Dr. Sonali Singh
Associate Professor
Political Science
Residence: Flat No. 511, Ambrosia Apartments
Lanka, Varanasi- (UP)-221005
Mobile: 09839389641
Email: [email protected]

View Profile
S.No. Degree Institution Year
1. MA BHU 1995
2. Ph.D. Banaras Hindu University 1999

A - Research Area: Political Theory/Thought, Terrorism Studies, Gandhian Studies, Women Issues

B - Number of Publications: National/ International: 19

C - Major Publications (Maximum five publications):

1. "Gandhian Model as an antidote to contemporary terrorism: Lessons from Northern Ireland", Gandhi Marg, Vol.36, no.1, April-June 2014

2. "Swami Vivekananda on Religion in India: Relevance for Building Expansive notion of Secularism and Communal Harmony", Indian Journal of Politics, Vol.48, Issue:3-4, July-Dec, 2014

3. Chapter Titled " Building Non-violent Responses To Terrorism: A Gandhian Perspective", published in Radharaman Chakrabarti and Imankalyan Lahiri (ed.) The Challenge Of Terrorism, published by Academic Excellence, New Delhi, Sponsored By Public Diplomacy Division, Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi In collabaration With Jadavpur Association of International Relations, Jadavpur University, (WB), 2009

4. Chapter Titled "Swami Vivekananda and the ideals of Indian Womanhood" In the book titled Orientalism and Women's Question: Perspectives of Modern Indian Thinkers, published by Centre For Women's Studies And Development, BHU, 2007.

5. Chapter Titled, " Academic Organisations: The Need For Change", in Book titled Managing The Ever changing Organization, Published By Indian Society For Training & Development, New Delhi, 2002

D - Conferences/ symposia/ seminars attended: More than 50

E - Courses Taught: 1. MA (Political Science)

2. MA ( Public Administration),

3. B.A.( Hons.) Political Science

4. Foundation Course for Ph.D Degree,

5. BA. L.L.B Course (Faculty of Law, BHU),

6. P.G. Diploma in Gender and Women's Studies, Centre for Women's Studies and Development, BHU and

7. PG Diploma Course on Conflict Management and Development, Malaviya Centre for Peace Research, BHU

F - Membership:

1. Life member of Indian Political Science Association.

2. Life member of Indian Society for Training and Development, New Delhi.

3. Member of Jadavpur Association of International Relations, Jadavpur University, Calcutta

4. Life member of Academique, Law School, Banaras Hindu University

5. Member of Bertrand Russell Society, Banaras Chapter.

6. Life Member of Indian Association of Teachers Educators

7. Member of Political Science Alumni Association, BHU.

8. Member of Mahila Maha Vidyalaya Old Students' Association, BHU

G - Administrative posts held:

1. Member, Proctorial Board, BHU, 2014

2. Member of Departmental Discipline Committee, BHU, 2014

3. Presiding Officer for conducting elections of Students' Council, Faculty of Social Sciences, BHU, 2014

4. Appointed Counsellor of Human Rights (Honorary) for Nainital District by Indian Institute of Human Rights, New Delhi.

5. Member, Proctorial Board, Govt. P.G. College, Ramnagar, Nainital, Uttaranchal

6. Program Officer, NSS, Govt. P.G. College, Ramnagar, Nainital, Uttaranchal, 2003-04

7. Program Officer, Rovers Rangers, Govt. P.G. College, Ramnagar, Nainital, Uttaranchal, 2002-2003

H - Honours & Awards:

1. Awarded Ms. Agatha Harrison Memorial Fellowship for the year 2010-2012 at St. Antony's College, University of Oxford, U.K. and Ministry of Human Resource Development, New Delhi

2. Awarded World Human Rights Promotion Award, 2001 on the occasion of Global Assembly of Educators for World Peace, Environment and Human Rights on 11th-12th December, 2001, by Indian Institute of Human Rights, New Delhi.

3. Awarded Dr. Karan Singh Gold Medal for securing first class and first position in Political Science in M.A. (1995) at BHU.

4. Awarded BHU Merit Certificate and Prize award, 1994 for securing first position in M.A.

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