Organized Seminars/Conferences and Lectures of Eminent Scholars

To enrich and enhance the depth of the knowledge of the students, the Department, apart from offering the regular routine teaching and research, time to time organizes the seminars and the lectures of the prominent scholars from India as well as from abroad-

(A) Seminars and Conferences:

1983 All India Seminar on "Early Buddhism and Mahayana", under the sponsorship of UGC from November 10 to 13. The seminar was inaugurated by his Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso .
1995 National Seminar in Commemoration of Birth Centenary of Mahapandit Rahul Sankrityana with the Collaboration of the Department of Hindi.
2001 National Seminar on "Buddhism and Social Ideals" from Feb.27 to 28.
2003 National Seminar on "Dimensions of Mind in Buddhist Thought" on March 7-8.
2005 National Seminar on "Concept of Anattav�da (No Soul Theory) in Buddhism" on March 18-19.
International 2009 International Conference in Commemoration of Birth Centenary of Bhikkhu Jagdish Kashyap on "The State Of Buddhism, Buddhists And Buddhist Studies In India And Abroad" on January 02 - 04.

(B) Special Lectures Prof. Marek Mejor, Oriental Institute, Warsaw,. Poland delivered a lecture on 'Buddhist Studies in Poland" on April 16, 2000.
Prof. G. Kramer, President, Clarity, Portland, USA delivered a lecture on Practice of Meditation of Insight Dialogue" on Nov. 08, 2000.
Prof. V.K. Thakur, Patna University delivered a lecture on "Social Roots of Buddhism" on Dec. 15, 2000.
Dr. Ravindra Panth, Director, Nava Nalanda Mahavihara, Nalanda, delivered a lecture on "Yoga in Early Buddhist Tradition" o July 05, 2001.
Prof. Sanghsen Singh, Ex- Professor and Head, Deptt. of Buddhist Studies, Delhi University, Delhi, delivered a lecture on "The Education and Training of new Entrants and Members of the Early Buddhist Order" on July 16, 2002, and on "Religious Reconciliation in the Context of Indian Buddhism" on 10.01.2003.
Prof. Sukomal Chaudhary, Calcutta delivered a lecture on "Plurality in Buddhism" on Jan. 23, 2003.
Prof. S.N. Dubey of Rajasthan University. Jaipur gave a lecture on the "Kathavatthu as a Text of Abhidhamma Pitaka" On 3.1.2005.
Prof. V.C. Srivastava, Ex-Director, Indian Institute of Advance Study, Shimla (H. P.) delivered a lecture on "Origin of Mahayana" in February, 2005.
Department organized a series of lectures of Prof. Dr. Maja Mil?inski, Professor of Asian Philosophies and Religions of Ljubljana University, Slovenia, Europe. Prof. Maja delivered following lectures on-
1. "Anicca in Cross Cultural Perspective" on January 18, 2008.
2. "Jh�na (Dhy�na) : The Case of India, China and Japan" on January 23rd, 2008
3. "Mok?a: Buddhism and Daoism Contrasted" on January 30, 2008
4. "Ecological Salvation in Buddhism" on February 02, 2008.
Department organized a series of lectures of Dr. James Duerlinger, Professor of Philosophy, Iowa University, USA. Dr. James Duerlinger delivered following lectures on-
a. "The Pudgalav�dins' Theory of Persons" on February 12, 2009.
b. "Chandrak�rtis' Theory of Persons" on March 24, 2009.

On Jan. 25, 2010 Department organized a lecture of Prof. Charles Willemen, Vice-Rector, International Buddhist College, Thailand, and Member of Royal Academy of Overseas Sciences, Belgium. Prof. Willemen, delivered a lecture on "About Vibhajyav�da".

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