A. Synthesis of MWCNTs reinforced Hap-Gel nanocomposites:
We have not only incorporated MWCNTs in biomimetically synthesized Hap-Gel nanocomposites but also carried out experiments in animal model in order to assess in-vivo characteristics of these composites. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to investigate the biocompatibility of these CNT bearing biomaterials in animal models.
B. Bioinspired synthesis of silver nanoparticles:
Green Synthesis (Bioinspired synthesis) of silver nanoparticles was done first time using leaf extract of Sarpgandha (Rauvolfia serpentina) and Guava (Feijoa sellowiana) as reducing agent. Silver nanoparticles were also synthesized by chemical route using Hydrazine, Dextrose and Ascorbic Acid as reducing agent. Silver nanoparticles synthesized by bioinspired route were found to exhibit much control over their size (Average size 5-25 nm) and morphology in comparison to silver nanoparticles synthesized by chemical route (Average size 50 nm). Comparative antibacterial effects of silver nanoparticles synthesized by chemical as well as biomimetic route were studied first time by performing antibacterial test and the results revealed that the silver nanoparticles synthesized by bioinspired route have more potential as antibacterial agent in comparisons to chemically synthesized silver nanoparticles.
C. Biocompatibility study of Nitrogen Doped Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes:
Biocompatibility study of Nitrogen Doped Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes (N-MWCNTs) on bacteria was reported first time and it was found that N-MWCNTs are fully biocompatible for certain bacterial species.
D. Biomedical application of nanomaterials:
Such as colorimetric detection of cholesterol, synthesis of graphene quantum dots for imaging,
functionalization of nanomaterials for attachment of biomolecules, etc.