Mrs. Madhu G. Tapadia

Ph.D. (BHU)
Contact Information:

(O)+91-542-2368145, (R)+91-542-2330777, (M)+91-9415225678  (M)+91-9450593210,  Fax:+91-542-2368174
Email Id:[email protected]

Academic Qualifications:
S. No.DegreeInstitutionYear
1.B.Sc.Banaras Hindu University 1988
2.M.Sc.Banaras Hindu University1990
3.Ph. D.Banaras Hindu University1996
Area of specialization:Neurodegeneration, Innate Immune response, Genetic basis of depression in humans, Development of Malpighian tubules

Developmental Genetics is the core area of research in my lab. Research is going on in diverse areas like understanding development and function of Malpighian tubules, understanding protein trafficking in specific cell types, identifying genetic basis of stress and depression in adolescents Recipient of Prof. B R Sheshachar Award for best paper presentation in the XIX All India Cell Biology Conference & Symposia, Calcutta, 1996 Executive Secretary of Indian Society of Cell Biology.

Awards/Recognitions if any:

  • Bharat Vikas Award
  • Executive Secretary, Indian Society of Cell Biology
    Current Project Undertaken as PI/ Co PI:
    S. No. Name of the Project Duration Source of Funding Amount of Funding (Rs) Any other Information
    Function and role of apoptotic proteins during metamorphosis in drosophila Malpighian tubules and identification of their interactors.(P.I) 2010-2013 DBTRs.23.1 Lacs
    2. Studies on developmental regulation of immune response genes in Malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster(P.I) 2012-2015 DSTRs. 24.19 Lacs

    List of 10 major Publications:

    1. Expression of polyQ aggregates in Malpighian tubules leads to degeneration in Drosophila melanogaster, Suman Yadav, Madhu G Tapadia, Developmental Biology (2016) 409: 166-180
    2. Early gene Broad complex plays a key role in regulating the immune response triggered by ecdysone in the Malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster Puja Verma, Madhu G. Tapadia. Molecular Immunology 66 (2015) 325-339
    3. Ecdysone Regulates Morphogenesis and Function of Malpighian tubules in Drosophila melanogaster through EcR-B2 Isoform Naveen Kumar Gautam, Puja Verma and Madhu G Tapadia, Developmental Biology 398 2015 163-176
    4. Epithelial immune response in Drosophila malpighian tubules: interplay between diap2 and ion channels.Verma P, Tapadia MG. J Cell Physiol. 2014 229:1078-95.
    5. Neurodegeneration caused by polyglutamine expansion is regulated by P-glycoprotein in Drosophila melanogaster Suman Yadav and Madhu G. Tapadia, Genetics, 2013 Vol 195, 1-15
    6. Molecular and genetic basis of depression. Madhumita Roy, Madhu G Tapadia, Shobhna Joshi, Biplob Koch. Journal of Genetics 2014 93 (3) 879-892
    7. Immune response and anti-microbial peptides expression in Malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster is under developmental regulation Madhu G. Tapadia and Puja Verma 2012. PlosOne 7: e40714
    8. Non-apoptotic function of apoptotic proteins in the development of Malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster Madhu G. Tapadia and Naveen Kumar Gautam. 2011. J. Biosci 36 (3): 531-544
    9. Differential localization and processing of apoptotic proteins in Malpighian tubules of Drosophila during metamorphosis. Anukampa Shukla and Madhu G. Tapadia. 2011 Eur J Cell Biol 90 (1):72-80
    10. Ecdysone signaling is required for proper organization and fluid secretion of stellate cells in the Malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster. Naveen Kumar Gautam and Madhu G. Tapadia. 2010 Int. J. Dev. Biol. 54:635-642

    Full list of Publications:

    1. Expression of polyQ aggregates in Malpighian tubules leads to degeneration in Drosophila melanogaster, Suman Yadav, Madhu G Tapadia, Developmental Biology (2016) 409: 166-180
    2. Early gene Broad complex plays a key role in regulating the immune response triggered by ecdysone in the Malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster Puja Verma, Madhu G. Tapadia. Molecular Immunology 66 (2015) 325-339
    3. Ecdysone Regulates Morphogenesis and Function of Malpighian tubules in Drosophila melanogaster through EcR-B2 Isoform Naveen Kumar Gautam, Puja Verma and Madhu G Tapadia, Developmental Biology 398 2015 163-176
    4. Epithelial immune response in Drosophila malpighian tubules: interplay between diap2 and ion channels.Verma P, Tapadia MG. J Cell Physiol. 2014 229:1078-95.
    5. Neurodegeneration caused by polyglutamine expansion is regulated by P-glycoprotein in Drosophila melanogaster Suman Yadav and Madhu G. Tapadia, Genetics, 2013 Vol 195, 1-15
    6. Molecular and genetic basis of depression. Madhumita Roy, Madhu G Tapadia, Shobhna Joshi, Biplob Koch. Journal of Genetics 2014 93 (3) 879-892
    7. Immune response and anti-microbial peptides expression in Malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster is under developmental regulation Madhu G. Tapadia and Puja Verma 2012. PlosOne 7: e40714
    8. Non-apoptotic function of apoptotic proteins in the development of Malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster Madhu G. Tapadia and Naveen Kumar Gautam. 2011. J. Biosci 36 (3): 531-544
    9. Differential localization and processing of apoptotic proteins in Malpighian tubules of Drosophila during metamorphosis. Anukampa Shukla and Madhu G. Tapadia. 2011 Eur J Cell Biol 90 (1):72-80
    10. Ecdysone signaling is required for proper organization and fluid secretion of stellate cells in the Malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster. Naveen Kumar Gautam and Madhu G. Tapadia. 2010 Int. J. Dev. Biol. 54:635-642
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