Mahendra Kumar Thakur

Retired Professor
Ph.D. (BHU)
Contact Information:

(O)+91-542-6702521,  (R)+91 542 2313958, (M)+91 9450547155 ,  Fax:+91 542-2368174
Email Id:[email protected]; [email protected]

Academic Qualifications:
S. No.DegreeInstitutionYear
1.B.Sc.Banaras Hindu University1973
2.M.Sc.Banaras Hindu University1976
3.Ph. D.Banaras Hindu University1978
Area of specialization/awards/achievements:

Prof. Thakur's area of specialization is Neurobiology of Aging. His research team aims to understand the molecular basis of brain aging and memory, and how normal aging changes to pathological aging and neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's diseaseand steroid hormone action, and how normal aging changes to pathological aging, leading to neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease. This study gains importance in the light of global increase in the life expectancy of human population and a consequent rise in the prevalence of dementia, largely in the form of Alzheimer's disease, which is emerging as one of the greatest health threats of the 21st century. A common characteristic of old age is decline in memory and cognitive functions, for which the underlying cellular basis is brain plasticity. Using drug induced amnesic mouse model, Prof Thakur's team has elucidated the expression and regulation of synaptic genes during the impairment of memory and its recovery by Indian herbal extracts. Such studies provide the molecular basis of understanding the basic mechanism of memory as well as the protective action of herbal drugs which have been traditionally used in India for ages. A better understanding of the underlying pathways together with recent advances in the biology of aging may provide novel treatment and/or prevention strategies for Alzheimer's disease and other brain disorders.


  1. Indian National Science Academy Medal for Young Scientists, 1984
  2. BHU Gold Medal for standing first in order of merit in M. Sc. (Zoology), 1975
  3. RK Reddy Memorial Prize for securing highest marks in Biochem paper, 1975
  4. AB Mishra Memorial Endowment Award for standing first in M. Sc. (Zool), 1975
  5. BHU Young Academics Award under Malviya Memorial Foundation, 1985
  6. Indo-German Cultural Exchange Program (DAAD) fellowship, 1984-85
  7. Rockefeller Foundation fellowship, Rockefeller University (USA), 1990-91
  8. Visiting Scientist to Tokushima University (Japan), 1990
  9. Visiting Scientist to Medical Res Council, Newcastle General Hospital (UK), 1995
  10. JSPS fellowship for post-doc study at Kagoshima University (Japan), 2001-02
  11. Organized and delivered lectures at International and National Conferences
  12. Member, Executive Committee of International Association of Gerontology
  13. Prof SM Marwah Award, Indian Council of Medical Research, 2004
  14. Member, National Academy of Medical Sciences, 2009
  15. Fellow, Indian Academy of Neurosciences, 2005
  16. Fellow, National Academy of Sciences, India, Allahabad, 2007
  17. President, Association of Gerontology (India), 2005 -07
  18. General Secretary, Indian Academy of Neurosciences, 2007 -10
  19. Member, Editorial Board,
    (i) Biogerontology, Springer Publisher, Netherlands, 2002-06,
    (ii) Asian Journal Gerontology & Geriatrics, Hong Kong, 2007,
    (iii) Current Aging Science, Bentham Publisher, USA, 2008

Current Projects Undertaken as PI/ Co PI:
S. No. Name of the Project Duration Source of Funding Amount of Funding (Rs)
1. Perinatal viral infection: neuroimmunological, molecular and cognitive consequences during development, adulthood and senility in rats (collaboration with IITR, Lucknow, and Jiwaji University, Gwalior) 2012-2015DBT Rs. 28.4 Lacs
2. Effect of perinatal exposure to Bisphenol A on the expression and regulation of synaptic proteins in the brain of mice of different ages2012-2015 DBTRs. 51.60 Lacs
3. Epigenetic regulation of decline in memory consolidation during aging2016-2019 DSTRs. 45.00 Lacs
Any additional information:
  1. BHU Feb 2014- till date, Coordinator, DBT-BHU Interdisciplinary School of Life Sciences
  2. BHU July 2013- till date, Dy Coordinator, UGC-UPE Focus Area II
  3. BHU Apr 2011- till date, Dy Coordinator, UGC-CAS Phase V, Dept Zoology
  4. Chairman, National Academy of Sciences India, Varanasi Chapter
  5. President, Association of Gerontology (India), 2005 -07
  6. President, Indian Academy of Neurosciences, 2012-2014
List of 10 best publications::
  1. Srivas S and Thakur MK (2016) Epigenetic regulation of neuronal immediate early genes is associated with decline in their expression and memory consolidation in scopolamine induced amnesic mice. Mol Neurobiol MOLN-D-16-00294R1
  2. Kumar A and Thakur MK (2015) Epigenetic regulation of Presenilin 1 and 2 in the cerebral cortex of mice during development. Dev Neurobiol doi: 10.1002/dneu.22274
  3. Gautam A, Kaul S and Thakur MK (2015) Alcoholic extract of ashwagandha leaves protects against amnesia by regulation of Arc function. Mol Neurobiol doi: 10.1007/s12035-015-9117-2
  4. Singh P, Konar A, Kumar A, Srivas S and Thakur MK (2015) Hippocampal chromatin modifying enzymes are pivotal for scopolamine induced synaptic plasticity gene expression changes and memory impairment. J Neurochem 134:642-651
  5. Sivanandam TM & Thakur MK (2012) Traumatic brain injury: A risk factor for Alzheimer's disease. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 36:1376-1381.
  6. Paramanik V and Thakur MK (2012) Estrogen receptor � and its domains interact with casein kinase 2, phosphokinase C, and N-myristoylation sites of mitochondrial and nuclear proteins in mouse brain. J Biol Chem 287: 22305-22316.
  7. Konar A, Shah N, Singh R, Saxena N, Kaul SC, Wadhwa R & Thakur MK (2011) Protective role of Ashwagandha leaf extract and its component withanone on scopolamine-induced changes in the brain and brain-derived cells PLoS One 6:e27265.
  8. Sharma PK & Thakur MK (2006) Expression of estrogen receptor (ER) a and � in the mouse cerebral cortex: effect of age, sex and gonadal steroids. Neurobiol Aging 27:880-887.
  9. Kumar RC & Thakur MK (2004) Androgen receptor mRNA expression is inversely regulated by testosterone and estradiol in adult mouse brain. Neurobiol Aging 25:925-933.
  10. Asaithambi A, Mukherjee S & Thakur MK (1997) Expression of 112 kDa estrogen receptor in mouse brain cortex and its autoregulation with age. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 231:683-685

A. Full list of Publications:

  1. Srivas S and Thakur MK (2016) Epigenetic regulation of neuronal immediate early genes is associated with decline in their expression and memory consolidation in scopolamine induced amnesic mice. Molecular Neurobiology MOLN-D-16-00294R1
  2. Kumar A, Sivanandan TM and Thakur MK (2016) Presenilin 2 overexpression is associated with apoptosis in Neuro2a cells. Translational Neuroscience (in press)
  3. Kumar A and Thakur MK (2016) Binding of transcription factors to Presenilin 1 and 2 promoter cis-acting elements varies during the development of mouse cerebral cortex. Neuroscience Letters.
  4. Gautam A, Kaul S and Thakur MK (2016) Assessment of cholinergic properties of Ashwagandha leaf-extract in the amnesic mouse brain. Annals Neuroscience
  5. Kumari A, Singh P, Singh BM and Thakur MK (2016) Social isolation mediated anxiety like behavior is associated with enhanced expression and regulation of BDNF in female mouse brain. Physiology & Behavior 158:34-42.
  6. Konar A, Singh P and Thakur MK (2016) Age-associated cognitive decline: Insights into molecular switches and recovery avenues. Aging and Disease 7:121-129
  7. Thakur MK (2016) Molecular mechanism of androgen action. In: Mammalian Endocrinology and Male Reproductive Biology, pp 285-298 (ed: Shio Kumar Singh) CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Publisher, UK
  8. Thakur MK and Paramanik V (2016) Analysis of interaction of estradiol with estrogen receptor by NMR spectroscopy. Methods in Molecular Biology 1366, pp 233-239, Springer Press.
  9. Singh P, Konar A, Kumar A, Srivas S and Thakur MK (2015) Hippocampal chromatin modifying enzymes are pivotal for scopolamine induced synaptic plasticity gene expression changes and memory impairment. Journal of Neurochemistry 134:642-651
  10. Paramanik V and Thakur MK (2015) Estrogen receptor coregulators in brain meet the specificity of estrogen action: a possible roadmap for therapeutics. Therapeutic Targets for Neurological Diseases doi: 10.14800/ttnd.656.
  11. Das SK, Barthwal K, Hota SK, Thakur MK and Srivastava RB (2015) Disrupting monotony during social isolation stress prevents early development of anxiety and depression like traits in male rats. BMC Neuroscience doi:10.1186/s12868-015-0141-y
  12. Sharma HR and Thakur MK (2015) Correlation of ERalpha/ERbeta expression with dendritic and behavioural changes in CUMS mice. Physiology & Behavior doi 10.1016/j.physbeh.2015.03.041
  13. Gautam A, Kaul S and Thakur MK (2015) Alcoholic extract of ashwagandha leaves protects against amnesia by regulation of Arc function. Molecular Neurobiology doi: 10.1007/s12035-015-9117-2
  14. Kumar D and Thakur MK (2015) Age-related expression of Neurexin1 and Neuroligin3 is correlated with presynaptic density in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus of male mice. AGE doi: 10.1007/s11357-015-9752-6
  15. Konar A, Gautam A and Thakur MK (2015) Bacopa monniera (CDRI-08) upregulates the expression of neuronal and glial plasticity markers in the brain of scopolamine-induced amnesic mice. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine id: 837012
  16. Kumar A and Thakur MK (2015) Epigenetic regulation of Presenilin 1 and 2 in the cerebral cortex of mice during development. Developmental Neurobiology doi: 10.1002/dneu.22274
  17. Konar A and Thakur MK (2015) Neuropsin is associated with MAP2c dependent dendritic morphology in aging brain. Therapeutic Targets for Neurological Diseases doi:10.14800/ttnd.503.
  18. Kumar D and Thakur MK (2014) Perinatal exposure to Bisphenol-A impairs spatial memory through upregulation of neurexin1 and neuroligin3 in male mouse brain. PLoS One. doi: 10.1371 /journal. pone.0110482.
  19. Thakur MK, Paramanik V (2014) Analysis of Estrogen Receptor � Interacting Proteins Using Pull-Down Assay and MALDI-MS Methods. Methods Mol Biol. 1204:187-95.
  20. Kumar A and Thakur MK (2014) Analysis of Presenilin 1 and 2 interacting proteins in mouse cerebral cortex during development. Int J Dev Neurosci.4:138-146
  21. Kumari A and Thakur MK (2014) Age-dependent decline of Nogo-A protein in the mouse cerebrum. Cell Mol Neurobiol. doi 10.1007/s10571-014-0088-z.
  22. Konar A and Thakur MK (2014) Neuropsin expression correlates with dendritic marker MAP2c in different regions of aging mouse brain. Mol Neurobiol. DOI: 10.1007/s12035-014-8780-z.
  23. Singh P and Thakur MK (2014) Reduced recognition memory is correlated with decrease in DNA methyltransferase1 and increase in histone deacetylase2 protein expression in old male mice. Biogerentology. 15: 339-346.
  24. Gautam A, Wadhwa R and Thakur MK (2013) Involvement of hippocampal Arc in amnesia and its recovery by alcoholic extract of Ashwagandha leaves. Neurobiol Learn Mem. 106:177-184.
  25. Paramanik V and Thakur MK (2013) Role of CREB signaling in aging brain. Arch Ital Biol. 151:33-42.
  26. Paramanik V and Thakur MK (2013) ER� interacting protein ERAP 140 shows age dependent alteration in its interaction and expression in male mouse brain. World J Neurosci. 3:1-9. .
  27. Thakur MK (2013) Molecular mechanism of androgen action. In: Endocrinology and Male Reproductive Biology (ed SK Singh), PHI Learning Pvt Ltd, New Delhi (in press).
  28. Thakur MK & Rattan S (ed) (2012) Brain Agng and Therapeutic Interventions, Springer
  29. Thakur MK, Gautam A & Konar A (2012) Brain Aging: A Critical Reappraisal. In: Brain Agng and Therapeutic Interventions(eds Thakur MK & Rattan S) , pp 1-18, Springer,
  30. Kumar A & Thakur MK (2012) Presenilin 1 and 2 are expressed differentially in the cerebral cortex of mice during development. Neurochemistry International 61:778�782
  31. Paramanik V & Thakur MK (2012) Estrogen receptor β and its domains interact with casein kinase 2, phosphokinase C and N-myristoylation sites of mitochondrial and nuclear proteins in mouse brain. J Biol Chem 287: 22305�22316.
  32. Sivanandam TM & Thakur MK (2012) Traumatic brain injury: A risk factor for Alzheimer's disease. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 36:1376-1381.
  33. Thakur MK & Paramanik V (2012) Expression of Trk A and Src and their interaction with ERβ ligand binding domain show age and sex dependent alteration in mouse brain. Neurochem Res 37:448-453.
  34. Konar A, Shah N, Singh R, Saxena N, Kaul SC, Wadhwa R & Thakur MK (2011) Protective role of Ashwagandha leaf extract and its component withanone on scopolamine-induced changes in the brain and brain-derived cells PLoS One 6:e27265.
  35. Maurya Sanjeev Kumar, Tewari Mallika, Kumar Mohan, Thakur Mahendra Kumar & Shukla Hari Shanker (2011) Expression pattern of tumor endothelial marker 8 protein in gallbladder carcinomas. Asian Pacific J Cancer Prev 12:507-512.
  36. Sarika & Thakur MK (2011) Age-related binding of proximal region of ApoE promoter to nuclear proteins of mouse cerebral cortex. Neurochem Res 36: 1931-1938.
  37. Paramanik V & Thakur MK (2011) AIB1 shows variation in interaction with ERβTAD and expression as a function of age in mouse brain. Biogerontology12:321-328.
  38. Singh Sarika & Thakur MK (2011) Gonadal steroids do not affect Apolipoprotein E expression in aging mouse cerebral cortex. Cell Mol Neurobiol 31:401�405.
  39. Paramanik V & Thakur MK (2011) Overexpression of mouse estrogen receptor β decreases but its transactivation and ligand binding domains increase the growth characteristics of E. coli. Molecular Biotechnology 47:26-33.
  40. Sarika & Thakur MK (2011) Age dependent expression of apolipoprotein E in mouse cerebral cortex. J Mol Neurosci 43:251�256.
  41. Mani ST & Thakur MK (2011) Amyloid precursor protein (APP) mRNA level is higher in the old mouse cerebral cortex and is regulated by sex steroids. J Mol Neurosci 43:235�240.
  42. Paramanik V & Thakur MK (2011) NMR analysis reveals 17β-estradiol induced conformational change in ERβ ligand binding domain expressed in E. coli Molecular Biol Rep 38: 4657 - 4661.
  43. Paramanik V & Thakur MK (2010) Interaction of estrogen receptor associated protein (ERAP) 140 with ER β decreases but its expression increases in aging mouse cerebral cortex. Cell Molec Neurobiol 30:961�966.
  44. Thakur MK (2010) Dementia and Alzheimer�s disease. In: Health and Ageing in India (ed C Shanthi Johnson and S Irudaya Rajan), Rawat Publications, Jaipur, pp 97-112.
  45. Thakur MK & Ghosh Swati (2010) GST-tagged mouse estrogen receptor α- transactivation domain fusion protein is specifically degraded during its over-expression in E. coli and purification. Mol Biol Rep 37:1335-1340.
  46. Thakur MK (2009) Alzheimer�s disease type dementia � present status and future perspective. In: Ageism- Problems and prospects (ed Ramesh Sharma and CJ Thomas), pp 25-39, Akansha Publishing House, New Delhi.
  47. Thakur MK (2009) Dementia in old age. pp 1-8, HelpAge India (series ed. Anupama Datta)
  48. Maurya SK, Tewari M, Thakur MK, Kumar M & Shukla HS (2009) Stage dependent expression of MUC1 glycoprotein in gallbladder carcinoma. J Can Res Exp Onc 1:1-7
  49. Tripathi V, Jhala SS & Thakur MK (2009) Expression of sex steroid hormone receptors is inversely related to 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity during postnatal development of mouse cerebral cortex. Annals of Neurosciences 16: 155- 159
  50. Ghosh S & Thakur MK (2009) Age-dependent decrease in interaction of β-tubulin with estrogen receptor alpha transactivation domain in mouse brain. Neuroscience Letters 464:218-221.
  51. Ghosh S & Thakur MK (2009) Interaction of estrogen receptor alpha ligand binding domain with nuclear proteins of aging mouse brain. J Neurosci Res 87:2591-2600.
  52. Thakur MK & Paramanik V (2009) Role of steroid hormone coregulators in health and disease. Horm Res 71:194-200
  53. Ghosh Swati & Thakur MK (2009) Interaction of estrogen receptor-a transactivation domain with nuclear proteins of mouse brain: p68 RNA helicase shows age- and sex-specific change. J Neurosci Res 87:1323-1328.
  54. Thakur MK & Sharma PK (2008) Binding of estrogen receptor alpha promoter to nuclear proteins of mouse cerebral cortex: effect of age, sex and gonadal steroids. Biogerontology 9:467-478.
  55. Thakur MK & Ghosh Swati (2009) Interaction of estrogen receptor alpha transactivation domain with MTA1 decreases in old mouse brain. J Mol Neurosci 37:269�273.
  56. Ghosh S & Thakur MK (2008). Tissue-specific expression of receptor interacting protein in aging mouse. AGE, 30:237�243.
  57. Ghosh S & Thakur MK (2008). PS1 expression is downregulated by gonadal steroids in adult mouse brain. Neurochem Res 33:365-369.
  58. Ghosh S & Thakur MK (2008) Overproduction of mouse estrogen receptor alpha-ligand binding domain decreases bacterial growth. Mol Biol Report 35:589-594.
  59. Ghosh S & Thakur MK (2008) PS2 Protein expression is upregulated by sex steroids in the cerebral cortex of aging mice. Neurochem Int 52:363-367.
  60. Thakur MK & Ghosh S (2007) Age and sex dependent alteration in presenilin expression in mouse cerebral cortex. Cell Molec Neurobiol 7:1059-1067.
  61. Thakur MK & Kumar RC (2007) 17b-Estradiol modulates age-dependent binding of 40kDa nuclear protein to androgen receptor promoter in mouse cerebral cortex. Biogerontology 8:575-582.
  62. Thakur MK & Sharma PK (2007) Transcription of estrogen receptor α and β in mouse cerebral cortex: effect of age, sex, 17 β-estradiol and testosterone. Neurochem Int 50:314�321.
  63. Thakur MK & Sharma PK (2006) Aging of brain: role of estrogen. Neurochem Res 31:1389-1398.
  64. Sharma PK & Thakur MK (2006) Expression of estrogen receptor (ER) α and β in the mouse cerebral cortex: effect of age, sex and gonadal steroids. Neurobiol Aging 27:880-887.
  65. Mani S & Thakur MK (2006) In the cerebral cortex of female and male mice, amyloid precursor protein (APP) promoter methylation is higher in females and differentially regulated by sex steroids. Brain Res 1067:43-47.
  66. Thakur MK & Mani ST (2005) Estradiol regulates APP mRNA alternative splicing in the mice brain cortex. Neurosci Lett 381:154-157.
  67. Gaur P, Thakur BK, Sharma PK, Oka T & Thakur MK (2005) Expression of perchloric acid soluble 14kDa protein in mouse brain. Annals Neuroscience 12:12-15.
  68. Thakur MK, Sharma PK & Ghosh S (2005) Estrogen effects in the brain: implications for aging and Alzheimer�s disease. In: Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology (eds MK Thakur & S Prasad), pp 55-69, Narosa Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
  69. Kumar RC & Thakur MK (2004) Sex steroids reduce DNaseI accessibility of androgen receptor promoter in adult male mice brain. Mol Brain Res 131:1-7.
  70. Thakur MK (2004) Hormone therapy for aging. In: Aging Interventions and Therapies (ed SIS Rattan), pp. 109-126, World Scientific Publishers, Singapore.
  71. Thakur MK (2004) Genetic basis of human aging. In: Geriatric care: a text book of geriatrics and gerontology (ed OP Sharma), pp 17-21,Viva Books Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.
  72. Sharma PK & Thakur MK (2004) Estrogen receptor α expression in mice kidney shows sex differences during aging. Biogerontol 5: 1-7.
  73. Thakur MK, Sharma PK, Ghosh S & Mani ST (2004) Estrogen intervention in aging and longevity: problems and prospectives. Geriat Gerontol Int 4:S259-S261.
  74. Thakur MK (2004) Biological aspects of aging. In: Handbook of Indian Gerontology (eds PV Ramamurti & D Jamuna) pp 39-68, Serials Publications, New Delhi.
  75. Kumar RC & Thakur MK (2004) Androgen receptor mRNA expression is inversely regulated by testosterone and estradiol in adult mouse brain. Neurobiol Aging 25:925-933.
  76. Thakur MK (2003) Reversing aging � the science of future. In: Ageing in India � situation analysis and planning for the future. (ed AB Dey) pp 203-210. Rakmo Press Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.
  77. Thakur MK & Ghosh S (2003) Hormone replacement therapy in aging women. Aging and Society 13:78-102.
  78. Thakur MK (2003) Hormonal interventions of aging and longevity. In: Biology of Aging and its Modulation, vol 5 Modulating aging and longevity (ed SIS Rattan) pp 219-238, Kluwer Academic Publisher, Netherlands.
  79. Thakur MK (2003) Sex steroid signaling during aging. Proc Ind Natn Sci Acad (special issue on Aging) B69: 179-190.
  80. Thakur MK (2002) Molecular studies in aging with special focus on Alzheimer�s disease. In: Alzheimer�s Disease in India (ed. K Bagchi) pp 83-103, Society of Gerontological Research, New Delhi.
  81. Thakur MK (2002) Genetic determinants of aging: prospects in the new millennium. Ind J Gerontol 16:1-15.
  82. Mani ST, Kumar RC & Thakur MK (2001) Age and sex-related expression of norbin in the brain cortex of mice. Neurosci Lett 308:57-59.
  83. Oka T, Sugitatsu H, Nordin H, Thakur MK, Aoyama M, Sasagawa T, Suzuki I & Tsuji H (2001) Pyridoxal 5�-phosphate inhibits DNA binding of HNF1. Biochim Biophys Acta 1568:189-196.
  84. Thakur MK (2000) Genetic basis of aging. In: Frontiers in Geriatric Medicine (ed IS Gambhir) pp 10-21, Tara Printing Works, Varanasi.
  85. Thakur MK (2000) Alzheimer�s Disease: a challenge in the new millennium. Curr Sci 79: 101-108.
  86. Thakur MK, Asaithambi A & Mukherjee S (2000) Amplification of exons 4 and 5 of androgen receptor gene by testosterone in aged female mouse brain. Biogerontol 1:329-334.
  87. Thakur MK, Asaithambi A & Mukherjee S (2000) Synthesis and phosphorylation of androgen receptor of mouse brain cortex and their regulation by sex steroids during aging. Molec Cell Biochem 23:95-101.
  88. Thakur MK, Asaithambi A & Mukherjee S (1999) Sex specific alterations in chromatin conformation of the brain of aging mouse. Molec Biol Rep 26:239-347.
  89. Thakur MK (1999) Molecular basis of aging. In: Geriatric care in India (ed OP Sharma) pp. 13-19, A & B Publisher Pvt Ltd., New Delhi.
  90. Thakur MK (1999) Estrogen and brain aging. J Anti-Aging Med 2:127-132.
  91. Mukherjee S, Asaithambi A & Thakur MK (1999) Sex steroids modulate the synthesis and phosphorylation of protein in the brain cortex of aging mice. Mech Age Dev 111:13-22.
  92. Asaithambi A, Mukherjee S & Thakur MK (1999) Age-dependent degradation of amyloid precursor protein in the post-mortem mouse brain cortex. Molec Biol Rep 26:179-184.
  93. Chaurasia P, Thakur MK & Shukla HS (1999) What causes cancer gallbladder? A review. HPB Surg 11:217-224.
  94. Asagi K, Oka T, Arao K, Suzuki I, Thakur MK, Izumi K & Natori Y (1998) Purification, characterization and differentiation�dependent expression of a perchloric acid-soluble protein from the rat kidney. Nephron 79:80-90.
  95. Chaurasia P & Thakur MK (1998) Nucleosome Positioning and periodicity of satellite DNA in the liver of aging rats. Molec Biol Rep 25:65-71.
  96. Thakur MK & Chaurasia P (1997) Nuclease susceptibility of the rat liver satellite DNA containing chromatin decreases with age. Molec Cell Biochem 171:45-48.
  97. Chaurasia P & Thakur MK (1997) Nucleosomal organization of the rat liver satellite DNA-containing chromatin during aging. Mech Age Dev 95:63-70.
  98. Asaithambi A, Mukherjee S & Thakur MK (1997) Expression of 112 kDa estrogen receptor in mouse brain cortex and its autoregulation with age. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 231:683-685.
  99. Chaurasia P, Mukherjee S & Thakur MK (1996) Age related analysis of EcoRI- generated satellite DNA-containing chromatin of rat liver. Biochem Molec Biol Internat 40:1261-1270.
  100. Thakur MK (1996) Age-associated changes in chromatin. In: Aging - Indian Perspetive and Global Scenario (ed V Kumar) pp- 413-414, New Delhi.
  101. Mukherjee S, Asaithambi A & Thakur MK (1996) Androgen treatment protects mouse liver chromatin from cleavage by endogenous nucleases during aging. Molec Biol Rep 22:59-61.
  102. Thakur MK (1996) Biology and molecular genetics of aging. In: Trends in Geriatric Medicine (eds DS Singh, IS Gambhir & AK Singh) pp 1-8, Tara Printings Works, Varanasi, India.
  103. Thakur MK (1995) Androgen receptor and the mechanism of androgen action. Curr Sci 68:806-812.
  104. Thakur MK (1993) Some aspects of aging research - present status and future prospects. Ind Rev Life Sci 13:19-39.
  105. Thakur MK, Oka T, Natori Y (1993) Gene expression and aging. Mech Age Dev 66:283-298.
  106. Thakur MK and Kaur J (1993) Estrogen-induced synthesis of uterine proteins declines during aging. Molec Biol Rep 17:29-34.
  107. Oka T, Thakur MK, Miyamoto K, Sassa T, Suzuki I & Natori Y (1992) Phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride stimulates proteolysis of nuclear proteins from chick liver. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 189:179-183.
  108. Thakur MK & Kaur J (1992) Methylation of DNA and its modulation by estrogen in the uterus of aging rats. Cell Molec Biol 38:525-532.
  109. Thakur MK & Kaur J (1991) Analysis in vitro of uterine estrogen receptor conformation of young and old rats. Molec Cell Biochem 105:171-177.
  110. Kaur J & Thakur MK (1991) Effect of age on physico-chemical properties of the uterine nuclear estrogen receptor of albino rats. Mech Age Dev 57:111-123.
  111. Thakur MK & Prasad S (1991) Analysis of age-associated alterations in the synthesis of HMG nonhistone proteins of the rat liver. Molec Biol Rep 15:19-24.
  112. Prasad S & Thakur MK (1991) Differential methylation of HMG proteins by dexamethasone in lever of aging rats. Aging 3:333-335.
  113. Oka T, Ito M, Kweon SH, Morita M, Miyamoto K, Thakur MK & Natori Y (1990) Age-related alterations in HMG2 chromatin protein of chicken liver. Biomed Gerontol 14:207-208.
  114. Kaur J & Thakur MK (1990) Effect of post-synthetic modifications of proteins on the binding of estrogen receptor complex to uterine nuclei of aging rats. Molec Biol Rep 14:261-264.
  115. Prasad S & Thakur MK (1990) Effect of age on the analysis of chromatin and acetylation of HMG non-histone proteins of the rat liver. In: Perspectives in Aging Research (eds R Singh & GS Singhal), pp 77-80, Today & Tomorrow�s Printers and Publishers, New Delhi, India.
  116. Prasad S & Thakur MK (1990) Effect of spermine and sodium butyrate on the in vitro phosphorylation of HMG non-histone proteins of the liver of young and old rats. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 10:231-238.
  117. Thakur MK & Prasad S (1990) ADP-ribosylation of HMG proteins and its modulation by different effectors in the liver of aging rats. Mech Age Dev 53:91-110.
  118. Prasad S & Thakur MK (1990) Distribution of high mobility group proteins in different tissues of rats during aging. Biochem Internat 20:687-695.
  119. Prasad S & Thakur MK (1989) In vitro acetylation of liver HMG nonhistone proteins and its modulation by spermine and dexamethasone during aging of rats. Molec Biol Rep 13:221-225.
  120. Thakur MK & Prasad S (1989) Age-specific methylation of high mobility group proteins of rat liver and its modulation by spermine and sodium butyrate. Mut Res 219:107-111.
  121. Thakur MK (1988) Molecular mechanism of steroid hormone action during aging. Mech Age Dev 45:93-110.
  122. Prasad S & Thakur MK (1988) Age-dependent effect of butyrate and hydrocortisone on acetylation of high mobility group proteins of the rat liver. Biochem Internat 16:375-382.
  123. Prasad S & Thakur MK (1987) Dexamethasone-induced phosphorylation of high mobility group non-histone proteins of aging rats. Molec Biol Rep 12:273-276.
  124. Thakur MK (1987) Analysis of nucleosome arrangement on satellite DNA of rat liver chromatin. J Biosci 12:41-50.
  125. Thakur MK (1984) Age-related changes in the structure and function of chromatin. Mech Age Dev 27:263-286.
  126. Thakur MK (1984) Comparative effect of epinephrine on the level of various macromolecules of liver of different vertebrate species. J Sci Res 34:169-175.
  127. Thakur MK (1983) Covalent modifications of chromosomal proteins during aging. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 2:1-10.
  128. Thakur MK & Kanungo MS (1981) Methylation of chromosomal proteins and DNA of rat brain and its modulation by estradiol and calcium during aging. Exp Gerontol 16:331-337.
  129. Thakur MK & Kanungo MS (1980) Interaction of histones and nonhistone chromosomal proteins of newborn and adult rats with deoxyribonucleic acid. Ind J Biochem Biophys 16:81-84.
  130. Kanungo MS & Thakur MK (1979) Effects of oestradiol on covalent modifications of chromosomal proteins and transcription of chromatin of the brain of rats of various ages. J Steroid Biochem 11:879- 888.
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  132. Kanungo MS & Thakur MK (1979) Phosphorylation and acetylation of nonhistone chromosomal proteins of the brain of rats of various ages and their modulation by calcium and estradiol. BiochemBiophys Res Commun 86:14-19.
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B. Chapter in Books:

  1. Aging Indian prespective and global scenario.
  2. Biology and molecular genetics of aging.
  3. Genetis basic of aging.
  4. Alzheimer disease in India.
  5. Hormonoal interventions of aging and longevity.
  6. Rerversing aging: The science of the future.
  7. Biological aspects of aging.
  8. Hormone therapy for aging.
  9. Genetis basic of human aging.
  10. Estrogen intervention in aging and longevity: Problems and prospective.
  11. Estrogen effects in the brain: Implication for aging and alzheimer disease.
  12. Dementia and Alzheimer disease: 143-154.
  13. Alzheimer disease type dementia: Present status and future prospective.
  14. Dementia in old age.
  15. Hoemone replacement therapy in aging women.

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