morehouse School of Medicine, Atlanta, March-May, 2006

Current Projects Undertaken as PI/ Co PI::
Any Other Information
S. No. Name of the Project Duration Source of Funding Amount of Funding (Rs)
1. Studies on sperm storage in female genital tract of Scotophilus heathi: Hormonal and metabolic regulation 2011-14 DST
Any additional information:
  • Member, Society for Study of Reproduction, USA 1992
  • Executive Member of Chiropterological Society of India, 1993
  • Assisted in TV serial by BBC, UK The Land of Tiger 1995
  • Course Coordinator for Refresher course in Zoology, 1995, 2000
  • Chaired a Scientific session in National workshop on Endoscopy & Advanced Management of Fertility, Varanasi, 1999
  • Alexander von Humboldt foundation, Germany donated Equipment (DM 40,000), 2000
  • Organizing Secretary in International Congress on Infertility Update, 2002
  • Delivered Plenary talk in International Congress on Infertility Update, 2002
  • Chaired a Scientific session in national SRBCE meeting, Varanasi, 2003
  • Convener, Workshop on Reproduction & Fertility held on December 2003.
  • Delivered Special Lecture in national SRBCE meeting, Shantineketan, 2005
  • Invited to deliver lecture in Mini-symposium of Experimental Biology-2006
  • Proposed speaker in Symposium of SSR, USA in San Antonio, USA- 2007.
  • Invited lecture in Workshop on Advance Techniques of Molecular Biology in Drug development June 27, 2007 at Prof. S.N. Tripathi Memorial Foundation, Varanasi
  • Invited Lecture at Hyderabad University, Nov, 2009.
  • Chaired session at Lucknow, Feb., 2010
  • Invited Lecture at Deparment of Zoology, Kumaun University, Nainital, Aug 2012
  • Invited lecture at Women�s College, BHU, 20 Nov., 2012 under DBT STAR College programme.
  • Member, Major research project evaluation Committee, 2013, UGC, New Delhi, January 22, 2013
  • List of 10 major Publications:

    1. Krishna, A. and Terranova, P.F. (1985): Alteration in mast cell degranulation and ovarian histamine on proestrus in cyclic hamster. Biol. Reprod. 32: 1211-1217.
    2. Singh, K. and Krishna, A. (1995). Inhibitory effects of melatonin on testosterone but not on androstenedione production during winter in the vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi. J. Pineal Res. 19, 127-132. Impact factor=5.01
    3. Srivastava, R.K and Krishna, A. (2007). Adiposity associated rise in leptin impairs ovarian activity during winter dormancy in Vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi. Reproduction 133: 165-176.
    4. Tripathi, V and Krishna, A. (2008). Changes in Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS) Isoforms Expression and the Possible Role of Nitric Oxide (NO) in Follicular Development and Oocyte Maturation in the Ovary of Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch). J. Endocrinol. 199: 307-316. Impact Factor =4.05
    5. Singh, P.; Krishna, A. and Tsutsui, K. (2010). Effects of Gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone on folliculogenesis and steroidogenesis of cyclic mice. Fertil. Steril. 95: 1397-1404. Impact Factor= 4.2; doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2010.03.052
    6. Srivastava, R.K. and Krishna A. (2011). Increased circulating leptin level inhibits folliculogenesis in vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi. Mole. Cell. Endocrinol. 337: 24-35. Impact Factor=4.2
    7. Anuradha and A. Krishna (2014). Modulation of ovarian steroidogenesis by adiponectin during delayed embryonic development of Cynopterus sphinx. J. Steroid Biochem. Mole. Biol. 143: 291�305. Impact Factor =3.9
    8. Anjum, S; A. Krishna; and K. Tutsui (2014). Inhibitory roles ofrthe mammalianlGnIH ortholog RFRP3 in testicular activities in adult mice. J. Endocrinology 223: 79-91. Impact Factor =4.05
    9. Singh, A.; M. Powell; R. Sridaran and A. Krishna (2015). Effects of seasonal adiposity on ovarian activity of Vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi: Proteomics analysis. Mole. Cell. Endocrinol. 399: 219-227. Impact Factor =4.2
    10. Singh, P., Srivastava, R.K. and A. Krishna (2016). Effects of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist and antagonist on ovarian activity in a mouse model for polycystic ovary. J. Steroid Biochem. Mole. Biol. 163: 35-44.. Impact Factor =3.9

    A. Full List of Publications:

    1. Krishna, A. and Dominic, C.J. (1978): Storage of spermatozoa in the female genital tract of the Indian vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi. J. Reprod. Fert. 54: 319-321.
    2. Krishna, A. and Dominic, C.J. (1980): Observation on the Graafian follicles of the vespertiliponid bat, Scotophilus heathi. Proc. Zool. Soc Calcutta, 33: 1-7.
    3. Krishna, A. and Dominic, C.J. (1981): Reproduction in an Indian vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi Horsefield. Arch. Biol., 92: 247-258.
    4. Krishna, A. and Dominic, C.J. (1982): Reproduction in the Indian sheath-tailed bat. Acta Theriol., 27: 97-106.
    5. Krishna, A. and Dominic, C.J. (1982): Differential rates of fetal growth in two successive pregnancies in the emballonurid bat, Taphozous longimanus Hardwicki. Biol. Reprod. 27:351-353.
    6. Krishna, A. (1982): Reproduction in Indian bats. Life Sci. Adv. 1: 113-119.
    7. Krishna, A. (1982): Observation on the reproductive cycle in the female vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi. Indian J. Zool., 10: 48-53.
    8. Krishna, A. and Dominic, C.J. (1983): Reproduction in the female short-nosed bat, Cynopterus sphinx. Period. Biol. 85: 23-30.
    9. Krishna, A. and Dominic, C.J. (1983): Growth of young and sexual maturity in the three species of Indian bat. J. Anim. Morph. Physiol. 30: 162-168.
    10. Krishna, A. (1984): Storage of spermatozoa in the female genital tract of the Indian Pigmy pipistrelle bat, Pipistrellus mimus Wroughton. Arch. Biol. 95: 223-229.
    11. Krishna, A. and Dominic, C.J. (1984): Reproduction in the male short-nosed bat, Cynopterus sphinx Vahl. Lynx 22: 19-26.
    12. Krishna, A. and Dominic, C.J. (1985): Observation on the social organization and sex-ratio in the three species of Indian bat. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 82: 24-29.
    13. Tripathi, G. and Krishna, A. (1985): Antagonistic effect of progesterone and estradiol dipropionate induced response in uterine and vaginal glycogen content of P-mice. Experientia 41: 1455-1456.
    14. Krishna, A. (1985): Reproduction in Indian Pigmy Pipistrelle bat, Pipistrellus mimus Wroughton. J. Zool. (London) 206: 41-51.
    15. Krishna, A. and Terranova, P.F. (1985): The LH surge: in vivo alterations in steroid and LH and FSH binding and in vitro correlation of cAMP and steroid production of preantral follicles. Proc. Vth Ovarian Workshop, Wyoming (USA): 101-105.
    16. Krishna, A. and Terranova, P.F. (1985): Alteration in mast cell degranulation and ovarian histamine on proestrus in cyclic hamster. Biol. Reprod. 32: 1211-1217.
    17. Krishna, A. and Terranova, P.F., Matteri, R.L. and Papkoff, H.(1986): Histamine and increased ovarian blood flow mediate LH-induced superovulation in the cyclic hamsters. J. Reprod Fert. 76: 23-30.
    18. Terranova, P.F. and Krishna, A. (1986): Superovulation in the hamster: Role of LH. Life Sci. Adv. 5: 1-11.
    19. Krishna, A. and Terranova, P.F. (1986): A daily rhythm in hCG binding to follicles of the cyclic hamster. Experientia 42: 427-429.
    20. Krishna, A. and Terranova, P.F. (1987): Effect of gonadotropin surge at proestrus on steroidogenesis and gonadotropin binding of preantral follicles in the cyclic hamster. J. Endocrinol. 114: 49-55.
    21. Krishna, A. and Terranova, P.F. (1987): Relationships between LH stimulation in vitro and progesterone, androstenedione and cAMP synthesis in preantral follicles of the cyclic hamsters. J. Endocrinol. 114: 56-63.
    22. Krishna, A. and Terranova, P.F. (1987): Relationship between the preovulatory gonadotropin (Gn) surge and steroidogenesis and gonadotropin receptors in preantral follicles of the cyclic hamster. Proc. Ist Cong. Asia Oceania Soc. Comp. Endocrinol. Pp76-77. Eds. Ohinisi,E., Nagahama, Y. and Ishizaki, H., Nagoya, Japan.
    23. Nakamura, Y., Smith, M., Krishna, A. and Terranova, P.F. (1987): Increased number of mast cells in the dominant follicle of the cow: relationships among luteal, stromal and hilar regions. Biol. Reprod. 37: 546-549.
    24. Krishna, A. and Dominic, C.J. (1988): Histology and histochemical observations on the corpus luteum of an Indian vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi Horsefield. Zool. Anz. 220: 8-16.
    25. Dominic, C.J. and Krishna, A. (1989): Reproductive cycles of mammals: Chiroptera and Insectivora. Chapter in Reproductive cycles of Indian Vertibrates. Ed. Saidapur, S.K., Allied Publ., New Delhi.
    26. Krishna, A., Beesley, K. and Terranova, P.F. (1989): Histamine, mast cell and ovarian function. J. Endocrinol. 120: 363-371.
    27. Spanel-Borowski, K. and Krishna, A. (1989): Morphological distribution of albumin in the ovary and the genital tract of the golden hamster. Acta Endocrinol. 120 (Suppl. 1): 173-174.
    28. Krishna, A. and Spanel-Borowski, K. (1989): Intracellular detection of albumin in ovaries of golden hamster. Light and electron microscopical investigations. Arch. Histol. Cytol. 52: 387-393.
    29. Krishna, A. and Spanel-Borowski, K. (1990): Albumin localization in the testis of adult golden hamsters by use of light and electron microscopy. Andrologia 22: 122-128.
    30. Singh, U.P. and Krishna, A. (1990): Possible role of cell death during embryonic development in the fruit bat, Cynopterus sphinx Vahl. Morph. Embryol. 36: 97-100.
    31. Sridaran, R., Krishna, A. and Srivastava, R.K. (1991): Effects of long-term treatment of a GnRH agonist on ovarian function in the rat. In: Signaling mechanisms and gene expression in the ovary. Ed. G. Gibori, Springer-Verlag, New York, pp 391-394.
    32. Krishna, A. and Spanel-Borowski, K. (1991): Intracellular detection of albumin in the ovaries of golden hamster. Light and electron microscopical investigations. Anat. Anz. 168: 415-416.
    33. Krishna, A. and Terranova, P.F. (1991): Compartmentalized mast cell degranulations in the ovarian hilum, fat pad, bursa and blood vessel regions of the cyclic hamster: Relationships to ovarian histamine and blood flow. Acta. Anat. 141: 18-25.
    34. Krishna, A., Weis, S., and Spanel-Borowski, K. (1991): Cyclic variation of intracellular albumin distribution in the female genital tract of golden hamsters. An immunocytochemical study. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 26: 159-166.
    35. Mendoza, A.S., Krishna, A., Endler, J. and Kuhnel, W. (1992): The olfactory epithelium of the bat, Scotophilus heathi. Light and electron microscopic investigations. Ann. Anat. 174: 207-211.
    36. Singh, U.P. and Krishna, A. (1992): Effect of hCG and PMSG on the responsiveness of ovary during the period of delayed ovulation in an Indian vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi. Indian J. Exp. Biol., 30: 670-675.
    37. Krishna, A. and Singh, U.P. (1992): Morphometric changes in the ovaries of Indian vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi, with reference to delayed ovulation. Europ. Arch. Biol. 103: 257-264.
    38. Singh, U.P. and Krishna, A. (1993): Pituitary colloid in vespertilionid bat: quantitative study in relation to reproductive cycle. J. Reprod. Biol. Comp. Endocrinol. 5 (1): 26-32.
    39. Krishna, A. and Singh, U.P. (1993). Morphological changes of the rate system in the ovaries of adult bat, Scotophilus heathi, during breeding cycle. Funct. Develop. Morph. 3, 245-250.
    40. Singh, U.P. and Krishna, A. (1994). Identification, localization and distribution of different cell types in adenohypophysis of female vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi : A combined histochemical, immunocytochemical and electron microscopic studies. Proc. Indian Nat. Sci. Acad. 60(2), 115-127.
    41. Jaiswal, K. and Krishna, A. (1994). Effects of cimetidine, H2 receptor antagonist, on follicular and luteal development in the mice. Biomed. Environ. Sci. 7, 154-168.
    42. Marcinkiewicz, J., Krishna, A., Cheung, M. and Terranova, P.F. (1994). Oocyte TNF : Localization in the neonatal ovary and throughout follicular development in the adult rat. Biol. Reprod. 50, 1251-1260.
    43. Krishna, A. (1994). Physiological role of histamine in ovarian functions. Indian Rev. Life Sci. 14, 61-76.
    44. Krishna, A. and Jaiswal, K. (1994). Changes in the mast cell number and degranulation pattern during perivulatory period and after blocking gonadotrophin surge in mice ovarian compartments. Acta Physiol. 82(4), 415-421.
    45. Singh, U.P. and Krishna, A. (1994). Seasonal changes in the cytochemical and ultrastructural features of ovarian interstitial tissue in a vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi. J. Reprod. Biol. Comp. Endocrinol. 6(1), 33-46.
    46. Jaiswal, K., Krishna, A. and Pandey, L.K. (1994). Human ovarian mast cells : I. Distribution and degranulation pattern. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 64(B), 263-268.
    47. Srivastava, R.K., Krishna, A. and Sridaran, R. (1995). Follicular development, steroidogenesis and gonadotropin secretion in response to long term treatment of a GnRH agonist in the rat. J. Endocrinol. 145, 349-357.
    48. Singh, K. and Krishna, A. (1995). Inhibitory effects of melatonin on testosterone but not on androstenedione production during winter in the vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi. J. Pineal Res. 19, 127-132.
    49. Jaiswal, K. and Krishna, A. (1995). Changes in the mast cell, number an ddegranulation pattern and histamine level during estrous cycle in mice ovarian compartments. J. Appl. Parasit. Anim. Biol. 4, 105-114.
    50. Abhilasha and Krishna, A. (1996). High androgen production by ovarian thecal-interstitial cells: a mechanism for delayed ovulation in a tropical vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi. J. Reprod. Fert. 106, 207-211.
    51. Singh, U.P. and Krishna, A. (1996). Immunocytochemical studies on the pituitary pars distalis of the tropical vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi, with reference to ovarian cycle. Acta Anat. 155, 104-112.
    52. Jaiswal, K. and Krishna, A. (1996). Effects of hormones on the number, distribution and degranulation of mast cells in the ovarian complex of mice. Acta Physiol. 84, 183-190.
    53. Singh, K. and Krishna, A. (1996). Seasonal changes in circulating serum concenentration and in vitro testicular secretion of testosterone and androstenedione in the male vespertilionid bat (Scotophilus heathi). J. Exp. Zool. 276, 43-52.
    54. Singh, U.P. and Krishna, A. (1996). Glycogen accumulation in the ovarian follicles of Indian vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi, during the period of delayed ovulation. Zool. Sci. 13, 893-897.
    55. Abhilasha and Krishna, A. (1996). Adiposity and androstenedione production in relation to delayed ovulation in an Indian bat, Scotophilus heathi. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 116C , 97-101.
    56. Krishna, A., Srivastava, R.K. and Sridaran, R. (1996). Effect of short-term treatment of a gonadotrophin-relationship hormone against on the follicualr development and gonadotropin secretion in the rat. Endocrine Res. 22(3) , 299-310.
    57. Singh, U.P. and Krishna A. (1997). A mini review on the female chiropteran reproduction. J. Endocrinol. Reprod. 1: 1-19.
    58. Krishna, A. (1997). The relationship between spermatozoa and the epithelium of the female genital tract during sperm storage in the greater yellow bats (Scotophilus heathi): The light and electron microscopic observations. Proc. Nat. Sci. Council (Taiwan), Part B: Life Sci., 21: 31-36.
    59. Krishna, A. and Singh, K. (1997). The relationship between testicular activity, accessory sex organ and circulating steroid concentration during reproductive cycle of an Indian male vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi. Can. J. Zool. 75, 1042-1050.
    60. Singh, U.P. and Krishna, A. (1997). Pituitary adrenocorticotrophic (ACTH) cells during reproductive cycle in a vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi. Acta Biol. 48: 409-420.
    61. Acharya, K. K., Roy, A. and Krishna, A. (1997). Relative role of olfactory cues and certain non-olfactory factors in foraging of a fruit-eating bat. Behavioral Processes 44: 59-64.
    62. Abhilasha and Krishna, A. (1997). Immunolocalization of side chain cleavage, 17 hydroxylase and aromatase cytochrome P450 in the ovary of vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi, during different phase of ovulatory delay. Biol. Res. 31: 49-57.
    63. Krishna, A., K. Singh, J. Doval and D. Chanda (1998). Changes in circulating insulin and corticosterone concentration during different reproductive phases and their relationship with the body weight and androstenedione concentration of male, Scotophilus heathi. J. Exp. Zool. 281: 201-206.
    64. Doval, J. and Krishna, A. (1998). Ovarian androstenedione production is enhanced by insulin during the period of delayed ovulation in a vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi. J. Reprod. Fert. 114: 63-68.
    65. Singh, U.P., Doval, J. and Krishna, A. (1998). Occurrence of polyovular follicles and its possible significance in the ovary of the bat, Scotophilus heathi. Biol. Res. 31: 75-80.
    66. Krishna, A. and Singh, K. (1998). Changes in the thyroid gland during reproductive cycle of the male vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi. Rev. Brasil Biol. 58 (4): 489-498.
    67. Krishna, A. (1999). Reproductive delays in chiropterans. In Topics in endocrinology and reproduction, Joy, K.P. et al. (eds), Narosa Publishing House, India. pp 410-421.
    68. Chanda, D., Singh, U.P. and Krishna, A. (1999). Insights into the development of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS): A need for suitable animal model. In: Frontiers in Human Reproduction. Eds. L.K.Pandey and S. Pandey. B.B.Press, Varanasi, India, pp 39-51.
    69. Krishna, A. and Singh, K. (1999). Asynchrony of the reproductive organs of the male vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi: role of gonadotrophins. Acta Theriol. 44 (2): 123-131.
    70. Doval, J. and Krishna, A. (1999). Possibility of inhibin as a regulator of androstenedione production by the ovary during the period of delayed ovulation in a vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 123 C: 265-272.
    71. Abhilasha and A. Krishna (1999). Ovarian steroidogenesis in the vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi: Role of melatonin. Acta Chiropterologica 1 (2): 223-230.
    72. Krishna, A. and Abhilasha (2000). Mechanism of delayed ovulation in a vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi: Role of gonadotropin, insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 73 (4): 523-529.
    73. Krishna, A., Abhilasha and Singh, K. (2000). Seasonal adiposity and androstenedione production as a possible mechanism for asynchronous reproductive activity between males and females of vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi. Acta Biol. 51 (1): 37-44.
    74. Singh U.P. and A. Krishna (2000). Seasonal changes in circulating testosterone and androstenedione concentration and their correlation with the anomalous reproductive pattern in the male emballonuridae bat, Taphozous longimanus. J. Exp. Zool. 286: 54-61.
    75. Krishna, A. and Abhilasha (2000). Proliferative activity of follicles and serum steroid concentration in Scotophilus heathi (vespertilionid bat) during period of delayed ovulation. Can. J. Zool. 78: 1-8.
    76. Krishna, A.; Al Rifai, A.; Hubner, B.; Rother, P. and Spanel-Borowski, K. (2001). Increase in calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP) and decrease in mast cells in dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)-induced polycystic rat ovaries. Anat. Embryol. 203: 375-382.
    77. Bhatnagar, K.P.; Smith, T.D.; Krishna, A.; Singh, U.P. and Wible, J.R. (2001). The vespertilionid vomeronasal organ: an investigation on the VNO of Scotophilus (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae). Acta Chiropterologica 3: 119-128.
    78. Singh, U.P. and Krishna, A. (2002). Seasonal changes in circulating steroid concentration and their correlation with the ovarian activity in the female Indian sheath-tailed bat, Taphozous longimanus. J. Exp. Zool. 292: 384-392.
    79. Singh, U.P., Krishna, A. and Bhatnagar, K.P. (2002). Seasonal changes in thyroid activity in the female sheath-tailed bat, Taphozous longimanus (Chiroptera: Emaballonuridae). Acta Biol. 53: 267-278.
    80. Krishna, A. and Bahuguna, J. (2002). Relationship between corticosterone and body weight, androstenedione and insulin during the period of delayed ovulation in a vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi. Acta Biol. 53 (3): 279-291.
    81. Roy, A.; Meena Kumari, K.J.; Tiwary, K.N. and Krishna, A. (2002). Post-natal development of short-nosed fruit bat, Cynopterus sphinx. Modern J. Life Sci. 1: 82-89.
    82. Chanda, D.; Abhilasha and Krishna, A. (2003). Seasonal adiposity and delayed ovulation in a vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi: Role of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 76 (2): 271-280.
    83. Tripathi, V.; Srivastava, R.K. and Krishna, A. (2003). Inhibin in male reproduction and its clinical relevance. J. Endocrin. Reprod. 7: 1-17.
    84. Chanda, D.; Yonekura, M. and Krishna, A. (2004) Pattern of ovarian protein synthesis and secretion during the reproductive cycle of Scotophilus heathi: Evidence for the synthesis of albumin-like protein. Biotechnic Histochem. 79: 129-138.
    85. Meenakumari, K. J.; Agarwal, S.; Krishna A. and L. K. Pandey (2004). Effects of metformin treatment on luteal phase progesterone concentration in polycystic ovary syndrome. Braz. J. Med. Biol. Res. 17: 1637-1644.
    86. Meenakumari, K.J. and A. Krishna. (2005). Delayed embryonic development in the Indian short-nosed fruit bat, Cynopterus sphinx. Zoology, 108: 131-140.
    87. Singh, U.P.; Krishna, A.; Smith, T.D. and Bhatnagar, K.P. (2005). Histochemical localization of enzymes and lipids in the ovary of a vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi, during reproductive cycle. Brazilian J. Biol. 65 (1): 179-186.
    88. Chanda, D.; Abhilasha; Krishna, A. (2006). Hormonal induction of ovulation stimulates atresia of antral follicles in a vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi. Zoology 109: 208-216.
    89. Srivastava, R.K and Krishna, A. (2006). Pathophysiology of polycystic ovary syndrome: Lesson from animal studies. Proc. Ind. Nat. Sci. Acad. 71 (B): 189-.
    90. Srivastava, R.K and Krishna, A. (2007). Adiposity associated rise in leptin impairs ovarian activity during winter dormancy in Vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi. Reproduction 133: 165-176.
    91. Singh, P., Krishna, A. and Sridaran, R. (2007). Localization of gonadotropin-releasing hormone I, bradykinin and their receptors in the ovaries non-mammalian vertebrates. Reproduction 133: 969-981. Banerjee, A.; Meenakumari, K.J. and Krishna, A. (2007). Relationship of delayed embryonic development with the metabolic factors and fat deposition in fruit bat, Cynopterus sphinx. Reprod. Fertil. Dev. 19:626-633. Impact Factor =2.805
    92. Singh, U.P.; Krishna, A. and Bhatnagar, K.P. (2007). Seasonal changes in serum leptin concentrations: relationship to reproduction in the male sheath-tailed bat, Taphozous longimanus. Acta Theriologica 52: 129-140. Impact Factor = 0.52
    93. Singh, U.P.; Krishna, A. and Bhatnagar, K.P. (2008). Changes in serum leptin, insulin, androstenedione, and luteinizing hormone during ovarian cycle in the bat, Taphozous longimanus. Acta Biol. Hungarica 59 (1): 1-16. Impact Factor =0.636
    94. Srivastava, R.K and Krishna, A. (2008). Seasonal adiposity, correlative changes in metabolic factors and unique reproductive activity in a vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi. J. Expt Zool. Part A: Ecol Genet. & Physiol. 309A: 94-110 Impact Factor =1.238
    95. Tripathi, V and Krishna, A. (2008). Changes in Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS) Isoforms Expression and the Possible Role of Nitric Oxide (NO) in Follicular Development and Oocyte Maturation in the Ovary of Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch). J. Endocrinol. 199: 307-316. Impact Factor =2.636
    96. Tripathi, V. and Krishna, A. (2008). Expression of Nitric Oxide Synthase Isoforms in the Ovary of Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch.) during Follicular Development and Oocyte Maturation. Cybium 32: 222.Impact Factor=0.541
    97. Singh, P.; Krishna, A.; Sridaran, R.; Tsutsui, K. (2008).Changes in GnRH I, bradykinin and their receptors and GnIH in the ovary of Calotes versicolor during reproductive. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 159: 307-316. Impact Factor=2.562
    98. Meenakumari, K.J.; Banerjee, A. and Krishna, A. (2009). Luteal cell steroidogenesis in relation to delayed embryonic development in the Indian short-nosed fruit bat, Cynopterus sphinx. Zoology 112:151-159. Impact Factor=1.387
    99. Roy, V.K and A. Krishna (2010). Evidence of androgen-dependent sperm storage in female reproductive tract of Scotophilus heathi. Gen. Com. Endocrinol. 165: 120-126. Impact Factor=2.562
    100. Banerjee, A.; Meenakumari, K.J., S. Udin and A. Krishna (2010). Melatonin regulates delayed embryonic development in the short-nosed fruit bat, Cynopterus sphinx. Reproduction 138: 935 - 944. Impact Factor=3.1
    101. Srivastava, R.K. and Krishna A. (2010) Melatonin affects steroidogenesis and delayed ovulation during winter in vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi. J. Steroid Biochem. Mole. Biol. . 118: 107-116. Impact Factor=2.8
    102. Srivastava, R.K. and Krishna A. (2010) Melatonin modulates glucose homeostasis during winter dormancy in a vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi. Com. Biochem. Physiology, Part A 155: 392-400. Impact Factor=1.7
    103. Singh, P.; Krishna, A. and Tsutsui, K. (2010). Effects of Gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone on folliculogenesis and steroidogenesis of cyclic mice. Fertil. Steril. 95: 1397-1404. Impact Factor= 4.2; doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2010.03.052
    104. Banerjee, A.; Meenakumari, K.J., and A. Krishna (2010). Role of leptin in delayed embryonic development in the Indian short nosed fruit bat, Cynopterus sphinx. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 168: 36-45. Impact Factor=3.1
    105. Roy, V.K and A. Krishna (2010). Role of leptin in seasonal adiposity associated changes in testicular activity of vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi. Gen. Com. Endocrinol. 168: 160-168. Impact Factor=3.1
    106. Singh, P.; Krishna, A. and Sridaran, R. (2011). Changes in bradykinin and bradykinin B2 receptor in mouse during the estrus cycle of mouse. Acta Histochem. 113(4): 436-441. Impact Factor=1.7; DOI information: 10.1016/j.acthis.2010.03.008
    107. Banerjee, A.; S. Udin , and A. Krishna (2011). Regulation of leptin synthesis in white adipose tissue of female fruit bat, Cynopterus sphinx: Role of melatonin with or without insulin. Exp. Physiol., 96:216-225. 10.1113/expphysiol.2010.055129 Impact Factor=2.562
    108. Singh, P. and A. Krishna (2011). Effects of GnRH agonist treatment on steroidogenesis and folliculogenesis in the ovary of cyclic mice. J. Ovarian Res., 3: 3-26. 26 doi:10.1186/1757-2215-3-26.
    109. Banerjee, A. and A. Krishna (2011). Altered glucose transport to utero-embryonic unit in relation to delayed embryonic development in the Indian short-nosed fruit bat, Cynopterus sphinx. Mole. Cell. Endocrinol. 333: 28 � 36. Impact Factor=4.2
    110. Srivastava, R.K. and Krishna A. (2011). Increased circulating leptin level inhibits folliculogenesis in vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi. Mole. Cell. Endocrinol. 337: 24-35. Impact Factor=4.2
    111. Roy, V.K and A. Krishna (2011). Regulation of leptin synthesis during adipogenesis in male vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi. J. Exp. Biol. 214: 1599-1606. Impact Factor=3.1.
    112. Banerjee, A.; Singh A.; Srivastava, P.; Turner H. and A. Krishna (2011). Effects of chronic bhang (cannabis) administration on the reproductive system of male mice. Birth Defects Develop. Reprod. Toxicol. 92: 195-205. Impact Factor= 2.2
    113. Roy, V.K and A. Krishna (2011). Sperm storage in female reproductive tract of Scotophilus heathi: Role of androgen. Mole. Reprod. Develop. 78 (7): 477-487. DOI 10.1002/mrd.21328. Impact Factor= 2.5
    114. Singh, P.; Krishna, A.; Sridaran, R.; Tsutsui, K. (2011). Immunohistochemical localization of GnRH and RFamide-Related Peptide-3 during estrous cycle of mouse: their potential role in the ovarian activity. J. Mol. Histol. 42: 371-381. Impact Factor= 1.75 DOI: 10.1007/s10735-011-9340-8
    115. Roy, V.K and A. Krishna (2011). Changes in the expression of HSL and OCTN2 in the female reproductive tract of the bat, Scotophilus heathi. Acta Histochem 114: 358-362. Impact Factor= 1.75
    116. Singh, A. and A. Krishna (2012). Localization of adiponectin and its receptor and its possible roles in the ovary of a vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi. Gen. Com. Endocrinol. 176:240-251. Impact Factor=3.1
    117. Banerjee, A.; R. Verma; S. Anjum and A. Krishna (2012). Alteration in expression of estrogen receptor isoforms alpha and beta, and aromatase in the testis and its relation with changes in nitric oxide during aging in mice. Steroids 77: 609-620. Impact Factor=2.9
    118. Anjum, S; A. Krishna; R. Sridaran and K. Tutsui (2012). Localization of gonadotropin-releasing (GnRH), gonadotropin inhibitory hormone (GnIH), kisspeptin and GnRH receptor and their possible roles in testicular activities from birth to senescence in mice. J. Expt Zool. Part A: Ecol Genet. & Physiol. (Revised) Impact Factor =1.238
    119. Singh, A. and A. Krishna (2012). Effects of adiponectin on ovarian folliculogenesis and steroidogenesis in the vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi. Gen. Com. Endocrinol. (Revised). Impact Factor=3.1
    120. Singh, U.P.; A. Krishna and K. P. Bhatnagar (2012). Year round plasma leptin and androgen concentrations in a tropical bat. Acta theriologica 52(2):129-140. DOI:10.1007/BF03194208 (Impact factor: 0.89).
    121. Roy, V.K and A. Krishna (2013). Expression pattern of glucose transporter (GLUT)-5 in the testis during spermatogenic cycle of vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi. Gen. Com. Endocrinol. 191: 59-64. Impact Factor=3.2.
    122. Roy, V.K and A. Krishna (2013). Changes in glucose and carnitine levels and their transporters in utero-tubal junction in relation to sperm storage in the vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi. J. Expt. Zool. Part A: Ecol Genet. & Physiol. 319: 517-526. Impact Factor =1.238
    123. Anuradha and A. Krishna (2014). Modulation of ovarian steroidogenesis by adiponectin during delayed embryonic development of Cynopterus sphinx. J. Steroid Biochem. Mole. Biol. 143: 291-305. Impact Factor =3.9
    124. Banerjee A., Anuradha, K. Mukharjee, and A. Krishna (2014).Testicular glucose and its transporter GLUT 8 as a marker of age dependent variation and its role in steroidogenesis in mice. J. Expt. Zool. Part A: Ecol Genet. & Physiol. 321A: 490-502. Impact Factor =1.238
    125. Anjum, S; A. Krishna; and K. Tutsui (2014). Inhibitory roles ofrthe mammalianlGnIH ortholog RFRP3 in testicular activities in adult mice. J. Endocrinology 223: 79-91. Impact Factor =4.95
    126. Anuradha and A. Krishna (2014). Role of adiponectin in delayed embryonic development in the short-nosed fruit bat, Cynopterus sphinx. Mole. Reprod. Develop. 81: 1086-1103. Impact Factor =2.5
    127. Singh, A.; M. Suragani and A. Krishna (2014). Effects of resistin on ovarian folliculogenesis and steroidogenesis in the Vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi. Gen. Com. Endocrinol. 208: 73-84. Impact Factor=3.2.
    128. Singh, A.; M. Powell; R. Sridaran and A. Krishna (2015). Effects of seasonal adiposity on ovarian activity of Vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi: Proteomics analysis. Mole. Cell. Endocrinol. 399: 219-227. Impact Factor =4.2
    129. Singh, A.; M. Suragani, N. Z. Ehtesham and A. Krishna (2015). Localization of resistin and its possible roles in the ovary of a vespertilionid bat, Scotophilus heathi. Steroid 95-17-23. Impact Factor=2.9
    130. Anjum, S; A. Krishna; and K. Tutsui (2016). Possible role of GnIH as a mediator between adiposity and impaired testicular function. Frontiers of Endocrinology (in press).
    131. Pandey V; Singh Anusha; Singh A; Krishna A; Pandey U; and Tripathi YB (2016). Role of oxidative stress and low-grade inflammation in Letrozole-induced polycystic ovary syndrome in the rat. Reproduct. Biol. (in press). Impact Factor=1.8
    132. Roy VK; Verma R and Krishna A. (2016) Carnitine mediated antioxidant enzymes activity and Bcl2 expression involves PGC-1a in mouse testis. Reprod. Fert. Dev. (accepted). Impact Factor=2.8
    133. Verma R and Krishna A. (2016) Effect of Letrozole, a selective aromatase inhibitor, on testicular activities in adult mice: both in vivo and in vitro study. Gen. Com. Endocrinol. In press. Impact Factor=3.2.
    134. Singh, P., Srivastava, R.K. and A. Krishna (2016). Effects of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist and antagonist on ovarian activity in a mouse model for polycystic ovary. J. Steroid Biochem. Mole. Biol. DOI:10.1016/j.jsbmb.2016.03.034 (Accepted).
    B. BOOK
    1. Joy, K.P., Krishna, A. and Haldar, C. (1999). Topics in Endocrinology and Reproduction. Narosa Publishing House (Springer Verlag), New Delhi, India.
    2. Krishna, A.; Singh, S.K. and Tripathi, V. (2003). Current views on fertility management. B.H.U. Press, Varanasi.
    3. Krishna, A. and Meenakumari, K.J. (2010). Mechanism of delayed embryonic development in Cynopterus sphinx. VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG, Germany
    C. Chapter in Books/Review
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    3. Sridaran, R., Krishna, A. and Srivastava, R.K. (1991): Effects of long-term treatment of a GnRH agonist on ovarian function in the rat. In: Signaling mechanisms and gene expression in the ovary. Ed. G. Gibori, Springer-Verlag, New York, pp 391-394.
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    5. Chanda, D., Singh, U.P. and Krishna, A. (1999). Insights into the development of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS): A need for suitable animal model. In: Frontiers in Human Reproduction. Eds. L.K.Pandey and S. Pandey. B.B.Press, Varanasi, India, pp 39-51.
    6. Krishna, A. (1999). Reproductive delays in chiropterans. In Topics in endocrinology and reproduction, Joy, K.P. et al. (eds), Narosa Publishing House, India. pp 410-421.
    7. Tripathi, V.; Srivastava, R.K. and Krishna, A. (2003). Inhibin in male reproduction and its clinical relevance. J. Endocrin. Reprod. 7: 1-17.
    8. Krishna, A.; Chowdhury, I. and Singh, P. (2006). The Mammary Gland chapter in E-book- National Science Digital Library, NISCAIR (CSIR.
    9. Krishna, A.; Srivastava, R.K.. and Banerjee, A. (2006). Mammalian Ovary chapter in E-book- National Science Digital Library, NISCAIR (CSIR).
    10. Krishna, A. and Roy, V. (2006). Fertility Regulation in Female chapter in E-book- National Science Digital Library, NISCAIR (CSIR.)
    11. Krishna, A. and K.P. Bhatnagar (2010). Hormones and reproductive cycles in Bats. In. Hormones and Reproduction of Vertebrates: Mammals, Vol. 5, Eds, D.O. Norris and K.H. Lopez, Academic Press, London, UK.
    12. Krishna, A. and V. K. Roy (2011). Mechanisms of prolonged sperm storage in female bats. In: Bats: Biology, behaviour and conservation. Eds J.L. Zupan and S.L. Mlakar, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., USA (ISBN: 978-1-61209-749-7
    13. Anjum, S. and Krishna, A. (2013). GnRH as a local mediator of developmental and physiological processes in mammalian testis. pp 141-156. In: Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH): Production, Structure and Function. Ed. E. S. Sills, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., USA (ISBN: 978-1-62808-478-8).

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