Swati Mittal

Ph.D. (BHU)
Contact Information:

(O)+91 542 6702504 (O) +91 542 2401121 (R), +91 9335054613; +91 9956204381;     Fax:+91 542-2368174
Email Id: [email protected]

Academic Qualifications:
S. No.DegreeInstitutionYear
1.B.Sc.Banaras Hindu University 1994
2.M.Sc.Banaras Hindu University1996
3.Ph. D.Banaras Hindu University2001
Area of specialization/awards/achievements:

Fish Biology
Our research is focused on the biology of teleost fish. It includes emphasis on antibacterial and innate immune properties of skin mucus of various fish species. Being a component of innate immunity and lying at the interface between fish and the aqueous environment, skin mucus plays a frontier role in protecting fish from infections.
Skin wounds could be life threatening and cause situations beyond control resulting in huge fish mortality. Healing restores the cellular and anatomic continuity of an organism and is a complex physiological process. Effectsof herbal products on cutaneous wound healing in fish, is another important area of our study.
Although the epidermis of typical teleost is physiologically active and secretory, it is capable of forming keratin like the epidermis of terrestrial vertebrates. Efforts are being made to study keratinization as a unique feature of teleost epidermis.


  • Research Work Illustrated on Cover Page of Peer Reviewed International Journal Tissue and Cell Volume 44, Issue 3, June 2012
  • Best Paper Award in 6th IJAA-JSPS International Conference on Contemporary Advances of Science and Technology (IC-CAST-2015), August 7-9, 2015
  • Best paper Award in International Conference on Recent Innovations in Ayurvedic Sciences and Technology, October24-25, 2015
  • Qualified Joint CSIR-UGC Net Examination, held on 22-12-96, for the award of Junior Research Fellowship(JRF) In Life Sciences under the UGC fellowship schemes & also declared eligible for lecturership, and under the scheme availed : Junior research fellowship from July 7th, 1997 to July 6th, 1999 and Senior research fellowship from July 7th, 1999 to July 6th, 2001.
  • Received B.H.U. Medal for standing first in Zoology, at the M.Sc. (Final) examination of 1996.
  • Received Dr. Hanuman Singh Memorial Gold Medal for securing highest percentage of marks in Fish Biology Special Papers at the M.Sc. (Final) Zoology Examination, 1996.
  • Received A. B. Misra, Zoology Prize for standing first in order of merit at the M.Sc. (Final) Zoology Examination, 1996.
  • Awarded UGC National Merit Scholarship during the sessions 1994 -1995 and 1995 -1996 in M.Sc.
  • Awarded Rajarshee Gopal Chandra Merit Scholarship during session 1991-1992 in B. Sc.
Current Project Undertaken as PI/ Co PI:
S. No. Name of the Project Duration Source of Funding Amount of Funding (Rs) Any other Information
1. Toxicity of dyeing chemicals used in carpet industries on the skin and gills of certain fresh water teleosts(P.I) 2011-2014 UGC

List of 10 major Publications:

  1. A. K. Nigam, N. Srivastava, A. K. Rai, U. Kumari, A. K. Mittal and S. Mittal (2013). The first evidence of cholinesterases in skin mucus of carps and its applicability as a biomarker of organophosphate exposure. Environmental Toxicology (In Press), Impact factor: 2.407
  2. A. K. Rai, N. Srivastava, U. Kumari, S. Mittal and A. K. Mittal (2012). Histochemical analysis of glycoproteins in the secretory cells in the epidermis of the head skin of Indian Major Carp, Labeo rohita. Tissue and cell (Italy), 44: 409-417.Impact factor: 1.038
  3. A. K. Nigam, U. Kumari, S. Mittal and A. K. Mittal (2012). Comparative analysis of innate immune parameters of the skin mucous secretions from certain freshwater teleosts, inhabiting different ecological niches. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry (The Netherlands), 38, 1245-256. Impact factor: 1.528
  4. A. K. Rai, N. Srivastava, A. K. Nigam, U. Kumari, S. Mittal and A. K. Mittal (2012). Response of the chromatophores in relation to the healing of skin wounds in an Indian Major Carp, Labeo rohita (Hamilton) Tissue and Cell (Italy), 44(3):143-150.Impact factor: 1.698
  5. A. K. Rai, N. Srivastava, A. K. Nigam, U. Kumari, S. Mittal and A. K. Mittal (2012). Healing of cutaneous wounds in a freshwater teleost, Labeo rohita: Scanning Electron Microscopical investigation. Microscopy Research and Technique (UK), 75, 890-897.Impact factor: 1.850
  6. N. Srivastava, U. Kumari, A. K. Rai, S. Mittal and A. K. Mittal. (2012). Histochemical analysis of glycoproteins in the gill epithelium of a carp, Cirrhinus mrigala. Acta Histochemica (U.K.), 114: 626- 635. Impact factor: 1.735
  7. S. Mittal, U. Kumari and A. K. Mittal. (2012). Modifications in the surface organisation of the epidermis on the outer surface of the operculum and the epithelium lining the inner surface of the operculum in certain fresh water teleosts. Animal Biology (The Netherlands), 62: 141-156. Impact factor: 0.879
  8. U. Kumari, S. Mittal and A. K. Mittal. (2012). Surface ultrastructure of the gill filaments and the secondary lamellae of the catfish, Rita rita and the carp, Cirrhinus mrigala. Microscopy Research and Technique (UK), 75(4):433-40.Impact factor: 1.850
  9. A. K. Nigam, U. Kumari, S. Mittal and A. K. Mittal (2014). Characterization of carboxylesterase in skin mucus of Cirrhinus mrigala and its assessment as biomarker of organophosphate exposure. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 40(3): 635-644 Impact factor: 1.528
  10. U. Kumari, N. Verma, A. K. Nigam, S. Mittal and A. K. Mittal (2016) Wound-healing potential of curcumin in the carp, Labeo rohita Aquaculture Research 1-17 doi:10.1111/are.13077 Impact factor: 1.376

A. Full list of Publications:

  1. A. Mistri N. Verma U. Kumari S. Mittal and A. K. Mittal (2016) Surface ultrastructure of gills in relation to the feeding ecology of an angler catfish Chaca chaca (Siluriformes, Chacidae) Microscopy Research and Technique, DOI 10.1002/jemt.22729 Impact factor: 1.13
  2. U. Kumari, N. Verma, A. K. Nigam, S. Mittal and A. K. Mittal (2016) Wound-healing potential of curcumin in the carp, Labeo rohita Aquaculture Research 1-17 doi:10.1111/are.13077, Impact factor: 1.376
  3. A. K. Nigam, N. Srivastava, A. K. Rai, U. Kumari, A. K. Mittal and S. Mittal. (2014). The first evidence of cholinesterases in skin mucus of carps and its applicability as a biomarker of organophosphate exposure. Environmental Toxicology 29 (7):788-796 Impact factor: 2.407
  4. U. Kumari, S. Mittal and A. K. Mittal (2014). Histological and histochemical investigations of the pharyngeal jaw apparatus of a carp Cirrhinus mrigala. Acta Histochemica 16(3):421-434 Impact factor: 1.375
  5. A. K. Nigam, U. Kumari, S. Mittal and A. K. Mittal. (2014). Characterization of carboxylesterase in skin mucus of Cirrhinus mrigala and its assessment as biomarker of organophosphate exposure. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 40(3): 635-644 Impact factor:1.528
  6. N. Srivastava, U. Kumari, A. K. Rai, S. Mittal, and A. K. Mittal. (2014). Alterations in the Gill Filaments and Secondary Lamellae of Cirrhinus mrigala Exposed to (Nuvan,) an Organophosphorus Insecticide.Journal of Histology Volume 2014, Article ID 190139, 11 pages
  7. M. Yashpal, U. Kumari, S. Mittal and A. K. Mittal. (2014). Glycoproteins in the Buccal Epithelium of a Carp, Cirrhinus mrigala (Pisces, Cyprinidae): A Histochemical Profile. Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia43(2): 116- 132.Impact factor: 0.882
  8. N. Srivastava, A.K. Nigam, U. Kumari, A. K. Mittal and S. Mittal. (2013). Inhibition and recovery of acetylcholinesterase activity in the gills of the carp, Cirrhinus mrigala exposed to �Nuvan��. International Journal of Zoology and Research. 3 (4): 1-10. Impact factor: 1.6439
  9. A.K. Rai, N. Srivastava, U. Kumari, S. Mittal and A. K. Mittal. (2012). Histochemical analysis of glycoproteins in the secretory cells in the epidermis of the head skin of Indian Major Carp, Labeo rohita. Tissue and cell (Italy), 44: 409� 417. Impact factor: 1.038
  10. A.K. Nigam, U. Kumari, S. Mittal and A. K. Mittal (2012). Comparative analysis of innate immune parameters of the skin mucous secretions from certain freshwater teleosts, inhabiting different ecological niches. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry (In Press). DOI 10.1007/s10695-012-9613-5 Impact factor: 1.607
  11. A. K. Rai, N. Srivastava, A. K. Nigam, U. Kumari, S. Mittal and A. K. Mittal (2012). Response of the chromatophores in relation to the healing of skin wounds in an Indian Major Carp, Labeo rohita (Hamilton) Tissue and Cell, (Italy). 44(3):143-150. Impact factor: 1.698
  12. A. K. Rai, N. Srivastava, A. K. Nigam, U. Kumari, S. Mittal and A. K. Mittal (2012). Healing of cutaneous wounds in a freshwater teleost, Labeo rohita: Scanning Electron Microscopical investigation. Microscopy Research and Technique (UK) (In Press). DOI 10.1002/jemt.22009 Impact factor: 1.712
  13. N. Srivastava, U. Kumari, A. K. Rai, S. Mittal and A. K. Mittal (2012). Histochemical analysis of glycoproteins in the gill epithelium of a carp, Cirrhinus mrigala. Acta Histochemica (U.K.). (In Press). DOI:10.1016/j.acthis.2011.11.009 Impact factor: 1.735
  14. S. Mittal, U. Kumari and A. K. Mittal (2012). Modifications in the surface organisation of the epidermis on the outer surface of the operculum and the epithelium lining the inner surface of the operculum in certain fresh water teleosts. Animal Biology (The Nethersland) (In Press). DOI 10.1163/157075611X616914 Impact factor: 0.879
  15. U. Kumari, S. Mittal and A. K. Mittal (2012). Surface ultrastructure of the gill filaments and the secondary lamellae of the catfish, Rita rita and the carp, Cirrhinus mrigala. Microscopy Research and Technique (UK) 75(4):433-40. Impact factor: 1.712 2011
  16. A. K. Nigam, U. Kumari, G. D. Nigam, S. Mittal, A. K. Mittal. (2012). Comparative biochemical analysis of skin mucus secretions from certain freshwater teleosts. Research in Environ Life and Sciences (India), 5, 218-222. Impact factor: 0.000
  17. N. Srivastava, A. K. Rai, U. Kumari, S. Mittal, A.K. Mittal. (2012).Behavioural dysfunctions in relation to the toxicity of �Nuvan��, an organophosphorus insecticide in an Indian Major Carp, Cirrhinus mrigala. Research in Environ Life and Sciences (India), 5, 245-250. Impact factor: 0.000
  18. U. Kumari, A. K. Nigam, S. Mittal and A. K. Mittal (2011). Antibacterial properties of the skin mucus of the fresh water fishes, Rita rita and Channa punctatus. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences (Italy). 15(7): 781-786. Impact factor: 0.922
  19. S. Mittal, U. Kumari, P. Tripathi, and A. K. Mittal (2010). Scanning electron microscopy of the operculum of an Indian hill stream fish Garra lamta (Hamilton) (Cyprinidae,Cypriniformes). Australian Journal of Zoology (Australia) 58: 1-7. Impact factor: 0.815
  20. U. Kumari, M. Yashpal, S. Mittal and A. K. Mittal. Surface ultrastructure of gill arches and gill rakers in relation to feeding of an Indian major carp, Cirrhinus mrigala. Tissue and Cell, (Italy), 41: 318-325. Impact factor 2007: 1.237 Impact factor: 1.698
  21. M. Yashpal, U. Kumari, S. Mittal and A. K. Mittal. Morphological specialization of the buccal cavity in relation to the food and feeding habit of a carp Cirrhinus mrigala: A scanning electron microscopic investigation. Journal of Morphology, (USA). 270: 714-728. Impact factor: 1.773
  22. U. Kumari, M. Yashpal, S. Mittal and A. K. Mittal. Histochemical analysis of glycoproteins in the secretory cells in the gill epithelium of a catfish, Rita rita (Siluriformes Bagridae). Tissue and Cell, (Italy). 41: 271-280. Impact factor: 1.698
  23. Pinky, S. Mittal and A. K. Mittal. Glycoproteins in the epithelium of lips and associated structures of a hill stream fish Garra lamta (Cyprinidae, Cypriniformes): A histochemical investigation. Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia, (Germany). 37: 101-113. Impact factor: 0.646
  24. M. Yashpal, U. Kumari, S. Mittal and A. K. Mittal. Histochemical characterization of glycoproteins in the buccal epithelium of a catfish, Rita rita. Acta Histochemica, (U.K.). 109 (4): 285-303. Impact factor: 1.735
  25. M. Yashpal, U. Kumari, S. Mittal and A. K. Mittal. Surface architecture of the mouth cavity of a carnivorous fish Rita rita (Hamilton, 1822) (Siluriformes, Bagridae). Belgian Journal of Zoology, (Belgium). 136 (2):155-162. Impact factor: 0.36
  26. U. Kumari, M. Yashpal, S. Mittal and A. K. Mittal. Morphology of the pharyngeal cavity, especially the surface ultrastructure of gill arches and gill rakers in relation to the feeding ecology of the catfish Rita rita (Siluriformes, Bagridae). Journal of Morphology, (USA). 265 (2): 197-208. Impact factor: 1.773
  27. Pinky, S. Mittal, M. Yashpal, J. Ojha and A. K. Mittal. Occurrence of keratinization in the structures associated with lips of a hill stream fish Garra lamta (Hamilton) (Cyprinidae, Cypriniformes). Journal of Fish Biology, (U.K.). 65: 1165-1172. Impact factor: 1.33
  28. Mittal S., Pinky and A. K. Mittal. Operculum of peppered loach, Lepidocephalichthys guntea (Hamilton, 1822) (Cobitidae, Cypriniformes): A scanning electron microscopic and histochemical investigation. Belgian Journal of Zoology, (Belgium). 134 (1): 9-15. Impact factor: 0.36
  29. S. Mittal, Pinky and A. K. Mittal. (2002).Characterisation of glycoproteins in the secretory cells in the operculum of an Indian hill stream fish Garralamta(Hamilton) (Cyprinidae, Cypriniformes). Fish Physiology and Biochemistry,(The Netherlands). 26(3): 275 - 288.Impact factor: 1.607
  30. Pinky, S. Mittal, J. Ojha and A. K. Mittal. (2002). Scanning electron microscopic study of the structures associated with lips of an Indian hill stream fish Garralamta (Cyrinidae, Cyriniformes) European Journal of Morphology, (The Netherlands). 40 (3): 161-169.Impact factor: 1.773

B. Chapter in Books:

  1. U. Kumari, S. Mittal and A.K. Mittal. Functional morphology of gill arches and gill rakers in relation to feeding ecology of fishes. In. Recent Advances in Ecophysiology of Fishes. (Singh, J. P. N Eds.), Kishor Vidya Niketan, Varanasi, 39-49.
  2. A.K. Mittal and S. Mittal. Aspects of modifications in the epidermis of teleosts and ecological considerations. In: Biodiversity, ecophysiology and conservation of fresh water animals, (Ojha, J. ed.) Narendra Publishing House, New Delhi, 17-64
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