Dinesh Kumar

Retired Professor
Ph D (BHU)
Contact Information:

230 7149 Extn. 129 (O),  (R)0542-2317417, (M) )09415256354,  Fax:542-2368174
Email Id:[email protected]; [email protected]

Academic Qualifications:
S. No.DegreeInstitutionYear
1.B.Sc.Banaras Hindu University1972
2.M.Sc.Banaras Hindu University1974
3.Ph. D.Banaras Hindu University1977
Brief writeup on area of specialization/awards/achievements:

Insect Physiology: Haemolymph analysis of red cotton bug and a few aquatic bugs; Studies on development and growth including reproduction of D. koenigii. Recently we are engaged in understanding the mechanism of insecticide resistance in melon fruit fly, B. cucurbitae and the biocontrol of hazardous insect pest, D. koenigii by the entomopathogenic fungi.


  • FESI. The Entomological Society of India
  • UNESCO Fellowship, Czechoslovakia (1984-1985, 1989-1990)
  • Short Term Fellowship of the Max Planck Society, Germany (1990)
  • UGC- Visiting Research Associateship (1994-1996)
  • Member of Board of Studies, NEHU, Shillong (Since 2009- )


  • Department of Physiology, Institute of Entomology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Ceske Budejeovice, Czechoslovakia Worked in this Institute with Professor F. Sehnal, Head of Physiology Department from October 10, 1989 to July, 1990 on �Ecdysteroids from mid-gut during pupal adult transformation of Galleria
  • Insect Biochemistry, Max-Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried bei Munchen, Germany Worked with Professor H. Rembold, Head of Insect Biochemistry for 6 weeks (last week of August, 1990 to September 30, 1990) on �Bio-assay plants insecticides�

Current Projects Undertaken as PI/ Co PI::
S. No. Name of the Project Duration Source of Funding Amount of Funding (Rs)
1 Studies on the haemolymph and its modulation by entomopathogenic fungi in an insect pest, Dysdercus koenigii( Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae) 2013-2017 UGC
Any additional information:

  1. Society Membership :Indian Society of Cell Biology, Indian Society of General & Comparative Endocrinology, The Association for Advancement of Entomology , Asian Zoological Society, Indian Society of Vegetable Research
  2. Editorial Board membership : Biochemical and Cellular Archives, IndiA, J. of Experimental Zoology, India, Annals of Entomology, India
  3. Additional Details : 1. Worked as Warden for 6 years(September, 1983 - August, 1989), Ex-NCC Officer, 89 UP BN, Group A, BHU, Varanasi, C Certificate of NCC 1972, BHU, 2 UP Armed Squdn., Varanasi
  4. Co-curricular Activities : 1. Incharge, Central Instrument Lab (COSIST),since 1985, Time Table Incharge (1982-1987), (1990-1999), Secretary, Departmental Council, 1990- 2004
  5. Co-ordinator : 1. 3rd Refresher Course in Zoology, 1994 organized by the Academic Staff College, BHU, 9th Refresher Course in Zoology, 2000 organized by the Academic Staff College, BHU, 10th Refresher Course in Zoology, 2003 to be held from December 2- 22, 2003
  6. Symposium organized : Convener Symposium on Functional Biodiversity & Ecophysiology of Animals, Feb 21-23, 2009
  7. Symposium attended: i). IIIrd International congress on Cell Biology, Tokyo, August, 1984, ii). 4th Asia Oceania on Photobiology from 24th-26th Nov.2008
A. List of 10 best Publications (in order of importance):

  1. Dinesh Kumar (1979) On the contribution of haemolymph to the salivary proteins of the red cotton bug Dysdercus koenigii (Heteroptera-Pyrrhocoridae). Experientia, 35:765, Switzerland
  2. Dinesh Kumar (1981) Autoradiographic studies on RNA synthesis and transport in the salivary glands of Lygaeus sp. (Hemiptera-Lygaeidae). Experientia, 37:37, Switzerland
  3. P.R. Yadav and Dinesh Kumar (1986) Studies on the electrophoretic pattern of fat body, haemolymph and ovary in an Indian fresh water bug, Laccotrephesrubra Linn. (Nepidae-Heteroptera). Insect Science and Application, 7:599-604, Great Britain
  4. P.R. Yadav and Dinesh Kumar (1988) Electrophoretic pattern of male haemolymph plasma proteins in two groups of Indian bugs. Biochem. Systematics and Ecology, 16:311-315, Great Britain
  5. P.R. Yadav and Dinesh Kumar (1989) Electrophoretic studies on male haemolymph in two groups of Heteroptera: Chemical characterization of plasma proteins. Biochem. Systematics and Ecology, 17:323-326, Great Britain
  6. P.R. Yadav and Dinesh Kumar (1993) Synthesis and transport of RNA in the salivary gland of some bugs (Heteroptera). Insect Science and its Application, 4:411-418, Kenya
  7. K.J. Venugopal, Dinesh Kumar and A.K. Singh (1994) Developmental studies on protein from haemolymph, fat body and ovary of a phytophagous bug, Dysdercus koenigii (Heteroptera-Pyrrhocoridae). Biochemical Archieves, 10:297-302, USA
  8. K.J. Venugopal and Dinesh Kumar (1999) Vitellin and Vitellogenesis of Dysdercuskoenigii (Heteropt.- Pyrrhocoridae) - identification, Purification and temporal pattern Comp. Biochem. Physiol. (B) 124: 215-223 Canada
  9. K.J. Venugopal and Dinesh Kumar (2000) Role of juvenile hormone in the synthesis and sequestration of vitellogenins in the red cotton stainerDysdercus koenigii (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae) Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 127(2): 153-63. Canada
  10. Snigdha Mohan and Dinesh Kumar (2010): Effects of UV irradiation on the survival of the red cotton bug, Dysdercus koenigii (Heteroptera:Pyrrhocoridae). Aust. J. Of Agricultural Engineering 1(4): 132-135. Australia
B. Full List of Publications:

  1. S.K. Patnaik; S.K. Srivastava; C.S. Paulose; M. Misra; A.K. Singh and Dinesh Kumar (1976) Comparative studies on Arginase of liver of some vertebrates. Ind. J. Exptl. Biol., 14:29-30, India
  2. Dinesh Kumar; A. Ray and P.S. Ramamurty (1978) Histophysiology of the salivary glands of the red cotton bug Dysdercus koenigii (Pyrrhocoridae-Heteroptera) - Histological, histochemical, autoradiographic and electron microscopic investigations. Z. Mikros. Anat. Forschung., 92:147-170, Germany
  3. Dinesh Kumar (1979) On the contribution of haemolymph to the salivary proteins of the red cotton bug Dysdercus koenigii (Heteroptera-Pyrrhocoridae). Experientia, 35:765, Switzerland
  4. Dinesh Kumar; A. Ray and P.S. Ramamurty (1980) Studies on the salivary glands of Lygaeus sp. (Lygaeidae-Heteroptera) - histological, histochemical autoradiographic and electron microscopic investigations. Z. mikros. anat. Forschung, 94:669-695, Germany
  5. Ray, A.; Dinesh Kumar and P.S. Ramamurty (1980) Histological studies on neuroendocrine organ and retrocerebral complex of Crynodes peregrinus (Chrysomelidae-Coleoptera). Z. mikros. anat. Forschung, 94:73-80, Germany
  6. Ray, A.; Dinesh Kumar and P.S. Ramamurty (1980) Histological studies on retrocerebral endocrine complex with special reference to neurohaemal involvement of aorta and pericardial cells in Coccinella septempunctata (Coccinelidae-Coleoptera). Z. mikros. anat. Forschung, 94:1141-1148, Germany
  7. Dinesh Kumar (1981) Autoradiographic studies on RNA synthesis and transport in the salivary glands of Lygaeus sp. (Hemiptera-Lygaeidae). Experientia, 37:37, Switzerland
  8. Dinesh Kumar (1982) Autoradiographic studies of the protein metabolism in the salivary glands of the red cotton bug, D. koenigii (Pyrrhocoridae-Heteroptera). Entomon, 8(2):173-179, India
  9. Dinesh Kumar (1983) RNA metabolism in salivary glands of Dysdercus koenigii (Pyrrhocoridae-Heteroptera). Entomon, 8:269-275, India
  10. Dinesh Kumar (1984) On the ultrastructure of the salivary glands of Chrysocoris patricius (Hemiptera-Pentatomidae) : an organ of transport. IIIrd International Congress on Cell Biology, Tokyo
  11. Dinesh Kumar (1985) Autoradiographic studies on 3H-glucose metabolism in the salivary glands of Lygaeus sp. (Heteroptera-Lygaeidae). Naturalia, 10:83-87, Brazil
  12. P.R. Yadav and Dinesh Kumar (1986) Studies on the electrophoretic pattern of fat body, haemolymph and ovary in an Indian fresh water bug, Laccotrephes rubra Linn. (Nepidae-Heteroptera). Insect Science and Application, 7:599-604, Great Britain
  13. P.R. Yadav; Dinesh Kumar and H.S. Gundevia (1988) Studies on the electrophoretic pattern of haemolymph, fat body and ovary of Dytiscus marginalis Linn. (Dytiscidae-Coleoptera). Naturalia, 13:29-35, Brazil
  14. P.R. Yadav and Dinesh Kumar (1988) Electrophoretic pattern of male haemolymph plasma proteins in two groups of Indian bugs. Biochem. Systematics and Ecology, 16:311-315, Great Britain
  15. P.R. Yadav and Dinesh Kumar (1989) Electrophoretic studies on male haemolymph in two groups of Heteroptera : Chemical characterization of plasma proteins. Biochem. Systematics and Ecology, 17:323-326, Great Britain
  16. P.R. Yadav and Dinesh Kumar (1992) Electrophoretic analysis of some male predatory bugs (Heteroptera). J. Zoological Research, 5(1&2):65-71, India
  17. Dinesh Kumar and P.R. Yadav (1992) Electrophoretic study of proteins of salivary glands, haemolymph and fat body in carnivorous bug, Lithocerus indicus Lep. & Serv. (Heteropotera-Belostomatidae) in �Insect Physiology and Function� (ed. R.K. Bhola), India
  18. P.R. Yadav and Dinesh Kumar (1993) Synthesis and transport of RNA in the salivary gland of some bugs (Heteroptera). Insect Science and its Application, 4:411-418, Kenya
  19. P.R. Yadav and Dinesh Kumar (1993) Histochemical analysis of saliva of some predatory bugs (Heteroptera). Asian J. Zoological Research, 2:5-15, India
  20. K.J. Venugopal, Dinesh Kumar and A.K. Singh (1994) Developmental studies on protein from haemolymph, fat body and ovary of a phytophagous bug, Dysdercus koenigii (Heteroptera-Pyrrhocoridae). Biochemical Archieves, 10:297-302, USA
  21. Dinesh Kumar and F. Sehnal (1994) Ecdysteroids from the mid gut of pupa during pupal adult transformation of Galleria mellonela. Ecdysteroids Conference (Budejovice)
  22. Dinesh Kumar, P.R. Yadav, K.J. Venugopal and A.K. Singh (1995) Studies on thesalivary glands of an aquatic bug, Lethocerus indicus (Belostomatidae) : Morphological, histological and preliminary electron microscopic investigations. Insect Science and Application,16(1):51-61, Kenya
  23. K.J. Venugopal and Dinesh Kumar (1996) Studies on fat body with respect to vitellogenesis in the red cotton stainer, Dysdercus koenigii. The J. Scientific Research, 46:15-22, India
  24. K.J. Venugopal and Dinesh Kumar (1997) Hormonal regulation of vitellogenin synthesis and incorporation in Dysdercus koenigii. Advances in Comparative Endocrinology. (Yokohama, Japan , 16-21 November), 221-224, Japan
  25. K.J. Venugopal and Dinesh Kumar (1997) Electrophoretic studies on developmental profiles of proteins in haemolymph, fat body and ovary of the red cotton bug, Dysdercus koenigii (Pyrrhocoridae-Heteroptera). Entomon, 22 (2):1-7, India
  26. Dinesh Kumar (1998). Histo-morphology of the salivary gland of a phytophagous bug Leptocorisa varicornis Fabr. (Heteroptera - Coreidae) J. Exp. Zoology 1 (2):159- 164, India
  27. A.K. Singh and Dinesh Kumar (1998) Developmental profile of proteins of salivary glands and haemolymph of Dysdercus koenigii. Indian J. Entomol. 60 (4) :374-378, India
  28. K.J. Venugopal and Dinesh Kumar (1999) Vitellin and Vitellogenesis of Dysdercus koenigii (Heteropt.- Pyrrhocoridae) - identification, Purification and temporal pattern Comp. Biochem. Physiol. (B) 124: 215-223 Canada
  29. A.K. Singh, A. Mishra and Dinesh Kumar (1999) Morphometric studies on the salivary gland of the red cotton bug Dysdercus koenigii (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae) during larval-adult development. The J .Scientific Research India 49: 155-168.
  30. P. R. Yadav and Dinesh Kumar (1999). Morphologica, histological and electron microscopic investigations on the salivary glands of fresh water bug, Laccotrephes rubra Linn (Heteroptera). J. Exp. Zoology 2 (1): 29-43. India
  31. Dinesh Kumar and K.J. Venugopal (2000) Ovarian development in the bug, Dysdercus koenigii - morphological histological, histochemical and biochemical investigations. J. Exp. Zoology 3(2) 175-184. India
  32. K.J. Venugopal and Dinesh Kumar (2000) Role of juvenile hormone in the synthesis and sequestration of vitellogenins in the red cotton stainer Dysdercus koenigii (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae) Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 127(2): 153-63. Canada
  33. Archana Mishra and Dinesh Kumar (2001) Life and fecundity parameteres of the red cotton bug Dysdercus koenigii (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae). Entomon 26(2): 161-168 India
  34. Archana Mishra and Dinesh Kumar (2001): Cuticular lipids in exuvia of nymphs and adults of the red cotton bug, Dysdercus koenigii (Heteroptera:Pyrrhocoridae) Entomon 26 (spl issue) 242- 245. India
  35. Archana mishra, A.K. Singh and Dinesh Kumar (2004) Stage-and sex-dependent changes in lipid profile of Dysdercus koenigii (Heteroptera:Pyrrhocoridae) during development. International Journal of Tropical Science 24 (3) 236-241 Kenya
  36. R.K. Tiwari, J.P. Pandey and Dinesh Kumar (2006) Effects of neem-based insecticides on metamorphosis, haemocytes and reproductive behaviuour in the red cotton bug, of Dysdercus koenigii Fabr. (Heteroptera:Pyrrhocoridae) Entomon 31(4): 267-275. India
  37. J.P. Pandey, R.K Tiwari, and Dinesh Kumar (2008) Temperature and ganglionectomy stresses affect haemocyte counts in plain tiger butterfly, Danaus chrysippus L. (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) Journal of Entomology 5 (2) 113-121. USA
  38. J. P. Pandey, R. K. Tiwari and Dinesh Kumar (2008) Reduction in Immune Response in Danais chrysippus following Treatment with Neem-Based Insecticides Journal of Entomology 5 (3): 202-206 USA
  39. Archana mishra and Dinesh Kumar (2008) Morphometric characteristics during post-embryonic development of Dysdercus koenigii (Heteroptera:Pyrrhocoridae) . J. Scientific Rsearch 52: 99- 105 India
  40. J.P. Pandey, R.K. Tiwari, Suyog Pandey and Dinesh Kumar (2009) Morphological and quantitative studies of haemocytes in plain tiger butterfly, Danais chrysippus Linn. (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) Entomon 34 (4): 247-251 India
  41. N. Rastogi and Dinesh Kumar (2009) Functional biodiversity and ecophysiology of animals. Current Science 96(9): 1-2 India
  42. Snigdha Mohan and Dinesh Kumar (2010): Effects of UV irradiation on the survival of the red cotton bug, Dysdercus koenigii (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae), Australian Journal of Agricultural Engineering 1(4): 132-135 Australia
  43. Shakti Kumar Singh , Dinesh Kumar and V. V. Ramamurthy (2010) Biology of fruit fly Bactrocera (Zeugodacus) tau (Walker) (Diptera: Tephritidae) Entomological Research 40 (5) Korea
  44. Snigdha Mohan and Dinesh Kumar (2011) Effect of UV-C irradiation on the morphology and moulting of the red cotton bug, Dysdercus koenigii (Heteroptera:Pyrrhocoridae). Journal of Experimental Zoology, India 14 (1): 39-44.
  45. S. Izadi, A.Z. Rmazani, B. Davari, M. Mahmoudi, Dinesh Kumar, H. Abdoli and M. Mohebali (2011) Therapeutic efficacy of VFEND� (Voriconazole) on cutaneous Leishmaniasis due to Leishmani .major in Vivo. Biochemical and Cellular Archives, 11(1): 161-165 India
  46. Naveen, N.C., Dinesh Kumar, R.J. Chaubey and B. Subrahmanyam (2011): Relative toxicityof insecticides on the population of whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) from cotton and leucaena. Ind. J. of Entomol�. In Press
  47. Naveen, N.C., Kumar, D.,Wasialam.,Chaubey, R.J., Subramanian, S.,Rajagopal R. (2012): A model study integrating time dependent mortality in evaluating insecticides against Bemisiatabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). Ind. J. Entomol.74 (4), 384-387.
  48. Snigdha Mohan and Dinesh Kumar (2012): Effects of UV-C irradiation on the fecundity and fertility the red cotton bug, Dysdercus koenigii (Heteroptera-Pyrrhoicoridae): Role of partially sterile insects in sterile insect techniques. Indian J. of Entomology, 74(2): 176-182.
  49. A. Shahbazi, S. Gholami, N. Mirsamdi, I. Nokhahi, A. Ghazanchaii, Dinesh Kumar D. Wannigma and S. Izadi (2012): Detection of Giardia lamblia andEntamoeba hisotolytica by direct micoroscopy and PCR in stools specimens. Biochem. Cell. Arch. 12(2): 353-358.
  50. Archana Singh, B.P. Singh, M. R. Wani, Dinesh Kumar, J. K. Singh and V. Singh (2013): Effect of anodization on corrosion behavior and biocompatibility of Cp-titanium in simulated body fluid. Bull. Mater. Sci. 36(5): 931-937.
  51. AlirezaZahraeiRamazani, Dinesh Kumar, M.R. Yaghoobi-Ershadi, A. Naghian, R. Jafari, M,R. Shirzadi, H. Abdoli, H. Soleimani, N. Shareghi, M. Ghanei, M.H. Arandian and A.A. Hanafi-Bojd (2013): Sand flies of the Subgenus Adlerius (Diptera: Psychodidae) in an Endemic Focus of Visceral Leishmaniasis and introduction of Phlebotomus (Adlerius)comatus as a New Record for Iran. J. Arthropod-Borne Dis. 7(1): 1-7.
  52. Singdha Mohan and Dinesh Kumar (2013): Effect of UV irradiation on life cycle traits of the red cotton bug, Dysdercus koenigii (Heteroptera-Pyrrhocoridae). Drishti 4(2): 171-178 BHU, Varanasi.
  53. AlirezaZahraei-Ramazani, Dinesh Kumar, Hossein Mirhendi, ShyamSundar , Rajnikan Mishra , VahidehMoin-Vaziri , Hassan Soleimani , Mohammad Reza Shirzadi , Reza Jafari , Ahmad Ali Hanafi-Bojd , SodabeHamediShahraky , Mohammad Reza Yaghoobi-Ershadi (2014): Morphological and Genotypic Variations among the Species of the Subgenus Adlerius(Diptera: Psychodidae, Phlebotomus) in Iran. J. Arthropod-Borne Dis. 9(1): 84-97.
  54. SoniKumari, Deepak Verma and Dinesh Kumar (2015): Effect of entomopathogenic fungi, Aspergillus niger on haemocytes and antioxidant enzymes (SOD, Catalase) in Dysdercus koenigii ( Heteroptera-Pyrrhocoridae). J. Exp. Zool. India 18 (1): 461-464.
  55. Deepak Verma, SoniKumari and Dinesh Kumar (2015): Effect of mass rearing on antioxidant enzymes in fruit fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae (Diptera : Tephritidae). J. Exp. Zool. India 18 (2): 1001-1004.
  56. Shakti Kumar Singh, K.J. David, Dinesh Kumar and V.V. Ramamurty (2015):A new species of MagnimyioliaShiraki (Diptera: Tephritidae: Trypetinae) and new records of Acanthonevrini from India. Zootaxa3949 (1): 129-134 (MangoliaPress Online edition).
  57. R. K. Tiwari, J.P. Pandey and Dinesh Kumar (2016): Identfication of New Morpho variants of Dragonfly, Neurothemistulliatullia from Carpet Dye Polluted Region �Bhadohi. Singapore J. of Biol. Science Open Access, ISSN 1010-006X.
  58. Snigdha Mohan and Dinesh Kumar (2016): Effects of UVC (254 NM) irradiation on ovarian development of the red cotton bug, Dysdercus koenigiiHeteroptera-: Pyrrhocoridae). Biochem. Cell Arch. 16 (1): 000-000 .
C. Chapter in Book
  1. PEST AND PEST MANAGEMNT (2007). In: National Institute of Science Communication And Information Resources, UGC, New Delhi.
D. Abstracts
  1. Dinesh Kumar and P.S. Ramamurty (1975) Histophysiological studies of the salivary gland of the red cotton bug D. koenigii (Heteropt.-Pyrrocoridae). All India Symposium on Comparative Biology, Marathwada University, Aurangabad, India (Nov 75)
  2. Dinesh Kumar (1978) RNA metabolism in the salivary glands of D. koenigii (Pyrrhocoridae-Heteropt.). IVth All India Cell Congress of Zoology, Magadh University, Bihar, India (Oct 78)
  3. Dinesh Kumar (1979) On the origin of the salivary protein of the red cotton bug D. koenigii (Heteropt.-Pyrrhocoridae). India Science Congress, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradash, India (Jan 79)
  4. Dinesh Kumar and A. Ray (1979) RNA synthesis and transport in the salivary glands of Lygaeus sp. (Lygaedae-Heteropt.). All India Cell Biology Conference, Bombay, India (Jan 79)
  5. A. Ray and Dinesh Kumar (1979) Autoradiographic studies of RNA metabolism in the telotrophic ovaries of Cryonedes peregrinus Fuessly (Coleopt.-Chrysomelidae). All India Cell Biology Conference, Bombay (Jan 79)
  6. Dinesh Kumar (1980) Ultrastructure of salivary gland of Lygaeus sp. (Heteropt.-Lygaeidae). All India Symposium of Comparative Physiology, Poona University, Pune, India (May 80)
  7. Dinesh Kumar (1981) On the ultrastructure of the salivary glands of the red cotton bug D. koeniggi (Heteropt.-Pyrrhocoridae) - presence of two types of Nucleoli. All India Cell Biology Conference, Bangalore, India (Dec 81)
  8. P.R. Yadav and Dinesh Kumar (1986) Disc gel electrophoresis of proteins of the fat body, haemolymph and ovary from the adult Laccotrphes rubra Linn. (Heteropt.-Nepidae). National Symposium, Kerala University, Trivandrum, India
  9. P.R. Yadav and Dinesh Kumar (1988) Studies on the salivary apparatus of a fresh water bug L. indicus Lep. & Serv. (Belostomatidae-Heteroptera). International Conference on Biological Control of Vectors and Predaceous Arthopods, Madras, India
  10. P.R. Yadav and Dinesh Kumar (1988) SDS-PAGE of proteins from haemolymph, fat body and ovary of Dytiscus marginalis Linn. (Dytiscidae-Coleoptera). Symposium on Recent Trends in Comparative Endocrinology, BHU, Varanasi, India
  11. Dinesh Kumar and P.R. Yadav (1988) Fine structure of the salivary gland and role of haemolymph proteins in salivary secretion in a fresh water bug, L. indicus (Belostomatidae-Heteroptera). In Proc. of XVII International Congress of Entomology, p. 85, Vancouver, Canada
  12. P.R. Yadav and Dinesh Kumar (1989) Studies on the salivary apparatus and saliva of Antilochus coqueberti fabr. (Heteropt.-Pyrrhocoridae). Oriental Entomology Congress, Agra, India
  13. K.J. Venugopal and Dinesh Kumar (1996) Purification and Partial Characterization of vitellin(s) of the red cotton stainer, Dysdercus koenigii. XX International Congress of Entomology, Firenze, Italy (Aug 25-31, 1996).
  14. Archana Mishra and Dinesh Kumar (2000): Cuticular lipids in exuvia of nymphs and adults of the red cotton bug, Dysdercus koenigii (Heteroptera:Pyrrhocoridae).Entomocongress-2000, International Congress, Trivandrum (Nov. 5 � 8, 2000).

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